The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 20, 1916, Image 12

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Ing Supremacy
Men's 75c Union Suits 39c
-ifon'ii 85e Union Suits 59c
Ifunsing f 1.25 Union Suits .98c
$1.00 kind
shirts and Drawers
6i6 7
$3.00 Grades
nmWAlifS All If IIITA
tH'S alLv HA Id
Worth $1.00 and $1.25
all colors and sizes
Sale Price
Tomorrow's Styles
The Famous
Shows Today
Railroad Notes
Elmer Kronvall spent Sunday in
Hot Springs.
Superintendent Weldenhsmer re
turned Tuesday from Deadwood.'
The Burlington has added 73 feet
to the passenger platform at Morrill.
Chief Dispatcher A. V. Gavin made
a business trip to Edgemont Wednesday.
Miss Maggie Carmlchael has been
employed as stenographer at the
freight office.
Conductor V. I). Campbell return
ed Monday from a month's visit with
his mother at Taylor, Nebr.
Chief Dispatcher M. E. Coleman
returned Monday fro.a Greenwood,
Nebr., where he baa been visiting.
Mr. and Mrs. John Beach left Tues
day morning for a visit with Mrs.
Beach's folks at Fruitdale, 8. D.
II. P. Kauffman, traveling passen
ger agent for the Burlington, was In
the city Tuesday on his way west.
Miss Mabel Sward, who has been
working la the freight office, has
been transferred to the General Sup
erintendent's office.
Yardmaster O. E. Williams return
ed the latter part, of the week from
an extended trip through the east. He
Lapent several days In Milwaukee.
A Burlington official stated to Her
ald Armuth, last week, that Dalton
had shipped more wheat in 1915-16
than any other station in 'Nebraska.
Dalton Delegate.
Supt. Weldenhamer and Claim
Agent Walker of the Burlington
were In Broken Bow Tuesday and
Wednesday on business connected
with the new depot here.
Chief Dispatcher A.V. Gavin went
west Wednesday for the purpose of
Instructing Burlington operators on
the new book of rulea which goes In
to effect August 1.
The Alliance division wrecker was
sent to the Casper division Friday to
clear up a wreck on that division In
which sixteen cars of oil were derail
ed and destroyed by Are.
Tom Rowland Married
T. S. Rowland, former popular Al
liance railroad man, now located at
Crawford, was married on June 14 to
Miss Louise Yoakum of Ottumwa. la.
They have returned from their hon
eymoon and Tom will be back on the
Job August first.
l'stion Service of Alliance Churche
t R Held Sunday Morning
at itiautauqua Tent
Uev. Wilson Mills, D.D., of Onia
Jfea, will preach the sermon Sunday
jatornlng, July 23, at the chautauqua
tent on the Central school ground),
tat 11 o'clock. The service will be a
4 anion meeting.
ltev. Mills is superintendent of
.salstdons for the Amerlcau. Buptixt
publication Society ofVthe Western
-sistrlct, covering several states.
School (iardeu Club 11 uic
Ou Friday of last week the Garden-
-tngClub of the city schools spent a
very enjoyable evening at Broncho
daka. About twenty-six of the grad
jtchool members were present and
each pronounced the picnic one of the
tnopt enjoyable of the season. Five
ear carried the members' to the. lake,
leaving the Central school soon after
o'clock. One of the first features
of the evening by the male members
of 'ae party was a good swim which
ve y one Bays was almost as good as
tb- Bremen's plunge. At the same
ttnit' that the boys were swimming
the t'lrlB would not be bested, so they
went in wading. Following, ibis,
wvt ral games were staged and a po
tato race held for the boys an 1 girl,
as vas also a sack race, relay race
and other foot races. Itpfnv.h'v.i'
vi th r. . v i.ih (uPS!tMtl .
loo cream toiufc, lvinoitade and a 11 y
tie later roasted weinles and pt-aru:'
bu.ur sandwiches were handed out
Uel'ore leaving the lake the boyr,
could not resist the temptation :ia .
for a second limy took to the wuut
but they were not allowed to remain
long, as the cars for the return til,
were Boon seen coming over the hill
and it required a little hustling to
net .ready by 9 o'clock for the return
to the city. The members of t'ue
Fardeiilng club wish to take this
means of expressing their thanks to
those who so willingly furnished their
cars for the picnic.
Dispatcher and Mrs. Archie Greg
ory and children left this morning on
forty-one for a trip of a couple of
weeks in the west, going first to
Idaho Falls, Idaho and from there to
Basin, Wyoailng. They will visit j
relatives at both points.
Three tralnloads of stock passed
through Alliance last week, for the
market. These are the first ship-
rents of the season. A tralnload of
ock was also loaded Saturday be
tween Alliance and Seneca, and It is
i pec ted that at least one train load
will be loaded each week east of Al
Freight Conductor Dick Kenner is
getting quite a reputation as a base
ball umpire. On Sunday he umpired
a fast game between Seneca and
Brownlee at the Seneca dlamonCd.
The game went to Seneca by a score
of 5 to 4. The' boys say that Dick
makes an ideal umpire and that no
one had the temerity to try to whip
he umpire when decisions did not
Mm OonriiA Tlnnrnn unit Huitulitpr 1
returned Wednesday noon from
Pensylvanla, where they went several
weeks ago to spend the summer.
They found .the East disagreeably hot
and were glad to get back to a good
i limate where the nights are cool.
July Clearance
l U
HtcsSI -Hats "
Wonderful values in mid-season Trimmed and Tailored
Hats for street and uport wear. One hundred to select from.
$7.00, $6.00 and $5.00 values.
Values up to $15.00; poplins, serges, gabardines, taffeta
silks and a beautiful line of novelties; a great many of
these garments are all silk lined; without doubt the
greatest' values ever offered at this exceptionally low
price ... i ........... . $5.00
Enough for the week's demands and a variety of plain and trimmed
handles, offering a style for every taste. Saes for men and women.
Splendid values at 1 . . .91.00
Harper's Special
. $3.50
Pumps and Ox
fords for Women
The Special Prices to Apply During July
Our entire stock of $3.50 Women's Low Shoes is included
at the foregoing price, in fact, the range of styles is so varied
that you are almost certain to find the particular shoes you de
sire. To make the sale doubly attractive we will include several
short lines of higher grade low shoes at the same price.
Department Store
Alliance Mason Will Make Extensive
" Changes In Oadsby Rnlldln: ,
to Cost About $10,000
The plans for the remodeling of
' the Masonic Temple were accepted
and they are now In the hands of the
bidders. The bids will be opened
'July 30. If the bids are satisfactory
I the contract ' will be let and work
'commenced on the building August 1.
j The remodeling of Gadsby hall ln
I volves the expenditure of $10,000.
The exterior will be finished in white
stucco cement and will have entire
, new modern store fronts. A heating
plant will be installed and the bulld
' ing made three stories high.
I The lodge room will occupy the
Bouth half of the building on the
second and third floors, and will be
40x50 feet with a vaulted celling 20
feet high. The choir balcony or
mezzanine will be on the north half
of the third floor overlooking the
lodge room where the overflow can
be taken care of in case of a large at
tendance at special services.
1 5 Years of
Square Dealing
Men's Select Shirts
$1.25 Sport Shirts 98c
75c Dress Shirts 59c
$1.00 Dress Shirts 79c
$1.25 Extra fine Shirts 98o
$2.50 Silk Shirts $1.98
$4.00 Silk Shirts $2.98
We guarantee every color and
workmanship all High Grade
all 6izes.'
Mae Schafer of Scottsbluff arrived Mrs. O. E. Tisch of Tacoma, Wash.,
Tuesday morning to attend the wed- returned to Crawford Monday noon
ding of her brother Clarence. after a short visit with Belle Reid.
James Barry of Hemingford was
an Alliance visitor today.
E. H. Boyd, attorney, went to Mit
chell Wednesday on business.
11.' M. Bullock, atorney, went to
Edgemont Wednesday on a profes
sional trip.
' Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Rosenberger of
Hemingford were Alliance visitors
this morning.
Browne Church of Hemingford
came to Alliance Wednesday for med
ical treatment. -
J. W. Niehus of Redlngton came to
Alliance Wednesday with his wife,
who was on her way to Piatt, S. D.
W. 8. Barrett, who sold out the
Burlington hotel the first of the week,
left Wednesday for Sheridan, Wyo.
T. B. Hord, wealthy eastern Nebr
aska grain man, who owns a large
ranch near Lakeside, was In the city
today. .
Mrs. Ellen Hlmes and Miss Rebec
ca Himes of Normal, 111., arrived
Wednesday for a visit with 8. L.
Frank Palmer of Lakeside is In
the city today on business. Frank is
now busy getting his potash plant
started out
D. O. Bates, Singer sewing ma
chine representative, left Wednesday
ror Crawford, Chadron and other
nearby points.
Fred Fealn8 of the Alliance pom
office force, who was operated on
Tuesday at thjfe hospital, is getting
along very nicely.
W. A. Bowater, division superin
tendent of the National Adjusting
Association, of Los Angeles, was In
the city Wednesday.
Everybody's going to the big one
cent sale at Holsten'a the Itexall
Htore- 4i Thursday, Friday aud hat
nrday. Hundreds of bargains.
Mrs. Edna Turman of Lexington,
Mo., who has been vlPltlng her broth
er, Joe Vaughan, for about a month,
returned to her home Wednesday.
J. O. Kern, Burlington representa
tive, left Wednesday night for Lin
coln. He will return Friday accom
panied by Mrs. Kern, who will spend
most of the summer in Alliance.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
July 20, 21 and 22, are the days of
the big one cent sale at the Itexall
store. Take advantage of the bar-
Values up to $2.50. None worth
less than $1.50 Choice
100 Pairs
Oak Leather" Soles, all sizes
Sale Price
$3.50, $4.00, $5.00
All colors and leather
Your choice
If It's New
The Famous
Has It
llagles Smoker tniing
V. O. E. No. 136 will -give a smoker
for members, Thursday evening. July
IT, at the hall. This will be a regu
lar meeting night. The Eagles have
jafct purchased a fine Columbia phon
ograph from F. E. Holsten and are
rnjoying all the latest music arthe
Aerie home.
He's Onto His Job and Knows Where to Get Off At
MK. JAMES .!. .DOXAIUJK, assisttnt
cattle Halt Miinn in the employ of the Inter
State Live Stock Commission Co., was
horn and raised in Douglas County, Ne-
bi aska, JS years ago, and is another of the
energetic, bright, snappy atid experienced
type of men which the INTER STATE
possess, and making the firm more sub
stantial to the shipping trade.
Yes, he's a bully good fellow. Being a
native Nebraskan and brought up to know
the cattle business, Jim has a special lik
ing for handling Nebraska cattle. Readers
of this paper wlio have not met him yet
will find it a pi a sure to get acquainted
with him when at the South Omaha mar
ket, and if you have any business for
-k him to handle he'll do it right.
17 "13
id Hl&
The Inter-State Live Stock Commission. Company, South Omaha
. A Series of Cartoons full of Human Interest Number 4. . Watch for No. 5 Next Week .
Nebraska State Railway Commission
llulletln States That Agent and
tSatlon to Come
The following article regarding the
erection of a new Turlington depot at
Antiooh and the installation of ' an
ugent is taken fr a the Railway
Commission Bulletin of July 8. The
business referred to in the article ia
the potash Industry, which la rapidly
developing. Generally when this commission is
called upon to investigate the ade
quacy of depot facilities at any Ne
braska town or city and to issue an
order predicated upon its findings, it
finds the complaint of the municipal
ity vigorously resisted by the railway
During the month of June, how
ever, two complaints of this kind
arose in which an agreeable conclus
ion was reached without the neces
sity of a hearing, the taking of testi
mony, and the issuance of an order.
At Antioch. Nebr., the second sta
tion east of Alliance on the Burling
ton, date for a hearing and all other
arrangements had oen made for a
hearing. The defeudant carrier In
formally presented the fact that a
new Industry was being developed at
, the station in question and that the
j resulting traffic inbound and out
hound would, without doubt, justify
I the construction of a depot building
I and installation of an apent. On this
! account the hearing was postponed
sixty days and in the mean time an
'agent will be undoubtedly installed.
Rains offered.
Addison E. Sheldon, director of
the Nebraska Legislative Reference
Bureau, at Lincoln, was in the city
today on his way north. He expects
to return in about ten days and Is
traveling by auto.
Huph W. Gasaway, manager of
district number 30, In which Alliance
is located, for the International Cor
respondence Schools, who makes his
headquarters at Casper, Wyo., was in
the. city the first of the week.
Oih i en buy oih extra. The l-ig-get
sale of the cur1 at Holsten's, the
Ilexall store, . Thursday, Friday
and Kat.rdny of this week. Save
money cn n-fiil articles. See the
hlg ad or the bill.
Jack Leonard, expert auto mechan
ic who has been employed by Drake
& Barb at their garage for some time,
has gone to Hemingford to accept 4
pos'tion with Ed Mabln. Jac'i bus
made many friends In Allianco
among the young people and is naid
to have made quite a hit with tle
fair sex. We would not be surprised
tt he made frequent trips to Alliance.