Tub Alliance Herald The Leading Paper of Western Nebraska 3,000 Copies 16 Pages Two Sections READ BY EVERT MEMBER NEBRASKA STOCK GROWERS ASSOCIATION. ALL THE NEWS OF ALLIANCE AND WESTERN NEBRASKA OFFICIAL ORGAN NEBRASKA VOLUNTEER FIREMEN'S ASSOCIATION. IT REACHES HEADQUARTERS FOR 15,000 FIREMEN VOLUME XXIII ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1916 NUMBER 32 CITY COUNCIL AWARDED PAVIND AND SIDEWALKS ALLIANCE BASEBALL TEAM SCENE IN A NATIONAL GUARD CAMP AGRICULTURAL EXCURSION AND HARVEST PICNIC ldrge Portion of County lo lie Cover ed by Anion on Tue. day, July IS LOST TO SCOTTSBLUFF Oraent Contractors Awarded Work to Be Pone This Rummer, Amounting to $3,000 At the council meeting held Tues day evening there were present be sides the mayor Councllmen David eon, Welch, Davis', Moore, Snyder, Helpbringer and Kibble. Councilman Was Is absent on a business trip to Chicago. The application of Ben Anderson for permission to erect a steel lath and plaster building (stucco) on the corner lot across the street east of the Palace Livery barn was laid on the table. The council expressed themselves as desiring that the build ing be done but the city ordinances specify that the buildings erected within the fire limits be of brick or itone. , The application of the J. F. Tiller Company for permission to place a popcorn wagon on the street In front of the store was granted. Bids for curbing and guttering on Third street from Box Butte to Yel lowstone were received. The bid of J. J. Vance amounted to $1995.20, and that of the Nebraska Construc tion Company, the only other bidder, $2049.60. The contract was award ed to Mr. Vance. Bids on paving the alley between Third and Fourth streets and Box Butte and Laranile avenues were re ceived from The Nebraska Construc tion Company, amounting to $1160, and T. J. Beat, amounting to $1172. fin. The contract was awarded to the Nebraska Construction Company This is the company which is build ing the rew reservoir. "Bids for the construction of side walks street and alley crossings anl a i'inin'nc wall ryere received from 3 J Vance and T. J. Beal. Bears bid amounted to $2066.88, and Vance's. $2156.61. The contract was awarded to Mr. Beal. Bids were received for the rity scales, aa advertised. - T4-rtily b'd- der was wrr. uaviason. 10 wdoiu wvy were sold for $45. The mayor appointed Mrs. Jerry llowan as a member of the library board for a trm of three years. T. ber of the city park board for a term of three years, in place of M. 5?. Har H. Barnes was appointed as a mem graves, whose term has expired. Mayor Romtg and City Engineer Knight emphasized the need of a survey for a storm sewer, in oroer that construction work being done now would not have to be torn out In the future when such a sewer will undoubtedly, be constructed. The city council voted to employ Engin-j eer Grant of Lincoln, who made the surveys for the street grades and sanitary sewer, to survey for the storm sewer, at a cost of $350. Rev H. J. Young appeared In be ' half of the city band, asking that an additional $300 be granted the band for maintenance, with the under standing that street concerts be giv en. The request was granted. The mayor announced that a li cense had been g!vn to the PHIs-1 Floto shows to be in Alliance Aug ust 5. ! Fire Chief and auto trii'k driver; Leonard Pllklnelon was granted an; Increase of five dollnrs nr month in ' salary. The mayor snnounceu mat the council will meet for making the annual mill levy on July 28. A squad of twelve Wyoming con victs, honor men. ivtssed through Al liance Suniy noon with one guard. The men were going from the peni tentiary at Rawlins to northern Wy oming to work on road construction. WEATHER REPORT The following; weather report cov ers the first twelve days of July, re ported by F. W. Hicks, official weath er observer at Alliance. Rain july Max. Mln. 1 92 ' 60 J 95 54 3 95 60 4 93 54 5 97 65 97 5 T 94 . 59 t 92 56 9 98 60 10 94 60 11 80 0 12 6 fall .49 .68 Total rainfall Inches 1.17 The Unknown Wonder, Flaherty, Proved to lie a Iluckwoods Number Score t-3 The Alliance baseball boys are of the opinion that Chase Feagins may be an excellent Judge of "keows" but they pass the buck to him when It comes to picking a pitcher. L. Fla herty, of Hyannis, proved to be other than a baseball pitcher when Scotts- blufTB light hitting team went after him for 13 hits, 6 bases on ball, 23 bases and 2 high ones, with the re sult that the Alliance team went down to defeat to the tune of 9 to 3. The lineup, with the exception of the pitcher, was an excellent one for Al liance. In the first, Felton and Porter struck out, Gleason walked and scor ed when McNulty trippled to right center, Gray singled, scoring McNul ty, and Morgan grounded out to third. Scottsbluff Bcored one In their half on a base on balls to Rash and Owen Frank's two-base knock to center. Stlnson made the feature fielding play of the game when he nabbed I Hollenswortb's long drive to right j center, retiring the side. j Both teams scored one in the sec ond, but this ended it for Alliance. The boys seemed to lose heart at the steady bombardment of Flaherty's slants. Pickett, Owen Frank, Char lie Jackson and Guernsey were the httsmtths for Scottsbluff, while Dolly Gray. Morgan and McNulty swung the war club for long hits for the locals. Felton, Porter, Gray and Gleason fielded well for Alliance, as did the Jackson brothers, and Hol lensworth for Scottsbluff. Scottsbluff will play a return game at Alliance the latter part of August or the first of September. SCOTTSBLUFF AB It H PO A E Flckett. 3b . ... .4 1 t 2 1 2 2 Rah. cf 4 1 1 1 0 0 O. Frank, ss 4 2 2 1 2 1 H. Jackson, 2b . .2 1 1 1 2 0 C. Jackson, p . . . 4 1 2 0 3 0 Hollensworth, c .3 0 1 10 1 0 Gurnsey. rf 3 2 2 1 0 0 Westervelt, If. e. .4 112 0 0 Fisher, lb 4 0 1 10 1 1 Totals 32 9 12 27 11 4 ALLIANCE AB R II PO A E .4 0 1 1 5 1 .4 0 1 9 2 0 .310121 .4 1 110 0 .4 0 2 8 0 0 .4 0 1 2 0 1 .311101 , .1 0 0 0 0 0 .4 0 0 1 0 0 .3 0 0 0 1 1 3 3 7 24 10 5 Felton, ss 4 iorler jD 4 Score by Innings: Scotf-blutT 113 2 1 Alliance 2 10 0 0 1 0 0 0 9 O 0 0 03 WITH It Al I'llTlSEItH j , Herald readers will find especially ! iiit'Testing advertisements of value to them In the two sections of the, pipT this week. In this section Ihey 1 will find the following: Jlolsten's, the Itexall Store. an-( nouiicemert of one-cent sale. , Mollring'p. the store of quality, pay day specials. Tom Stalos, grocer. 14 lbs. sugar for $1, and other bargains. Program of Chautauqua which be- gins July 21. L. E. Roberts & Company, live stock announcement. L. H. Highland, Alliance Grocery, letter full of timely hints. C. L. Lester & Company, horse In spection announcement. The Famous Clothing Store. 15th Annual Sale. The Horace Bogue Store, July Clearance Sale. Harper Department Store, July Clearance Sale. Standard Grocery Company, bay time supplies. In the Second Section The Fashion Shop, the style cen ter. Dollar Day announcements. Western Oriental Store, closing out sale. Interstate Live Stock Commission Co. a live ad. With a host of smaller interesting advertisements that all deserve per usal. Patronise the advertisers who believe that advertising pays. FOR SALE OU TRADE 7-room house. Phone 86, C. C. Rodgers. fetter CITY OFFICERS' REPORTS Net Ijmiliigs of Light IVnrtimMit Drop 011 Account of IoiiRer Day and I'ss l'e of Power The reports of the city officers and departments as rendered to the city council Tuesday evening, for the month preceding, are as follows: T. D. Roberts, police magistrate, reported receipts from fines of $10, from Judge's fees, $16.40; from mar shal's fees. $12.60, a total of $40 for the month. The electric light department showed for the month ending June 16 gross earnings of $2730.99, dis count allowed of $176.15, operating expenses of $1357.91, construction costs of $414.19, with net earnings of $782.74. There are now 660 con sumers of light and power, an in crease of 9 over the month before, and of 83 over the same month a year ago. The water department for the quarter ending June 10 suoweu re- ceipts of $2039.14. The department has 695 consumers, an Increase of 10 over the same quarter a year ago. I n Isslon men are Justly proud of their The report of the city treasurer achievement in securing such prices, showed receipts in the general fund and It is a pleasure to call attention of $110.80, with disbursements of to their advertisement in which the $2308.37, leaviug a balance on hand facts In the case are set forth, of $154.20. with unpaid registered- Such Items aa this not only give warrants amounting to $13,831.27. publicity to the good work done at The water fund showed receipts of the market by the most enterprising $860.90 for the month, with disburse- live stock commission men, but at tuents of $2098.97. with a balance on the same time add much to the In hand of $273.43. The light f und ; terest of the paper among stockmen showed receipts of $2298.87 for the; and other people living In the ranch month, with disbursements of $2,-j country of Nebraska. 064.19, leaving a balance on hand of j $7736.46, with $1856.80 invested in. general fund warrants not included. ' There is a balance of $146.48 In the; cemetery fund and $150 In the fire , insurance fund. DRUGGIST RANKS HIGH F. K. Moisten, the Itexall Store, rank Ninth in F.i it ire SUte Among . AOO Drug Store Alliance's Itexall Store, of- which F. E. Holsten is proprietor, is one of five hundred Itexall stores in the btate. But this store stands niutn in ' 'he entire list iu the point of sales of I Itexall remedies and goods. This in- eludfs Lincoln. Omaha, and the oth er large cities. Mr. Holsten attributes a large part of his success with this line to the following of the plans laid out for Rexall druggists. This week he is announcing In The Herald a one-cent sale that will attract wide attention and which is of Interest to every reader of the paper. F. H. Hulen returned Wednesday noon from Denver. ' . K. W. Ray returned Wednesday morning from a business trip to Den ver. Moses Wright returned Wednesday r.oou from a trip of several weeks, covering eastern points. Mrs. W. R. Harper left Wednesday noon for Denver for a visit and vaca tion of about three weeks. Raymond Collins of the telephone company of Lincoln, Is visiting friends In Alliance this week. BIO PRICE FOR BEEVES South Omalui Live Stx k Commission Firm Sells Two Car Iliads of Cut tie at $11 ht Owl. The high prices that have been I paid at the live stock markets for fat cattle have given the commission firms a chance to try themselves In seeing who enn secure top prices for their customers. A good deal hns been said and printed about there not being sufficient competition among buyers at the live stock markets. Be that as it may, It is a fact that there is the keenest kind of competition umong the live stock commission firms who do the selling, all of them at least, all of the real live ones trying to secure every dollar possi ble for their customers, the stockmen who ship to the markets. By referring to the advertisement of L. E. Roberts & Co., live Btock commission merchants of Omaha, readers of The Herald will see that j anuiner recorn-nreaning price Das been paid at that market on a two-: load shipment of cattle. The com M'CORMICX TAKES CAFE Well Known Alliance IteMaui'ttnt Man to Ojhmi Cafe and I testa 11 rant In the Drake Hotel F. D. McCortiilck, proprietor of the Manhattan restaurant, and presl i dent of the Alliance volunteer tire I department, has taken over snd will open soon the dining room of the Drake hotel. It will be operated as a restaurant and cafe of the first class. The room Is being changed, a new marble counter and other new fixtures will be installed, and it will be completely fixt d out for hlgU tlub trade on the European plan before being opened for business. Mr. McCormick will continue to operate the Manhattan cafe for the present. Tommy Rock went to Edgemont Wednesday. E. L. Lovenburg, the Angora bank er, was In the city today on business. President Earl D. Mallery of the Commercial Club left Tuesday for Denver for a business trip. Thomas Jones of LIngle, Wyo., came over today to get a new Reo automobile from the Alliance dis tributors. Sturgeon & Powell. Mr. Jones sells the Reo and Ford line at LIngle. Mayor P. E. Roiuig left Tuesday night, following council meeting, for a trip of two weeks to eastern points in the United States. The mayor goes first direct to New York City, arriving there Friday night. He will it other points on the trip. DEATH OF FRANK DUNNING Former Alliance Ilnllrond Man llur led Wednesday Afternoon at Forsytlie, Montana Frank A. Dunning, former Alliance railroad conductor, died Sunday af ternoon at his home at Hysham, Mon tana, and was burled Wednesday af ternoon at Forsytlie, Montana. Death was caused by pneumonia, from which he was 111 only a short time. Mr. Dunning started with the Bur lington at Alliance In the water serv ice, afterwards holding the positions of brakeman and conductor, being with the railroad cotnpany'for eleven years. On June 22. 1910. Mr. Dunnlnul was married to Miss Inlce McCorkle of Alliance, to whom were born two children, a boy and a girl. After be- Ing married they went to Hysham, Montana, where they have made their home. Mr. Dunning business there. prospered In Mrs J C McCorkle mother of Mrs. Dunning, was summoned to sham on Friday by a telegrom stat - ing that there was no hope for Mr.' Dunnlng's recovery. On Sunday Mr. McCorkle was called, and on Mondav Norman McCorkle left to attend the funeral. IS ESCAPED CONVICT IJoi' Fiend Who Wrecked llemiiig ford Doctor's Oflire Iwtxt Week to He Tried for Damage James McDonald, alias Jack Wright, who a few days ago wrecked the front of the office of a Heir.ing ford physician, and who la now con fined in the county Jail, is an escaped jromlne month. They will also In convlct from the Washington peni-, ntall In the new loestlon a new Bow te'ntlary. according to his own state- i r oil tank, for accurate treasuring ment. 'and storage purposes. years of a twenty-one year penitent!-1 ary sentence in Washington before escaping and that he still has fifteen years to serve. He claims that he was "tent up" for the crime of an other man, who pot away with $2500 worth of furniture in Seattle. McDonald's mother lives at 2708 Fifteenth avenue, South, Seattle, Washington. He is also correspond ing with Mrs. Anna Hamilton, a nurse in the Illinois State Hospital at Watertown, 111. He will undoubted ly serve a term In the Lincoln peni tentiary before being sent back to Washington to finish his sentence there. He Is a dope fiend and re quires several grains of the drug each day. The Alllianre Orchestra will go to Bridgeport Friday night to furnish the music for a society da rue. Norman McCorkle returned this noon from the funeral of bis brother- in-law, Frank Dunning, at Forsythe, Mont. Rev. N. G. Palmer and County Commissioner J. M. Watiek of Hem - tngford were in the city today on bus- iness. 1 Superintendent W. M. Weldenba mer and party, consisting of his daughter Mrs. Frank Bronkhorst, son ' mond at the Fair Grounds with the Harold, Mrs. Weidenhamer, and Mrs. j Mitchell team. The Mitchell boys Chambers and daughter of McCook, .have a reputation as a strong: agpre left In the private car Wednesday nation and the game promises to be noon for Dead wood. an Interesting one. The Box Butte County Agricultur al Excursion andyllarvest Tlcnlc will be held Tuesday, July 18. This la a good opportunity to get acquainted with your neighbors, and everyone Is Invited to attend. Those who go should take their lunch baskets. Those who desire to go will be pro vided with places In the autos. rhona Mr. Seidell, the Commercial Club, A, S. Enyeart, Anton Uhrlg or K. L. Pierce. The schedule for the day Is as fol lows: 8:30 Leave Homlngford. 9:00 Leave A. II. Bacon's. Win ter Wheat, Potatoes, Corn Experi ments, Oat Smut Demonstrations, Al falfa and Sweet Clover Seeding. 9:30 Leave Luka Phillips'. Draft Horse Raising, Oats Smut Dem onstrations, Farm Water Supply. 10:00 Leave A. S. Enyeart's. Beef Cattle Raising, Oats Smut and Totato Demonstrations, Farm Water Supply. 10:30 Ieave George Carroll's.- Potato Growing, Potato Demonstra tions. 11:00 Leave John I Wlltsey's. Outs Smut and Potato Demonstra tions. 11:30 I,eave Joe Helman's. IIol steln Cattle, Hog Raising, Potato Demonstrations. 12:00 Arrive Furlnton Grove. Pic nic dinner. 1:00 Address of Welcome. 1:10 Response, A. S. Enyeart of IIfmln?ford. 1:20 The Fanners' Club F. M. Seidell, County Agricultural Agent. 1:30 Crop Conditions In Nebras kaProf. P. L. Gaddls, Extension Specialist. - 1:45 FHrmlng In Western Nebr- Prof- Erw,n T' ont' DPiirt- iment of Agronomy. J ,2:00 The Box Butte County Fair "Pres. A. u. Itoagers, Alliance. 2:10 Ball Game. 3:00 D. E. Turlnton's Pit Silo, Alfalfa In Rows. Corn Tests,, 3:30 -Arrive C. L. Powell's AI- Hy-i,a,fa and Wln,er Wheat, and Farm . Wn,er Supply. 4:00 Arrive r . m. uusseii s 1 Hn''' Kamr- hor ,f,8lB- 4:45 Arrive u J. henill s t.orit . Kxperiment. Potato Experiments. Po- tato Demonstrations, Stave Silo, Dai ry Barn, and Milking Machine. Short talks will be given by own- iers on methods used. Itiivn Meat Market Fixtures I The Standard Grocery Company, on Wednesday, placed an order for a complete set of meat market fixtures. Thes will be Installed In their new location In the Reddish Block on Box Butte avenue srd a mest department opened whn they move during th Hm RM of Lincoln arrived Tues day noon to vl"l friends snd attend the approachlre marriage of Nelle Keeler. L. L. Covington, of Omaha, came to Alliance the last of the week to bo connected with the local Haddorff Music Store. Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers of Cody, Ne braska, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Marvin, left Wednes day for Omaha. - Miss Ruth Morris will entertain at the opera house Friday evening In honor of Miss Margaret Welch and Mr. William O'Keefe. Miss Esther Wilson of Columbus came In Wednesday noon for a Tlslt with Miss Alta Young. Miss Wilson is on her way to Montana. Miss Mary A. Robertson and Miss Opal Russell, county superintendent, left Wednesday noon for Chadron, to attend the Rural Life Conference of County Superintendents at Chadron today and Friday. Miss Russell will ; return Saturday morning and Miss Robertson will return Monday. Next Baseball Game Here The baseball gamo next Sunday will be played on the Alliance dla-