PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Rates : One-inch cards, 50 cents; two inch cards, $1.00 H. A. COPSEY Physician and Burgeoa Phono, 361 Res. Phone, 141 Cilia answered promptly day and mlht from office. Offices: Alliance National Bank building, over the Pott Office. ' 0. E. SLAOLE, M. D. Physician and Surgeon im phone, 66 Res. phone, 61 ALLIANCE NEBRASKA Orle Coppernoll In. Phone SO F. J. Petersen Hesj Phone 41 Dm. Coppernoll & Petersen Osteopaths BOOM I. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK H. M. BULLOCK Attorney- t-Law jaJLLIANCE NEBRASKA L. W.BOWMAN tyslclaa and Surgeon fTICB, rirst National Bank Bldg. raONEB: Office. 161; Residence. 16 DR. D. E. TYLER Dentist PHONE 362 OVER FIRST NATIONAL BANK ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER AT THE HERALD OFFICE REASONABLE BATES PROMPT SERVICE ' J. D. EMERICK Bonded Abstracter I aave the only set of abstract books In Box Butte county. OFFICE: Rm. 7. Opera House Block J. F. YAMDERS TAILOR and HATTER rCBST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. '"ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA -LET ME CRT FOR YOU" HARRY P. COURSEY UVE STOCK AND GENERAL SALES SPECIALIST AND AUCTIONEER Farm Sales a Specialty TERMS REASONABLE PHONE: 664 ALLIANCE NEBRASKA LEG SORES and ULCERS -it Hinc In Kanus CUj, I h-we moor- fally tivntodthoiiMucU of cnaumot chronic j tid VAK1COSK ULCEUS. Mj A. 1. k. 1 . . .1 u:.k Mlvlnul ISswmI modern inntbodR 1 naorea corn livii to ik'ciwi. without knife or pain. U uf.,i l..r ill. i .i l.k-t klilL auuled. llPAYWHENCUREiflO V DrT K. J. WHITTIERi SiSAiTJS BURTON & REDDISH AlUriH')s-at-law I Mini Attorney-. WCE: First National Bank Uldg. PHONE 180 AAiJANCK NKBKASKA ONE: 233. CLARE A. DOW Electrician IIoiiko Wiring r and Aiito-Ktarter IU-uiiting JANCK NEBRASKA GEO. O. GADSBY Licensed Embalmer PHONE: Day. 498; Night, 510 , ALLIANCE : : NEBRASKA PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER kind of Photos. Interior and exterior viewa QUALITY PORTRAITS Alliance Art Studio If. K. (Irene. Pnrn lit East 4th. Phone Black 111 2AMES BL KENNEDY, DENTIST lint National Dank Building, AU1 stave, Nebr. Phones : Office, 23; Res fiance. Black 10. Nitrons Oxide ad- itslitered. J. Jeffrey, D.C. Ph.C. A. G. Jeffrey, D.C. CHIROPRACTORS 303y2 Box Butte Ave.,. Itooms 3 and 4 Office Hours, 10 a. m. to 8 p. m .AMES OSBORN Contractor and Builder Estimates Furnished Free ALLIANCE t t NEBRASKA THOMAS LYNCH Att'y-a t-Law 1619-1521 City National Bank Building OMAHA Special Attention to Live Stock Claims AUTO LIVERY - - PHONE 573 - - C. E. Morgan On. "STour ""Trip take with you a box of good CIG-uf .BS and a late ilcEsigreizI.n.e Get them at up-town news stand or at depot - niLLER BROTHERS RED PEPS PHILOSOPHY "When your short commas are wfrerrtsed, the other fellow buys the space" WK ARE HEADQUARTERS For Auto Supplies and Oil and Gasoline FREE AIR ON THE CURB Alliance Auto Supply Co. Ptfoae 25 Geo. J. Hand.n.D. Asthma and Hay Fever Bye, Ear, Nose and Throat PHONE 251 Calls answered from office day ot night Wm. Ritchie, Jr. C. S. Parry RITCHIE & PERRY Attorneys -at-Law BRIDGEPORT, NEBRASKA Office in Lincoln, 1411 O St., flm Wednesday of Each Month WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT THE BswwKUbsihl Burlesque UMtV BiHS BUIMtl uilT DONT OO HOME SAYING! I DIDN'T VISIT THE GAYETY PAPER RAISES IN PRICE Wholesale Paprr Denier Illume High Price of ling for liaise In Cst of lHter Stock The Herald Publishing Company, publisher of The Herald, is daily re ceiving notices from the wholesale paper houses of advances In the cost of paper stock of all kinds. Notices received this morning from two wholesale houses quote a raise of twenty-five per cent in the cost of print paper, and of higher amounts on other papers. Because of contracts for print pa per, which is used in immense quan tities at this office, we will not be af fected on this stock until the con tracts expire. The manufacturers state that cot ton rags which sold for from one and one-half to two and one-half cents per pound In 1915 are now bringing from three to five and one-half ctjnts. Bleach, which sold at $1.35 per cwt, now sells for $15 to $20. The short age in bleach is responsible for the yellowish color of most of the news print which is used by the newspa pers. Aniline colors which sold at from 40c to $1 per pound now sell for $10 to $30. Bleach, casein and sulphite are not to be obtained ex cept by contract. Aniline colors are oversold and every mill is In want. Cotton rags are being bought by am munition factories which are willing to pay high prices, and Importations are entirely cut off. If it were not for prosperous times the large dailies in the cities would be forced to decrease the size of their paperB and the smaller newspapers would probably be forced to follow suit. With a weekly paper of the circulation of The Herald, running in size from twelve to twenty-four pages, it keeps us hustling to keep supplied with paper stock. War upon Pain! Tain is a visitor to every home and usually it comes quite unexpectedly. But you are prepared for every emer gency If you keep a small bottle of Sloan's Liniment handy. It Is the greatest pain killer ever discovered. Simply laid on the skin no rubbing required it drives the pain away. It is really wonderful. Mervtn H. Soister, Berkley, Calif., mritu- "T-nst Sutnrdav. after tramp ing around the Panama Exposition with wet feet, I came nome wun my neck so Btlff that I couldn't turn. I applied Sloan's Liniment freely and went to bed. To my surprise, next morning the stiffness had almost dis appeared, four hours after the second application I was as good as new." March, 1915. At Druggists. 25c, Adv 1 SCHOOL OFMETHODS I lev. Young Attends Meeting Coil ducted by National Head of S. S. of Christian Church .liristlun YoungT tj. u I Voirtie. nastor of the rhiiBtian church, returned Sunday from HastlngB where he spent last week in attendance at me uiDie dnni f Mothnria conducted by the three national heads of Sunday School work of the Christian church, W. J. Clark, adult superintenaeni, naa r-vnthia Pearl Maus. secondary superintendent; and Miss Hazel A. Lewis, elementary bupkii"""""'" a fiva-dav session was held- at which thirty-three lectures. were giv en. Twenty-five lectures were re quired for graduation, which entitled . iw, ra,inata tn nn International Sunday School certificate. Onehun- dred and three were in aueuuauo -,M-HTittn twentv-Bix churches. and ttev. Young was among the fifty graduating and securing ceruncaies. Many Children Have Worms childhood -v nAn Thov mflkA children irrita- auiucuvi ble, nerrous and restless, besides rob bing the body ana mina ui uimci nourishment. Watch your child. Ex amine the stools and at flrBt signs of lid ft treatment of Kickapoo Worm Killer. They kill the worms, act as a laxative and ex pel the worms and poisonous waste. Tone the system and help restore your child's health and happy dispos ition, only ztc ai your uruggiBi. Adv No 1 ' Washington, D. C, March 2 An swering a blood call, perhaps, the below named enlisted men' of the United States Marine Corps are sail ing away o'enthe seven seas: Cor poral Swan on the U. S. S. Machlas; Private Haddock on the U. S. S. Cas tine; Private Seals on the U. S. S. Delaware; Private Pike on the V. S. S. Prairie; Private Sturgeon on the U. S. S. Utah. . How AppendicitU Can lie Prevented Alliance people should Know mai a few doses of simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed In Ad-ler-i-ka, often relieve or prevent ap pendicitis. This simple mixture re moves such surprising foul matter that ONK SPOONFUL relieves almost ANY CASK constipation, sour stom ach or gas. A short treatment helps chronic stomach trouble. Adler-i-ka has easiest and most thorough action of anything we ever sold. Harry Thiele, druggist. Adv 0-5 Function of the Stomach The teacher was examining the class in physiology. "Mary, can you tell me," she ask ed, "what Is the function of the stom ach?" "The function ot the stomach," the little girl answered, "is to hold up the petticoat." Chicago Ameri can. How to Prevent Croup When the child Is subject to at tacks of croup, see to it that he eats a lght evening meal, as an overload ed stomach may bring on an attack, also watch for the first symptom hoarseness, and gve Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon at the child becomes hoarse. Obtainable every where. Adt March (?oJh, 0 b D l Voav jjUAYuAfx. 'aou arvvj nxrrux. en. cyuiaaatvaxi j9evwtA Cotcaouolor Stock and Supply Tanks Will outlast several steel tanks or several tanks made from other ma terial, and cost less money. These tanks will keep the water cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Send for price list today. ATLAS TANK MFfl. COMPANY, Fred Ilolsen, Manager, 1102 W. O. W. Hide., Omaha, Neb. Live Wire Directory of Real Estate dealers free with one year's subscription to the Real Estate Exchange the best real estate paper. The paper with 1000 sale and ex change propositions and live clean general real estate infor mation. Time limited. Write for sample copy now. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Belle, Mo. VARICOCELE CURED.?.?? Tf Since 1885 in Kansas City, l nave flP eucciBBfully t lea lei thonwanilB of cases of Varicocele, Hydro cele, and allied troubles. The knotted veins, pain, enlarge ment, weakness and other. Bvitintnma milcklv fliHnnrtear.3 Write for Illustrated book-f? "Without the Knife" and full particu lars free, sealed. Cull or address I kaniaiCily, Mo. gt 1 1 afflicted. tk far mw Bk 11 as 3H Varicaa Ulcara aa4 Lag Sara. The Imperial Orchestra MILT II. WHALEY and H. A. DUBUQUE, Managers High Class Conceit and Dance Work I'rlces on Members of Application A. F. of M. Some of the most interesting news to be found in The Herald each week will be found in the advertisements. Don't overlook them. tm:tumtnm:u:nKmmmn;t-- Why it Pays to Trade With Firms that Advertise 8 iiiiimiini:nmi!i;iii)i; Advertising creates sales. The modern busi ness man knows this. lie also knows he must de pend upon many sales with a small profit, rather than on a few with ,big profits on each. The world knows the firm that ad vertises most can sell cheapest. UiiilillllllinniiiniiiDM ,i 4iinmtmttmfiTTnuntrtumnmmn; THE "LAND OF PLENTY" Ohcrvatiu given from Oim Who Is lutcrravU! in HiiinAnity A1o font ratting I'ortmicM of Mhiij Prom a great many varying sourc es come the records of families are satisfied with life and its many comforts and luxuries, the newspa pers report the growing prosperity of all parts of our land, business men are going to and from their offices with that 'puffer-up" appearance and a face Illuminated with a smile of satisfaction over good deals put thru which increase their bank account to the limit where they feel free to en Joy life and it pleasures. And why shouldn't we who have plenty be Joy ful all the year around, and let the spirit of thanksRlvIng permeate our being to overflowing. Surely "Amer ica is the Land of Plenty" for many, who have either thru their own ef forts been successful in accumulating fortunes, or have had them handed to them. Accepting all the above facts, do we stop to think that perhaps there are many who need assistance, and are actually destitute and needy. The next time you take a trip east cast your eyes about and see if there is not someone near who is actually in want of a little help. We think that you will not be long In picking out from the hurrying masses a person or persons who would appreciate a little charity and attention. The cry of many to the effect that "some are not deserving" Is fast being forgot ten, and we believe we are beginning to read the face of our "brother" aa never before. The railroad station Is a good place to watch out. and learn by ob serving the conditions of life exist ing with many. Not long sgo our attention was called to a woman In the Alliance depot who came off one of the trains, directing and piloting a group of six children, the oldest about eleven and the youngest Just at the "walking age". Being Inter ested at once we Inquired concerning the place from which she arrived and her destination, and found that she had come from Missouri with only a ticket and $1.60 to go to a claim some distance away. She looked weary, worn and hungry, as did all the children, and she Inquired from a nearby local hotel for food, saying that she had only ten cents to pay for same. The kind hearted proprietor graciously supplied the woman with a large sack of fresh bread and but ter, adding hot coffee to the bill of fare. All of the party greedily ate of the provisions, and when to all ap pearances the sustenance had vanish ed, we noticed that the children hun grily picked the crumbs out of the seats, and two of the oldest ones took pieces of paper, scraped the crumbB from the floor onto the paper and then eating the crumbs. Think of it! We who have all that heart could wish! Can you imagine that such a condition Is really existing? But this actually happened. We believe that there is plenty for all, and the fact lies perhaps in that ,t is not evenly distributed. The thought of people in need does not make a pleasant one to dwell long upon. Let us share up with the un fortunates and so give them an op portunity to call America "The Land of Plenty". NEW TELEPHONE IHIUJCTOKY To assure the entry of your name In the next Telephone Directory, which will be out April 1st, you should order a telephone not later than March 10th. If not convenient to come to the telephone offlce, drop me a postal, or telephone. P. D. OLEASON, Commercial Manager. 13-2t-6628 Why Is It Like a Ford? The following question was re cently propounded to us: "Why is it that squirrels are never allowed around the Insane asylum at Hast ings?" We were told, when unable to reply, "They miKht eat the nuts." DRINK HOT TEA FOR A BAD COLD i;i ii Mitall i;uka(.'c of Hamburg itrcubt 'IVa. or um the German folks i-all it."Mamliurj;T Hrufct Thee," at any ilariiiiicy. Take a taMrtipmmful of the tea. put a cup of hoiling water upon it. pour through a mi-vc and drink a teacup full ot any time during the day or before retirin,'. It is the most fD'cctiw vuy to hreaW a cold and cure crip, an it opeua tlie pores of the skin, relieving congfHtion. Also loosens the I bowclx, thus driving a cold from the s)'ntem. j Trv it the next time you suffer from j a cold or the grip. It is inexpensive and entirely vegetable, therefore safe j and harmless. E LUMBAGO RIGHT OUT Bab Fain and Stiffness away with a small bottle ot old honest 8t Jacobs Oil When your bark is sore and lame or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has you stiffened up, don't suffer! Get a 25 cent bottle of old, honest "St Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, pour a little in your band and rub it right into the pain or ache, and by the time you count fifty, the soreness and lame ness is gone. Don't stay crippled I This soothing, penetrating oil needs to be used only nnce. It takes the ache and pain right ut of your back and ends the misery, it i magical, yet absolutely harmless and doesn't burn the skin. Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica and lame back misery so promptly I Nearly new, late model, typewriter for sale cheap. On easy terms. In quire at The Herald office. mm AND Going Away on one of the mid-day trains. Don't Bother About getting lunch at some. Stop here and try one of oar famous "home-cooked" short-orders. They're appetising. HANDEL'S LUNCH Near Depot Electric Repairing and Supplies Automobile Starter repairing a specialty by expert workmen. ALLIANCE ELECTRICAL WORKS Alliance, Nebraska Phone 50. 416 Uox Ilutte Ave. HIDES FURS Shipped to us brtnx blfhaat prtou 2uickat MtufM. TAN NINCJwi o the world's boat tannins at mo4 rau prtcM. Tags and prices fur nlahed. Rfrnc Any Bank In Btenjt City. HAtfKEH HIDE COUPANY 411 Water St Sioux Cttr. I. WE ARE NEW HERE and want to ' 6ET ACQUAINTED with YOU Call at our studio In the Raster block and see the fine quality of workmanship in the work we are putting out. Inspect the large t ...... line of the very newest In mount ings. Our prices are no higher than la usually charged for much Inferior work. Ten yeurs experience. Shuler Studio Victor Shuler Absolutely Floored Another kid absolutely floored hr parents with an unanswerable argu ment at the dinner table. She want ed a fork to eat her cake with, and her mother did not think It neee sary. "Fingers were made before forks, my dear." quoted the mother. This was a new thoupht for th child. She pondered a minute, ana then said: "How old am 1?" "You are seven." "Well, didn't I hear you say you got those forks for a wedding pres ent?" Cleveland Plain Dealer. r Everyone Should Drink Hot Water in the Morning Wash away all the stomach, liver, and bowel poisons before breakfast To feel your best day in and day out. to feel clean ln.side; no sour bile to coat your tongue and sicken your breath or null your head, no constipa tion, bilious attacks, sick headache, colds, rheumatism or gassy, acid stom ach, you must bathe on the Inside like you bathe outside. This is vastly more Important, because the skin pores do' not absorb Impurities Into the blood,' while the bowel pores do. says a well known physician To keep these poisons and toxins well flushed from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels, drink before breaav fast each day, a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phos phate In it This will cleanse, purify and freshen the entire alimentary tract, before putting more food into tha stomach. Get a quarter pound ot limestone phosphate from your pharmacist. It is inexpensive and almost tasteless, except a sourish twinge which is not unpleasant. Drink phosphated hoi voter every morning to rid your sys tem of these Tile poisons and toxins; also to prevent their formation. To feel like young folks feel: Ilka you felt before your blood, nerves and muscles became saturated with an ac cumulation of body poisons, begin tM treatment and above all, keep It un! As soap and bot water act on the skin, cleansing, sweetening and purifying, so limestone phosphate and hot water be fore breakfast, act on the stomacfc, liver, kidneys and bowels.