The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 20, 1916, Image 7

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lVtat!ii (to
Wi (mi IM)
mi Wort
Whtte Ughi
lM In
to have this wonderful new Aladdin coal
oil (keroeene) mantle lamp demonstrated
right in your own home. You don't need
to pay us a cent unlma you are perfectly
atisfied and agree that it U tbe beat ou
lamp you ever saw.
Twice the Light
On Half the Oil
Recent testa bjr the Government and noted
scientists at 3a leading Universities, prove
the Aladdin give more than twice the
light and burn less than half as much
il as the best round wick, open flame
lamps on the market. Thus tbe Aladdin
will pay for itself many times over in oil
saved, to say nothing of the increased
quantity and Quality of pure white light
it produces. A style for every need.
$1000.00 Will Be Given
by the Mrrtle Lamp Companythe larg.
est Coal Oil (kerosene) mantle lamp house
in the world to any person who shows
them an oil lamp equal to the Aladdin.
Would they dare invite such comparison
with all other lights if there were any doubt
bout the superiority of the Aladdin?
Lt Us Call and Show You
This Greatest of all Lights .
Perry Mailey
Alliance, Nebr.
Stock and Supply Tanks
Will outlast several steel tanks or
ee'veral tanks made from other ma
terlal, and cost less money. Thes
tanks will keep tbe water cooler it
summer and warmer in winter. Send
for price list today.
Fred Boisen, Manager,
1102 W. O. W. DklgM Omaha, Neb.
Long Fight Against Stock Flague 1
Kmled by Itemoval of All Quar
antine Restrictions -
Washington, April 10 The long
fight against the foot and mouth dis
ease is over. The secretary of agri
culture has issued an order which on
March 31 removed all foot and mouth
quarantine and restrictions against
the shipment and movement of live
stock. The order signed specifically
removes the quarantine from a small
territory In Christian county, Illi
nois, the last area which was under
suspicion. Along with the removal
of this local quarantine, the various
orders restricting shipment of cattle
are rescinded, so that dealers can
now ship their cattle as before the
first quarantine was Imposed.
Upon notification that the United
States is free from the disease, all
foreign governments which have
placed embargoes on American cattle
are expected to remove these embar
goes so that cattle raisers will then
be able to resume shipments to these
foreign countries.
The magnitude of the work of
eradication and control carried on by
farmers, shippers, and the state and
federal governments is shown by the
fact that before controlled, the dis
ease had gained a temporary footing
in twenty-two states and the District
of Columbia. The disease appeared
and was controlled in 269 different
The Importance to the stock rais
ing industry of eradicating foot and
mouth disease may be Judged from
the results of the plague in Denmark
where the disease appeared at about
the same time that it broke out in
the United tSates. The area of Den
mark is approximately equal to that
of three Mew England states, aMssa
chusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Is
land. It is, however, a great dairy
lng country, and it has been estimat
ed that-the losses In milk in one year
caused by the foot and mouth dis
ease have amounted to approvlmate
ly one-third of the total cost of erad
icaotlng tbe pestilence in 22 states or
this country. The Danish authori
ties were unable to carry out their
former policy of slaughter, and were
compelled to resort to such measures
of control as could be established by
quarantines ana otner restrictions
As a result of better understand
ing between the state and national
governments, representatives of the
department believe that many of the
obstacles which confronted the auth
orities in the past -outbreak would
not be encountered in dealing with
any future occurrence of the disease,
The veterinarians, however, will not
abate their watchfulness for-some
time. Examination of animals and
animal products offered for import
will continue to be unusually strict
The department, moreover, partlcul
arlv urges all farmers and cattle
handlers-to notify their state veterin
arians and the department of any
suspicious cases of sore mouth com
bined with lameness In their anl
mals. Those in charge of the eradi
cation work are confident that the
disease is wiped out, but they wish
to use every precaution to detect and
control any sporadic cases that may
develop in remote districts. v
Always at Your
Service for
Printing Needs!
Here's Grandmother's Recipe to
Darken and Beautify
Faded Hair.
Personnel of Omaha Organisation
NUnlikg Campaign against
Prohibition Movement
Is therm something you
need in the follow
ing Uslt -
Birth Aaaaaacaaaala
IVaMlaa Slatliaar
. Eavalopc lacloaawae
Sale ftllla
Haaa Bllla
frlca Llata
Aaalaalaa Tlcfcata
- Baataaaa Carrfa
Wladow Carda
Tla Carta
Letter Hrada
Mate Haaaa
BUI Haada Eavalnpa
Calllaa Carda Leaflata
Mlla Tlcarla Tlckfta
Salaplatf Tatfa
- . Paaapklata
Catalog aaa
Circa lara
, Laaala
Ladal Blaafca
Maaaf ard
rat Carta
Pradranaa '
Pmmpt. careful and effi
cient attention given
to every detail
That beautiful, even shade of dark,
glossy hair can only be had by brewing
a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur.
Your hair itt your charm. It makes or
mars (be face. - YIcn it fades, turns
gray or streaked, just nn application or
two of Sage and Sulphur enhances its
appearance a hundredfold.
Don't bother to prepare the mixture;
you eta pet this famous old recie im
roved. in- the addition of other ingredi
eats for .50 rent a large bottle, all ready
for oe. It is called Wyeth's Sage and
Sulphur Compound. This cun always be
depended upon to bring back the natural
color and lutre of vour hair.
Everybody uses ''Wyeth's" Sage and
Sulphur CouijKHind now because it dark-
! ens ao naturally and evenly tpt nobody
I can tell it has Ufa applied. You simply
dampen a pone or soft brush with it
and draw this through the hair, taking
i one small strand at a time by morning
the gray hair has riiaappcared. and after
another application it becomes beauti
fully dark and appears glossy and lus
trous. This ready-to-use preparation is
a delightful toilet requiste for those who
desin. dark hair and a youthful apjiear
anre. It is not intended for the cure,
mitigation or prevention of disease.
Don't Send Your Order
Ont of Town .Until Yon
See What We Can Do
Legal Blanks, for
Sale at This Office
I. O. Minor of Alliance Itrgins Publi
cation of a Newsaper for
the Colored People
Number one of volume one, The
Negro News, was issued this wee:
fro it the Job department of The Her
ald Publishing Company, with J. O.
Minor, a prominent local colored
man, as editor and publisher.
The Negro News starts out as a
four-page monthly newspaper, filled
with news of interest to colored peo
ple, with local news.
If sufficient subscriptions and pat
ronage can be secured it is the Intev
tion of Mr. Minor to continue the
publication of the paper regularly.
I Mtituila
Indigestion ne:)ly always disturb'
he sleep more or less, and is often
he cause of insomnia. Eat a light
.upper with little if any nieatand no
nilk; also take one of Chamberlain's
Tablets immediately after supper,
tnd see if you do not rest much bet
er. Obtainable everywhere.
Adv April
Since the advertising done recent
ly by the "Nebraska Prosperity
League there have been many In
quiries as to the people who compose
the league, both from tbe people in
favor of prohibition and those op
posed to It.
For the Information of those in
terested on both sides and the pub
lic generally, we print herewith tho
following article, furnished by the
secretary of the league:
"The movement among Omaha
property owners to start an educa
tional campaign against prohibition
has resulted in a strong organization.
over 350 charter members having
signed the roll. The last conference
was held at the Fontenelle Hotel. A
number of brief speeches were made,
the tenor of which was that the men
engaged in all lines of merchandising
and manufacturing, as well as prop
ertyowners, had a viewpoint of pro
hibition Irrespective of that of the
liquor dealers. One speaker stated
that prohibition is looked upon by
the property owners or Omaha as a
positive menace to the city's growth
and prosperity.
"The chairman of the meeting
stated the object of the movement
and asked for suggestions. A list of
officers and vice presidents was of
fered, and on motion, the men nam
ed were nominated. Their accept
ances have- been confirmed. The list
Is as follows:
President: L. F. Crofoot, attorney.
Treasurer: W. J. Coad, treasurer
Coad Real Estate Co.
Secretary: James B. Ilaynes.
Vice Presidents:
Wesley D.-Adktns. transportation
company; Dr. C. C. Allison, surgeon;
J. L. Baker, manufacturer; mas. it.
Brown, real estate Investments; w.
J. Burgess, Investments; Harry V.
Burkley. printer; W. M. Bushman,
storage; Albert Cahn, manufacturer;
E. M. Fairfield, real estate invest
ments; John N. Frenier, real eBtate
investments; Dr. R. Gilmore, physi
cian and surgeon; Ferdinand Haar
ma'nn, manufacturer; J. J. Hanighen,
contractor; Frank B. Johnson, Oma
ha Printing Co.; C. J. Karbach, In
vestments; Frank B. Kennard.. capi
talist; John LatenBer, architect; E.
M. F. Leflang. capitalist; O. W. Me-
geath. coal operator; Sophus F. Na
hin. mibllsher: J. J. O'Connor, at
torney; John O. Roslcky, publisher;
W. H. Schmoller, Jobber; O. E. Shu
kert, manufacturer; Paul Skinner,
manufacturer; A. F. Smith, Jobber;
N. A. Splesberger, wholesales; Rob
ert C. Strehlow, contractor; A. J.
Vlerling, manufacturer.
"On motion, the organization was
styled The Nebraska Prosperity
League. Blanks have been placed
throughout the city, and friends of
the movement are Joining the league
in considerable numbers. It Is un
necessary to say that no liquor deal
er, nor any man interested In the
liquor business, was present at any of
the conferences, and It was under
stood that such men are not eligible
to membership. The league Is ex
tending its membership throughout
the state. It is strictly nonpartisan.
"After discussion, the meeting un
animously adopted the following res
olutions: "Whereas, the progress and devel
opment of Nebraska during the last
twenty-five years has been unparal
leled In the annals of western states,
raising Omaha to the dignity of a
I metropolis, and focusing upon our
1 state and city the attention of the
entire country; and
"Whereas, the taxpayers are re
sponsible citizenship look with disfa
vor upon attempts to foist sumptuary
laws upon our state, firmly believing
that such laws, if enacted, would be
a cosily economic blunder; would Im
pair property values; put a blight up
on business enterprise, and be of in
calculable injury to the moral and
material welfare of
therefore, be it
Resolved, that it is the sense of
this meeting of business men of the
city of. Omaha and state of Nebras
ka, that we believe the high license
law rrgu'atlng the sale of spirituous,
vinous and : alt beverages has yield
ed better results than prohibition
would produce, and that it is our
opinion that regulation will be better I
in its ultimate res ulta than law-made !
prohibition which never prohibits.
"It is the purpose of the organizers
of the league to create branches of
it In every county In the state, and
through these agencies to distribute!
i ?iv;M doal of literature, and to ap-;
point meeting places for anti-prohi-;
bition speakers during the progress1
of the campaign."
I will have a limited number, of EXTRA
26th, 16
This is your chance to get fine trees at a reasonable price. A
complete line of monthly, everblooming and climbing ross
and vines. Shrubs and all kinds of fruit trees that will grow
and produce. High ground, Nebraska grown stock.
our people;
100 "Bushels of first cKss rye fo j
sale. Good for seed. , j
Fred M. Hjover, Alliuno-
Ah! what relief.. No mora tired feet
no mora burning feet, swollen, bad smell
ing, sweaty feet. No more pain in eoru
callouses or bunions. No matter what
ails your fees
or what under
the sun youv
triad without
retting relief.
Just um TIZ."
TIZ- draws
out ail the poi
sonous exuda
tions which pull
up the fet(
TIZ" is mag
"TIZ" te
ft d; "TIZ
ml cure your
m troubles so
i never limp or draw up your faot
la pain. Your shoes won't seem tigb"
and your feet will never, never hurt or
get aore, swollen or tired.
Get a ti eent box at any urug Off
department store, aad gat relief.
See me at Barry House or phone Black 186
Salesman for Harrison Nursery Company, York, Nebraska
Another BUICK Record
Alliance Men Make Record Run to Pocatello, Idaho, in New Buick Six
After complete investigation of all makes of earn, Dr. 3. P. Maxfield of Alliance reeent
ly purchased a new Buick Six, 1916 model, from J. L. Nicolai, local agent. On Thursday
morning, April 13th, Dr. Maxfield and party, consisting of himself and 1. U. llager, J. JIoll
ring, and "Punk" Johnson, left Alliance for Payette, Idaho, overland in the new car. Sun
day morning the following telegram was received from Dr. Maxfield:
Pocatello, Idaho, 5:30 P. M.
April 15, 1916.
W. M. Sauerbrunn,
Alliance, Nebr.
Total-mileage 780. Fifteen mile3 to gallon gas- '
ollne average. First car to reach Evanston on
its own power this season, also Montpelier and by
bear lake. Struck lots of snow in hills. We
look like lobsters with whiskers. Refuse to wash
or shave till Monday noon. Have Alliance air 'in
tires, no trouble or adjustments. Simply keep
driving. . .
' Dr, J. -P. Maxfield.
Buick cart make the records and give satisfactory service. Before you buy your new car investigate
J. L Nicolai, Agenk
Phone 164
118 Box