The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 27, 1916, Image 6

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    'Goodies!" g$
1 io " v
fjoodics that just
m-e-l-t in your mouth
light, fluffy, tender
cakes, biscuits and
doughnuts that just
keep you hanging
'round the pantry all
made with Calumet
the safest, Purest, mott
economical Baking Tow
der. Try It drive swsy
bake-dajr failures."
Received Miahaat AwaHe
Nnm Cnttk JJnnlf Fi-m
Sn Blip inl'ound Can,
Cheap and big canBakingPowdersdonot
tavayou money. Calumetdoes It's Pure
and far superior to sour milk and soda.
frottsbltiff Star-Herald Company Is
IiM'orMtrated Will Start
Afternoon Iailv
Scottsbluff Star-Herald: The Star-
.raid Is undergoing some decide !
Herald is undergoing some decide !
hanges this week. Articles of in-
corporation have been filed making
the same a stock company. A. B.
Wood and H. J. Wisner retain their
laterests in the company and R. J.
Dobell of Julesburg has also acquir-
ma an iniritni. ufiiiR win 01 ine in
corporators. Mr. Dobell comes here
a stranger, but is an experienced
ewspupcr man and a live wire, a::
his personality will soon be felt in
tie community. The Star-Herald
building has been enlarged, much
new equipment, including a new mo
4fl 14 linotype, has been added, and
when all of the equipment is in place
tie office will be better equipped
tkan ever to put out first-class work
4a every way. The weekly Star-Herald
will be continued and in addition,
early in May. an afternoon daily will
fee published. The daily will be met
ropolitan, having the latest press dis-
J latches and tyndcate feature in
addition the latest western Nebr
aska and eastern Wyoming news.
HjU news will be received so that
aur readers can get same f-o" 8 tr
12 hr. 'if i ! iii.ui h.i) .l.ii y
ew giving It. Scottsbluff and the
jioiehbori ' ..
growing so n.pidly thu the new com
any feel they should keep
abreast with the other wonderful de
velopments, and therefore (he
Mr. Wisner and Mr. Dobell wll Ihav
active management of the new 01
jranization, und they will devote thei
(tme, experience and energy in tin
iteregts of their patrons.
Why Coiihtipalion Injure
The bowels are the natural sewer
age system of the body. When they
become obstructed by constipation a
Cart of the poisonous matter which
key should carry off is absorbed into
the system, making you feel dull and
,tepid. and interfering with the di
gee tlon and assimilation of food. This
condition is quickly relieved by
Chamberlain's Tablets. Obtainable
Adv April
Mrs. Leo Berry, daughter-in-law
4f County Judge and Mrs. L. A. Ber
ry, who has ben in a critical condi
tion at the hospital in Grand Island
Ipt the past five weeks. Is reported
Jdewly improving. She was removed
Meaday from the hospital to the
Jeme of an uncle at Sbelton.
t'nited HUte Geological Hnrvpy
iilvem Fart and Flgurr Itejtnrtl
liUC the 1'oUmIi I'nxluction
Potash Bolts were produced In the
United States In 1915 to the value of
$342,000, according to the United
States Geological Survey. Though
this figure la of Interest an showing
a small beginning In the domestic
potash Industry, It becomes of little
Importance Is the total needs of the
country are considered, for It repre
sents h quantity consumed in less
than a week under normal condi
tions. Iteiluceri lniMtrtN
The Imports of refined potash salts
In 1915 were 76,141 Jong tons, or
!!&htly more than 25 per cent of
those in 1913, the latest normal year
of Importation, Imports of the pot-
Ash fertilisers, knliilte, manure halt,
and double manure salts, amounted
to 20,427 long tons, or about 3 per
ent of thorn In 1913. Taking all
the potash Bolts together, the imports
In 1915 were about one-tenth of
those under normal conditions.
rrogrcMM In Domestic Industry
In the Survey report on the sub
ject, W. C. Phalen states that potash
was recovered within the United
States as a by-product from the man
ufacture of Portland cement at Riv
erside, Calif. Uy-product potash from
this source has yielded a considera
ble revenue, owing to the abnormal
ly high price for these salts, and In
obtaining it two other purposes have
been subserved first, the saving of
additional material to be converted
Into cement, and Becond, the ellmin
atlon of the dust nuisance. At River
side a discharge of 100 tons of dust
a day over the surrounding orange
groves haB been prevented.
Potassium sulphate from .'iluiiite
was first plnced on the market late In
October, 1915, by the Mineral Prod
ucts Corporation, at Marysvale, Utah
The production has not been large so
far, owing to the incidents connected
with a pioneer enterprise of this
character. Though certain foreign
deposits of alunlte have been worked
for potash alum, this is the first re
corded yield of potash salts as such
from alunlte. The product is of high
The plant of the Potash Products
Co., of Omaha, Nebr., was establish
ed In the spring of 1915 at Hoffland
near Alliance. During about half of
the year the company obtained pot
ash salts from the brine of an alkal
ine lake in this region.
In addition to output from the
above sources .potash was marketed
in 1915 from kelp obtained along the
Pacific coast.
Future Soun-en of Production
Hxperimental work on the produr
tlon of potaxh salts from different
BourceB was active during the year
and In places this activity has been
succeeded by the construction of
plants. Operatoins are In progress
at. Searlen Lake and at Keeler. on the
shores of Owens Lake, Calif. It is
reported that one company is erect
ing a plant near Great Salt Lake and
that another will soon be started at
the south end of the lake. The by
product bittern at solar evaporation
plants on San Francisco Hay has also
received some attention.
Another plant has been planned
for the extraction of potash salts and
alumina from alunite at Marvsvale,
Miinufucl uior.i of Portland cement,
having had their attention directed
to : i.:.s-.'l)l"' revenue from by-product
potash, will not be slow In thor-
oughly investigating their raw 111a-
i tei . . AiiVH'ly the Security Cement
an(, 1inip ro npar Hanerstown. Md..
Is reported to be installing a plant
1 101 ,"' recovery or poiasn baits.
(ireat activity has been manifested
,n experiments for the nnvtij o
a muxr , Xv!
ua . .,, rn , ,..,',., ,...
. i. i.o f.. .t..'. 1 rv,'
cxn use i volvl I 1 h; -li'iti a
8al,s from ,h"so i.v. tovthe;-
l.r. .IV' iVK W-'h , V'Cl
nu " Z s w " M ': ;:,n'' 1,1:n: 1
n .;'."" - ft "l' . I k,
ch 'led to
li urage
.'; l! t".
For Women
Who Think!
You are interested, almost
as much as we are, in ex
tending the use of the Safe
Home Match.
It is the most reliable, the
most efficient and the
safest match that can be
made. It is absolutely
non-poisonous. It is made
under conditions that for
ever do away with one of
the worst of occupational
diseases. It removes a
poison from the reach of
children in American
We ask you tousa this new non
poisonuca match and to urga
others to do likewise.
Sc. All a rocers.
Ask for them by name.
The Diamond Match
However, in many laboratories re-J
searches have been In progress, some
of which, according to reports, offer
prospects of profitable commercial
development if feldspars and other
potash-rich rocks in sufficient quanti
ty and purity can be found and made
A small quantity of potash salts
was probably produced from these
silicate rocks and minerals during
1915 and found its way into mixed
fertilizers without intermediate re
finement. Watch Child's CoiirIi
Colds, running of nose, continued
Irritation of the mucous membrane If
neglected may mean Catarrh later.
Don't take the chances do some
thing for your child! Children will
not take every medicine, but they will
laKe VT, Kings New Discovery and
without bribing or teasing. It's a
sweet pleasant Tar Syrup and so ef
fective. Just laxative enough to
eliminate the wate poisons. Almost
the first done helps. Always prepar
ed, no mixing or fussing. Just ask
your druggist for Dr. King's New Dis
covery. It will safeguard your child
against serious ailments resulting
from colds.
Adv 2
The Nebraska Veterinarian's de
partment In conjunction with govern
ment Inspectors from January 1 to
April 1 Inspected the following cattle
for scabies within the state.
Herds inspected 481
Cattle Inspected 132,111
Herds reported Infected 0s
Cattle reported Infected .... 24,357
Herds reported exposed 22
Cattle reported exposed .... 13,551
Herds reported free 401
Cuttle reported free 94.203
Eczema Cured or Money Kef uncled
This guarantee goes with every box
of Dr. Hobson'B Eczema Ointment.
Makes no difference whether It s a
baby, child or aged. No mutter how
long standing the case the guarantee
holds good. Cut out this strip, go to
your druggist, get a box of Dr. Hob
son's Eczema Ointment, use it us dir
ected and If you are not fully satis
tied, the druggist or maker will re
fund your money. Try it Just once.
you will be happily surprised.
Adv 2
Miss Rose Clarke and Miss Esther
Clarke were in Lincoln on business
Miss Carpenter, who has charge of
the music supervision in the train
ing school, presented on Tuesday ev
ening the children of the public
school together with the children of
the training school in a splendid ren
dition of the cantata "The Walrus
and the Carpenter". The chapel was
crowded and the children did excel
lent work. Dr. House has arranged
to have this cantata repeated during
the May Festival this spring. Miss
Carpenter is to be commended for
the superior quality of work being
done In music in the training school.
The Fortnightly Art Club and the
Peru Commercial Club were instru
mental in bringing to Peru Professor
Nieolet of the Department of Land
scape uGrdening of the University of
Nebraska, who talked to the citizens
of Peru Wednesday evening on civic
improvement. His lect ure was a
very timely and practical one. A
contest has been opened and several
prizes are offered for improvement
in yards and vacant lots, also for
well-kept gardens. Professor Nicol
et addressed the students at the con
vocation period Wednesday on needs
of Improvement in rural communi
ties. On Saturday evening Professor
Jenson of the Wesleyan University
lectured on the Geography of War-
ridden Europe. This was one or a
t - ... 1. ...... 1 ..... .. ..
i m ",m " "
Friday was "P,
lir-lllK kivii uuuri liir ituiii ro ui inr
Friday was "Peruvian Day", and
' sp akers repreaentlng the senior
clans presented the whats and whys
of this year's annual. More than six
hundred Peruvians were ordered a
larger number than ever beforn or-
le.ed in the history of the school.
Th Peruvian has for several years
been one of the best annuals in the
t:te, and this year's book promises
o be in no way inferior to previous
mi I lent for Liver
Because they contain the best liver
medicines, no matter how bitter or
nauseating for the sweet sugar coat
ing hides the taste. Dr. King's New
Life Pills contain ingredients that
put the liver working, move the bow
els freely. No gripe, no nausea, aids
digestion. Just try a bottle of Di
King's New Life Pills and notice ho'
much better you feel. 25c at you
Adv 2
' mill) PemonMrntor Holding Series
of Potato Meetings in liox
j llutte County
Monday County Agent F. M. Sei-
leR coiuenced a series of twenty po
j ato meetings to be held in Box Butte
county. Two meetings each day are
; being held the first five days ol thb
I -veek and the first five days nex
! .v-.'k at various parts over the coun-
Toduy Mr. Seidell is holding h
meeting in Lawn precinct at Joseph
Wanek's home, and tonight in Liber
ty precinct at Chris Hansen's home.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
meetings were held at the homes of
Joe Reiman, John Jellnek, John I
W'iltsey. George Carroll, Fred llucke
and A. S. Enyeart.
The schedule for the remainder of
the series is as follows:
Friday, April 28: Nonpareil pre
cinct, Thomas Green's, at 9 a. m ,
nd at Peter Jensen's. 2 p. in.
Saturday, April 29, a meeting will
be held in the court house in Alli
ance at 8 o'clock in the evening. lan
tern slide pictures will be shown 11-
Classified Bep't
KATK8: The charge for both regular and spc.ial editions
is lc per word per insertion, six words to the line.
Advertisers so desiring may have answers to their advertise
ment addressed to a box number, care of The Herald.
Advertisements charged to patrons having accounts are meas
ured by the line, not by the word.
N. B. The Herald cannot be responsible for more than one
wrong insertion due to typographical error. No claim for error
can be allowed arter the 10th of the following month. Any ad
vertisement Inserted to run until forbidden must be stopped by
written order.
The Bargain Center of
the Business World
LOST Bunch of keys. A switch
key and six others on the ring. My
name on tag. Return to Herald of
fice. H. M. Susick.
John tlon. 4 08 Sweetwater Avenue.
W. Thomas, phone 175.
FOR SALE Good, paying butch
er shop. Good location and steady
business at good prices. Address box
6406, care Alliance Herald.
ful six-cylinder automobile. Will sel
cheap, or trade. Call or write Th
Herald office.
FOR SALE 6 room house and
lot. Electric lights and water. Phone
Red 553. 618 Big Horn Ave. Mrs.
Dan Hetebenner.
The best business in Alliance, Ne
braska. On account of poor health,
owner must sell the Atlas rooming
house of 47 rooms at a sacrifice price.
Building rent is low.
E. T. KIBBLE, Alliance, Nebr.
lustrating the various potato diseases
and all parties interested in potato
growing will find it well worth their
; time to attend.
I Monday, May 1: Lake precinct, L.
I J. Schill's, 9 u. in., and C. L. Powell's
! at 2 p. m.
Tuesday, May 2: Boyd precinct, at
Brow n Griflith's, at 9 u. m., and F. A.
Trubert's, ut 2 p. in.
tYediiftiduy, May I! : Box Butte pre
cinct, Peter Belgian's, at 9 a. 111., an i
Herb Nasnn'.i at 2 p. 111.
Thursday, May 4: Wright precinct.
C'al llasliMan'.-t at 9 a. in., and Philip
Knapp's at 2 p. ni.
Friday, May 5: Wright precinct, at
K. G. Kngleliorn's at 9 u. in., and
Snake Creek precinct, ut Fred Craw
ford's, at 2 p. m.
And Best Chewing Tobacco
Made is "Old Ken
tucky" Plug
To pet all t'ne wholesome, sat
isfying taste out of tobacco it
:misi touch your tongue. That
fcans you must chexv it. And
.0 most natural form in which
.hcvi:;j tobacco can be made is
:!ic f-'.ug form.
There's a luscious, fruity flavor
1 (. 1 Kentucky plug tobacco
: sharpens r.p your appetite.
It's a flavor that not only pleases
you through aud through, but
also comforts your whole system.
DM Kentucky is made of the
choicest Rurley leaf, in the world's
greatest plug factory, and under
the most sanitary conditions.
The pure, fresh taste of a chew
of Old Kentucky will show yoo
how much real satisfaction there
is in chewing.
Get a loc plug from your dealer
:jre Crowd Attend Pribram ;yeii
by the IUikI. Choral Club and
the Men' ile Club
Sunday afternoon the Imperial
theatre was taxed to capacity at the
entertainment given by the Alliance
man with small amount of capital to
get into good, paying business In
western Nebraska. Prefer man with
some experience in farming. Must bo
steady and reliable. Address, with
particulars, Box 6645, care Alliance
12-tf-664 5
MONEY TO LOAN on real estate
Apply to H. M. Bullock, Room 4.
Reddish Block, Alliance.
county land nd ranches In the santi
hills. No delay In making the loan,
we inspect our lands and furnish thi
money at once. J. C. McCorkle, Me
Corkle Building, Alliance, Nebr.
Railroad men can secure a very uaa
ful book at The Herald office. It la
lally time book for trainmen and an
glnemen. The price Is reasonable.
We have equipped our dray wag
one and auic truck with the late
appliances for moving furnitur
without marring or scratching o
damage. Up-to-date wagon pad
will be used by us on all moving Jobs
JOHN R. SNYDER, Phone lb.
Money to loan on real aetata.
tf F. E. RBODlBt
WANTED 100 head of horses or
cattle to pasture this summer season. ;
Thirty-five cents per month per head
Concert Band, Women's Choral Club i
and Men's Glee Club. I
Every seat In the theatre was tak-'
en before the concert was opened
and everyone was well pleased with
the program.
Six numbers were rendered by the
Alliance Bund under the able direc
tion of their leader, Prof. John Hav
lik. Everyone was good und showed
marked improvement Bince their lust
concert several months ago.
The Women's Choral Club is a
class of local talent drilled under
Miss Eunice Burnett, of the Alliance
School of Music. This was their sec
ond appearance before the Alliance
public and the three numbers render
ed by them were especially appreciat
! ed.
i The Male Glee Club is a new or-
ganization. They were drilled by
I Professor Truman of the high school.
I This was their initial appearance.
That their renditions were appreciat
ed was evident by encore.
. Ow nei-s of Stallions to Inhibit Their
I Animals at the Smith Livery
Next in the v. . . 1 .-pring shows is
the Stallion Show. We have h: l
spring style shows and other, sprine
shows the past two years in validly a
plenty. Hut the Spring Staluon
Show is a new departure. Undoubt
edly it will appeal to the many in
northwestern Nebraska who are in
terested in horse raising and who are
interested in the improvement of
Next Saturday the owners of stal
lions in this vicinity will exhibit their
horses in front of the Smith livery
stable in Alliance. The owners will
be present to answer any questions
as to the service fee, guarantees, ped
igrees, weights, etc.
The livestock industry is one of the
nost important In this section of the
country. Kvery one has come to
know the value of the right kind of
live stock. The improvement of live
stock is one of the lines of work that
the Box Butte County Farmers As
sociation is currying on among its
lenibers. At this time of year ev
ery farmer who is interested in the
iiiprove'rent of horses is about to
loide in his mind what stallion will
te used. For this reason and to sid
:he ir.en In deciding this important
question the Box Butte Farmers As
sociation has made arrangements for
this Stallion Show.
The purpose of the show is not to
xwrd any prises, nor to judge any
stallions as to their merits or the
.lji"ne of the tllion hv nv indu
es but to Rive thoss parties UUrest
ed an opportunity to see what is at
their disposal and to compare notes
with others who are equally Interest
ed and possibly better posted on the
Advertising is just as necessary to
any business as a building in which
to conduct the business and clerks
to help sell the goods.
owner to furnish salt. Abundance of
grass and water and best of care
guaranteed. B. L. Westover, Stras
burger, Nebr.
5e4e e
I Got Something
I Want to Sell?
Most people have a piece
of furniture, a farm imple
ment, or something else
which they have discard
ed and which they no lon
ger want.
These things are put in
the attic, or stored away
in the barn, or left lying
about, getting of less and
less value each year.
Somebody wants those
very things which have
become of no use to you.
Why not try to find that
somebody by putting a
want advertisement in
Then See Our Line of
Panels and Folders
New and Classy Shapes and Styles
Prices and Quality that Please
Shuler Studio
Over Mollrlng's
V Since 1RS5 in Kansas City, I have
" Biicci'ssf ully tieati-.l lliuiimiii.iH
of caa-H of Varicocele. Hli"
cele. anj allied troubles. The
knotted veins, pain, enlaiKe
niont. weakness und other
symptoms ijulckly disappear.'
Vilte for illustrated book
Without the Knife" and full pintb u
lam free, sealed. Call or address
Views 4 Lc Sot.
Tf Since 1B In Iimh Oltr. I bare w
f tuby in-Ud Ibtmwioda otrmmmot chroaue
!ul (wvctllwil Incurable 1.CU M)nK
ami VAItlCOHK t UtHN. Mr lone
n.rlDi. eon Mn ad Vila eMiainel
a till niudOTn methods i nauraa ron.
i. 1 aurren. llboii half o pala.
U ... .Ila.'.l kv,nk-rRJI. mImI.
?! PAVwhenMIu-UJ
1 . WHITTIER. Siii1 uir. M.
Knowing that you arc insuml
in the
makes your recovery from sick
1 icss and accident more pleasant
Representative for western Ne
braska. All claims settled per
Konally and promptly