ferial No. 015471. Notice for Publication Department -of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska, July 10, 1916. Notice la hereby given that Owen A. Odell. of Alliance. Nebraska, who, en November 30, 1912. made Home stead Entry, No. 015471, for SE4 8E, Section 17, NE4, Section 20, and VVVaNE4 and NW. 8ectIon 21. Townohlp 24 North, Uange 49 West, th Principal Meridian, baa filed no tice of Intention to make Final Three-year proof, to eHtabliHh claim to the land above described, before tbe Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on tbe 7th day of September, 1916. Claimant names aa witnesses: William 8. Coker, Otto E. Haga man, George If. Hagaman and James F. Underwood, all of Alliance, Nebr aska. T. J. O'KEEFE, Register. 14-61-705-7324 OUDKIt OF IIKAIUNO STATE OF NEBRASKA, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, ss. At a County Court. held at the County Court Room, In said County, on the first day of August, A. D. 1916. Present L. A. Berry, County Judge. In the matter of the estate of H. E. MacCray, Deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Christina MacCray praying that Administration of said Eatate may be granted to R. M. Hampton as admln Iptrator de bonla non. ORDERED. That August 26th, A. D. 1916, at 10 o'clock a. m. Id assign ed for bearing said petition, when all persons interested In said matter may appear at a County Court to be held In and for aald County, at County Court room In the city of Alliance, In paid county and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted; and that notice of the pend ency of said petition and tbe hearing thereof, be given to all persons Inter ested In said matter by publishing a ropy of thla order In the Alliance Herald, a weekly newspaper printed In said county, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. L. A. BERRY, (SEAL) County Judge. S5-4M58-7327 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of tbe Eatate of Ferd inand Basting, "Deceased. In County Court for Box Butte Coun ty, Nebraska. Notice to all persons interested In aald estate Is hereby given that Sam uel B. Otto, execntor of said eatate, will meet the creditors of said estate at the County Court Room in the city of Alliance In said county on the Sth day of April, A. D. 1917. at 9 o'clock a. m. for the purpose of the hearing adjustment and allowance of claims against said estate. All per sons having claims or demands against said estate must file the same In said court on or before the lltb day ot February, A. D. 1917, or said claims will be forever barred. Dated August 9. 1916. L. A. BERRY, (SEAL) County Judge 37-U-761-7330 NOTICE OF SHKRIFKH WALK Notice Is hereby given that by vir tue of an order ot sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court of Box Butte county, Nebraska, In an action wherein Belle Cladene Gaddis, Exec utrix of the Estate of George D. Gaddis, Deceased, Is Plaintiff and Prude Broyles, Robert B. Broyles, Grayee Broyles, James Durham, James W. Durham, J. G. Redln baugh, Chenla A. Newberry, were Defendants; I will at 10 o'clock A. M. on the Sth day of September, 1916, at the west front door ot the Court House in the City of Alliance. Box Butte County, Nebraska, offer for sale at Public Auction tbe follow ing described lands and tenements, to-wit: . The South Half ot the Northeast Quarter (Stt NEK) nd Southeast Quarter of Section Twenty-four (24) in Township Twenty-four (24) North of Range Forty-nine (49), West of the 6tb Principal Meridian. Also a tract of land described as fol lows, Commencing at tbe northwest cor ner of the northwest quarter of Sec tion thirty (30) in Township Twenty-four (24) north ot Range Forty eight (48) weat of the 6th Principal Meridian thence east along the north line rf said quarter section to the right of way of the Nebr. Wy. A Western R. R. right of way; thence aouthwest along the weat line of said right of way to south line ef aald quarter section; thence west along the south line of said quarter sec tion to its southwest corner, thence north along the west line ot said quarter section to the point of begin ning. All In Box Butte County, Ne braska. Given under my hand this 9th day of August, A. D. 1916. C. M. COX. Sheriff. S. G. Gllman, Attorney, for Plaintiff. 36-6M60-7329 In the Matter of the Estate of Pat rick Collins, deceased. In tbe County Court of Box Butte Coun ty, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, aa. Creditors of aald eatate will take notice that the time limited for pre sentation and filing of claims againat aald eatate Is March 30, 1917, and tbe payment ot debts is August 4th, 1917; that I will sit at tbe County Court room In said County on Sep tember 21st. 1916, at 2 P. M. and on March SO. 1917. at 3 P. M. to re ceive, examine, hear, allow, or ad just all claims aud objections duly filed. Dated August 15, 1916." L. A. BERRY, (SEAL) County Judge. Burton A Reddish, Attorneys. 37-Ct-763-75J5S NOTICK- TO (itKDITOHS The State of Nebraska, Box Butte County, ss. IN THE COUNTY COURT. . In the Matter of the Estate of B. F. Oilman, deceased. To the Creditors of aald Estate: You are hereby notified that I will nit at tho County Court Room In the city of Alliance, In aald County, on the 8th day of April, 1917, at 10 o'clock A. M., to receive and exam ine all claims against said Estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said Eatate Is six months from the sev enth day or September, A. D. 1916, and the lime limited for paymenjof debts is One Year from aald seventh day of September, 1918. Witness my band and the seal of said County Court, this lltb day of August, 1916. L. A. BERRY, (SEAL) County Judge. 8J4t-7J4-7657 NTTcTrxTRlEmTORS The State of Nebraska, Box Butte County, sa. - IN THE COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate of Daniel Rose, deceased. To the Creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court room In Alli ance in said County, on the 8th day or April, 1917, at 10 o'clock a. m. to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate Is six months from the seventh day ot Sep tember, A. D. 1916, and the time limited for payment of debts Is one year from said seventh day of Sep tember, 1016. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 11th day of August, 1916. L. A. BERRY. (SEAL) County Judge. 37-41-766-7555 MmcTToFliurr " AND ATTACHMENT Charlea E. Maynard will take no tice that on tbe 18th day ot August, 1916, L. F. Hulen filed his petition In the County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska, against said de fendant, the obligation and prayer of which is to recover a Judgment of $266.11, Interest and costs for mon ey due on one promissory note deliv ered to W. W. Norton on May 20, 1916, and assigned to plaintiff, in sum of $117.30, on promissory note delivered to W. J. Root on April 14, 1916, and assigned to plaintiff, in the sum of $80.00 and on account con tracted with The Herald Publishing Company of Alliance, Nebraska, and assigned to plaintiff; in the sum of $62.18, and with said petition an af fidavit to obtain an attachment against the money and property or said defendant. Said attachment has been made upon a piano and household furniture and effects, and said suit Is now pending. Said cause has been continued until October 2, 1916. Said defendant is required to answer said petition on or before October 2. 1916, and upon failure so to do Judgment will be rendered againat him and the property and money so attached will be used to apply on said Judgment. - L. F. HULEN. Plaintiff. " Burton & Reddish. Attorneys,. 38-5t-768-7553 NOTICK OF PETITION In the Matter of the Estate or An drew J. Donaldson, deceased. In the County Court or Box Butte County, Nebraska. The State or Nebraska, to all per sons Interest In said eatate, creditors and heirs, take notice that John W. Donaldson has filed his petition al leging that Andrew J. Donaldson died intestate in the County or Wayne and State or Iowa on the 25th day or January, 1902, being-a resi dent or said County, and seised in fee simple or the following described real-estate, to-wit!" The SE or Section- 31, Township 24 N. or Range 52 W. of the 6th P. M., Box Butte County, Nebraska; leaving as his sole and only heirs the following named persons, to-wit: John W. Don aldson, a son and petitioner herein, Josh Donaldson, a son, George Don aldson, a son, Minnie F. Mortag, a daughter, and Sarah Bunnell, a daughter, and that said persons are the sole and only heirs of said de ceased; that all debts of deceased and of his estate are fully paid and that no administration of his estate, and no application for appointment ot an administrator thereof has been had or made within Nebraska by any person whomsoever. Said petition prays for a decree to be entered here in finding that said decedant died in testate, fixing time of the death of the deceased; finding that no appll cation for administration of said es tate has been made and that the es tate has not been administered in the State of Nebraska; that more than two years have elapsed since the death ot said deceased, and that all debts against said estate have been paid, that the Court may determine who are the heirs at law of said de ceased, their degree ot kinship and the right of descent to the real prop erty of which said decedent died seised, above described, and that the hearing upon said petition has been set for tbe 20th day of September. A. D. 1916. at 10 o'clock A. M. Dated August 19th. 1916. L. A. BERRY. (SEAL) County Judge, Burton ft Reddish, Attorneys. 38-4t-767-7654 The Beet Laxative To keep the bowels regular tbe best laxative is outdoor exercise, Drink a full glass of water half an hour before breakfast and eat an abundance of fruit and vegetables, also establish a regular habit and be sure that your bowels move once each day, When a medicine la needed take Chamberlain's Tablets. They are pleasant to take and mild and gentle in effect. Obtainable everywhere. Adv aug COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS Alliance, Nebr., August 21, 1216. The Board of County Commission ers met pursuant to the rail of the clerk, as a Board of Equalisation, for the purpose of making the different levies for the year 1916. Members present: Geo. W. Duncan, chairman, I. M. Wanek, C. L. Hashman and M. 8. Margraves, clerk. It appearing to the Board from the certificate of the Hecretary of the State Boari of Equalization, reports and telegrams, that the State Board of Equalization are now satisfied with the assessed valuation of Box Butte County, Nebraska, as returned by the County Assessor, and It fur ther appearing to the Board that the total assessed valuation of the taxa ble property of Box Butte County, Nebraska, as made by the County Assessor and returned by the State Board of Equalization and by them accepted, amounts to $2,186,520. Now it Is the order of the Board that there be levied on each dollar of assessed valuation of the property assessed in said county of Box Butte and State of Nebraska, for the en suing year of 1916, the following levies, to-wit: State 1exy General fund 3.4 mills University fund 1. mill Special Unl. bldg. fund .. .75 mills Normal school fund 85 mills State Aid bridge fund . . .10 mills Total 6.10 mills County I,evy General fund 9. mills Mother's pension fund ..1. mill Road fund 4. mills Bridge fund 2. mills Bond fund 2.9 mills Total 18.9 mills It Is the further order of the board that for school, sinking fund and high school purposes, aa reported by the county superintendent and coun ty clerk, to meet the payment there of, there belevled against tbe taxa ble property in each school district, hereinafter named, the rate of taxa tion on each dollar of assessed valua tion in said districts as follows, to wit: Dint. Personal Real Ketate ToUU liond No. Valuation Valuation Valuation Gen. Levy H. 8. 1. 12,475 22,760 36,235 13 .. 2 2. 34,605 25.750. 60,355 6 . . 3 3. 6,736 11,620 18,255 30 .. 3 4. 1.125 10.576 11,700 35 5. 2,980 8.705 11.686 35 .. .. 6. 266.065 404,895 660,960 85 10 .'. 9. 6.615 22.310 28.925 15-... 10. 8.400 22,980 81.480 lf .. 1 11. 19,026 26,480 65,605 7 .. 2 12. 31,275 19,105 50,380 10 .. 3 13. 44,746 16,995 60,740 8 4 14. 47.750 23,470 71,220 2 ... 2 16. 4.850 8,180 13,030 30 . . 6 16. 8,825 22,110 30.935 15 2 17. 660 , 8,080 8,630 86 18. 93.565 62,775 156,340 35 6 1 20. 3.325 10.450 13,776 21. 36.450 11.970 48,420 10 22. 6,590 17.100 22,780 20 23. 5.690 . 17,190 22,780 20 25. '45.470 14,210 ' 69,680 8 27. ( 3.540 17,990 ' 21,530 15 28. 3.640 18,020 16,660 35 29. 5.780 28.040 33,820 15 . . 3 30. 8.060 21,040 29.100 15 .. 8 31. 7,245 16.660 23,795 15 33. 3,650 8.305 11,955 16 34. 6,215 17,365 22.580 20 35F. 7.710 15.790 23,500 20 36. 7.895 10.075 17,970 38. 3.550 23,070 26.620 15 .. 1 41. 4.160 14,650 18.810 42. 1.980 6.505 , 8,485 25 . . 45. 27,720 8.216 35,935 10 .. 3 6. 5,225 , 14.420 19,645 15 47F. 1,445 4.105 5,550 48F. 6.115 7.190 12.805 49. 2.260 11,370 13.630 10 60. 2,665 6,995 9,650 SS 61. . 6.470 13.660 20,120 10 62. 34.635 5.376 40.010 10 54. 2.805 12.935 15.740 26 55. 2.605 5.760 8.865 35 56. 7,266 17.665 24,820 15 57. 1.120 8.115 9.235 58. 3.765 13.195 16.960 25 60. 6,260 16.395 22.656 10 "F. 405 1.670 1.975 .. .. 76. 1.830 6.660 8.490 35 78. 4.680 8.745 13,375 15 .. S 79. 3,060 18.310 16.370 20 8- 8.850 .10.885 14.136 81- 33,985 12.415 46,400 12 .. 1 92F. 40,470 6.205 46.675 100. 2.090 7.735 9.825 35 10 124F. 20,045 16,195 36,240 125. 2.350 7.660 10.010 36 $977.01 $1,209,705 $2,186,715 it is me runner order of tbe board that there be levied against tbe tan gible property of the city ot Alliance, Nebraska, thirty-four mills on each dollar of assessed valuation for city purpoaes, and that there be levied a special sewer tax. special curb tax. and special sidewalk tax against the different properties as described in the certificate of the city clerk on file in the office of the county clerk, and that there be levied against the tan gible property ot the village of Hem lngford, Nebraska, forty mill on each dollar of asaesaed valuation for village purposes, the amount of legal tax or rate of taxation certified to the county clerk by the proper of ficer of aald city and Tillage. It is the further order of the board that the clerk extend on the tax list the amount of all claims paid for killing prairie dogs on tho several pieces of land in Box Butte county, Nebraska, since the order of 1911. There being nothing further to come before the board of equalisa tion, they now adjourn, sine die. Alliance, Nebr., Aug. 22. 1916 The board of county commission ers met pursuant to adjournment. Officers present: Geo. W. Duncan, chairman. C. L. Hashman and J. H. Wanek. The following claims were exam ined and allowed and the clerk or dered to draw warrants on the gen eral fund for their payment. To Whom For What Amt. Snoddy ft Mollrlng. insurance (withdrawn) 24.60 Dick Curtis assn, labor 6.76 Neb Tel Co, phones 17.35. J. S. Corp assn, salary 75.00 J. W. Guthrie, auditor 5.00 Klopp ft Bartlett Co. supplies 79.00 O'Bannon Bros, coal (pauper) 7.00 G. B. Carr. refund (poll tax) . . S.00 L. A. Berry, feea (withdrawn) S3.S4 st. Bernard hospital, care Mrs. O'Mara 30.00 Carrie Smith assn, mother's pension 30.00 E. L. Bishop, drive 2.00 Klopp & Bartlett Co, supplies 8.45 Forest Lbr Co, material (dup licate) , 16.00 Runner Chemical Co, disinfect. 10.00 Klopp & Bartlett Co, supplies 136.66 Grant & Fullerton, maps .... 12.00 Lee Basye, salary . 200.00 Lee Basye1 expense 26.00 Klopp c Bartlett Co, supplies 68.40 T. D. Roberts, fees 6.10 Win. Curry, blacksmith 7.60 Geo. W. Duncan, com serv. .. 32.00 C. L. Hashman, com serv. ... 31.00 J. M. Wanek, com serv 42.40 G. W. Duncan, groc. (pauper) 44.75 Charles Kennedy, labor 2.00 St. Jos. hospital, care pauper 100.00 Dick Curtis assn, labor 6.00 J. S. Corp assn, salary ...... 75.00 Geo. H. Young, material 2.28 Hammond ft Stephen, supplies 37.91 Neb Tel Co, phones 18.02 L. H. Highland, mdse 3.00 Hemlngford Ledger, printing . .77 Klopp & Bartlett assn, labor . 3.00 John Fennlng Assn, labor . . . 3.00 Geo. A. Hills, refund 16.48 W. S. Parks assn, hauling . . . 2.50 N. Krohnapfel, groc. (pauper) 62.72 John Fenning assn, labor . . . 1.15 W. S. Coker, labor 4.50 J. M. Wanek. com serv 11.20 Geo. W. Duncan, com serv. . . . 20.00 C. L. Hashman, com serv. ... 18.00 Uobt Bird, treas., rent 10.00 Carrie Smith assn, mother's pension 30.00 Floyd Trine, prim. elec. .... 10.40 E. F. Abley, prim elec ...... 5.40 T. A. Green, prim elec 5.40 J. P. Jensen, prim elec 5.40 Walter Langford, prim elec . . 5.40 J. A. Hunter, prim elect 10.00 H. J. Young, prim elect 10.00 L. N. Worley, prim elect .... 10.00 Lewis Mclntyre prim elect . . . 10.00 A. S. Mote, prim elect 10.00 J. E. Wilson, prim elect 6.00 H. J. Schill. prim elect 6.00, H. H. Brandt, prim elect .... 6.00 Bldg A. R. Acheson, prim elect . . . 6.00 P. H. Zobel, prim elect 6.00 Perry 8. Malley, prim elect . . 6.00 Geo. II. Hagaman, prim elect . 6.00 Henry E. Fisher, prim elect . . 6.00 Herman Rehder, prim elect . . 6.00 Frank Vaughn, prim elect . . . 10.00 T. H. Barnes, prim elect .... 10.00 James Kennedy, prim elect . . 10.00 Wm. Davidson, prim elect . . . 10.00 J. W. Guthrie, prim elect .... 10.00 A. L. Gregg, prim elect 10.00 John Burke, prim elect 4.80 Charles Tlernan, prim elect . 10.00 Jake Winten, prim elect ..... 4.80 John Lenzen, prim elect..... 4.80 Fred Crawford, prim elect ... 4.80 W. F. Patterson, Jr, prim elect 6.60 O. A. Davlg, prim elect 1S.00 Ben Danlelaon, prim elect . . . 6.60 Wm. Rust, Jr, prim elect .... 6.60 Fred Nason, prim elect 1.60 K. J. Sterns, prim elect 10.00 S. A. Miller, prim elect 10.00 J. W. Miller, prim elect 10.00 J. D. Emerlck. prim elect . . . 10.00 Geo. A. Hill, prim elect 10.00 Ed Eldred assn. prim elect , . . 10.00 John Brennan, prim elect .... 10.00 John O'Keefe, prim elect .... 10.00 Chaa Brennan. prim elect .... 10.00 C E. Marks, prim elect 10.00 E. J. Beach, prim elect 6.00 M. O. Wambauga, prim elect . 6.00 r. N. F. A. F. C. Soldier, prim elect 6.00 M. Hayes, prim elect 6.00 A. Trabert, prim elect ...13.20 C. Reynolds, prim elect , . . 5.65 Nikont. prim elect 6.55 Klemke, prim elect 5.65 Geo. Bebner. prim elect 6.66 Jacob Kaper. prim elect 11.05 Alex Mulrhead, prim elect ... T.20 Frank Caha, prim elect 7.20 Isaac Roekey, prim elect .... 7.20 C. T. Davison, prim elect .... 12.14 A. M. Miller, pria elect 7.20 T. L. Ueofcl&s. prim elect . . . 4.S0 $100 REWARD, $ 10 The readers or this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure In all Its stages, and that is catarrh. Catarrh being great ly influenced by constitutional condi tions requires constitutional treat ment. Hall'sTJatarru Cure is taken Internally and acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system thereby destroying the foundation or tbe disease, giving the patient strength by building up the constitu tion and assisting nature In doing its work. Tbe proprietors have so much faith In the curative powers or Hall's Catarrh Cure that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it rails to cure. Send for list of testi monials. Address: F. J. Cheney ft Co., To ledo, Ohio. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Adv aug WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT THE KeryweKHbsiml Burlesque DON'T CO HOME SAYING: I DIDN'T VISIT THE GAYETY e T CHIN o iniimiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiit Geo. H. Miller General Contrsctorand Builder Estimates Fstsltlwi Frtt Pttat Black 413 ;nnmnmnHHt H. A. COPSEY Physician and Surgeon Office Phone, 360 Res. Phone, 342 Calls answered promptly day and night from office. Offices: Alliance National Bank Building, over the Post Office. C. E. SLAfJLE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon ' Office phone, 65 Res. phone, 62 ALLIANCE : , : NEBRASKA Orle Coppernoll F. J. Petersen Res. Phone, 20 Res. Phone, 43 Dn. Coppernoll St Petersen Osteopaths ROOM 6. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK BURTON & REDDISH Attorneys-at-Iiw Land Attorneys OFFICE: First National Bank Bldg. PHONE 180 ALLIANCE : ': NEBRASKA H M. BULLOCK A ttorney-at-Ijaw ALLIANCE NEBRASKA L. W. BOWMAN Physician and Burgeon OFFICE, First National Bank Bldg. PHONES: Office, 362; Residence, 16 DR. D. E. TYLER Dentist PHONE 362 OVKR FIRST NATIONAL BANK ALLIANCE NEBRASKA PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER At The Herald Office REASONABLE RATES PROMPT SERVICE J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter I hare the only set of abstract ttooks in Box Butte County OFFICE: Rm. 7, Opera House Block j. F. YAHDERS TAILOR and HATTER FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDoT ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA "LET ME CRT FOR YOU" HARRY P. C0UBSB7 live Stock and General Sales Specialist and Auctioneer FARM 8ALES A SPECIALTY Terms Reasonable -PHONE 664 ALLIANCE ; : NEBRASKA GEO. Q. OADSBY Licensed Embalmer PHONE: Day, 498; Night. 119 ALLIANCE NEBRASKA i 1 1 i ia - tnu Dr. W. J. Mahaffy DENTIST tin Administered I-ady Assistant OVER TOST OFFICE ALLIANCE : NEBRASKA PHONE: 233. CLARE A. DOW Electrician HOUSE WIRING .Motor and Auto-starter Repairing ALLIANCE : NEBRASKA JAMES M. KENNEDY f- Dentist Nitrous Oxide Administered PHONES: Office,. 23; Res., Black 10 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. ALLIANCE : ; NEBRASKA tntnmiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiitinmmi Shoe Shining Parlor We make a specialty of clean ing, dyeing and shining all kinds of shoes for ladles and gentlemen. New buck shoes and all colored shoes cleaned for ladles. Palace" Shoe Shining Parlor Third A Box Butte itxnxnst J. JEFFREY, D. C. Ph. C. A. O. JEFFREY, D. C. CHIROPRACTORS OFFICE HOURS. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. Rooms 3 and 4 303 BOX. BUTTE AVENUB AUTO LIVERY - - PHONE 573 - - C. E. Morgan RED PEP'S PHILOSOPHY "The only thinj the mtat tnet wilUivv yo without tUtv cash is a cold shoul&fV WE ARB HEADQUARTERS For Anto Supplies and OH and Gasoline FREE AIR ON THE CURB Alliance Auto Supply o. PHONE SS Geo. J. Hand, H.D. Asthma and Hay Fever Eye, Bar, Nose and Throat PHONE SSI Calls answered from office day or night. o THOMAS LYNCH Att'y-at-Law ltll-1131 City National Bank Building OMAHA Special Attention to live Stock Claims Wm. RITCHIE. Jr. C. 8. PERRY RITCHIE & PERRY Attorneys-at-Law Offlce in Lincoln, 1411 O 8L. first Wednesday of Each Month BRIDGEPORT : NEBRASKA PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER All kinds of Photos. Interior aad Exterior Views QUALITY PORTRAITS Alliance Art Studio 31. K. Uretw, Prop. 114 East 4. FHom DUck lit