The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 01, 1916, Image 1

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The Alliance Herald.
Read by Every Member Nebraska Stock Gros Association. It Reaches Headquarters for and Western Nebraska
Official Organ Nebraska Volunteer Firemen' wers Association. All the News of Alliance 15,000 Firemen
MAY. 1916.
i -
Convention Dates
June 20 and 21
(iood Allendaiice Kxpet-ted at Annual
Convention of Nebraska Stork
Growers Association.
Mutdcal Program To lie til von In Ad
dition to Speeches by Prominent
Men In Stockdoin.
The 191 6 convention of the Ne
braska StockgrowerB Association will
be held in Alliance on Tuesday and
Wednesday, June 20th and 21st, the
meetings to be held at the Opera
House. There will be no celebration
this year, although there will be spe
cial features on the program, includ
ing musical selections and speeches
tendance is expected. Visitors will
be here from South Omaha, Sioux
City, St. Joseph, Kansas City, Denver
and other stock markets.
National Convention
South Omaha Well lU-preMeiited at
Amiiitl Convention of Natloiiil
.1 ' V.vk Kii:ii';i.
The delegation elected by the
South Omaha Live Stock Exchange
to attend the 28th annual convention
of Jhe National Live Stock Exchange,
which was held In Cincinnati on May
18th to 20th, left Omaha in a special
car over the Burlington, on Tuesday
afternoon at 4:30. May 16th.
Included in the party were J. O.
Ingwersen, president of the South
Omaha Live Stock Kxchange, and
Mrs. Ingwersen; W. B. Tagg. vice-
of certain packers In buying their
supplies direct In the country, and In
that way depressing the open mar
kets, lowering the price paid the pro
ducer for live stock with a view of
curtailing the demand at the markets
and eventually putting the buying
power in the hands of a few men in
stead of having open and free com
petition at all the markets. This and
other matters of importance to the
different exchanges and to the live
stock industry were taken up and
Mr. E. L. Burke, who is vice
chairman of the market committee,
appointed by the American National
Live Stock Association at their con
vention in El Paso, Texas, January,
1916, and who has been a member of
the firm of Kent & Burke, who have
been big stock feeders in Nebraska
for many years, delivered a paper on
Friday, May 19th, the subject of
which' was "The Commission Man
intentional omission.
In this territory mean more rapid
growm ror the market.
The Omaha delegation stopped
over in St. Louis a few hours Wed
nesday morning, viewing the sights
of that city, after which they Joined
the St. Louis delegation and left to
gether Wednesday noon over the Big
Four for Cincinnati.
In the large advertisement of Har
phniu Bros. Co. which was published
In the April Issue of The Nebraska
Stockman, a list of sixty persons and
firms who handle these goods, In the
territory In which The Stockman and
Herald have their principal circula
tion, should have been published,
but by mistake one of these was
omitted. It was the name of II. H.
Squires, prominent business man of
Broken Bow. We make this mention
jl norder to make amends for the un-
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These "Pride of the Sand HUN" were sold on the Smith Omaha market, July, 1014, by the Ket-orri Live Stock Coiiiuilsslon Co., for $f).04
xt cwt., the highest price ever paid at that market for horned, kmi runge steers.
by -prominent men.
The tentative program Is as fol
lows: Tuesday, June 20th.
10:00 a. m. Meeting of executive
2:00 p. m. Opening business ses
sion. Report of secretary.
Report of brand inspector.
Regular business.
8:00 p. m. Musical program.
Speaking. Subjects. "Vacclna-
tlon for Anthrax," "Marketing
of Cattle,' 'and other subjects
of interest to members attend
Wednesday, June 21st.
10:0O a. m. Business meeting.
Repart of committees.
. .Election of of leers.
2:00 p. m. Business session.
The sessions will be held at the
Phelan Opera House. A good at-
president of the National Live Stock
Exchange, and Mrs. Tagg; E. Buck
ingham, vice-president and manager
of the Union Stock Yards Company,
and Mrs. Buckingham; J. II. Bulla,
president of the Traders' Exchange,
and Mrs. Bulla; Will II. Wood, chair
man of the Stock Yards and Railroad
Committee of the Live Stock Ex
change; Mr. A. F. Stryker .secretary
traffic manager of the South Omaha
Live Stock Exchange; A. C. Daven
port, general manager of the Drovers
Journal-Stockman; Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Werthelmer, and Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Kiddoo, and Mr. J. B. Root.
The 28th annual meeting of the
National Live Stock Exchange is des
tined to be one of the most Important
in the history of the organization. At
their meeting In Indianapolis a year
ago a special committee was appoint
ed by the National Live Stock Ex
change to work against the practice
from the Producer's Standpoint."
This -was a very interesting paper.
Mr. Burke's years of experience fit
him for such a task.
Mr. A. C. Davenport, general man
ager of the Journal-Stockman at
South Omaha, also delivered a paper
on Saturday, May 20th, on "The
Value of the Live Stock Exchange."
Mr. Davenport has been writing the
live stock and produce markets for
many years, and has been In a posi
tion to get an insight into the mar
keting of live stock from all sides,
and he is in an exceptionally good
position to write as to the real value
of the Live Stock Exchange.
The interests at the South Omaha
market have been working for sev
eral years in an effort to build up the
market by boosting the live stock in
dustry in all of its different phases,
realizing that better service and bet
ter conditions affecting the Industry
Buying Arizona Cattle
There is quite a demand Jut now
In the grating states of the central
and northern parts of th's country
for more cattle to pasture the comlna;
summer. T. J. Donahue, of the live
stock commission firm of Donahue-
Randall & Co., South Omaha, recent
ly went to Arizona to buy eight or
ten thousand good grade, white face
cattle to fill orders . He expected to
return about the first of June, and if
he has not secured all that he wants
by that time his place In the field
will be taken by Allen Randall.
These gentlemen Inform The Ne
braska Stockman that they will be
represented In Alliance at the time of
the convention In June, and that they
"Will bo "there with both feet."
It will pay :u to become a gu
lar advertiser In The Nebraska
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