The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 22, 1916, Image 15

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I'nMed Hint on lml Of! Ire,
Alliance, Nclr.
T. J. O'KEEKE, Register.
J. C. MORROW, Receiver.
The Alliance Herald Is an offi
cial newspaper for the publica
tion of land office notices. Legal
rates are charged for these no
tices, as follows:
Final proof notice, payable
. In advance 17.00
Isolated tract notice, pay
able In advance .... 19.00
Land office application blanks
for final proofs are kept at The
Herald office and will be made
out without extra charge. We
are pleased to furnish Informa
tion for Herald readers on land
office matters, with the excep
tion of legal advice. There are
a number of able attorneys ad
vertising in The Herald's col
umns who should be consulted
on legal business pertaining to
the land office. For Information
call at The Herald office or
Information Department,
The Alliance Herald,
Alliance, Nebraska
In the County Court of Box Butte
County, Nebraska,
In the Matter of the Estate of
Frank Wiltson, deceased.
Now on this 8th day of June, 1916,
came Eugene Burton, administrator,
L b. n. of the estate or Frank Wilt
on, deceased, and filed his final ac
count as such administrator, and also
filed a petition for distribution and
.assignment of the residue of said es
tate now In his possession to the per-
.eons entitled by law to receive same.
It Is therefore ordered that the 6th
day of July, 1916, at 2 o'clock P. M.,
In my office In the County Court
House of Box Butte County, Nebras-
ka, be fixed as the time and place of
B I .4 .tlnl.r. ..II
account, and for hearing and consid
ering said petition for distribution
and assignment of the residue of said
estate. And the heirs of the said
.Frank Wiltson, deceased, and all per
sons Interested In said estate are re
quired to appear at the time and
place so designated, and show cause,
If such 'exist, why said acount should
not be allowed, or the residue of said
-estate distributed.
It is further ordered that said Eu
gene Burton, Administrator, d. b. n.
give notice to all persons Interested
.la said estate by causing a copy of
this order to be published In the Al
liance Herald, a newspaper printed
and published at Alliance, Box Butte
County, Nebraska, and circulated in
aid County, three successive weeks
prior to the day set for said hearing.
Dated this 8th day of June, 1916.
Seal) L. A. BERRY.
17-4t-741-7310. County Judge
by virtue of a chattel mortgage, dat
ed on the 23rd day of December,
1915, and duly filed in the office of
the county clerk of Box Butte county,
Nebraska, on the 23 rd day of Decem
ber, 1916. and executed by E. R. Sly
and W. N. Vernon for the sum of
One Hundred and Seventy-Five Dol
lars. ($175.00), and upon which
there is now due the sum of Fifty
Nine Dollars and Seventy Cents
(159.70), default having been made
In the payment of Bald sum, and no
auit or proceedings at law having
been instituted to recover said debt
or any part thereof;
Therefore I will sell the property
described therein, to-wit: one Fairbanks-Morse
eliht horse power pmso
line engine with equipment; one
twenty-inch hand saw; about one
dozen pulleys; one eiitht-inch planer;
two turninc lathes: one jlc Haw; one
do7."n pulleya with about thirty feet
of Phnftinp; nbout one dozen hungers
complete with; one hundred
feet of belling, more or lens; one
boring machine; ono emery stand
with equipment in tull; one grind
tone; two Jacks and other tools not
At public auction at one o'clock,
p. in., on Saturday, July 1, 1916,
aale to be at the carpenter shop lo
cated on lot ono, block twenty. In
Alliance, Nebraska.
Cal Cox. Sheriff.
IV ted June 12. 1916.
Telephone South 750
Call Us Anvtime--Day or Night
lb (EL
Live Stock
ommission merchants
Stock Yards Station, Omaha, Nebraska
Chicago, Illinois - Sioux City, Iowa
G. J. Ingwersen, Manager and Cattle Salesman
R. R. Keenan, Cattle Salesman
F. L. Crone, Feeder Buyer
E. G. Smith, Hog Salesman
E. V. Keagle, Office
G. S. Campbell, Sheep Salesman
F. E. Randall, Sheep Salesman
Jos. Krejci, Hog Salesman
Wm. H. Rix, Office
Orders for Feeder Cattle,
Sheep or Lambs
Carefully Filled
Medical Authority Tells What .Tkia
Condition Ileally Means
"When you are languid and list
less, or lack ambition and feel so
melancholy that life seems scarcely
worth the living, It Is absolutely nec
essary that you take treatment to
correct there sub-normal conditions,
because you are suffering from de
rangements of a vital organ," de
clares one of the greatest medical
That "tired feeling" means a good
deal more than is generally realised.
It is not laziness, it Is a physical ail
ment that need correction quickly
before it becomes even more serious
by taking a firm hold on you.
Throw off that nervous depression.
It is your duty.
Tanlac, the tonic, appetiser and In
vlgorant, that builds new tissues, vi
talizes the blood and acts so favora
bly on ailments of the stomach, liver
and kidneys and catarrhal affections
of the mucous membranes, Is design
ed especially to correct these condi
tions. The results of the Tanlac
treatment are amazing. It tends to
put you back in body and mind like
those old-fashioned, but most sensi
ble folks the pioneers and to
make you sturdy and of real man
hood and womanhood.
Men and women, from the highest
to he lowest walks of life, every
where are testifying to the relief
Tanlac has brought them. No other
remedy has ever won such great en
dorsements that can only come from
superlative merits.
Tanlac can now be had In Alliance
at the Thiele Drug Store, where It la
being fully explained to all questioners.
An exclusive Tanlac agent Is
wanted in every Nebraska town.
For particulars addresB Agency
Department, Cooper Medicine
Co., Dayton, Ohio.
An old couple who used to buy a
quart of ale every night were per
suaded by a friend to purchase a keg
of the beverage on economical
grounds. The evening that the keg
was broached, and the first quart con
sumed, the old wife said: "Well.
George, we've saved five cents on our
ale tonight, and five cents saved is five
cents earned." "That's so," replied
her hUBband. "Let's have another
luart and save ten cents."
People are learning that a little
forethought often saves them a big
expense. Here is an instance: E.
W. Archer. Caldwell, Ohio, writes:
"I do not believe that our family haa
been without Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy since
we comm need keeping house years
ago. When we go on an extended
visit we take It with us." Obtaina
ble everywhere... ...
Minnie's Occupation.
"And where is your daughter Min
nie this year, Mrs. Noovo?" asked the
visitor. "Why,'' said the old lady.
."Minnie wants to be a teacher In do
mestic science, and she b taking a
i course in uousenoia uerangeiuems
I down at the Abnormal school."
To the Public
"I have been using Chamberlain's
Tablets for indigestion for the past
six months, and it affords me pleas
ure to say I have never used a rem
edy that did me so much good."
Mrs. C. E. Riley. Illlon. N. Y. Cham
berlain's Tablets are obtainable ev
erywhere. Adv-June
Stomach Troubles and Constipation
"I will cheerfully say that Cham
berlain's Tablets are the most satis
factory remedy for stomach troubles
and constipation that I have sold in
thirty-four years' drug store serv
ice," writes S. II. Murphy, drugglaj.
Wellsburg, N. Y. Obtainable every
where. Adv-June
Live Stock Transit Insurance
l.ivt - : i; ii- ..-i r the entire west are forming the habit of IN
M Kl :C, I nl K LIVE STOCK I.N TRANSIT. They do it
for safVtv, economy ami quick returns.
The Hartford Live Stock Transit Policy
protects shippers of live stock, ami is the only company offering a broad
policy easy to understand, clear in its terms, which gives absolute protec
tion arainst loss from hazards of transportation including suffocation, freez
ing, trampling, fire, collision, train wreck and every form of killing or injury
while the animals are in the custody of the common cai rn r.
We are represented at all of the live stock markets in
the United States and Canada, and locally by
W. B. CHEEK, Local Manager
Hartford Fire Insurance Company
Live Stock Department
Stock Yards, - - Omaha, Nebraska
Visited with Mrs. Hunter
Miss E. E. Smith, a teacher in the
Salt Lake City schools, arrived the
tlrst of the week for a visit with Mrs.
James Hunter. Miss Smith is an
adopted sister of Mrs. Hunter. She
was educated at Chadron and will
rpend the summer studying In Wis
consin. She left Tuesday noon with
Mrs. Hunter for . Crawford, near
where they will visit her old home.
They return today with Mr. Hunter
via auto.
Suspicion Oft Justifed.
When you try to help a man he
sure to suspect you have som; k
of an ax to grind. And. most i
time, maybe he's right.
We will furnish the money to
build homes hi Alliance. We lnsKct
the property ourselves and furnish
money ipiickly at a low rate of Inter,
.'st. Xent'Hkii Imi1 Company, AIII
unce, Nehr.
Russian Way of Drinking Tea.
In Russia the natives nev-ir drink
milk in their tea. a:l cups and saucers
are never used for tea. It Is druuk
from glasses.
Impression That Remained.
A darky philosopher says: "I has
noticed dat all great men retains in
arter life de early impressions of child
nood. Dis scar heah is whar my fader
hit tne wid a broomstick."
L. E. Roberts & Co.
Live Stock Commission Merchants
A Pair of Cattle Salesmen
L. K. Roberts and Jim Burns. A Big pair that can Peat a royal flush
and never deal from the Bottom. Their cards lay on the table, face up. You
can search their sleeves for an honest show down.
Without Bluster or Bunk, but with long years of experience they out
play them just Bright, Business Barter.
They can Boost your Bank Balance, let them sell your cattle for you
and win.
We do not ' urn nights in way of entertainment, to Be called good fel
lows, for fear we may sell cattle next day for Bum prices.
Bumming is Bad Business and is not worth $12.00 per car to you.
South'Omaha, 229 Exchange Bldg., Union Stock Yards