THE NEBRASKA STOCKMAN SECTION OF The Alliance Herald Read by Erery Member Nebraska Stock Oro Association? It Reaches Headquarters for and Western Nebraska Official Organ Nebraska Volunteer Firemen' wert Association. All the News of Alliance 15,000 Firemen VOLUME II JULY, 1916 NUMBER 1 - I National Swine Show At Omaha, October. 2 to 7, Making Use or the Unexcelled Facilities of Omaha Union Stock Yards The National Swine Show which la to be held at Omaha, Oct. 2 to 7, this rear, will be a big event, and is al ready attracting much attention. More than 3,000 head of hogs will be exhibited. ,By that ;time the Im provement that are' now under way will be completed, giving to Omaha the finest hog yards in the world. That Is patting it pretty strong, but from all we can learn the facts justi fy the statement the hog show, however, will be. held: in the new horse barn. ' ors to the first national show would be treated In the way of pens, show rings, sanitation, feeding arrange ments, shipping facilities and other Important things that the careful showman is looking out for. We ar rived home with this thought fixed in our mind: If. all the other phases of the big show are as uniformly satisfactory, high-class and adequate as the -facilities for handling It, there will be no question about it being the greatest how that was ever held, anywhere. ! at any time. Daylight Everywhere In all the big pavilion there is not a poor pen, euner as regaras loca tion, convenience or light. It Is sure ly a daylight affair. Ia all the big main building, which is fireproof, ralnDroof. and as nearly germproof as any building can be, there is not ery corner. There are just two sites of pens, the double and the single ones, the former being just twice the sixe of the latter. The single pens are 5 ft. x 9 ft., and large enough to accommodate one big fellow or a couple of small ones. The double pens are 10 ft z 9 ft - Feed will be delivered, If desired, to the pens every morning. There Is also a rack or shelf at the front of each pen that will hold enough feed for several days. Two forge Show Kings Two large show rings, situated where the light Is unusually good, and with plenty of ringside seats, are available. ' ; You fellows will never know what it is to show your hogs under the Ideal conditions until you ship Into A New Organization Katloual Traders' Uve Stock Ei change Organized with J. II. Ilulla as First President A class of men doing business at the live stock maraets, commonly known as traders, constitute an im portant factor in making a demand for the stuff shipped there for sale and in equalising prices. Their ben efit to the market is most noticeable when there Is an unusually heavy run of live stock and when packers seem disposed to beat down prices. ' By being in position to hold the stuff which they buy for a while, If neces sary, and in filling out-of-town or ders, they create a demand that Ik i,n ii r " A' -,(t.J!.;.v ? 12 N-' 1 Jfer , -r-xV - r .,: : ' :! vOv ; x i Showing the SECTION OF THE OMAHA UNION STOCK YARD3 Feeder Dxrlalon. Note the Asphalt and Concrete Paying in Alleys and Pens, and the Excellent Equipment The following description of the arrangements that are being made at Omaha for the accommodation of the National Swine Show is-taken from The Duroc Bulletin, published at Chi cago, and Is written by podge Jones, business manager of that publication: Splendid Fci Swine breeders will fi$d oceans of room, light, convenience and ade quate sanitary precautions. Eastern breederj and others who have not had the opportunity of per sonally acquainting themselves with the facilities for handling the Nation al Swine Show at, Omaha' have been naturally and rightly curious as to just what they could expect In the way of accommodattpn' for. their hogs. The writer, too. was. curious to the extent of going to vOmah last week and spending a duKeeelqg for him self, at first hanavfsS ftw xkibit- a dark corner. You can show every inch of your hog, from the tip of bis toes to the end of his nose, at any hour of the day, In any pen In the building, and you can show him right The sanitary end of It Is also wor thy of more than passing notice. The pavilion is floored with concrete thru out, and so arranged that every peg and every alley, In fact, every foot of floor space, can be flooded and clean ed every morning. There is running water accessible to all the pens, and Instead of having to drive out your hog and wash him in a mud puddle, you merely drive him into the alley back of bia pen and wash him on a concrete floor over a drain. Pens Concrete, Too The pens are all solid concrete, and so arranged that the light, com ing down from above, farm eat es ev- Omaha next October and drive your good ones Into the National Swine Show. . Blgnell Sold Fine Cattle Wm. Blgnell, of Blgnell Brothers, sold four carloads of fine grass beeves on the South Omaha market Monday morning at a price of $1 from the killers. Mr. Blgnell, In an interview with the Dally Drovers Journal, pre dicted a big hay crop and plenty of feed for the coming winter. Blgnell Brothers ship each year several car loads of fine "grassers" during the grass season to this market. Two Shows In One "Town" Saturday, August 6, will be the day and date. 8ells-Floto Circus will give a performance In the afternoon. Burk's Big Uncle Tom's Cabin Cp. will give their performance at night only, starting at I o'clock. often very helpful to sellers in secur ing fair prices.. At most, if not all, of the large live stock markets the traders have their exchanges organised for th. purpose of weo.llng out Irresponsible deulors and putting their business on a good footing. They now have a national organization. Delegates from a half doien or more markets met in the Live Stock Exchange building in Om aha, July 21 and 22, and organized the National Traders' Live Stock Ex change. ""Owing to the lack of full Instruc tions from their local exchanges not all of the delegates were at liberty to announce that they would join the National. Chicago, Sioux City, St. Louis and Omaha joined the organis ation at once and the delegates from (Continued on page 24)