CITY OFFICERS REPORTS Pepnrtinent Continue to Make tJootl Showing 9:12,1208.8:1 Paid Out During Year J versa! ion there Is 1 iilit resonance of Rounl,,but In rising Ml temper the vocal sounds acquire a metallic pound. A Joyous temperament Is expressed by a Hinting laugh, while ploy higher and lower Intervals, and reaches them by leaps from a low tone to a biRher one, and reverse, rather than by using the Intermedi ate steps In the progress from tone the unburdening of grief approaches to tone. The "How do you do" ex- Clty officers and department re ports, as rendered to the mayor and city council at the regular meeting Tuesday evening were as folows: Report of the police magistrate for the month of May, 1916, showed re ceipts from Tines of $17.00. marshal! fees 118.90, Judge's fees $26.10, to tal $62.00. Report of the electric light depart ment for the month ending May Hth showed gross earnings for the month of $2,728.29, discount allowed amoutlng to $192. IS, operating ex penses of $1,605.82, construction $1.85. with net earnings of $928.97. Operating expenses were extraordi narily heavy on account of the con struction of new power lines in the buslnes district during the month. The department now bus 6 4.1 con sumers, an Increase of 6 for the month. The report or the water orpari-i mont showed receipts of $1,150.13 I X for the month w'th 693 consumers now on the booka. The report of the city treasurer X showed receipts In the general fund: of $7,294.61 and disbursements of, $5,641.95. with a balance on hand of LX $2,851.77 and registered warrants unpaid amounting to $13,559.93. In the water fund there was a balance of $1,546.11; receipts of $850.31; d'Lburaements amounted to 8884.92, leaving on hand $1,511.50. The light fund had a balance of $8,408.54, receipts of $6,019.16. Dis bursements were $6,925.72, leaving a balance on hand of $7,601.98 and $1,453.46 Invested In gei crrl fund warrants. There Is n balance in the cemetery fund of $209.35. Paid Out Year 1015 lading May O and alley $9,315.77 Fire and water 1,046.42 Salary 5.461.86 Sewer 2,121.98 stationery ana nriaiuiK .. i the sonorous quality of the tones of chanting. Now to employ these qualities of tone under the stress of the various emotions necessitates an adjustment of the vocal organs. For instance, speak a few words and then sing them without changing the pitch or loudness and an adjustment of the vocal organs will be noticed; and to produce a sonorous sound the organs must be drawn out of their usual pos ition. Thus we have another exam ple of the relation between the men tal states of pleasure or pnln and changed by persons meeting daily Is far different from that of a sudden chance meeting of a long absented friend. And Illustrations of like kind may be cited in large quanti ties. The last characteristic, the rate of variation. Is one that Is bard to Il lustrate, but may be discerned In the difference between a calm narration and voices during a moment of In tense excitement, during which the intervals and pitch will change and vary with great rapidity. Children muscular action; and also, the great-1 at play will be noticed to run up and down the entire scale line with the greatest speed. And now we have seen that we have a common ground for the dif ferent characteristics used In music for mere vocal expression: a physlol- ei the sensation the more sonorous the quality of the vocal sound. Tne tones of ordinary conversation are made almost without effort; but to make them higher or lower it re quires considerable effort and action Will SI. .mi's Liniment Itclievv Tain? Try it and see one application will prove more than a column of claims. James S. Ferguson, I'hila., I'a., writes: "I have had wonderful relief since I used Sloan's Liniment on my knees. To think after all these years of pain one application gave me relief. Many thanks for what your remedy has done for me." Don't keep on suffering, apply Sloan'a Liniment where your pain Is and notice how quick you get roller. Penetrates without rubbing. Buy It at any Drug Store. 25c. Adv 3 Joe's Loss Important. The teacher Lad written a note of thanks acknowledging a gift sent her by little Joseph's mother. Joseph dropped it as he was leaving the build ing and a classmate was heard to call after him. "Say, Joe, you lost your receipt." Catarrh Cannot lie Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the dis ease. Catarrh Is a local disease, greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions, and In order to cure It you must take an Internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter nally and acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. Hall's Catarrh Cure was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this coun try for years. It Is composed of some of the best tonics known, com bined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination of the Ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Cure is what produces such wonder ful results in catarrhal conditions. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo. O. All Druggists, 76c. Hall's Family fills for constipa tion. Adv-June Str and city hall lighting. . 4,055.75 Total $32,268.62 Y I A It "y HEAR WITHOUT EARS Police and Detectives Are Using Lip Heading In Place of the Dictagraph Thousands of deaf people are today throwing away all hearing devices I and enjoying all conversation. This j method is easily and quickly acquired ' thru our system. Absolutely the only thing of its kind In the country. Our proposition is entirely original. We ! guarantee results, It will amaze you. , Cost Is trifling. See what New Inter- ' national Encyclopaedia says on Lip I Reading. Hundreds of people with I normal hearing are taking up Lip Reading for the many adldtlonal ben nflts gained. You can understand what the actors are saying In the ' moving pictures. You can under stand what people are saying Just a far away as you can see them. The ye understands beyond the range o' , bearing. Send no money, but men , Un .hl ......... ...,. V, - I not you are deaf. All particulars will be sent you absolutely free and with no expense to you. Address. School of Lip Language. Kansas City. Missouri. Musical Column Edited by IUlph It. lidacke, Violinist with the Alliance School of Music mi'sio as a iax;i'A;i: (Continued) Last week we discovered how both pleasurable and painful sensations or emotions caused muscular netion In the physical being of both animals and man; and also that the muscular action Included the muscles of the chest, larynx and vocal chords, mus cles which are used to produce vocal aound. And thus we arrived at the principle that vocal sound Is the di rect result of sensations or emotions whether pleasurable or' painful. All mu1c has the different charac teristics of loudness, quality or tim bre, pitch. Intervals, and rate of vari ation. ' Docs mere vocal sound, used in the ull important business of liv ing, employ the same characteristics T We shall bee. Between the volume of sound giv en forth from a blast of the luugs, and the volume of sound given forth from a blast of the bellows of an or gan there Is a great similarity. As the sound from the organ increases with the strength of the blast from the bellows, so the vocal sound in creases with the strength of the blast from the lungs. But since the vocal sounds are produced through con traction of the abdomen and chest muscles, which muscular action be ing caused h; pleasurable or painful sensations or 'emotions, and the mus cular action increasing with the in crease of Intensity of the emotion; it therefore follows that the Increase of loudness to the vocal sound la the result of the increase of intensity of the emotion, as it strengthens the activity of sound producing muscles. For example, a Blight pain may be borne silently, but as it increases and persists causes groans and finally shrieks. lxud voices indicate anger, surprise or Joy. "Commencing with apathy, we find that the utterances grow louder as the sensations or emo tions, whether pleasurable or pain ful, grow stronger." The qualities of voice are every day occurrences and It will be no ticed that under different states of excitement the tones become more and more sonorous. In common con- Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ? t V Y Y Y Y Y Y Y V Y Y v A. V Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Service First SOUTH OMAHA Service First nMmKKnT Receipts for the Years Ending December 31, 1915-1914 Cattle Hogs .... Sheep .... Horses and Mules Carloads . . . 1915 1,218,342 2,642,973 3,268,279 41,679 101,786 1914 938,817 2,258,620 3,113,889 30,688 83,139 Increase 279,525 384,353 154,390 10,991 18,647 Per Cent Increase 29.8 17.0 4.9 35.8 22.4 Why the Increase? Because it is a clean market for clean live stock. It is the most modern Live Stock market in the world, over $1,600,000 having been expended during the past six years for im provements and betterments, insuring shippers the very best and most efficient facilities for the prompt handling and marketing of stock. The South Omaha Stock Yards are open for inspection, as well as for the handling of your live stock. Enormous increase in livestock receipts during 1915 over previous years means Service that Satisfies Service First Union Stock Yards Co. (Limited) OMAHA Service First TO888nf DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION State Convention to lie Held at list ings ou July SM Other State Capitol News t Y Y Y z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Lincoln, Nebr., June 14 (By F. C. Ay res and Hugh L. Cooper, corre spondents) About forty medical students, graduates of the Creiphton Medical College, were examined by members of the State Board of Sec retaries in the senate chamber Wed nesday, June 8, and If they all pas will be given licenses to practice la this state. A medical student may have a college diploma, but before b can begin the practice of his profes sion he must have a license issued by the state board of secretaries ot the State Board of Health. ' In making up a Jury panel Im Douplas county a few days ago, it was found that a certain Juror waa missing. A little investigation brought out the Intelligence that thia certain Juror was busily engaged in making furniture at the state peni tentiary. It Is the opinion of prison officin Is that he will not be able to serve, because work of this kind un der the circumstances bars him from participating in court deliberation in the character and manner above enumerated. Besides, the court wiH likely have no objections for the rea son that a juror situated as thia om Is might be prejudiced In rendering decisions, and would feel that them is more Justice In hanging a Jury than the more unfortunate one at the bar. An official report, In pamphlet form, of the late presidential primary election has Just been issued by Sec retary of State Pool. The pamphlet comprises a tabulated statement f the votes as certified to by the of fflcial canvassing board, which im composed of Governor John H. More- " head. Secretary ot State Chas. VT. Pool. State Auditor Wm. H. Smith. State Treasurer O. E. Hall and At torney General Willis E. Reed. It Is the first time anything of this kin has been attempted in the state sine the primary law went Into effect la 1907, and the book will be a valua ble addition to the library of tha student or any one Interested In tha political history of the state. It con tains the vote of the candidate of aH political parties both national and state. Including the legislative and district Judiciary ballot. The Democratic State Central com mittee met at the Lindell hotel laat Saturday afternoon, June 3, and un animously and harmoniously elected Merton L. Cory bf Clay Center tem porary chairman to open the state convention at Mastlngs, July 25. Mr. Corey was chosen two years ago for this same office and his very eloquent and able opening address at that time made a deep impression on the large number of assembled democrats at the Columbus convention. The 1916 convention wil draft a platfbrm and elect a new state committee together with a permanent chairman who will have charge of the state campaign, Several prominent democrats are mentioned for the place, among whom are C. F. Langhorst, Caaa county; E. P. Sprague of York. John Byrnes of Columbus, and C. E. Har man, present deputy food and oU commissioner. The board of equalization has re considered its action to increase the valuation of main line roads only, an reported in this letter last week, and on motion of Secretary of State Pool, seconded by Auditor Wm. H. Smith, distributed the raise over both branch and main line.-t. This was done in order that all counties through which railroads pass may be equally benefitted. Some of the counties have no main lines, and oth ers hare more branch line mlleaca than i.'ain line. The raise will in crease the valuation of the railroads about $1,016,590 on the one-fifth basis or over $5,000,000 actual val ue. One or two members of the board were for accepting the valua tion or 1915, but this was objected to on the ground that land values had been raised both in 1908 and 1912, and the railroad valuation had not been increased since 1J09. Thia contention was backed by Governor Morehead, Secretary of State Pool and Auditor Smith. Three being a majority, the motion was finally passed by a unanimous vote. of the vocal organs; while reaching either extremes of pitch Is positively painful. Thus the pitch of the voice varies with the action of the vocal muscles. "Hence It follows from our general principle that while in difference or calmness will use the medium tones-, the tones used during excitement will be either above or be low them; and will rise higher and higher, or fall lower and lower, as the feelings grow stronger." G.oans of disapprobation, of horror, of re morse employs a variance of pitch. AiiKer exprebsea itself in hijjh tones or deep mutterinps. The "oil!" of ii.sioiiibhntent or delight begins sev eral notes below the middle voice and descends still lower. And so the pleasurable and painful sensations, through varying iuuacuiar activities, varies the pitch ot the vocal sounds. The above discussion on pitch ap plies to the closely related character istic of interval. Calm speech is monotonous in intonation, while ex citement causes the speaker to era- ogical basis, the muscles set Into ac tion first through pleasurable and painful sensations and finally ending in a more complete expression from the emotional stimuli by vocal sound. Herbert Spencer says: "Thus we find all the lending vocal phenomena to have a physiological basis. They are so many manifestations of the gen eral law that feeling is a stimulus to muscular action a law conformed to tbruout the whole economy ot ev ery sensitive creature, not of man on ly a law, therefore, which lies deep In the nature of animal organization. The expressiveness of thet-e varying modifications of voice is therefore In born.. Each of us, from babyhood upward, has been spontaneously making them, when under the vari ous sensations and emotions by which they are produced." FOR SALE 7-room house and 6 tots in Duncan's addition. Price fflOft cash. A. E. Judson, Hall ho tel. Denver. Your Ho we is Should Move once a Duy A free easy movement of the bow els every day is a nlgn of good health. Dr. King's New Life Pills will give you a gentle laxative effect without griping and free your system of blood potsons, purify your blood, ov ercome constipation and have an ex cellent tonic effect on the entire sys tem. Makes you feel like living. On ly 25c at druggists. Adr S Singularity of Life. I find nothing so singular in lif as this: that everything oppoti.ig ap pears to lose Its substance the iih xnent ont actually grapples vith it. Hawthorne V. F. Ku-ce-ra the Bohemian Spine Adjuster and Spine Masseur, at the Alliance Hotel Tuesday and Wednes day, and Friday and Saturday or each week. Children a specialty. 28-41-TS42 Kufeiritard Your Child If your child Is pale, dull, at times flushed, irritable and fretful you should attend to this condition at once as the chances are your little one is sunenng from worms. Kick- a poo Worm Killer Is what you should get. This well known remedy In loz enge form is pleasant to take and ex pels the worms at once, the cause of your cmiii'a sunering. Only 25c, at all druggists. Adv 3 Highest Happiness. Tbe fc-reatest lia plness ot life Is the tiou that wn are loved, loved for ourselves say lather. In spite of ourseUes. Hugo. - See Seymore before you Insure. State agent for Omaha Health and Accident. Only blanket insurance written In the state. At Fleming's Cigar Store. 18-tf-6S51 Human System Needs Water. Only aiioiit one fourth enough water Is takt'ii into Un1 t-j.--.ttm in olid food. Fruits contain inn !i more water than meat i:ml vem-t'i r consequently a diet in which the tint substances form the major portion oi the meal should be followed by substantial drafts of water. THK IlKNT PROOF Alliance t'itl.eiiM Cannot Doubt It Doan's Kidney Pills were used They brought benefit. The story was told to Alliance res idents. Time has strengthened the evi dence. Has proven the result lasting. The testimony Is from this local ity. The proof id convincing. Mrs. Herman Schroeder, Washing ton Ave.. Sidney. Nebr., says: "I was in a bad way as the result ot kidney trouble. I suffered from pains In the small or my back, dizzy spells and I was unable to stoop. On a physician's advice, I put a plaster on my back, but this did not relieve me. I also tried many kidney remedies, but to no avail until I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. One box stop ped the pain in my back and I con tinued using this medicine until tbe trouble disappeared." A PERMANENT CURE. ON A LATER DATE Mrs. Schroeder said: "I willingly confirm my rormer en dorsement or Doan's Kidney Pills. The cure they made has been per manent." Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't simply usk ror a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Puia the same that Mrs. Schroeder has twice mihntv recommended. Foster-Milburn Co.. Props.. Buffalo, N. Y. Adv Jun i