The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 27, 1916, Image 7

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Final Clearance-Summer Blouses
We will place on sale for
a air day Only
160 Dainty Lingerie Blouses; tub Silks, in stripes and plain
colors, at
Values, $2.98 and $3.93
Other Lingerie Blouses in Great Variety, at
9c and 98c
Showing New Fall Skirts
We are showing all the new models in Fall Skirts, made of Gabardines, Poplins, French Serge,
Chautta Cloth, and Fancy Novelties.
Also a line of Skirts models suitable for stoat women.
'niimmiimminmiiimiin'"iinniiinmmM iiiMiiii)iiiiiiiiitiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiinwnwiiiimiiitiitttittjiiiiiimttitntm
Remove Face Ulemlftkes
Pimples, Blackheads, Acne, Tetter,
Ring Worm and that dreaded Ecxema
can be permanently removed from
your face and body by Dr. Hobson's
Ecxema Ointment. It la no longer
necessary to go around with an un
sightly complexion and suffer the
pain and annoyance that goes with
unsightly ailments. Dr. Hobson's
Eczema Ointment is a time tried,
guaranteed remedy, good for Infants,
adults and aged who suffer with skin
ailments. Buy a box today, start us
ing at once., Money back If not sat
isfied. 60c at your druggist
Adv 2
Dr. Ray to Speak Friday
Dr. C. W. Ray, a former pastor of
the Methodist Episcopal church here,
who is well known among the great
lecturers, will deliver a lecture at the
Methodist church tomorrow, Friday,
evening, at 8 o'clock. His subject
wll be "Travel Experiences in Ara
bia. Turkey, Egypt nnd the Holy
I ad." Admission: adults, 25 cents;
children, 10 cents. The lecture will
be under the auspices of the Ladies'
Aid Society.
Mrs. Jerry Madden and little
daughter returned from New York
last Saturday, where Mr. Madden has
been employed. Mr. Madden will re
main in New ,York, while Mrs. Mad
den and daughter thot it best to get
away from the epidemic of Infantile
Having leased our ranch for a term of years, we will close out all of our personal property
at a Closing Out Auction Sale, to be held at
Simon Spry's Barn, Alliance, Nebraska
Saturday, August 1 2, 1 91 6
22 Head of Horses, Cony!,ins
1 Span 6f Smooth-mouthed Mares, with colts
at their side.
1 Span of Four-year-old Mares, with colts at
their side.
2 Yearling Mare Colts.
1 Two-year-old Mare Colt.
1 Three-year-old Gelding.
7 Brood Mares.
2 Registered Belgian Mares, four and five
years old.
1 Registered Belgian Stallion, .eight years
old, weight 2150 pounds.
Mrs. Nellie Wilson, Librarian, Re
ports Fine List of New Hooks
at Public Library
Mrs. Nellie Wilson, librarian, re
ports the following new books re
ceived at the Alliance public library:
Rental Shelf
Just David rorter.
Heart of the Sunset Beach.
Longroad Home Palne.
Hunted Woman Curwood.
Side of the Angels King.
Speaking of Operations Cobb. .
Mrs. neefame Atherton.
Mr. Marx's Secret Oppenhelm.
Mr. Dingle McCutcheon.
Seventeen Tarklngton.
Golden Woman Culluni.
Daughter of the Rich Waller.
Kidnapped Campers Can field.
Young Alaskans Hough.
Wonderful Adventures of Nils
Children's Book of Xmas Stories
Tales of the Red Children Brown.
When Mother Lets Us Cook John
son. -
About Animals Carter.
Billy Whiskers Kids Montgom
Stories of Great Artists Home.
St. Nicholas' Xmas Book..
Goodwin's Course In Sewing
Smoky Day's Wigwam Evenings-
Boy Blue and His Friends Blals
dell. Overall Boys G rover.
Sunbonnet Babies Grover.
Hiawatha Primer Holbrook.
Hop the Cliff Dweller Jewett.
Tale of Benjamin Bunny Potter.
Life of a Wooden Doll Saxby.
Hollyhock House Taggart.
First Lessons with the Plants -Bailey.
King Arthur Stories Stevens.
Wild Neighbors Ingersoll.
Young Pitcher Grey.
Wild Bird Guests Baynes.
Boys and Girls from Thackery
Jack the Young Ranchman Grln
nell. Bow-wow and Mew-mew Cralk.
Fairy Stories and Fables Bald
win. Book of Nature Myths Holbrook.
Legends of the Red Children
Blue Bonnet Keeps House Jac-
Old Nursery Rhymes Le Mair.
Boys Make at Home Things
Fairytale Tlays Bell.
When Xmas Came Too Early
Alaska Days with John Muir
Little Black Sambo Baumerman.
Wigwam Stories Judd.
Mewanee, the Little Indian Boy
American Masters of Painting
American Masters of Sculptt
Central America and Its Problems
Works of Mark Twain.
Nan of Music Mountain Spear
man. , -
Crimson Gardenia Beach.
People Like Thut Bosher.
Rose and the Ring Thackery.
47 Head of Cattle
3 Registered Shorthorn Bulls, yearlings.
8 Registered Shorthorn Cows, four to eight
years old.
4 Registered Shorthorn Cows, three years
old. . '
5 Registered Shorthorn Cows, two years old.
1 Registered Shorthorn Cow, one year old.
4 Sucking Calves, subject to registry.
1 Registered Shorthorn Bull, three years
2 Registered Shorthorn Bulls, two years old.
2 Sucking Bull Calves .subject to registry.
1 Grade Milch Cow, five years old.
2 Grade Cows, four years old.
3 Grade Cows, two years old.
4 Grade Steers, one year old.
7 Grade Calves. y
Several of the above grade cows are milch
a Hay Machinery, Harness, Wagons and other Articles too numerous to mention
xVlSOe" 4. Pure Bred Hampshire Pigs.
All sums below $10.00 in cash. All sums over $10.00, twelve months time on
bankable paper ,at seven per cent interest.
J AS. B. LEITH & SON, Owners
H. P. COURSEY, S. A. GRIMES, Auctioneers R. M. HAMPTON, Clerk
The Eight Hour Day
Extract from an addree delivered before the 27th convention of
It. of I F. A K. bj
I'iMie Toiii'h Cabin Oiinpany I'mler 11
. Mammoth (an van
will exhibit at Alliance, Saturday
night, August 5.
"Uncle Tom's Cabin" is the most
beautiful play in the English langu
age and Justly deserves its popular
ity. The only play that Is identified
with American history. It has en
dured 50 years, and each succeeding
year but serves to add laurels to its
wreath of popularity. It breathes of
loyalty and liberty; It will inculcate
In the youthful mind a love of hon
esty, morality and Christianity; it
boldly stands for all that is GOOD,
and upholds to scorn and contempt
all that is bad, and for these reasons
it appeals to all Christian people as
the ideal of a great and moral play:
Some practical sugegstlons to fathers
and mothers: If you cannot afford to
visit but one show this season, this Ik
surely the one. Wo especially aioi
to amuse and Instruct the children
and preBent nothing inimical to youth
and Innocence. It will return you
both Instruction in American history
and wholesome recreation, more thsin
tn times the price of admission, it is
just what it Is advertised to be. uior
;il and refined and instructive as wll
: amusing. Burk's Big Uncle Tom's
Cabin Co. will exhibit at Alliance
Saturday night, August 5. under cun-
va. t'repare lor me coming evem.
A grand gala holiday for the rich and
poor alike.
As a result of the study I have been able to make, It Is my be
lief that there is one other point which transcends these original
rights of every man who tolls. The Commission on Industrial Rela
tions declared concisely what every Government Commission has
declared, what every sub-dlvlslon of government, state, municipality,
etc., has declared, what every board of hygiene appointed by the
government, what every educator has declared, for the last twenty
years at least, namely that the physical well being, the mental de
velopment and the recreational needs of men and women demand
that they should not be compelled to work more than eight hours
day. (Applause)
I predict that the march for the eight-hour day Is going to re
ceive an Impetus within the next three months that will carry it into
countless Industries in the United States, and no man or woman can
successfully deny the fundamental truth of what I have uttered upon
this subject.
Can any person truthfully assert that the demands of publlo or
domestic necessity call for a man working a greater number of hours
than are consistent with his health, and no man under our system of
lire has health and strength In any Industry in which one must work
without that full intelligence that God has given us and that we hope
to constantly extend? If there be truth In the great declaration
that knowledge Is power It would give the Hi to every school build
ing In the United States. It would be a charge of fraud against ev
ery university in this Republic, if wo said that any industry demand
ed that a man should work so long that he could not have full play
for his mental development; It would be a blow at the very founda
tion of the race. (Applause.)
Every constitution of free men says that we are entitled to pur
sue and practice a healthy clean pleasure in life. I do not under
stand how any man would be willing on account of any Interest to
place a curb upon the happiness of his brother man, and If recrea
tional needs demand that the human being shall work not more than
eight hours a day, then I say that that reason arises Just as high as
that of phystcal well-being, and mental development because they
run together, and It Is found that a man cannot reach his highest
degree of development unless he la free from care and feels a modi
cum of the voice which God has put into the hearts of all of His
the KiGirr-iioun movement
Now then, my friends, with this proven basis, we reach the prin
ciples that animate as today. We have an exhibition here of four
intelligent crafts, having first at heart, as they properly should have,'
the well-being of their own membership, but animated to do some
thing higher and nobler than that. If I mistake you not, and that la
to aid in the advancement or the whole race,, the building up of the
family life, the strengthening of the state that goes to make so strong
a nation, of Independent and free people.
Unless I am mistaken these Ideals animate you, and we will not
lose sight of the fact nor will the public lose eight of it that what
you have done so far has been done by bitter struggle.
Since I came to this city yesterday, a gentleman for whom I
have the highest regard, representing io his person and through or
ganizations, a great deal of the wealth of this western country, said
to me: "I am glad to sea that you are going to speak before the or
ganization up in the Auditorium tomorrow morning; I know that
your conservative voice will be raised in such a way as to prevent
the awful result of a strike in the great transportation industry of
this country." I told him: "You are mistaken; I am not going to
address a convention of the railroad managements of thfs country;
I am going to address a great body, representing, as I understand it,
pome ninety thousand of the workers on the railroads of the contin
ent, and I am going to say, upon my conscience, that they ought to
use their economic power in bringing about the eight-hour day."
(Applause.) I told him further that If he desired to have access to
a body that might prevent a tie-up of the freight and passenger serv
ice on the railroads of the United States Le should endeavor to at
tend a meeting of the railroad managers organization and ask tbem
to give these men what they are entitled to as workers end Ameri
can citizens, and keep the wheels of the railroads moving. (Ap
plause.) ' I need to make no argument here, as I have bad the pleasure of
doing many times in Gatherings of a more public character. We
understand exactly what this movement means. We understand
this demand, made na it is by men who have risen to the door of
freedom economically, and who propose that their crafts shall be
emancipated from intolerable employment conditions. This Is going
to be. 1 hor an Illustration of the great advantage of cobesiveneri
In labor. It Is going to be the greatest exhibition of solardlty of la
bor, I think, that has ever been given in these United States. And
I might have said to this gentleman, as I have oald many times in
public gatherings, the thinking power that the worker has when ex
pressed rightfully, and with a iew to bringing about proper condi
tions. Is neither s bud thing for himself uor a bad thing for the com
munity of which he Is an Integral part.
was elected chairman and Lie v. I
Thomas secretary. The follow! ;
delegates to the county ronv"
were elected: 1. M. Lawier, fc
Martin. J. W. Guthrie, Lloyd Tin -as,
Cal Cox and George Suyd
' .li
Ijook Good Feel Good
No one can either feel good nor
look good while suffering from con
stipation. Get rid of that tired, drag
gy, lifelens feeling by a treatment of
Dr. Kings New Life Tills. Tuy a
Iwiv frwluv tabu n hp or two nil In to
night In th niornlnir that stuffed. I Hacking '.
dull feeling Is gone and you feel bet-1 Don ' " '
ter at once. 25c at your druggist. j that n.i . v
Adv 2 a bnule oi l;r
i in une o r
IW-mnt ratlc lrelict Me-flii I all wlij u
The mass meeting of Democrat i in v;iru wit" '
Alliance east of Box Kutte uv"r.iu ii-mmiS''
was held at the court house l ii-1.;y . ;uoseiM
evening, July 21. There were quite
a number present and an interesting
meeting was held. John W. Guthrie jal sleep and aids nature to cure you
: v
tile .
kin-: lot i
t.i . t
. - . cor y,
iv, ''. ll"tit! . x.
son hi -ig pint; t !-
im' thr irriiHted air
-MOlll'- It-- IX spo's, '.
fa. j luuiuu;. tuiu prever.s .
racking the body with coughing. Dr.
King's New Discovery Induces natur
ue y-ti'r
Carte Family Iteiiulon
A family reunion is being held by
Dr. Cams, pastor of the Alliance
Methodist church, and his wife and
children. Only one member of the
family Is not at home, a son who is
in the employ of the government and
who could not get away at this time
from his work. Four daughters are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carns Mrs.
Leo Brown of Spokane, Wash.; Mrs.
William Cox of Rapid City, So. Dak.;
Mrs. Rev. Chambers of University
Place, Nebr.; and Mius Laura B.
Cams of Billings, Mont.
Should Sloan's Liniment Go Along?
Of course it should I For after a
strenuous day when your muscles
have been exercised to the limit an
application of Sloan's Liniment will
take the soreness and stiffness away
and get you In fine shape for the mor
row. Ton should also use it for a
sudden attack of toothache, stiff
neck, backache, stings, bites and th
many accidents that are incidental to
a vacation. "We should as soon leave
our baggage as go on a vacation or
camp out without 81osn'a Liniment."
Writes one vacationist: "We use It
for everything from cramps to tooth
ache." Put a bottle In your bag, be
prepared and have no regrets.
Adv I
Saturday Night
Burke's Big Uncle Tom's Cabin Company
2,500 PEOPLE