The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 27, 1916, Image 5

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Absolutely Pure
No Alum No Phosphate
Christian church ladies announce
a basaar in the Reddish Hall May 5
and 6.
apr 27-2t
George Mickle, president of the
Nebraska Cycle Company at Omaha,
was In Alliance the latter part of last
week on business.
Real Estate, Loans and Insur
ance. P. E. REDDISH, Reddish
Block. 15-tf -6727
Miss Amy Wagner returned to her
kome at Mitchell, Saturday, after a
week's visit with her brother, Dick
Wagner, and family.
"Wholesale" bazaar, May 5 and 6,
at the Reddish Hall. Ladies of the
Christian church,
apr 27-2t
Nels Frederickson of Wolbach,
ibis state, is in Alliance attending to
matters regarding his ranch interests
for a few days this week.
W. E. Spencer is expected home
today from Omaha where he has been
for the past four or live days on bus
iness for the Alliance Creamery.
100 Bushels of first class rye for
bale. Good for seed.
Fred M. Hoover, Alliance
M. M. Reynolds. traveling auditor
for the C. U. & Q., who came in
Thursday trom Denver, went out
Monday to points in the Black Hills.
"Wholesale" bazaar, May 5 and 6,
at the Reddish Hall. Ladies of the
Ghristian church,
apr 27-2t
Albert Renswold went to Denver
Saturday night and remained until
Monday night, looking after business
interests and enjoying the sights of
rie city.
Lunch at the Reddish Hall Friday
and Saturday, May 5 and 6.
apr 27-2t
V. Meredith Maxwell, a student at
Orelghton, came here from Omaha
Tuesday of this week, and is spend
ing a few days with his sister, Mrs.
John H. Show,
Police Matron Mrs. Sharp left Fri
day night for Lincoln where she took
four children and placed them- in
mfortable quarters within the
3tate Home for Dependent Children.
She expected to return to Aurora Sat
urday and attend the wedding of her
son, Frank, whom many residents of
Alliance will remember. The many
Id friends of the gentleman will cer
tainly extend him good wishes and
sappy days ahead. Mrs. Sharp will
fe absent for a few days, looking af
ter matters of interest in her work.
Baxaar, Reddish Hall, two days
VtdaT and Saturday. Mav 5 and 6.
ar 27-2t
Some of the members of the Afrl
Mn Methodist church at Crawford
Mine down to Alliance Sunday and
enjoyed the program given by the
aurch of this place at the City Mis
sion. See Seymore before you Insure.
ftHale agent for Omaha Health and
Accident. Only if.anket insurance
written in the state. At Fleming's
gar Store.
The Pugh Electrical Company has
aarchased the Alliance Electrical
Works of C. F. Schafer and will move
tato the room occupied by the Alli
ance Electrical Works In the Imper
ial building.
Christian church ladies announce
a basaar In the Reddish Hall May 5
aad 6.
ar 27-2t
Rev. J. B. Cams was accompanied
a several auto loads to the Falrview
aurch Sunday afternoon, and found
a full house awaiting them. A fine
program appropriate to the day bad
keen prepared and seven additions to
tke church are reported.
seed, sweet clover, cane, millet and
rape seed. Kaffir corn, seed corn or
anything else In the seed line. Camp
anil's Seed House, Department A.
Seward, Nebr.
14-6730-May 1
Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Layton de
parted on the early morning train
Monday for Denver, where they will
spend a week or two. While there
Rev. Layton will officiate at the mar
riage or his dau-hter. He a..U Lis
wife will also puck up their houBe
kold goods, and ship them to Alli
ance. They will soon be nicely set
tled In the Baptist parsonage.
(Continued on page 5)
Alliance News, in looking over the
Box Butte county records in the
county clerk's ofllce, on Monday of
this week, April 24, found that there
were two mortgages on record
against the Alliance Times and said
Ben J. Sallows, owner and proprie
tor. On June 25, 1915, a mortgage
in favor of Barnhart Brothers &
Splndler, Omaha, Nebr., for S192.
had been filed. This was not of so
much consequence as it was for a
comparatively small amount and has
probably been mostly paid off in
monthly Installments, but on further
investigation Mr. Wallace discovered
that on February 7, 1016, this year,
Mr. Sallows had given a mortgage
for 12,500 to H. A. Dubuque of Alli
ance. Now, the honorable editor of
the Times might have forgotten the
smaller mortgage, only $192, but if
he was so forgetful in making out his
semi-annual sworn statement as to
entirely pass up the $2,500 mortgage
he certainly is in such a frame of
mind that he should not be entrusted
with the destinies of the journal
which he now is, according to his
sworn statement, "publisher, editor,
managing editor, and business i.. im
ager". In plain words, I can but conclude,
from the evidence, that Mr. Sallows
deliberately committed perjury and
jeopardized the right of his pap. r lojonsible. A liberal patronage is so
seconn-ciass entry tnrouen me n.uiM .
when he made out the afliuavit on
March 30 and published it in his own
paper on March 31.
Within a very snort time after Mr.
Wallace had discovered the above
facts on the county records on Mon-J.Hy
day or this week, Mr. Sallows,
through friends, learned that he ha
been discovered. Immediately ensued j
;i hurrying and scurrying around the
Times ofliee that would have made
you think that an extra edition was
forthcoming. It was too late for the
unntleman to recall the blanks al
ready sent to the postotlice depart
ment at Washington so he secures
new blanks, makes out new aflidav
.la 11-;t, time Including the two mort
gage missed before. Tne law does
net allow the
dating ahead of the
signature and acknowledgement of a j ord for the benefit of those who
notary public, neither does It allow j would attempt to tile suits for libel
the dating back of the same, but in and it is this fact that caused the
the publication of the new affidavit , Times to overlook t heir existence, it I -in
tin Times on Tuesday of this week though they are still a matter of rec
it w'll be noticed that the acknowl- ord. A paper may hold a release for
cd.:eincnt of the notary publi-i is di.t- these mortgages, but still they must
d back to Saturday, April 22. be published in the government re-
Now, in an attempt to get himself port."
out of the hole in which he had le-, yhis "explanation" is both pathet
liberately placed himself, the editor i ic and laughable. He attempts to
of the Times published the following say tuat tne reasou the mortgages
copy of the new affidavit In the Times .
on Tuesday. April 25. the day fol
lowing Ihe discovery of hlU perjury
St.itenuMit of the Ownership, Manage.
meiit, Circulation, Etc., Required
bv the Act of longreKM of August
24, 1912.
of the Alliance Semi-Weekly Times,
published semi-weekly at Alliance,
Nebr., for April 1. 5 91 fi.
State of Nebraska, County of Box
Butte, ss:
Before me. a notary public in and
ulotn anil 11 ti t v nfnreMnlri.
(VI 113 111.. I W - - - .
Personally appeared Ben J. Sallows.
wno navinK oeen uuij bwuih nu...
ing to law, deposes ami says that he
lis the editor and owner of the Alii-
lance Semi-Weekly Times and that
i the following Is, to the best of his
knowledge and belief, a true state- SUjt for jbel for some things he had
me nl of the ownership, management said about me and he also said that
(and if a daily paper, the circula- he "was not afraid." "hre does he
Hon), etc., of the aforesaid publlca-1 gtand?
Hon for the date shown in the above! Jn view of the fact that the above
caption, required by the Act of Aug- gentleman has made repeated at
ust 24, 191-'. embodied in section tacks on me through his newspaper,
443. Postal Laws and Regulations, that he has proclnluie 1 himself o Im
printed on the reverse of this form. ( the guardian o fl people of All
to-wtt: i ance, 1 ropeciiuii it-iu:: '. '.I.a.
1. That the name and address of give publicity to the facts which 1
the publisher, editor, managing edit-
or. and business manager is
Ben J.
Sallows, Alliance, Nebraska.
2. That the owner is Ben J
lows, Alliance, Nebraska.
3. That the known bondholders,
mortgagees, and other security hold-
ers owning or holding 1 per cent or
more of total amounts ef bonds,
mortgages, or other securities are:
Mergenthaler Linotype Co., New
York City. H. A. Dubrlgue, Alli
ance, Nebr.; Barnhart Bros. & Spln
dler, Omaha. Nebr.
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this 22nd day of April. 1916.
In an extremely lame and 111 timed
attempt to explain the matter and
perhaps to forestall the truth of the
matter, which he knew would come
out sooner or later, Mr. Sallows pub
lished the following editorial In the
Times of the same date:
"In another column of the paper
will be found a corrected statement
of the ownership and mortgage hold
ers of the Alliance Times. Through
an oversight the former report was
incorrect and since the mistake has
been caled to the attention of the
jwi.t the new report 1b printed and
the proper affidavit has been sent to
ihe postofflce department at Wash
ington. The two debts have been
practically paid, but no effort was
Events in the
Thru the courtesy of George lar-,lng
ling and John Crump, the Choral
Club Hiid Men's Glee Club are to be
given an Edison Disc concert on
Monday evening next, after the close
of choral practice. The members are
Invited to bring a friend.
Mrs. John H. Show entertained on
last Friday evening, in compliment
to her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. W. Light.
The event was in celebration of the
honored one's birthday. About
eighteen guests were in attendance.
The hours were spent with merry
steps to music, and refreshments
added to the social evening.
About fifty were in attendance at
the party held In the Methodist
church parlors last Friday, and the
Big Brothers proved themselves ideal
hosts. Easter games, and other
amusements sped the time, and re
freshments were delicious and boun
tiful. The young ladies report an
exceptionally fine time, and of course
knew the boys could do it.
The annual ball given by the
Knights of Columbus last Monday
evening was enjoyed by about two
hundred people, and the hours truly
enjoyed. Music was furnished under
the directorship of Mrs. Wiker and
could not have been improved upon.
Tunch was served, and the party
counted a success from every stand
point. The members of the choir of the
Christian church have planned for a
pleasant evening at the home of Mrs.
Fred Campbell, on Friday night,- In
honor of the director, John Havllk,
and others who assisted In the fine
musical program given last Sunday
evening. In planning this event, the
the help so freely donated, and take
hosts extend hearty appreciation for
this opportunity of showing It. Re
freshments will be served, and a Jolly
good time Is anticipated.
Next week Friday and Saturday,
May 5 and 6. the ladles of the Chris
tian church are to hold a bazaar in
the Reddish hall, and will serve
lunches on the cafeteria plan during
the two days. In connection with this
event they also will sell articles In a
variety of kinds and for different
uses, which have been kindly donat
ed by wholesale firms with whom lo
cal merchants deal. These articles
arc first-class and will ne sold reas-
The Christian Endeavor of the
Presbyterian church held its regular
monthly business meeting at the
ho no of Uev. Lewis Mclntyre, Mon-
April 24. The officers elected
,0r the ensuing year are: President,
.'rilnk O. Howe; vice president, Jay
h. Vance; secretary, Miss Jennie
niaine; treasurer. Miss Ethel James;
pianist, Miss Emma James. Commit
tees were appointed and plans laid
for new work. An enjoyable even-
made to release the mortgages Bince
the holders' Interest In them has been
all but canceled. Publishers have a
time-honored custom of leaving par-
tially liquidated mortgages on rec-
were omitted is because of an "over
sight". He goes on to say, "The
two debts have been practically paid"
really, the printing business must
be picking up some if a mortgage for
$2,500, filed on February 7 of this
year, has already been "practically
And last but not least, and most
Tv'- of t!l. ! iii" "tntemonf thsi
"publishers have a time honored cus
tom of leaving partially liquidated
mortgages on record for the benefit
of those who would attempt to file
suits for libel, and it i this fact Hint
canned the Timet to overlook their
existence, although they are still a
matter of record." Recently the
above editor stated that he had been
informed that I was going to bring
have set out.
Very truly yours,
(Signed) L. A. BERRY.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Light recently
arrived in Alliance to take up per
manent residence, and the former
i wll lassist at the Potash Works plant.
They are relatives of John H. Show.
We trust that they will find pleasant
surroundings and enjoy life In this
If you are Mt)ing high Interest
rate in the Building & Ijouii call on
the Nebraska I .and Company and get
the money at reduced Interest rate.
Mr. and Mis. Uuu.m DvCoi'J of
Ellsworth spent last Thursday and
Friday in Alliance, visiting friends,
and attending to business matters.
While In town Mr. DeBord joined the
list of Herald subscribers, being anx
ious to keep in touch with happen
ings hereabouts.
L D. Blair was fined $1 and costs
Saturday afternoon in Police Magis
trate T. D. Roberts' court on charges
of operating an automobile without
a 1916 license. Police officials say
there are others who have neglected
to get their 1916 licenses who will be
picked up first opportunity.
The Famous store has an Interest
ing ad In The Herald this week re
Social Realm
was spent.
The members of the "Degree of
Honor" will be entertained at the
home of Mrs. Albert Renswold next
Saturday afternoon.
The Methodist ladles' Aid spent a
pleasant afternoon yesterday with
Mrs. W. E. Lotspelch. It was home
missionary day, and the "mite box
opening" was a part of the program.
Miss Lucy O'Vlrlen entertained a
number of friends at a theatre party
Saturday evening, and after the
show the party repaired to the Cory
parlors of Brennan's drug Btore and
were served with a delicious lunch.
There will be an Important meet
ing of the Guild next Wednesday af
ternoon at the parish house, and all
members are urged to be present.
Election of officers for the ensuing
year will be a part of the program.
Announcements have been Issued
for the marriage of Miss Margaret
Shaw, daughter of Dean William
Carson Shaw, to Frank J. Was, of
the First National Bank of this place,
next Monday evening at St. Matthews
church. A reception is to be held
Immediately after the ceremony at
the home of the bride.
The Woman's Club will be enter
tained at the home of Mrs. Zella
Johnson next Friday afternoon, and
have for discussion "Home Econom
ics." An original "Ode to Spring"
will be the response to roll call, af
ter which there will be table talks,
the first one being "The Flower Gar
den" by Mrs. Highland; and "The
Vegetable Garden" by Mrs. Tash. Ex
change of seeds, plants, etc., and
close with music by the club quartet.
Masters Richard, Charles and Har
old Smith are to entertain a number
of their boy and girl friends at the
home of Mrs. Joe Smith this after
noon. The decorations are to be
pink and white, and dainty little
plaec enrds are to be used. Delicious
refreshments will be served, and no
doubt the time will be filled with all
kinds of amusements dear to the
hearts of the young. The list of
friends include .lames Hunter, Dick
Eubanks, Francis Kniest, Helen
Stark. Helen Brennsn, Elnora Brice,
Leonore Ditmore, Valerie Vaughan,
ami Mildred Morgan.
The Young Ladles' I'nion of the
M. E. chur:-h will entertain the Big
Brothers class at the home of Mrs.
W. S. A'heson, tomorrow night, Fri
day. The young men won out in a
contest held last Sunday to see who
would bring the most eggs per capi
ta, the egvs to be sent to the Method
ist hospital at Omaha. The ladies
had a larger attendance and lost out
only by a few epgs. However, true
to the agreement they will be host
esses to the winning class, and a
pleasant evening is being planned, at
which refreshments will be a feature.
garding "Holeproof Pants" the lat
est thing In pants.
Judicious advertising pays bigger
returns than any other investment
one can n e.
Mrs. John Rheinkober left Mon
day morning for Sioux City, Iowa,
where she will visit for about six
weeks with relatives.
H. Finn, employed by the Sclls
Floto shows of Denver, was In the
city Friday of last week accompanied
by a large delegation of Indians from
l lie Pine Ridge reservation, on their
wuy to Join the show.
J. J. Cassldy, state manager for
the Tribe of Ben Hur, was in Alliance
the latter part of last week and ap
pointed P. I. Beach as scribe of the
local lodge, Lew Wallace Court No.
148, to fill the vacancy made by the
resignation of W. H. Butler.
jt tT f r.. ; fnr th "
ha Health "and Acc dlneotC. . ihD
ha Health and Accident Company
has settled In full with Mrs. Ells
Lane for her sickness. Notice was
received on the 18th. and check in
full given the 19th.
Guy Loekwood returned from
Bridgeport the first of the week,
where he had settled the claim of the
superintendent of the electric light
plant. Frank Brown, for $50 against
the Lincoln Accident Insurance Com
pany, which Guy represents.
Will Mollrlng. window decorator
at the Mollrlng store, has outdone
-evious efforts In the excellent dis
play now being shown of spring la
mes" Yioihi.ig. li i eil wonit llit
time of a lover of the artistic to see
this beautiful and well arranged win
Sealed proposals will be received
by Carter Calder, city clerk. Alliance,
Nebraska, until 8 o'clock p. m.,
mountain time, May 16, 1916, for
the construction of a reinforced con
crete reservoir of 500,000 gallons ca
pacity, and necessary piping between
reservoir and pumps.
The engineers' estimates of cost
are as follows:
For the reservoir complete, $87 SO.
For the pipe lines as shown $1350.
Each bid must be accompanied by
., j,.,.!-,- -wv fr,r flv( n" cel rf
bid made payable to the city treasur
er as a guarantee of good faith.
Plans and specifications may be
Been and proposal blanks obtained at
the office of the water commissioner
of the city of Alliance, or at the office
of Engineers Grant & Fulton, 505
Bankers Life Building. Lincoln. Ne
braska. Bidders desiring copies of
the plans and specifications for their
own use may obtain the same from
the engineers upon payment of $2.50.
The city council reserves the right
to reject any or all bids.
By order of the city council, April
24, 1916.
City Clerk,
Now is the Time
Ami you will le started on llie
load to prosperity ami happiness
Is the Money You
have spent for rent
By building your own home you will
know where it is
We can give you valuable assistance in planning for that
new home and will appreciate it if you will give us an oppor
tunity to help you.
We have photographs, drawings, blue-prints by the hun
dreds among which you will be sure to find something you like.
These are at your disposal. Come in. We will be glad to fur
nish, free of charge, estimates on a residence or any out build
ings you may be planning to put up.
Forest Lbr. Co.
George A. Heilman, Mgr.
Phone 73
When in Need of Glasses
We Can Duplicate Any Lens
A. M. Conner, who took charge of
the Foster Lumber Company's yard
in this city about three months ago,
hits tendered his resignation to take
effect May 1. Mr. Cosner has pur
chased a moving picture show and
confectionery at Shelton, Nebr., anil
will go there to take churge of them
ns soon as the company sends a man
to relieve him here.
Advertising is Just as necessary to
any business as a building In which
to conduct the business and clerks
to help sell the goods.
Jitney Kraut, per can 5c
Early June Peas, per can . . . 10c
Rio Coffee, per pound 15c
Extra FancyjPeaherry Coffee . 20c
Corn Flakes, per package ... 5c
Apples, per box $1.50
High Patent Flour, per sack, $1.65
The place where you can
buy everything good to eat.
Late reports from Attorney B. F.
Gilman state that the specialists at
Rochester, Minn., have dlscovered
the trouble and given prompt medi
cal aSHistance, so that Mr. Gilman la
improving, and will undoubtedly re
cover from his poor condition of
health and soon return to his home
in Allianee.
Herald advertising columns are
full of buying opportunities for the
shopping public of this vicinity. It
means dollars In your pockets to
watch these ads every week.
B r.i