The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 20, 1916, Image 13

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For Prompt Service in
The Spring Clean-Up
Teams and experienced men at your service at all times.
Licensed City Scavengers.
Prices governed by City Ordinance.
I wish to announce that I have again
engaged irf the business of auction
eer and will be pleased to. communi
cate with anyone desiring such ser
vices. My experience dates back
for several years and I have cried
many successful sales in the past.
For dates and terms phone or write-
Jack Miller
Meniand Women Vanted-Government Positions
Forest assistant, Industrial teacher, Junior engtneer, land law clerk,
teacher, telegraph operator. Examination March 15. Stenograph
er and typewriter February 26. Quick preparation is necessary
You Can Learn by Mail at Home, Study at Night.
Wouldn't you like a Job for life with a steady income of 175 to
1100 or more every month with a good chance for promotion? Then
why not get It? We guarantee to prepare you for any civil service
position, city, state or federal coach you free until you get the pos
ition. Send for particulars.
CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOL Klttredge Bldg., Denver
Cheapest to buy and best to plant You do not go to low
lands or draws for seed corn. Why go there for trees t Our
stock is not forced and will give you entire satisfaction. Our
plant is located the farthest west of any nursery in the state,
which insures prompt service.
made in western Nebraska from wheat grown in western
Nebraska. Housewives should "use
Soldjn Hemingford by: C. A. Burlew, 0. Lockwood, D. W.
Butler, N. Frohnapfel and'B. E. Johnson.
Sold in Alliance by: A. D. Kodgers, Wm, Hamilton and Mai
Sold in Hemingford by: C. A. Burlew, C. Lockwood, D. W.
Butler, N. Frohnapfel and B. E. Johnson.
Sold by L. II. Highland, Alliance.
We stand behind these high class brands of good flour.
If you arc not a regular user give them a trial.
Hemingford roller mills
A. M, MILLER, Proprietor
lAteM News front the Nebraska Mate
IIoiim" at liinmlit 4M1W lal are
llus) Those !)
(Dy Herald Correspondent)
Lincoln, Nebr.. April 19 Slate
Treasurer Hall received last Wednes
day a check for $438.15. being the
amount of the eslate of Karl Mauch,
deceased, which has escheated to the
state. Maurh died In Omaha some
time ago leaving no known heirs. AN
torney General Heed had charge of
the case.
Attorney General Willis R. Reed
requests every citizen of Nebraska
who has talked with officials or-employees
of the Burlington, North
western or Union Pacific railroads to
communicate with him, In the event
that In Buch conversation anything
wafl said tending to Bhow that these
roads 'intended to take action to in
crease passenger rates. State as near
ly as possible Just w hat was said.
Since May 1, 1915, to the present
time, the state Insurance commission
hna Ihbii(1 morn than 23.000 agents'
and Insurance company licenses to do
business In Nebraska, me nscai
year of Insurance licenses dates from
May 1 of each year. There are 3u
companies doing business In the
state and the amount or Are insur
ance in force, according to the 1915
preliminary report issued by the de
partment, totals $1,109,181,960. The
amount of lire and are risns written
during the year amounts to $535,
533.415, while the losses In all lines
were $11,114,518. The premiums
received will aggregate $18.922.0HS.
To correlate Ih h great mass of he
urcs and to fceep in touch with the
vast amount of business done by
these insurance companies require an
immense amount of effort and labor,
and as a result the Insurance depart
ment Is one of the busiest in the
uta to hnime.
O. E. , Bernecker, secretary of . the
state board of equalization, recently
sent out letters containing Instruc
tions to county assessors on how to
handle automobile assessments this
year, and he reports that as a result
of these instructions, assessors have
haon linllRlin llv successful In unearth
ing hundreds of autos that apparent
ly were not nereioiore in exiuif nee
hanhatnnHniiv lils advise was to as
I Bess automobiles as follows: New, 15
Iner cent off; one year old, 30 per
loont- ivn vara old. 40 per cent;
:thrp vpars old. 55 per cent: and
I four years old, 70 per cent. In addl
'tinn to this the assessor was instruct
ed to procure from the county treas
urer a certificate in aupucaie snow
ins dm tntnl number of cars register
ed- in his office on April 1, retaining a
copy and sending one to the secre
tary. By doing this the lissessor as-
.ortafnn if nil rare are Hated for tax
atlon. If he finds they are not he
goes out and hunts them up. mis
ioa mail ui in a larcer number of
(cars being shown up for taxation than
I ever DPiore, one vuumy ouu n u& i
Increase of more than 500 cars.
I A school bond issue of $50,000
from North Platte was received at
, the auditor's office for registration
last week. The bonds had been dis
I'uMiHt) lliireau of IUUrottl Itmtli-
eilwwxls Nays That (ireet bit
rovetiieiit Ha I Icon Made
rinvolamt Oh In Anrll 10 Thi
following slutemeut was Issued today
by the four transportation brotherhoods:
Onnonents of the etcht-hour dav
movement for railway freieht train
crews are attempting to make capi
tal out of the statement that "35 per
cent of all railway stock pays no dividends."
Rvmnathv I n ' ri prI rprf fnr thn tinor
. . - v - - . -stockholder
who might suffer a de
crease in his dividends If better
working conditions are granted to
the wage earners of the railways. II
Is a fallacy, of course, to think that
tho crnnttns rf bpttpr hours will rp-
sult in a decrease In dividends, but
that is tbe argument mat is oeing
put. up by the railroads.
As far as dividends are concerned
railway stock Is in much better shape
than It ever was. and when It is as
serted that 35 per cent of all rail
way stock pays no dividends, It
should also be shown that In 1897
only 30 per cent of all railway Btock
paid dividends, and in 1914, which
was the last available figures, 67 per
cent or an railway biock paia aivi
dends. There has been a gradual in-
prpaRA In thn npr ppnt of dividend-
paying stock since 1897 and this in
spite of the fact that there has been
a large increase in the amount of
at or it (aaiiarl. much of which renre-
sented no capital investment whatev
er hut wii Issued to nay bonuses.
commissions, etc., given to such fin
ancial manipulators as operated the
New Haven, r risco ana hock isiana
It ah mi Id he remembered that In
the total amount of railroad stock
outstanding there Is considerable
that Is not expected to pay dividends,
aurh aa switching lines, belt line
transfers, etc., which are constructed
onl vto facilitate the handling or
traffic In and around terminals.
Intorntntp Commerce Commission
statistics Bhow that there has been an
increase over the period from 1897
to 1914, regardless of any increase
in the total volume of stock thai
there has been a very large increase
In the nrooortlon that pays oivi
dends. These statistics assume the
total amount of Btock to have been
100 per cent each year, from 1897 to
1914, inclusive, and trey show what
nrnnnrtlnn o f this total for each year
was dividend-paying stock, thus Indi
cating the relation or the biock inai
paid dividends to the total stock out
tnnrilnc for each vear.
Thus, a more detailed examination
of the official statistics of the inter
state Commerce Commission, as re
tmrriH the dividend and non-dividend
paying Btock of the railways of the
United States does not give the lm
that the onnonents of the
oipht-hour riav movement are .so de
Biroua of instilling into the public
To Bay that "35 per cent of the
rilwav stock naid no dividend" in
1914 does not, in the slightest de
gree, Indicate that the stockholder of
.. - t-..... kmimmm Arm Atn..iiPHn railways has not fared well
P... y. .. tho ro!ntrnct ! with his Investment. On the con-
Mill )t 11M tuu:i'iviinp . - - I
..j ),. riiAmia irgiv tt hna tippn conclusively proven
. . - . i i K ,KA oofroturv that thn condition of this BtOCKnOIuer
;of state as well as the state auditor. . has considerably Improved over the
This Is the first time mis request nan penou oi jem.
been made under State Auditor As conclusively shown In Btate
Smith's administration. In 1913 a ments previously Issued by the Inter
.,..,! hv tho lociuiatnrp utatp Commerce Commission the typ
ui v. 11 knnil. "ahall hp Inn i stockholder In American rail
first registered by the auditor of ways Is the railroad corporation lt
nublic acocunts and by him certified self, and not the widows and orphans
to the county clerk." etc. Under the which the railway officials would try
old law such bonds were required to to have us believe owns the stock of
be certified to by both the auditor tue ranroaus ui wu mumi.
and secretary of state. When the (, . . ... ei,eTed
new provision was passed nowevrr. ad C0UgD
it failed to repeal tne oid law. ai- - '.nnln-'ot Fan ris;ht thru
though Grant Martin, attorney gen- f X8?" Vet ; cold after
eral at that time, rendered an opm- - Klns's New Discovery
ion holding that the former measure 'wm ge !lm?st immediate
waa automatically repealed by the ,A h.
new statute. Under the provisions of c."
the law the auditor receives no com- --- fa flammatioa. soothe.
f'"""tt"u." . rl.W"" ; .hp the raw tubes. Easy to tae, abu-
inB uonu. oUl """I"; septic and Healing. Get a 50c ooiti
secretary of state. He can charge K,n,., m.w niscovery todaj
'?r.h.i.8,8f.rllC f "dJJ! :.r.nn; ' It U certainly a great medicine ano
mi kthii i ii n i m i i in uia Ditiiiutui v t a. a t . m i a .Aintiaiiv fir
seal would not be confiscatory, and h A ,rItea w. c. jesseman. Frsn-
nrrv ' -------- - ... .
conia. N. H. Money bacK u noi at
received a $50 fee for signing fifty
bonds worth $1,000 each, which $50
will go into the state treasury.' It Is
said the North Platte people also re
ceived $1,800 as a premimum on
these bonds
XeetlleMN IjOfcset on 8twk
Th number of farms showing
. ato. k roppinta too small to cover the
Catarrhal Deaf net t aimot lie I iiretl .. fh ,aaA oniimpd is sur-
by local applications, as they cannot
t - :
it .
Hand mad from best material.
Outlast any factory mads goods.
Call and aea.
Harneas repairing by experienc
ed harness maker.
At M. .D. Nichols' stand. Alliance
neBS are caused by catarrh, which Is
an inflamed condition of the mucous
surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure acts
thru the blood on the mucous sur
faces of the system.
We will give one hundred dollars
for any case of Catarrhal Deafness
that cannot be cured by Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure. Circulars free. AH
druggists, 75c.
P. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O.
Ad v April
Marriage of Prominent Attorney
Friends of Wm. Ritchie. Jr.. the
prominent young attorney of Bridge
port, will be pleased to learn of the
announcement of his approaching
1 marriaee. on Wednesday. April 26.
to Miss Eunice Arthur, daughter of
Kev. and Mrs. Louis A. Arthur, at
the home of the bride's parents in
Grand Island. The young couple will
be at home to their friends in Bridge
port after May 15.
See Seymore before you Insure.
State agent for Omaha Health and
Accident. Only blanket Insurance
written In the state. At Fleming's
i Cigar Store.
as a rule It is a very expensive prac
tice. A large percentage of the pigs
lost at farrowing time or soon fol
lowing is the result of negligence. In
many cases this has meant the differ
ence between profit and Iosb.
An Ideal Spring I.aiative
A good and time-tried remedy is
rm Kinit'a New Life Pills. The first
dose will move the sluggish bowels,
stimulate the liver and clear the sys
tem of waste and blood Impurities.
You owe it to yourseir to ciear me
system of body poisons, accumulated
during the winter. Dr. King's New
Life Pills will do it. 25c at your
Adv 1
Registered Hereford Bulls
Three two years old; three year
lings. These are good bulls in good
condition and priced very reasonable
for immediate sale. Come and see
One and one-half miles east of Thed
ford, Nebraska.
T fil '- ataaamM.
t i
p,,r.Ui IHWJ'M 'liLpXI
1 vumtAL 1
doc not CaVvyy
Attt. &fc
a n t ' " m
nut. coal qbAJL omr .
Debt is a hard master.
Tho way not to have a debt you cannot pay is not to mako
The "careful" man never makes a debt, unless by doing
so he could safely see a bigger "in-come" than "out-go."
This is how he grows a fortune.
Are not you going tp put your money in our bank and also
grow a fortune!
"We pay 4 per cent interest on Time Deposits.
Breeder and Dealer
Can furnish ranchmen of Nebraska with either
Herefords or Shorthorns.
Address Exchange Building, South Omaha
The Better
the Printing
of your stationery the better
the impression it will create.
Moral; Have your print
ing done here
Is it on our subscrip
tion list?
We will guarantee
you full value
..... . r. .. . V. Cn-
reach the dUeaned po-tlon of the ear. ' of A(?ricuiture indicate rather
There is or'y on o cure catarr- t.0K.,UBlvely that thi8 is chietty the
hnl -latne-K -.l that i ; by a consll- , f ,mproper feeding and tare,
tutlonal remedy Citarrhal DrneR.s fhan inferlor . bredinK or
1. caused by an Inflame I condition of (jUH,i,y of the live Btock. ThU is
the mucous liniMc or the hustchHn , ,lrulBrIy true wtth gjrlctly meat
Tube When thin tube la inflamed roduclng anlnmiB BUCh as hogs and
yon have a rurb!lng sound or lm- ef CBU, wh,ch po98e89 more unl-
perfect hearinR. and when it Is en- nhiutv in nrnduction. Too much
tlrely closed Deafnens la the result. ck underfed and poorly Bhelter
Unless the Inflammation can be re- w... omft,iniM nays to
duced and thla tube restored to Us the wlnter e8pec.
normal condition, hearing will be de- western nart of the state.
A Remarkable Record.
Automobile Statistics Show that for 1915
448 Automobile I inns
Built and Sold
600,000 Pleasure Cars ,
Of this number tlie Ford output was just about half to be
accurate, 308,213 for the year, and the other half of the world'
supply was the output of the other 447 companies.
There are reasons for such a wonderful record. They are
quality service reliability low price economy of opera
tion and maintenance, and the character and responsibility of
the company.
500,000 Fords to be
Sold This Year. Get
Yours NOW!
The FORD Garage
Keeler-Coursey Company