The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 31, 1916, Image 5

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    k r
We wish to announce to the people of Alliance that we are now
with a first-class line of
Bakery Goods and Delicatessen Foods
We will have a full line of fresh and cooked meats,' start
ing on Monday, August 28th. We are fitted to handle a large
amount of business in our new location atid invite our old
friends to call, and extend an invitation to those who have not
patronized us in the past to come in and get acquainted.
Curtis Home Bakery
Do not let the Summer slip by without joining the vacation
throne. With Europe out of the question, with industrial, financial
and agricultural prosperity throughout the land, you will find large
nvmbers of pleasure-seeking Americans wherever you go.
4 TO THE EAST: A complete scheme of low excursion fares are
daily in effect to all resort regions of the East, New England, Atlan
tie Coast, etc.; diverse routes that embrace the historical and most
beautiful sections.
- TO THE BLACK HELLS: Here is a summer vacation region
that is increasing its patronage each year.
THE YELLOWSTONE PARK: Commencing July 1st we have
through standard sleepers direct to Cody, the scenic and automobile
gateway. No tour of the Park is complete that does not include this
90-nule automobile journey.
- to ixhjUUAUu: coioraao is, iaeai ior vugniioii.
The change Is complete. Beautiful EBtes Park, Colo
rado'a tvolcal resort, la reached over night. We have
low rate tours everywhere. Tell us what you have In
mind. Let ua help you.
J. KRIDELBATJGH, Ticket Agent, Alliance, Neb.
L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent
1004 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
Barney llalbur, prim elect ... 4.60
B. B. Hopkins, prim elect ... 4.50
C. O. Iodence, prim elect .... 4.60
John Jelinek. prim elect .... 8.90
School Dint. No. SO, prim elec 6.00
II. J. Wtnten, sr. prim elect . . 10.30
W. A. Hood, prim elect 6.10
Geo. E. Zimmerman, prim elec 5.10
L. E. Hood, prim elect 5.10
Charles Moravek, prim elect . 5.10
School Diet. 38, prim elect . . 4.00
Klopp A Bartlett Co. supplies 170.11
h. A. Berry, statistics ...... 7.60
Alex Muirhead, statistics .... 7.76
ft: E. Knight, co surveyor . . . 18.00
Peter Sodeberg, rani elec ... 12.00
A. 8. Mote assn, carpenter wk 100.00
J. W. Guthrie, canvassing bd. 4.60
H. J. Ellis, canvassing board. 4.60
A. M. Miller, rent elect 5.00
Frank Held assn, witness fees 4.00
Roy R. Smith assn, witness fees 2.00
Lee Basye, witness fees 2.00
V. E. Burns, witness fees ... 4.00
Mike Swayse assn, witness fees 4.00
Chas. H. Fuller, carpenter .. 16.50
Uni Pub Co. supplies 6.30
Dick Curtis assn, labor 14.00
Ed Eldred assn, bailiff 11.00
Hammond & Stephens, supplies 8.63
Klopp & Bartlett Co, supplies 6.20
J. S. Corp assn. salary ...... 75.00
Cltv of Alliance, lights and
water 16-60
H. F. Thlele, ludse 9.55
Neb Tel Co. phones 22.75
J. C. McCorkle. rent elect ... 10.00
J. R. Lawrence, hauling 2.00
John Bayer, witness fee .... 2.00
Harrison Nursery, trees .... 104.00
N. O. Palmer, witness fee ... 8.00
Geo. P. Jones, witness fee . . 8.00
W. L. Clark, witness fee 4.00
M. Hutton. witness fee 4.00
Jack Addy, witness fee 4.00
D. W. Butler, witness fee. . . . 4.00
Joe Smith, witness fee 2.00
V. E. Bvrne. witness fee ....
L. A. Berry, witness fee 2.00
Everett Cook, witness fee ... 2.00
Daniel Lvons. witness fee 2.00
C TtnrnArd hORDltal. Care OI
Mm. O'Mara . . . i 30. UU
tTnitnd Chemical Co. supplies. 5.25
nirk Curtis assn. labor 9.62
Geo. D. Darling, mdse 20.00
Herald Pub Co, printing .... 42.20
nhetn-Rousev Co. mdse ....
L. O. Smith, prim elect 1.00
A. S. Mote assn, carpenter wk 110.40
Geo. W. Duncan assn, com ser 12.00
r.m w. Duncan, groc. pauper 4 2.10
Fred A. Wright, services 3 5.00
W. A. Hood, prec assess ....
Dick Curtis assn, labor -vu
Unexcelled for Cool Drinks, Ice Creams
and Luncheonettes
Everything Sank iry Prompt Service
Please The femilu
brink Uonte2an(d 3 tinvw Weekly
ict cklam;
Take them a treat for warm weather. The expense is
light while the treat Is liked by alL Nothing better for
the family than pure, wholesome Ice Cream. When you f
take them i
Ice Cream
' they will like It because they know that It Is mad lnt
sanitary surroundings from pure Ingredients: Buy It at
Phone 545
Klopp & Bartlett, supplies . . .
J. M. Wanek, com serv ....
Geo. W. Duncan, com serv ..
C. L. Hashman, com serv . . .
Frankel Carbon & Ribbon Co,
t Omaha Printing Co, Btirplles. .
J. C. McCorkle, spec com
A. C. Reynolds, prec assess
Klopp & Bartlett, supplies
. 17.00
. 3.00
. 49.75
J. S. Corp assn, salary t.uv
City of Alliance, lights 6.10
F. D. McCormlck. meais. paup i.ou
W. D. Zedlker, mdse "
Neb Tel Co, phones a.v
Mrs. Fred L. Ferguson, Insane
expense 9
John R. Snyder, drayage .... 6.25
C. A. Burlew, mdse, pauper . . 10.10
rimv n. Darllne. ambulance . .
Klopp & Bartlett, supplies .. 183. d&
Hammond & steohens. sup .. 20.65
E. J. Ellis, spec com l.6"
Mrs. J. J. Phillips, rooms, paup 4.50
Fred Crawford, prec assess . . 33.00
W. M. Iodence, prec assess . . 27.00
Van Dorn Iron Works, cases .184.00
statp Journal Co. supplies ... 13.65
r:rrif Smith Assn. mother's
Tra V. Tash. BD6C Com 16.00
Cudahy Pack Co, soap pousn. o.o
Klopp A Bartlett Co, supplies 9.00
v. w Purinton. reruna .oo
nierka Lbr Co. material &z.bu
Ann Lewis assn. mother's pen
Betty N. Sharp, prob officer ex,
Marcus Frankle, refund
Wm. Kinsley, care pauper . . .
Klopp & Bartlett. supplies .
Opal Russell assn, salary ...
N. Frohnapfel, auto hire
p. H. Dillon, prec assess
Underwood Typewriter Co.
exc machine
Geo. W. Duncan, com serv ,
Geo. W. Duncan, com serv . .
J. M. Wanek, com serv
C. L. Haahman, com serv . .
G. H. Wood.i painting-
Dick Curtis assn, labor
J. S. Corp assn, salary
City of Alliance, lights
Neb Tel Co, pnones
Hammond-Stephens Co, sup.
C. E. Marks, prec assess . . .
Opal Russell assn, salary . . .
Jos. Moeller, refund
Lee Basye. salary
Carrie Smith assn. mother's
st nornard hosDltal. care or
Mrs. O'Mara 3" w
Forest Lbr. Co, material .... za.o
Geo. F. Snyder, prec assess . .ibJ.ou
T. H. Barnes, prec assess ... av.vv
L. A. Berry, fees (criminal) .
J. S. Corp. labor zz.
Lester Cross, labor 4.Z
Hammond-Stephens, supplies. 11.15
Anton Uhrlg, spec com 2.60
R. V. Reddish, prec assess ...lll.uv
John Jelinek. county assess . .469.10
S. R. Burkholder, care paupers 61.0V
Ira E. Tash, spec com 6.00
Geo. D. Bernard, mdBe 7.13
Austin Western Men Co. reprs 5.00
L. A. Berry, statistics
Alex Muirhead, statistics ....
A. M. Miller, two trip pouper.
Famous Clothing House (iup-
Mrs.. P, H- Kinnamon, car
C. A. Shlndler, mdse
C. L. Hashman. com serv
. 7.50
. 75.61
, 91.66
. 30.00
Miller Bros, mdse 20.40
Neb Tel Co, phones 19.40
Famous Clothing House, mdse 6.10
Alliance Steam Laundry, lndy 3.60
Fred Clark assn. labor 9.00
Alliarce News, printing 3.00
Unl Pub Co, supplle 6.43
John Dickson assn, labor . . . 10.00
C. E. Single, coroner fees ... 21.00
E. M. Martin, co. exp 125.95
Edna Martin, salary 330.00
Klopp ft Bartlett, supplies . . . 7.89
Opal Russell, sal and exp ...471.50
Carrie Smith, mother s pen
slon 20.00
Forest Lbr. Co, material ,...104.16
C. O. Rosenberger, prec asses 135.00
Alliance Times, printing ....391.63
Alliance Com Club, exp well . 69.42
M. S. Hargraves, office exp .. 46.51
Conley Miller, mdse co. farm. 1.76
A. II. McLaughlin, damages.. 36.00
Opal Russell, Institute fund . . 60.00
R. E. Knight, co. surveyor ser. lu.wu
N. FrohnaDfel. mdse (pauper) ' 36.61
N. M. Haves, prec assess .... 90.00
Lee Basye, sal and exp 200.28
E. M. Martin, gov. land refund 7.49
C. M. Cox, expense 40.96
C. M. Cox, salary 6 mo 600.00
C. M. Cox, expense 38.26
C. M. Cox, expense 36.41
C. M. Cox, expense 86.33
M. Cox. expense ......... 52. zo
Rheln-Rousey Co, mdse 23.05
H. J. Young, prec assess .... 34.60
Newberry Hdw Co, mdse ....184.65
Snoddy ft Mollring. insurance 47. su
Geo. W. Duncan, com serv . . . 34. uu
C. L. Hashman, com serv .... 46.00
J. M. Wanek, com serv 26.40
Geo. W. Duncan, mdse (paup) 11.25
Whereunon the Board adjournea
until tomorrow morning, August 23,
1916. at 9 o'clock.
Alliance. Nebr.. Aug. 23, 1916.
The board of county commission
ers met pursuant to adjournment.
Officers present: Geo. W. Duncan,
chairman. J. M. Wanek and C. L.
The following claims were examln
ed and allowed and the clerk order
ed to draw warrantB on the road
fund for their pnymenf.
R. L. Harris, labor 130
Oscar Zurn assn, labor 25.65
11. I.. Harris, labor 1.30
Opo. Slmuson assn. labor .... 11.60
rimrlPH Bauer, labor 3.60
Frpd Pahlow. labor 2.00
Geo. Schner, labor 3.60 Bichn. labor 3.60
oo. Simpson assn. labor .... 22.30
Jack Griffith, labor
W. L. Griffith, labor 7.0U
W. L. Griffith, labor 7.00
E. J. Beach, labor
W. L. Griffith, labor 8.00
nrk Griffith, labor o.uu
Clyde Davis assn, labor 21.60
Vern Davis, labor .'
Opo. Slmnson assn. labor ... 40.50
Geo. W. Duncan assn, road ser 7.00
L. Hashman, road ser .... Ji.w
M. Wanek, road ser 10.60
.Ionpnh Duhon. labor 12.00
Willie Duhon. labor .ou
Geo. H. Simpson assn, labor . 9.00
Elmer Brown assn, labor ... 11.7U
Frank Glllesnle assn, labor .. 11.25
Alex T. Lee. labor o.
Tom Dillon, labor
Joseph Manlon, labor
Jnhn O'Mara. labor 13.60
.inhn w. Frailer assn. labor .
John Mabin, labor , . 2.00
Oscar Zurn assn, labor 87.76
Ira NusBbaum assn, labor ... 18.90
A. Keegan, labor 3Z.zb
M. Wanek, road ser 12.00
L. Hashman, road ser .... 43.50
Geo. W. Duncan, road ser ... i.uu
R. L. Harris, labor 1.95
Charles Bauer, labor ....... 10.35
Frank Gillespie, labor 11.26
Henry A. Rust, labor s.v
Frank Glllesnle. labor
Frank Reed assn, labor 7.50
Geo. Simpson assn. labor ... 4.60
Elmer Baty aasn, labor 6 Z5
J. M. Wanek. com serv . . .
W. G. Zedlker assn. prec assn 125. Zf
J. R. Lawrence, hauling 1.75
Fred Clark assn, labor 8.26
Geo.. W. Duncaa, com serv . . . 24.00
Hammond-Stephens, supplies. 21. 83
American Lightnings Itod Co.
county farm-.... 29.99
I J. a Corp assn, salary 75.00
Geo. W. Duncan, mdse, pauper 22.69
I Geo. W. Dtmcan. com serv . . . zv-Q
Underwood Typewriter Co, exc
typewriter (sulcata) ...
Nebr Hospital for Insane, bal
acct ''it
Byron Clark, solicitor, court
costs .'
F D, HrCort&Lek. eU (pau
1 pi V. . . v , '. . . .,.-;
Klopp ft Bartlett, supplies ..
Ira Nussbaum assn, labor ... 86.65
John Simpson assn, labor ... 17.60
F. L. Marsh assn, labor 48.70
F. H. Brown assn, labor .... 12.50
E. W. Purinton. labor 2.25
August Kohrman, labor 16.76
Duy Aspden, labor 8.00
J. W. Blrknell assn. labor ... 82.26
Miles Hagaman. labor 2.00
Albert Wright, labor 9.00
Otto Hagaman, labor 4.00
William Sherlock, labor 36.00
John Sherlock, labor 36.00
John Walters, labor ........ 9.00
W. II. Klester, labor .. . ... 20.26
Jesse Watson, labor 20.26
W. R. Klester, labor 18.00
Geo. Simpson assn, labor . . . COO
Oeo. II. Simpson assn, labor . 38.70
R. C. Miller assn, labor 74.25
R. C. Miller assn, labor 36.00
John Simpson assn, labor ... 14.16
Ira Nussbanm assn, labor ... 23.66
J. E. Sherlock assn, labor . . . 8.00
C. D. McDonald, labor ...... 4.10
W. T. Brown assn, labor .... 18.00
C. L. Hashman, road ser .... 62.60
J. M. Wanek. road ser 21.00
Geo. L. O'Dell assn, labor .. . 10.00
J. W. Blcknell assn, labor ... 85.60
Henry Roes, labor 8.00
Henry Brus, labor ......... 8.00
Henrv J. Wlnten Jr. labor .. . 10.00
C. L. Hashman, team labor . . 86.60
J. W. Blcknell assn. labor . . . 66.00
II. P. Kendrlck, labor ......226.00
C. W. Blcknell assn. labor .. 460.00
Syrus Simpson assn. labor ... 3.60
Oscar Zurn assn, labor 49.30
R. L. Harris, labor 18.75
W. T. Brown assn, labor .... 42.76
John G. Hennlngs, labor .... 8.00
J. E. Sherlock, labor 21.00
Fred C. Bobbins, labor 41.26
Fred Vogel, labor 26.00
R. L. Harris, labor 1.30
W. T. Brown assn, labor .... 64.00
C. L. Hashman, road ser .... 44.00
J. M. Wanek. road ser 17.60
L. M. Kennedy assn, labor . . 32.60
John Lenxen, labor 49.50
Carl McLean, labor ........ 13.60
F, L. Marsh assn, labor 113.75
J. W. Blcknell assn, labor . . . 101.50
Eltlns: Harris, labor 1.65
A. J. Tschacher Jf, labor .... 20.00
James Kennedy, labor 4.00
Henry Brus, labor 4.00
William Roth, labor 14.00
Henry J. Wlnten 2.00
Henry J. Wlnten, Jr. labor . . . zo.oo
Owen Smith, labor 4.00
Jack Shanks, labor ......... 4.00
R. L. Harris, labor
Guy M. Martin, labor 19.60
William Roth, labor 4.uu
Henry J. Wlnten. Jr, labor . . 8.00
R. L. Harris, labor 1.70
August Kohrman, labor 23.25
Claud Donovan, labor 9.10
E. E. Harris, labor 4.60
Ora E. Phillips, labor 225.00 1
J. W. Bicknell assn, labor . . . 123.60
C. L. Hashman, road ser .... 13.00
J. M. Wanek, road ser 14.00
C. L. Hashman, team hire . . . 83.25
F. L. Marsh, labor 31.26
C. W. Bicknell. labor 833.00
K. W. Bicknell. labor 40.00
The following official bonds were
examined and approved:
August Kohrman. road overseer, Box
Butte precinct. -
W. M. Cory, Justice of the peace,
Doraey precinct.
The report of the examination of
the accounts of E. M. Martin, county
treasurer, was examined and approved.
The contractor's bond of the Oma
ha Structural Steel Works was exam
ined and approved.
Whereupon the board adjourned
until September 27, 1916.
Live Stock and Farm Sales
a Specialty.
Write Me for Terms
and Dates.
Best Of References.
ttlntx V l Rati OUt, I km niorni'
full tlftaf tKnsatMNila of rmmmm of nh wial
nstrinrk. flKvanMaM with ArlsTtnau. 4ffvlw
ptrii tJUiiiiiMBit nunuui punts or pssixa
Ct4J tear 4Us97 Kft-JK.
Kanaaa 1lr. Mo.
Ai fconcL -vtxtJt r t(vt
Tin ne r
We do all kinds of tinning, repair
ing and metal work. Radiator
and aluminum crank cases a spec
ialty. W. B. I LAGAN
The Tinner
Wltb Rheln-Rousey Co.
Phones: 98 Res., 996
Josephine Turck Baker, Editor
For ProrrresHlve Men and Women
Business and Professional J Cluk
Women, Teachers, Students, Min
ister. Doctors, Lawyers, Stenog
raphers, and for all who wish to
Speak and Write Correct English.
Henry J. Wlnten Jr, labor . . . zz.uu
Henry Brus. labor 4.00
Henry Roes. labor 4.00
Will Roes, labor 8.00
Fred Wessel, labor 1Z.00
Geo. Manewal assn. labor . . . 7.&U
L. R. Rader assn, labor Z.Z&
Elmer Baty assn, labor ...... 3.Z5
Frank Gillespie assn, labor . . 23.20
Elmer Baty assn, labor 3.00
II M: Kennedy assn, labor , . 79.50
Oscar Zurn assn, labor 82.60
L. R. Rader assn, labor 4.50
F. C. Walbrtdge assn, labor . . 15.00
Ira NuBsbaum assn, labor ... 82.40
F. F. Walbrldge assn, labor .. 13.75
Elmer Brown assn, labor .... 18.95
C. T. Hubs, labor 24.00
Alfred Simpson assn, labor . . 9.00
F. A. Nanelachnelder assn, lab 4J.tjo
F. A. Nagelschneider assn, lab 36.
Geo. Simpson assn, labor ... 42.75
Frank Gillespie assn, labor .. 24.75
Joseph Duhon, labor 8.00
Lou Is Walters, labor ou
Jacob Shimek, labor 12.50
Will Duhon, labor 32.00
Clarence Tompkins assn, labor 2.50
Alliance People Should Not Neglect
Their Kidneys
Backache Is often nature's most
frequent signal of weakened kidneys
To cure the pains and aches, to re
move the lameness wnen it arises
from weakened kidneys, you must!
reach the cause the kidneys! If you
have pain through the samll of your
back, urinary disorder, headaches,
dizzy spells, or are nervous and de
pressed, start treating the kidneys
with a tested kidney remedy.
Doan's Kidney Pill have been
proved good and are especially for
weak kidneys. Doan's have been
used In kidney trouble for over 60
years. Keaa Alliance testimony.
Mrs. J. T. Austlce, 614 Mississippi
ave,. Alliance, says: I nave recom
mended Doan's Kidney Pills to many
because I have found them so good.
I had been having backache and
bladder trouble as well. The ach
ing was steady and wearing and I
was about used up. Doan's Kidney
PUls drove away these symptoms, so
I know they are a fine medicine." -
Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't
B'.mply ask for a kidney remedy
uet loan's Kidney Pills the same
that Mr. Austlce had. Foster-Mil
burn Co., Props.j Buffalo, N. Y.
Special Feature Every MonUa
Sample Copy 10c. Subscription Price,
82 a Year
Josephine Turck Baker' Standard
Magazine and Books are recommend
ed by thl paper.
C. Wa lbr id Re assn, labor . . 15.00
F. Walbrldge assn, labor .. 15.00
Ira Nusfibguin assn, labor .... 24.25
J. C. Alexander aBsn, labor . .100.35
R. Garrett assn, labor 94.90
Hatpin aasn, labor 5.00
O. Griffey assn, labor .... 2.50
Phillips assn. labor ...... 6.50
Frank Gillespie aasn, labor .. 18.70
Geo. H. Simpson assn, labor . 37.80
T. Davison asan, labor 2.00
Oscar Zurn assn, labor 90.25
F. L: Marsh assn. labor ..... 3.7&
C. L. Hashman. team labor . . 79.87
F. F. Walbrldge assn, labor .. 15.00
F. C. Walbrldge assn. labor . . 12.50
Geo. W. Duncan aasn. road ser 31.50
Carl Blcknell assn. labor . . . .229.60
J. W. Blcknell assn, labor ...19Z.37
John' Simpson assn, labor ... 25.40
R. C, Miller assn, labor 128.25
Steve Collins ssbu, labor .... 5-00
Tom Dillon assn, labor 27.00
L. D. Blair, labor. 84. allowed 3.00
R.' L. Harris, labor 2.39
Art Ralls ass, labor 39.60
Geo, H. Simpson assn. labor . 3.15
C. L. Hashman,' road ser .... 66.00
Ira Delay assn, labor 196.65
Geo, H. Simpson assn. labor . 31.59
L. M, Kennedy assn, labor .. . 43,60
John Simpson assn. labor ... 9.85
J. P. Barger. blstlg ...... . 8.68
R. R, Garett assn, labor ..... 27.60
Frank Gillespie1 aasn labor . . 9.00
W Manlon. labor 44.00
Geo, II. Simpson aasn. labor . 26.20
K. i nam, unor
If Mixed with Sulphur it Darkens
o naturally Nobody
can Tell.
Oscar turn aeasv labor
Geo. ; II. Simpson aasn.
Fratk 'Gillespie aasn. labor
H. C. Orlffey assn, laker V. . .
Ira Nueseeoas aaaa. Ubox
Grandmother kept her hair beautifully
darkened, glossy and attractive with a
brew of Raos Tra and Sulphur. When
ever her hair toolr on that dulL faded or
streaked appesraeee, this simple mixture
was applied with, wonderful effect. By
askiag at any drug store fer "Wyetbs
8sgt sod Sulphur Compound," you' will
get a large hottle i tbl cW-tlajf recipe
unproved ty tbe addition of other ingred
ients, all readj to use, for about 60 cents.
Tats simp! mixture eta be depended
upea to rest? natural color aad beaaty
to the hair.
A well-known downtowp druggist J
everybody uses ' Wycth's Sage and Sol-,
pber .Compouad now because it darken
so aetural) r and evenly thai nobody eaa
tell it hsa bee pplWd-it'Ql easv te
use.' too.' You simply dampen comb or
soft brush and draw ft through yor hair,
taking one stsaad at a nunc. Bysaefalng:
U gray Mb, disappears aig aaetker
apwicaflea. f tv( i restored te H
as t oral toUr and looks giM&y. soft aad
labor . 32.69 1 bnMi ' This tMparetUei is
,w it fl' fulawrftreauiMU. It net MteadedW
iae care, mttigMww or fravfnsiea ef J-
'Pim-e 1SHS In Kansas City. 1 hv
suss'ully Heated thousunna
of raes of Y""oceie. uyuiu
, arul nUlitd troubles. The
uttel veins, oain. eniait-
ut.,ni weakness ana
symptoms uuU! disappear.'
Write for llltMitraiea
"VVIthevt tHe Knife" and run partiw
Isrs tree, sealed. Call or address '
r we tub y
, . Cf. Sto. tiiKkl.MkrwwSMUe
" T I..
$1.00 an hour
Every Agent thouU
hsve one of thca Uut
lita. containing Purs
hood Flavors an
Toilet Necessities. One
Kent, in less than two
hours, sold 1 8 out of 20
calls Profit SI. SO. Out.
fit sent p f e p a i d f or
tlH. Relml value
11.20 Sample oaassjnS
New Catalog i'ce,
Sales Co.,
Brule Nebr.
Hotel Victoria
&U Si McCee Sta. Katuaa Ctty. Mo.
.Tetslea a4 swlagweas U
fsJreesea, PffU priced cele
tat eessaetitoa. '
'' ltTE5 ChU Persesi 1
. taeass ertta rttvUstse fie-fut
, W' ( 4-e
rksMkYirsiH fth,ss9e,-
L. V- JU. UOOKZ. rrerrUter