The Alliance Herald The Leading Paper of Western Nebraska 3,000 Copies 16 Pages Two Sections iNV MVMDrt) Mf TJT) ACTTA CTnniT ntAWfOQ A C crwT TTiM ATT. TTTP. WF.UQ HP AT.T.TAMPP. AKH W1TRTF.RM MF.nP A QTT A READ st ffP xAL ORGAN NEBRASKA VOLUNTEER FIREMEN'S. ASSOCIATION. IT REACHES HEADQUARTERS FOR 16,000 FIREMEN VOLUME XX11I ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, N KHKASKA, THURSDAY, JULY 6, 1!M6 NUMBER 31 VARIETY ADDS INTER EST TO BUSINESS Interesting features of the Live Stock Trade Pre sented to Readers of The Alliance Herald by Means of Cuts and Cartoons "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." As a rule the man, as well as the boy, who devotes seme of his time to recreation and amusement is bet ter qualified to do his work well and transact busi ness successfully than he would be if he kept con stantly in the grind, with no variety, which is the spice of life, to relieve the monotony. A little fun, now and then, is relished by live stock commission merchants as well as other men. We are glad to give a glimpse of the comic side as -we have opportunity, 6ome of which appear in this iroue. Chas. F. Cox, manager of the Inter-State Live Stock Commission Co., at. South Omaha, employed an artist to draw pictures of the members the employees of the firm, representing the character istics of each and the particular part of the bus'ticss to which he gives attention. These pictures have been turned over to the Stockman editor with per mission to publish such information as wo choose to give regarding each of the ten men. They make an interesting series of cartoon. Number 1 was pub lished in The llarald last week, No. 2 appears in this issue, and one will be in each succeeding paper until all have bene published. The Groat Western Commission Co. has furnish ed The Herald the cut which appears on this page, a picture which tells ils own story to a considerable ex tent, but we might add : The steer was bought March 15, 116, by the (treat Western commission Co., to fill an order, tle price paid being $8.10, j weight 1,160, total $1)3.58; the same steer was soldj by them June 8, llJlb, at sjill.UU, tne lirst steer to sea at that price on the Omaha market, weight 1,510 pounds, bringing $166.10. NO OTHER PAPER LIKE IT There is no other paper published in Nebraska on the plan of The Nebraska Stockman, monthly, printed in connection with special monthly stock only because circumstances have favored the Stock without disparagement to any other papers, may be spoken of as the leading newspaper of the west half of this state. The reason that there are no other papers pub lished on the plan of The Nebraska Stockmeu is not hard to find: The reason is that there" is not enough business in the proposition to make more than one paper of this kind profitable. There are somes plen did farm papers published in Nebraska and adjoin ing states. These have their principal circulation, as a matter of convenience and necessity, in the thickly uottWlp fltrripiihiiral districts: and. as a matter of course, arc devoted mostly to the subjects that are! of most interest to the fanners of those sections. j It's r hard matter to secure a circulation in a, sparsely settlde ranching country sufficient to make such a venture as The Nebraska Stockman a paying proposition. The expense of sending out subscrip tion solicitors in the sandhills country is larger, sev eral times, in proportion to the number of people reached, than in a thickly settled farming country, KO that it is hard to secure a large list of subscribers. A local newspaper that depends only, or principally, upon th advertising of the merchants of the town ii! which it is published, usually charges' a rate for ad vertising space sufficient to pay the cost of publica tion, whether the number of subscribers is two or three hundred or two or three thousand; but the paper that must depend for its advertising patron age wholly upon customers at a distance from th place of publication, must base its rates upon actual circulation. We are proud of the subscription and adverliv ing patronage givn The -Nebraska Stoekmnii an" The Alliance Herald; but as a mittvr of fact, it men's editions of the weely Alliance Herald, wbiol man-Herald proposition ami that the publishers have been willing to do a lot of hard work for little pay i: getting the Nebraska Stockman started that we have succeeded in ge tting the enterprise established. While we are speaking about it. we wish to sa that The Nebraska Stockman is not a local paper, as it has, in connection with the monthly stockmen's editions of the Alliance Herald, a general circulation thniout the Nebraska ranch country. Much time, hard work and money is expended m securing mat ter for the publication to make of it a paper accord ing to our ideals of a ranchman 'h periodical. Am' we wish to also express our appreciation of the en operation which we have received from leading ranchmen and others in helping to make a Nueces of the enterprise. ' ' "'"'"' V'' ' ' Y ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' '' ' mil'"1 ' '" 1 , ;-..- S' - -""' ---T ,V-V- rtlt-r' Tr J' s i Scene in Omaha Union Stock Yards Three Top-Notchcrs "The Great Western Twins" and the First $11.00 Steer Ever Sold On the Omaha Market. Omaha Live Stock Exchange on "The Kelatiouship of the Coin mission .Merchant ami the Ex change to the Shipper." Ueport of the chief brand in spector in full, and a summary of inspection for the past seventeen years. Members oi the. Nebraska Stock Growers' Association who' wish to bring to the attention of' other ranchmen the importance of membership in the association should call tneir attention to mis report and summary and have them make a little study of the same. Report of the secretary-treasurer. j'eport of the committee on res olutions. , IVnbatily a paper by L)r,;C- Lee.eljhe tate Experiiuclit Sta tion on" Animal Husbandry." The above will not be puldished as one continuous account of the convention proceedings, but will le- pi inltd under different head-j ing., lhiiv making tlie publication; mo i.' etlii.etive and the various . iliel s more reatlable, one at a 1 Mile. Entire' ri'nt -rsei. Marie ' U t mv r J"i mii'M Jie is not ec i ..1 r!;.;; your n i-i" y n . proposing 1 yet;? !!t' (ri 1 1 sure! He sa ni y .si. t nigiil ho n:v cr thought o. ..a. i. .i.nj;i.v ku-x i hud it and U . Do cur-'U. - - jUoBton Transt . ; i. Her Supposition. Miss Angelina (to Cn-in Prnwn, who has been cniining in Aiubkau wa ters) "I suppose, captain, that in those northern latitudes during a part of the year the sun doesn't sot till 'quite a while alter dark." Christian Register. Frut Ij Healthful. Fruits nre not only wholesolhe as food hut orton uct lienoliclally as med teinoB riu :tdd of some fruits are good deatrnycrs of disease gorms and tend lu ii h well uh keep the otpaiiB ot eerel'vi and the whole di festive in a iieiilihy condition. Impc Lovlryr t hi tart ' ';-. ( arter 1. 1 - 'I'l;!' ! .i ui .. I. -! . n... ,. is li i It. Iv.'pui J u.fnji V. : t ' i !:' Huliol tanl t.iitifc. " 'Her-' Firry-Ms.- v - Th weipi't '. ' - :-Mtno o r.!"!' in Ni-.t Vorfe h i. ' ,-. ; iu We Have Ali Noticed It. "Curi ' ioumy quoted Pro- fostuir .'uto, cine lioine lo roost. "Just so!" nlurmd the Old toiler "And tl.e eioro nr.u-.y and worihiost they are th nio e lively they'll bo to telegraph us to s. u-l thorn the nione to coiuo iivjnie on. --i-iainsas City tstar HAS IT OCCURED TO YOU? OVERFLOW FROM STOCKMEN'S EDITIONS Two Editions of Herald Per Month Featuring Lire btocK Business Necessary on Account of Large Amount of Matter to be Published INTERESTING ADDRESSES AND REPORTS A report of the annual convention of the Ne braska Stock Growers' Association, held in Alliance, June 20 and 21, was published in The Herald, in the issue next followin, a somewhat extended report, as such reports ordinarily go; but a more extended re port than has ever yet, to our knowledge, been pub lished of such a meeting in Nebraska w ill be printed in The Nebraska Stockman for July, to be issued the latter part of the month. This report will not be v reiteration of the program, such as is sometime called a "report," but will contain the following: Address of Kdward L. Burke, viee-chainnan of the market committee of the National Live Stock Association, on the work of the committee and the importance of co-operation of raisers and shippers of live stock. Lecture of Prof. A. t!. Whit ford of New York oti "The Prehistoric Animals of the Nebraska Plains." Address of Dr. Hadleigh Mash of Washington. D. C, on "Blackleg and Infectious Abortion." Address of Secretary A. F. Stryker of the South Men and live stock commission firms at the markets accessible to the shippers from tho ranch country of Nebraska, the territory in w hich The Ne hraska Stockman and The Alliance Herald have their principal circulation, make such large demanda upon the advertising space of the two papers, and there is so much to be published relative to live stock interests, that one special stockmen's edition per month devoted to such matters is not sufficient at this season of the year, hence wo find it necessary to publish in other issues of The Herald quite a con siderable overflow matter from the special monthly stockmen s edition, which contains the matter pre pared for and published in The Nebraska Stockman, monthly. In this issue of The Herald, readers will find much matter of the kind above referred to. We call special attention to the advertisements of live stock commission men who give particular attention to Nebraska ranch cattle and take this means of reach ing ranchmen with their announcements. Advertise ments for the following firms, all doing business at the South Omaha market, will be found in this is sue of The Herald j IJryson Bros., Byers Bros. & Co., Cox-Jones-v an Alstinc Co., Farns-Marcy Co., Fra-zicr-Johnson Co., Creat Western Commission Co., Inter-State Live Stock Commission Co., Mutual Live Stock Commission -Co., Omaha Live Stock Commis si . Co., L. E. Kooerts & Co., Snyder-Malone-Coff- m an Co. LIVE STOCK TRANSIT INSURANCE Shippers who arc not accustomed to insuring live stock in transit will do well to investigate this kind of insurance. Taking into consideration the matter of freight rates, the certainty of securing, promptly an without unnecessary expense, the pay ment of losses, if any occur, this is one of the best and most profitable forms of insurance that can be taken out. We refer to the advertisement of the live stock department of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company, appearing in this paper. If the Preparedness Paradert Are So Strong for Preparedness illllltf III! rwrak - um r 'i fit J rhiJfnr yri i Marzix c? mm? ff wan &m i -v- ----- -- IT'S HERE, ALREADY "Westward the star of empire takes it way." lu tho Orient women work alongside the men doing the hard labor of the field. In Europe they are pretty near as bad, doing much of the farm work by haud. In New England they farm with one horse. In the Middle West the use a two-horse team. Far ther west we use four horses. One man with four horses will do twice the work that one man with two horses can accomplish ami 20 times more than one man can do with his hands. Also the tractor is com ;ng. Farmer and Breeder. . J . 1 " THE NEBRASKA STOCKMAN The Nebraska Stockman is not a farm paper, mt is what its name indicates, a stockman's publica tion, devoted especially to the important ranching interests of the western half of this state. Some mention is made in The Stockman of farming mat ters ami the development of agriculture in western Nebraska, but these items have reference to matters in which ranchmen are interested from the feeding viewpoint. The Nebraska Stockman is the paper that is dif ferent. It is distinctly the ranchmen's publication. We want the name of all the ranchmen and other persons interested in this important industry on the Mibseription list. If yours is not there now, send at once to HERALD PUBLISHING CO., Alliance, Neb. The subscription price' is fifty cents per year. GOOD CORN AND HAY WEATHER This hot weather is making tlu1 corn in eastern Nebraska -and Iowa grow by leaps and .bounds. What do ihe ranchmen of western Nebraska care for corn weather? They are not growing much corn, to be sure, but they're raising a lot of stuff that will ieed corn next fall and winter, and the better the rop of corn the stronger the demand will be for the aiich stuff. Besides this is good hay weather for the ranch inan, and especially favorable for those who have low meadows. A HUMMER, IF YOU PLEASE The June edition of the Nebraska Stockman, is sued from the office of the Herald Publishing Co., Alliance, was a hummer, the finest thing of the kind vet printed in western Nebraska. The July number will be of special interest on account of what it will contain in the way of speeches, reports, etc., men tioned elsewhert. besides much other interesting matter. It is probably not saying too much that this issue of The Stockman will be worth the price of a venr s subscription to members of the Nebraska Stock Growers' Association and other Nebraska ranchmen. If vour name is not on the subscription list and you want it there in time to insure getting the July number, send it at once to nerald Publish- intr Co., Alliance, Nebr. Price of the Nebraska Stockman, monthly, one year, 50 cents; The Alliance Herald, weekly, including monthly stokmen s edi tion, 1.50 per year. Why Not March to the Recreiti::- '.7:;t.e T. ty Arc ltt. "? Sioux City Journal WAS HE THINKTNK OF NEBRASKA? According to an editorial in the Farmer and Breeder, published at Sioux City, Lieutenant Gov ernor Harding, made an excellent point when he said that "not only in the state of Iowa, but in every state in the Union as well as in the federal government, there has developed a mania for the passing of laws and the creation of com missions."