IF YOU ARE TAKING A TONIC BE SURE IT IS A GOOD ONE; MUST INFLUENCE ENTIRE BODY v The welfare of mankind demands that they should be supplied with nourishment and this can only be done through perfect digestion. It is not how much we eat, but how touch is digested that counts. When digeBtion 'ts bad the entire system suffers. Getting back to a healthy condition of tnand and body can only be had In many cases by the tonic treatment. If a tonic treatment Is selected. It must be a tonic which has a good in fluence on the entire digestive tract. Many tonics stimulate digestion, but do not affect the intestinal tract, or that portion of the body through which the food passes after it leaves the stomach. About three-fourths of the digestion takes place after the food leaves the stomach, therefore the value of Tanlac, as a tonic, can be plainly seen when it Is known that this preparation Is designed to re lieve the entire Intestinal tract, as wel as the kldneyls and liver. By stimulating these organs to activity it relieves constipation, sallow skin, backaches and . "tired feelings," which usually come from a disorder ed condition ot these organs. Tanlac Is valuable as a stomach and Intestinal tonic. It relieves mis ery after eating. Indigestion, dyspep sia, gas and bloating. It supplies food for the nerves and promotes healthy sleep. Tanlac Is being specially Introduc ed In Alliance at the Harry Thlele drug store. Directory of (tame Official The seventeenth annual directory of officials and organizations con cerned with the protection of birds nd game in the United States snd Canada, revised to July 15. 1916, has just been Issued by the Bureau or Biological Survey of the U. S. De partment of Agriculture. It pre sents in convenient form the ad dresses of persons from whom In formation may be obtained concern ing the game laws. It shows the date ot establishment of each state commission or wardenshlp, the chr.nges which occur In such offices, and the publications Issued by game officials. It also contains the names and ad- ! Ml! Maxwell motor cars have demountable rims and the same size tires on both front and rear wheels. r.O.B. DETROIT I REMEMBER these important features, because V they are not to be found on some of the lighter cars. Maxwell cars have 3 in. tires all around. This is a generous size. Th3 tires are not overtaxed. They last longer and mako riding easier. . Tires of one size mean that you have to carry only one size casing and one size tube. Demountable rims, of course, -are recognized as the best They are. on all good cars. Don't buy any car without demountable rims. If you do, you'll regret it These two features along with the other complete and up-to-date equipment; the economy and proved endurance of the Maxwell, make it the greatest auto mobile value in the world today. 5-paamngr Touting Car, $595 3-paaonngmr Cmbriolot, $863 Romdmtmr - 580 6-psen(r Town Car, 915 5-pngr SecUn, $985 Geo. F. Hedgeco'ck Auto Company Hemingford, Nebraska Prince Albert gives smokers such delight, because its flavor is o different and to delightfully good; it can't bite your tongue; it can't parch your throat ; you can smoke it as long and as hard as you like without any comeback but real tobacco hap . piness! On the reverse side of every Prince Albert package you will read : I " PROCESS PATENTED JMLV SOtn, 190T" That means to you a lot of tobacco en joyment. Prince Albert has always been old without coupons or premiums. We prefer to five quality t All k a. i. brx iw the national joy smoke NU Mil 11 your f trOU LL mod Sr howdy-do X aultar how mmOTof a ottmnf row mrmin thm wt oft ho wood TOO drop uao. row, mm Albert im right thro lit If trmt plmco joo hog omU for a fitckol ond tfotidr Urn lor a dtmo; wnoo tnmrw . pound and juit-pomm wtm tmtdoro mam tno pomno arrmtmt-gU humidor with ooortgn mmmonuw iwf thmt IMP' cm tm omtM hmng-u0 trim afl-raa- ln goodness and in pipe satisfaction is all we or its enthusi astic friends ever claimed for it! It answers every smoke desire you or any other man ever hadl It is mnl and fragrant and appealing smokeappetite that you will get chummy with it in a mighty short time I Will you invest 5c or 10c to prove out our say. jbo on the national joy smoke? SL J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, Winto-Sle, N. C so to TOaAteOISWlEJ ( ; PROCESS DISCOVER tOW PRODUCE THE MOST Dfr D6HTFULAND WHOtEn VJ JU5.Y307 W3I r I K J k. - (f Tom kJ Va two tUm mt fmo Amor miwr4tim. lUi worn Tal hliMiinn hwtlM fit Amort ) la HUm. dresser of the president and secre tary of each national. ttalt and Can adian club or association organised for tb protection of birds and game. Tlio AUiiubon societies, organized for fl.e nudy and protection of birds, are ilso llMed. together with the names and addrosHea of the prt-Hldenta and serretarlea. :nmmtTnffnnm:rmnmtii:m;i;mTmrrmmntimHg Cure for ( liolei-a Morbus "When our little boy, now seven years old, was a baby he was rtired of cholera morbus by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme dy," writes Mrs. Sidney Simmons, Fair Haven, N. Y. "Since then other members of iny family have used this valuable medicine for colic and bowel troubles with good satisfaction and I gladly endorse it as a remedy of ex ceptional merit." Obtainable every where. Adv aug LIVE STOCK PRICES AT SOUTH OMAHA Cattla Mtrket S eady to Low er; Receipts Heavy HOGS ABOUtTdIME HI6HER Lame Run Larasst of Year te Date. Killing Qradea Lower. Qsntral rakof 1fc on Fat Lambo Bst ' ring I10.H. fesdsr Supply Heavy, Demand Oood Theugh, ana Feeding beep Hole About Steady Lambe , Weak te Dime Down Fat Sheep laeUr. I Valoa Stock Yards. South Omaba,' Nebr, August I. 1116 The week opeaod wHh the heaviest cattle rel ootpta so far this year, aeme itt loads, about 11.400 head.1 Despite the' faet that rooelpta were the heavleet ef the year, the proportloa of com fed boevoa was undoubtedly the arnaUi eat. The dressed beef moo all appear ed te want some naMvee, and it la store than probable that they would have paid bettor price than prevail. A the latter part of the week for anythiag that suited them, as eaatera markets were meagerly supplied, aad reported values skarpry higher. Quotations oa eartle: Oood to choice beeves, M. 71 10.60; fair to good beeves, M 600 9.80; eommoa te fair beeves, $6.7(0116; good to cboloo heifers. 16.10 07.28; good te oholoo oows, I6.607.00; fatr to good cows, $5.7606.35; canners and cut tors, $4.0035.50; veal calveo. $1,000 11.60; bologna bulls, f5.60O6.00; beef bulla, $IO0 7.00. Hog receipts for Monday wer rata, er light, estimates being 65 cars, or 1,100 head. Barly reports from ChW ; eago Indicated, If anything, a weak tendency, thouah prices were quoted about steady. Buyers at this point. I however, were unable to bold dews prices, the market opening at an . evenly higher prices. Most of the ; packers hogs were bought at a 601' advance, while the shipper's hc-cp were quoted as 10O15c higher 1 I some cases. There were no real good, i shlpplag hogs here, and tops failed tp I go above $10.70. bulk however. Is thJ i highest it has been since lBlb, lan6 ; lag at $10.10010.60. There waa almoet as many sheep ! and lambs here Monday as at aU the ' other markete combined, the local run being estimated at 14$ ears, or tf.OOs) head. The best fat lambs her sold j largely around flO.lf, being around 1 18c lower than at the close oj las ! week. There was a good showing of aged sheep here, and prices wer a little easier, some sales being around "l60$5c lower. Bulk of the decent te ; pretty good ewes sold at ff.60OI.T0, tb best bringing $1.76. Best feedinf ewe mide $e.00fi.K5. with a fair klal oa down. Quotations on sheep aud lambs t Lambs, good to choice, $10.360 '0 50 lambs, fair to good. $10.00010.35: lambs, feeders. $9.75 10.50; yearlings. good to choice. $7.Pfl7.aO; yearlings. fslr to good. $G Soitf 7.00; yearling., feeders, $U.507 ?-S; wethers, fair to choice, $H In'it 7. "5; ewes, good to choice. $&5lfr7.f,0; ewes, fair to good. $5.7686.(0; ewex. plain to culls. $4.00 05.76; ewex. fvrllng $5.0'i8 25 ewei, breeders, all ag . $6.2r09.OO. r t V iWjUcfuuieL.ljqu, cam, dfft. NO, IT WASN'T IiUCK. IIH 1H THE "BOSS" IIWAUKK UK HAVKII MONEY WHEN OTHKK MEN WEltE WAHTINU Tlll.lIW IN LITTI.E I-XKMSII EXT11AVAANCES. ME WASN'T 8TIXY HE WAS CAUKFUL. HE KNEW THAT ALL THOSE LITTLE THINOS HE DIDN'T HEALLY NEED WOULD AMOUNT TO A LARGE SUM SOME DAY. HE BOUGHT A BUSINESS WITH THE MONEY HE l'UT IN THE BANK AND SAVED. YOU CAN DO THE SAME. BANK YOUB MONEY AND DO IT. BANK WITH US WE PAY FOUR PER CENT INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS FIRST STATE BANK hMiiimimntnnmimitiiinniiiniiiinmiii I'UmilllllllHUrm AKING bread in a r J..l hm.h MM J the deserts of Arabia is quite a different proposi tion from baking bread in our modern establishment a difference the people of this community appreciate. Our Bread has that delicious flavor that gives it a place distinctively its own in homes where "good eating" is appreciated. The same thing is true of our pies, cakes, doughnuts and all other forms of pastry. Qualttg and cleanliness are the twin mottoes of this bakery at all times. F. F. Stephens Successor to Nohe Bakery and Gate miiinniiiH"niMr'i "'" iiinnmnniniiiin Serial No. 015824. Notice for Publication Department of the Interior. U. 8. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska, August 11, 1916. Notice is hereby given that John J. Keenen, of Alliance. Nebraska. who, on March 27, 1913. made Homestead Entry, No. 016824, for Lots 6. 7, 8 and 9, Section 7. Lot S, Section 8, and Ntt Section 17. Town ship 23 North, Uange 47 West. 6th Principal Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the KeKister and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, on the 27tb day of September. 1916. Claimant names as witnesses: James Cobby. William Bignell. Joseph Bignell and Charles Soib, all of Alliance, Nebraska. T. J. O'KEEFE, Register. 37-6t-762-75l7 RHEUMATISM ARRESTED Many people suffer the tortureof lame muscles and stiffened joints because of impurities in the blood, and each succeeding- attack seems more acute on til rheumatism has invaded the whole system. To arrest rheumatism it la quite as Im portant to Improve your general bealtbas to purify your blood . and the cod liver oil in Scott's Bmuluion is nature'sgr eat blood maker, while its medicinal nourishment strengthens the organs to expel the impurities and upbuild your strength. Scott's Emulsion is helping thousands every day who could not find other relief. ItefuM the alcoholic subetitutca. ttuilt on the proven Kortl Vanadium Steel chassis, the Ford Sedan adds comfort and exclusive to durability, simplicity and economy of operation and maintenance about two centa a mils. A real fam ily car that fill aU social demands. Appeals strongly to women who drive. The Runabout ia $345: Touring Car, $360; ChaRsis, $325, f. ojb. De troit. On sale at FORD GARAGE Keeler-Coursey Company GAS, OIL, STORAGE IT V e 1