The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 24, 1916, Image 7

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r& 111
Mrs. O. D. Hobbi made a vlBlt to
Hoffland on Tuesday.
Mrs. Win. Sauers left Monday
noon for Hyannls for a stay on tbe
anre Steam Ianndry.
!8-tf-7Blt ,
Mies Mary Kellehor of Lakeside
returned home Monday after a visit
with Miss Devona Dickinson.
Real Estate, Loans and Insur
ance. F. E. REDDISH, Reddish
Block. 15-tf-6727
Homer Wilson and J. A. Kern
were passengers to Crawford Wed
nesday noon, returning this morning.
Miss Etta Keane left Sunday night
for Lincoln where she will spend a
week visiting her sister, Mrs. Dick
Save money by buying your groo
erie at The Standard Grocery. Spec
ial Removal Sale prices last until
September 1st.
Chief Dispatcher A. VC. Gavin and
family left Monday noon for a fish
ing trip In Spearflsh canyon In the
Black Hills.
John McCoy. M. D.
Offices and Hospital
Telephone 81 college.
Mrs. Wm. Hamilton and family re
turned Saturday from their eastern
O. K. Whltaker of Mlnatare is In
the city visiting his brother-in-law,
Burt McCool.
A. II. Copsey of Lincoln is in the
city visiting his sons, Dr. II. A. Cop
sey and Verne Copsey.
Lee Owen and .family left Wed
nesday noon for Antloch, where they
will make their home.
Rev. J. B. Klrby, pastor of the
Alliance A. M. E. church, made a
trip to Crawford Saturday.
E. L. Lovenburg of Angora, who
recently sold out bis bank at that
place, was in the city Saturday.
E. W. Exley, general manager for
Nebraska of the Haddorff Piano
Company, was In the city Tuesday on
Miss Ola Burmood made a trip to
Scottsbluff Saturday afternoon for a
short visit with relatives at that
Mrs. George Read returned Satur
day from her trip of a couple of
months, spent visiting relatives in
Charley Spacht went to Bridge
port Wednesday to spend a few days
on his vacation before returning to
L. S. Dye, drayman, has been un
der the weather for a few days.
Myrtle Garet of Mullen was oper
ated on at the hospital last Saturday.
The little daughter of J. C. Scott
ad her tonsils removed at Alliance
ast week.
V. I. Jeep, of the Potash Products
Company, will make his home In Al
Mrs. Seaton of Sheridan was op
erated on at St. Joseph's hospital the
first of the week.
Nettle Uhrig of Hemlngford, who
was operated on at the hospital last
week, is Improving rapidly.
Marian Bailey of Llsco underwent
an operation for appendicitis last
week at the St. Joseph hospital.
Merle Welllver of Lulu came up
Wednesday to do some shopping, re
turning Thursday noon.- While here
she was the guest of Mildred Zurn.
James Williams and wife of Grand
Island, arrived Saturday noon. Mr.
Williams will be employed by the
Nebraska Telephone Co.
Ruby Griggs of Grand Island,
traveling chief operator for the Ne
braska Telephone Company, came up
last Thursday to give the operators
it Alliance examinations.
Mrs. Jeff Underwood of Exeter, Mrs. R. S. Campbell and family of
Nebr., returned to her home Monday Atlantic, Iowa, arrived the last of
noon after a visit In the city with the the week for a visit with her brothe r,
family of George Hagaman. Glen Gentle.
o o o
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nelson and Mrs. Delia Ilewson of Lincoln, who
daughter Delia returned Tuesday has boen visiting her aunt, Mrs. F.
noon from a trip to Los Angeles and
along the coast to Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wills and
daughter Janice returned from Du
luth, Minn., Monday after a two
weeks' visit with Mrs. Wills' mother
and sister.
P. R. McDowell and A..G. Red-
Bow printers
W. Lester, for three weeks, returned
to her home Saturday.
Mrs. J. A. Mallery left Wednesday
for Denver, accompanied by her
daughters, Leone and Dorrls. They
will spend a few days there.
The preliminary hearing of Harry
King, a colored man charged with
professional gambling, Is being held
fern, former Broken
who recently purchased the Jules-(in police court this morning
hnre Advocate, stopped over in me
city Sunday. Dr. John McCoy was called to Ella-
worth Tuesday night by the Illness
II. P. Coursey. of the firm of Keel- of a.cnild of Jack Kennedy, Burling-
er-Coursey Company. ora repre-1 ton aBent there. The doctor return
Bentatives. left Monday noon for urn- P(1 Wednesday noon
aha on business lor tne company, ne
will return today or tomorrow.
GIRL WANTED Inquire at AUi
ance Steam laundry.
Myers J. Hobbs and wife visited
with his parents in Alliance the last
tt tlio week after their return from
Wyoming and Colorado points. They
expect to spend the winter at either
Alliance or Bridgeport..
Mrk M. C. Beaumont of Glrard re
turned to her hme Mnday noon after
. chnri visit In the city with her
rtanehtpr. Mrs. D. W. Kenner. Mrs.
Kenner accompanied her for a visit
of a few days on the rami.
GIRL WANTED Inquire at Alli
ance Steam laundry.
n M:iUrv- nresident of the
rinh. returned ber 1st.
Aiudui-v vv, v-. - ....
Tuesday noon rrom "";""" S;tmmy Lucky, the
lowa, w i "?
funeral of J. W. Relkman. a former
fniiiinoni riitidron who was
buried in Council Bluffs on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Drabos and wife,
uncle and aunt of Mayor P. E. Romig
and Mrs. Ro-lp. his mother, all of
West Point, Nebraska, arrived last
Thursday for a visit here of a few
days. This is their first trip to wes
tern Nebraska and they were greatly
surprised with our little city
James Barry, A. S. Enyeart, Char
ley Lockwood and A. M. Miller were
down from Heiningford Wednesday
morning to atten da meeting of the
Ilox Butte county Dry Federation.
Phillip Thomas, editor and mana
kt of the Ashby Argus, published at
Ashby, a new town east of Alllitnce In
the hills, was In the city on Tuesday
Hiid Wednesday on a business trip.
John McCool, father of Hurt Mr-
Cool, whose home is at Ellsworth, is
In the city on a visit with Burt and
his family. Mr. McCool is seventy-
four years of age but Is hale and
High grade gnu'erie at e-lal
prion at the Itcitmval Sale now go
Wilt on at the staiulnni t.rooery
Price as advertised will continue
until the close of the Mile on Svptcin
colored boy
who was implicated to a small extent
with Jimmy Washlncton In the steal
ing of liquor from a local saloon, was
fined one dollar and costs Wednes
day morning in police court.
The annual Nebraska Methodis'
Episcopal church conference will b
held at Hastings. September 13. Th
conference will bo conducted by
Bishop Homer C. Sturtz. Rev. J. Ii
Cams of Alliance will attend the
GIRL WANTED Inquire at Alli
ance Steum I .nil miry.
An Ansley, Nebraska, business man
-came to Alliance Tuesday noon anu
inBlde of an hour was well picktea
He was given a rest over nieht in the
city bastlle and left town on weones
Mr. and Mrs. Wntklns of Bayard
relatives of Mrs. Richard Wat kins of
Alliance, stopped over Monday ou
their way home from attendance at
the old settlers reunion at Nebrask
City. Mrs. Watklns was the first
white child born at Nebraska City.
Jimmy Washington, charged with
day with a bad headache and a reso- burgJary an,j other' crimes, was
lution not to be so free with his thirst
In wet towns.
As lonir as the eoods last the lrlo
e on high chu groceries at the big
removal ttale will last at 'liie oianu.
ard Grocery Company until the clone
of the sale on September 1st
George Rouse and family, of Bill-
The property owners In Lake pre
lnct will take notice that the weeds
along the highways must be mowed
Immediately or I shall proceed to
cut the same and it will be taxed
against the land.
Road Overseer.
Watch this paper for the An
nouncement of our big
Fall Opening ,
It will pay you well to wait for the news which
a -
this ad will contain
New Goods are Arriving Daily
Watch for our Full Fall Display
Railroad Notes
Antloch now has a railroad agent,
he being installed there on August
opolls Hot Springs, Wyoming, and
the new Rocky Mountain National
Park, seventy miles northwest of
Carrying out a practice of long
standing, the Burlington annually
sends a large number of its business
getters on a trip to some important
and popular vacation spot In our
wonderfully fascinating West, real
iirifv fiiiv hnw muph hatter a man
Two new crossing alarm bells are I rho haB b(Mm on tne pround and Been
A new coal shed is being con
structed at Halsey, on the Alliance
division of the Burlington, to replace
he shed burned a short time ago.
Palmer Kicked by Horse
Frank Palmer of Antloch was in
the city Monday with a badly bruised
head, suffered Saturday when he
was kicked by a horse. Mr. Palmer
reports that the accident happened
In the bay field and that a gash four
inches In length was cut In his head.
Ills left shoulder and right arm were
badly bruised and he will be laid off
from work for some days.
being Installed on the Alliance divis
ion, ono at Merna and one at Ansel-
K. M. Mahaffy, of the" storehouse
force, made a short trip to his for
mer home at St. Joseph, leaving Sat
urday and returning Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Hughes and
children lcJ t on 41 Sunday for
Speartish canyon, in South Dakota,
where they will spend a week fish-
In and camping.
Supt. and Mis. W. M. Weidenha-
mer spent Sunday in Deadwood with
Mr. and Mrs. F. If. Bronkhorst. Mrs.
Bronkhorst is their daughter.
II. C. Patterson is a new brake-
man starting to work Wednesday.
Chief Dispatcher and Mrs. A. V.
Uavin are upending a couple of
weeks In Speartish canyon camping
and fishing.
Mrs. A. V. Arnold will spend Sun
day at Speartish canyon with Mr. aiiiJ
Mrs. A. V. Gavin.
W. E. Painter, train rule examin
er, was tn the city on company busi
ness Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Arrison are the
proud parents of a flue baby boy,
born at the hospital Sunday.
Tne new xtation at Antloch opens I persons were killed or Injured
what he Is talking about can serve
their patrons than one who Is guess
ing that so and so is the case.
These men travel In small detach
ments the first party will leave Chi-1
cago on the Northern Pacific Ex- I
press, the Yellowstone Tark train, at .
10 a. m., August Is.
Safety First Roles
Do you drive a motor car? If so,
Just run over these questions:
Have you noticed that many driv
ers cross railroad tracks without
looking or listening for trains Thous
ands risk their lives this way every
day. Yourself do you look and lis
ten T i
Trusting to luck at railroad cross- ;
Ings because of recklessness or Ig
norance or Bheer failure to realize
that a train may be coming do you
trust to luck?
When a train comes at that mo
ment, as happens not infrequently,
the trainmen are suddenly con
fronted with an auto or team on the
track-wlth no chance to avoid bitting
It. Result deaths, injuries, sor
row, vain regrets. Are you paving
the .way for this? -
The railroads recognize their re
sponsibilities and are every year Im
proving as many crosnings as possi
ble. What Is your responsibility?
Responsibility li b upon every
driver of automobile or team to
know the way is safe. Yet 3,894
Mitchell IhiNeliall Tenni Went East
The Mitchell baseball team stop
! ped over in Alllanco Monday on a
tour which bad already lasted two
; weeks and which will probably con
tlnue for another week. The boy
played Hemlngford Sunday and wo
the game by a score of 3 to S. Froa
Alliance the boys went to Seneca and
Hyannls Tuesday noon.
Meeting of Potash Men
A number of the officers of th
Potash Products Company were la
the city Friday on business. Among
thoso here were Judge W. A. Redlck
of Omaha, a director; T. E. Steven
of Omaha, president; Dr. Hernia.
Relnbold, of Omaha, vice president;
Carl Modlsett, V. I. Jeep and J. II.
for business today.
M. E. Coleman Is acting as chief
lispatcher while A. V. Gavin is on
his vacation.
We wish to announce to the people of Alliance that we are now
with a first-class line of
Bakery Goods and Delicatessen Foods
We will have a full line of fresh ami cooked meals, start
ing on Monday, August 28th. We are fitted to handle a large
amount of business in our new location and invite our old
friends to call, and extend mi in vital ion to those who have not
patronized us in the past to come in and get acquainted.
Curtis Home Bakery
II. P. Bromley has been transfer
red to Edgemont as truck repairer
at the round house.
C. N. Johnston.
Broken Bow, was
day on business.
roadmaster from
In the city Tues-
Vern Andress went as far as Hoi
.Springs Friday to meet his mother,
who has been spending the last week
at Sheridan.
H. S. Melton, operator at Mars
land, was called to his home at Kan
fas City on account of the serious
illness of nls mother.
Halpli Cox is takliif.' M. 10 Cob
an's phjee as night chief dispatch
bound over to district court Wednes
day afternoon at hl8 preliminary
hearing under bonus or ji.uuu
Washington Is now in the count
Jessie King, professional colored
gambler, was fined $25 and costs In
notice court this morning. His un-i
ings, Montana, were visiting wttn oia --i--:r - .m
i l i ,k oltv fnr a ftw hours loiiumun mm no ra. "
Ralph Shields, night call boy, buy
been promoted to a position as oper
ator and left Tuesday for Ardmore.
where he will go to work.
Mrs. F. H. Bronkhorst arrived ot
4 2 Wednesday for a brief visit with
her parents.
venr because drivers trusted that'
somehow Providence would look out i
for them. Many had passengers In
their care. Do you protect your I
passengers? '
The above Is a reproduction taken
from a card circulated by the Bur
limton Route in their Safety First
campaign. These cards are being
tacked up In couaicuous places In ,
Karuges and every other establish
ment where they are liable to catch
the eye of the motorist.
Iiook and listen at the railroad
erosHing, and if In doubt about the
way being safe, slop and investigate.
I That is the nafe way to do it. Do
you uo it tnai way?
With the ever-Increasing number
of automobiles in use, It is necessary
to adopt stringent measures to pro
tect the lives of the general public.
The railroads over the country are
giving much time and attention to
this problem but are helpless unless
the co-operation of the motorist is
The driver of an automobile
should read the above questions ov
er carefully; adopt it as his cate
chism. By following the suggestions
made therein, he will be doing his
full share toward s;vlng practically
four thousand lives during the year.
Wednesday. Mr. Rouse was on his
way to Bridgeport, where he was an
old Bottler, leaving about four years
ago for Billings.
Mlssesv Mary and Agnes Clayton,
who live at Roanoke, La., arrived on
Wednesday for a visit of a month
with their sister. Mrs. C. A. Ander-
nn. Thev came direct from Solor-
ado Sprlngi, where they have been
enjoying the lunjuer weather.
that length of time. The police are
af;er others who will be compelled
to follow King's lead soon.
Frank Dierka, a former Alliance
railroad man, died Tuesday night at
Sterling, following an operation
some time ago for appendicitis. Mr.
Dierka was a. hostler in the Burling
ton roundhouse at Alliance seven or
eight years ago. He is survived by
his wife and several children. He
carried insurance of $2,000 in the
Don't forget, the big removal aale Modern Woodmen of America
of ldgli class groceries eonttuueaa 1 1 , , , v
The Standard tlrocery until fteptem- , Edwin young son of F E
The Standard
ber lt.
George Ellis of the Ford garage
made a trip to Hyannls the first of
the week, returning Wednesday.
George Is a member of the Alliance
fire department and while at Hyan
nls assisted the local department
there to quell the fire in a couple of
railroad box cars which had been
. started by a hot box.
E. San
ders, suffered some pain and the loss
of a considerable amount or biooa
Inst before noon Monday when ho
trlnncd over some boards on tbe side
walk at the new federal building
and fell on a glass Jar which he was
carrying. The Jar broke and cut an
artery in his left wrist. He was Inv
mediately taken to Dr. Slagle'a office
and the wound dressed. He will re
cover without permanent injury.
Dwight Bennett has accepted a
position as brakeman with the Bur
C. C. Howard, railroad clock In
spector, of Omaha, is in tbe city In
specting the Bu.lington clocks.
D. J. Nelson and family have re
turned from a two weeks' outing in
Spearflsh canyon.
J. E. Walker, claim agent, went
through on 43 to Crawford Wednes
day on company business.
Thlrtyelght of the Burlington's
crack ticket agents from various sec
tions of the country will spend ten
days this month renewing acquaint
ances with the geyser and bears in
Yellowstone Park and otherwise
posting upon conditions generally.
They will enter the park via the
Gardiner Gateway and leave via the
new Cody road through the eastern I
Gateway the only motor route Into
the park the magnificent scenery of
which is attracting such marked at
tention from tourists this year. Re
turning from Yellowstone, these
"See Western America First" scouts
will also visit the celebrated Therm-
"What Congrea ha
don concerning
Armor Plant
and what peopU ara
thinking about It".
. LditarUl I
Thii U th title of booklet
W havt prepared. Wo
shall be glad to aon4
copy ft to any
no interottod.
Bethlehem Steel Co.
South Bothlohom, Pa.
Modern. Brotherhood 1
of America ,
Do you need Insurance? If m, it will
pay you to investigate our contracts.
We have six different contracts:
Fifty year term.
Sixty year term.
Whole lif t.
Death and old age.
Whole life twenty-year payment.
Death and old age twenty-year payment. "
If you die we pay. If you live we pay. After four years
in wo will loan you the money to pay with. If you drop out
we give you paid-up insurance. You can not lose. Let one
of our deputies explain our proposition to you. They will be
triad to call and we you any time. Insurance is an estate.
Have you an estate to leave to your wife or hsubandT
Living is high. Can your wife make expenses if you diet
Is it right for you to leave her without protection? We write
contracts from $250 to $5,000. Let us explain our plans to you
before you close a deal with any ono. It will not cost you any
thing and will not put you under any obligations.
We have an accident insurance that goes with any con
tract if you wish it. Our society is ou adequate rates. Sound.
Strong. Stands as a leader.
E. L Lawrence, District Deputy, Phone 770
MRS. F. E. SANDERS, Local Deputy. Phone 685.
1 t