The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 24, 1916, STOCKMAN EDITION, Image 26

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    T I 1 i
mimim"" MMMtmtmmiinii!m,iMMHimiHimmimMMiiiiimiiiiiittt--
Dalton Townsite
I am offering for sale the DALTON TOWNSITK section;
about 500 acres unsold. Will sell all In one body, Including
all unsold town lots, or will sell the south half of the section
separately for $47.66 per acre, one-third cash, payments to
suit purchaser on the balance.
I also hare for sole the following lands near Dalton:
160 acres, two miles southeast of Dalton.
$40 acres a stock Bectlon four miles north of Dalton.
80 acres under cultivation; 6 room house; barn 24x32; two
wells; ZM miles of fence; one mile from Simla. Price $14.00
per acre, one-half cash.
320 acres, 12 miles west of Dalton; 200 acres under culti
vation; all fenced and cross fenced. One-half cash, balance
one and two years.
480 acres, 6 miles northwest of Sidney; 300 acres under
cultivation; house 20x32; barn 24x32; 4,000 bushel granary.
Price Is $30.00 per acre, $3,000 cash, balance to suit the pur
chaser. Por farther Information write or aee
Exhibitor from Till State Make a
mmI Knowing at Tenth Nat
ional Western Stock Show
prizes comix; to Nebraska
Dalton, Cheyenne County, Nebr.
I Have Stocked Up in
Good Young Stallions
. A Prize Winner frona the Stock Show In Denver.
I now have eight head. Call and see them, for It Is a pleasure
to show them. I have made arrangement to stay In Alliance with
these Stallions until closed out. They will bo sold as cheap as any
one can sell stallions, quality being taken Into consideration. Terms
will be made to suit the purchaser.
I will take Stallions or full aged Muix ,Lu .exchange .at what
they are worth. Correspondence solicited.
mi, . v
Stallions at the Wilson
Barn in Alliance
nam one block luirth and two blocks west of Burlington depot.
Address me in care of the Burlington Hotel. Alliance.
W. W. Buchanan
of Hyannis,
, -n k
Hreetler and DeHler
Can furnish ranchmen of N braska with either
heuft rds or Shorthorns.
Address l:xchfnge Huilding, Soul h Omaha
-1st, Rees & Sons; 4th
The tenth annual National West
ern Slock Show, at Denver, last
month was one of the best exhibi
tions ever held In the history of the
association having charge of It There
were cattle, horses, sheep and hogs
galore, to say nothing of the big poul
try show, just preceding the live
stork show, or the baby contest held
at the same time.
The cattle show was the biggest
part of the exhibition, but that does
not mean that the other parts were
small. The cattle prizes went to the
following ten states: Colorado, Ne
braska, Iowa, Ohio, Wyoming, Mis
souri, Montana, Kansas, Oregon and
Idaho. Colorado Becured more priz
es than any other one state because
of its proximity to the exhibition, but
some other states, Including Nebras
ka, secured a liberal share.
following Is a list of Nebraska
prize winners:
Catt le Shorthorns
Aged Shorthorn bull First prize
II. Rees & Sons, Pilger.
Junior yearling bulla 2nd, same
Senior bull calf let, same,
Junior bull calf 3rd. same; 5th
Rapp Bros., St. Edward.
Aged cow 3rd, Rees & Sons
Cow 2 years old and under 1st
Yearling heifer 1st, same; 2nd
Rapp Bros.
Junior yearling heifer 1st, Rees
& Sons; 2nd, Rapp Bros.
Senior heifer calf 2nd, H. Rees
& Sons; 6th, Rapp Bros.
Junior heifer calf 1st, Rapp Bros
3rd and 4th, II. Rees. & Sons; 5th
Rapp Bros.
Aged herd
Rapp Bros.
Calf herd 2nd, Rees & Sons; 4th
Rapp Bros.
Get of sire 3rd, Rees & Sons; 4th
Rapp Bros.
Produce of dam 4th Rees & Sons
Senior champion cow, junior chain
pion cow, grand champion cow, re
serve to grand champion cow Rees
& Sons.
Cuttle Hereford
Hereford junior yearling bulls
5th, Mousel Bros., Cambridge.
Senior bull calf 3rd, same.
Junior yearling heifers 1st, same.
Senior heifer calf 2nd, Bame.
Junior heifer calf 1st, same; 2nd,
Thompson Bros.. West Tolnt; 4th, O.
E. Green, Genoa.
Young herd 2nd, Mouael Bros.
Calf herd 1st, same.
Get of sire 2nd, same.
Produce of dam 4th, O. E.
t 'a 1 1 le Aberdeen-Angus
Aged bull 1st, D. K. Robertson
& Son, Madison; 2nd. Harrison &
Harrison, Indianola.
Bull 2 years old and under 3 1st,
J. W. McClung & Son, Indianola;
2nd. Harrison & Harrison.
Junior yearling bull 1st, D. K.
Robertson & Son.
Senior bull calf 2nd. same; 4th,
Harrison & Harrison.
Junior bull calf 1st and 4th. D.
K. Robertson & Son; 3rd. J. W. Mc
Clung & Son: 5th. Harrison & Har
rison. Aped row 1st. D. K. Robertson
& Son; 2nd & 4th. Harrison & Har
rison. Cow J years old and under 3 1st,
IX K. Robertson & Son; 2nd and 3rd.
Harrison & Harrison.
Senior yearling heifer 1st, Harri
son & Harrison.
Junior yearling heifer 1st, J. W.
McClung & Son; 2nd. D. K. Robert
son & Son; 3rd. Harrison & Harrison.
Senior heifer calf 2nd D. K. Rob
ertson & Son: 3rd and 4th, Harrison
: Kurrison; jth. J. W. McClung &
Junior heifer calf 1st and 2nd,
1). K. Kobertson & Son; 4th. Harri-
on At Harrison.
Senior ha:. pion bull, grand cham-
iion hull. Junior champion heifer,
(I lira nil champion cow or heifer
W. McClung & Son.
Senior champion cow. and reserve
to grand champion cow or heifer
I). K. Robinson & Son.
Aged herd 1st. O. K. Robinson &
Son; 2nd, Harrison & Harrison.
Young herd 1st. Harrison & Har
Calf herd 2nd, D. K. Robertson
& Son; 3rd, Harrison & Harrison.
Get ' of sire 2nd. J. W. McClung
& Son; 3rd. D. K. Robertson & Son.
Produce of dam 1st and 3rd, D.
K. Robertson & Son; 2nd, J. W. Mc
Clung & Son; 4th, Harrison & Har
rison. Fat Cattle
Hereford steer, spayed or martin
heifer, calved between Jan. 1, 1913,
and Sept. 1. 1913 4th, O. E. Green.
Hereford steer, spayed or martin
heifer, calved between Sept. 1, 1914.
Established Old-Tried
1888 True
For UnivorsalGood Prices, Good Fills and Courteous Treatment consign to
National Live Stock Commission Co.
Kansas City Stock Yards
Sellers of
The BestlKnown Host Widely Patronized Its Reputation is Your
Protection, Its Experience Your Guarantee
Six expert cattle salesmen with but a single thought
Write Us
Wire Us
Ship Us
VVUll Manufacturers of
Horse and Cattle
Hide Robes and Coats
HENRY HOLM, Proprietor
Send us your hides and furs and have them made into robes and
garments for the whole family
Also Dealers in Hides and Furs of All Kinds
Send for our full price list and catalogue
Northwestern Robe and Tanning Co.
Tenners and Manufacturers of
The Best Known and known as the Best,
Oldest and Most Reliable Tanner in the North
west. We have been at the business 22 years,
and have tanned many thousand hides. WE
7 d
Horse bides 13.50 to $4.60 We make a specialty of repairing and re
Cow bides 3.50 to 4.50 lining all fur coats and robes at reasona-
Bear bides 2.50 to 5.00 ble prices. We also buy hides and pay the
'Calf skins 1.00 to 2.50 highest market price.
Dog skins 1.00 to 2.00
Goat skins 1.00 to 2.00 Sh,D us TOUr good, well-furred Horse
Wolf skins 1.00 ta 2.00 and Cattle IlideB, and you will get an A-l
Coyote skins 1.00 to 1.50 Robe- Motn Proof.
Beaver, dress and pluck . . . 1.00 to 2.00 Hor(je mdeB make Splendld Robes Fur
i!ep Kft t i nn Coats and Robes Llned and Repaired at
ox H 1S Reasonable Prices.
Coon 50 to .75
Deer 1.00 to 1.50 Fur Coats Made to Order from Cattle
Mink . 20 to .40 and Horse Hides. Ready-made Robes and
Musk Rat 20 to .25 Coats for Sale.
Wild Cat 50 to 1.00
Also do all taxiriennixt work.
Dark green plush 4.50 carrop iiinw
Black plush 0.00 CAR. O HIDES
Fancy Moquette plush 6.00 Hides are best for tanning from Novem-
Beaver cloth 6.00 ber 1 to March 1.
Lining Fur Coats, quilted lining .... 6.00
Lining, best Skinners' Satin 10.00 Hides are not as good after they begin
Write us for anything you may want in to shed the hair,
our line. Correspondence solicited.
References, Ieds Bank, Kioux Clt, Iowa Hides should be spread out and thor-
oughly salted as soon as taken off, five
1 days before shlpplrg them.
It takes two medium sized hides for a Roll up. flesh side out, tie well, or If you
coat. Our price for tanning and mating prefer, use sack, box or barrel,
all complete is $14.00 where the hide is all
furnished. not tr,m nlde"-
ivTiii!i rin Mm tiiuiMMVf u lRke" from four 10 flTe weeks to fln-
INSUtUl HONS FOR Mill I IMl . blde ,f lBere mf9
When shipping hides always put the ahead. "
owner's name and address on tag.
Write us when bides were shipped, glv- Customers will be noticed when thtlr
ing kind and color, and Bend us the bill of work Is finished,
lading. Do not ship dry hides.
We Guarantt- our work. Write for Price List and Shipping Tags.
G. B. LEWIS, Proprietor. Leeds, Sioux City, Iowa.
and Jan. 1, 1915 5th, O. E. Green, i Grand champion carload repister
llerefori Bteer herd 4th, O. E. 'ed bulls Mortimer & Son.
CurlottN Breeding Cattle
Carload registered bulls, yearlings
1st, Thomas Mortimer & Son,
Madison: 2nd. Mousel Bros., Cam
bridge: 3rd, Mortimer & Ochsner, I
Reserve to grand champion car
load registered bulls Mousel Bros.
The prizes for horses were won by
exhibitors from Colorado, Nebraska.
Iowa and Illinois. Nebraska secur-
were not nearly as many prie8 of
fered for horses as for cattle.
North & Robinson Co.. Grand Id
land, won the following: Perch rss
3-year-old stallion. 3rd; Perchera.
2-eur-old stallion. 2nd; Belgian 2-year-old
stallion. 1st and 3rd; B.
glan aged mare. 1st and 2nd; Belgla,
ed a large share of them, but there champion mare; Belgian
reifrve t