I, V'V 1 'flippy Tlh TPiS Wf CfiwOEM! Of Addmgtosa Peace Bo FLETCMEE EOIMSOI Cnaiiidlb(a;r wd(H!d A. Cjes.ib BtoyE 5 "TTTh lEotEncdl I (Hb ISsisIkirv5SE2,,IB Eftc. The Story of Amaroff The Pole artistic stulv in Paris; ilcn groups redolent of . 1 1 ii ir . .. 'v"l)l .,1-1 is " unite inv Uncle." lut I call you a silly young fool." I remembered tin- sentence ninl t ic reading of it w U enou; h, though time has not Mood i ile since that Scptem Ix r evening of the year S'.V2. From Hie point of view of Hradford, my uncle might he right; hut what did he know, I argued, of the higher ideal which I hud chosen preferring the de velopment of my artistic sense 1o the mere aecumuhil ion of money that I could not spend? Where was his joy of life he who spent his days in the whirr of wheels and the fog of many chimneys? How could it compare wilh mine in the acicnt peace of the eight leenlh century house that lay un der the towers that crowned the an cient, alihey at Westminster? I looked around me at the delicate tapestries that. I hail brought from Florence to my London rooms; at the glowing Fr.'i.'Minards souvenirs of my year of at the Dres old Saxony. Was I the fool or inv uncle (Jeorge? There seemed to me no doubt about it. It was plainly uncle (icorgc. Yet the letter had unsettled inc. I opened the swing doors tliat led to my studio, switched on the light, and (stepped from easel to easel, examin ing my half-fini.-hed work with a grow ing dissatisfaction. Were they indeed merely the daubs of a wealthy ama teur? I loitered back to my sitting room in a sulky depression, and had picked up an art paper, when there came a tapping at the door, ami the grizzled head of old Jacob Hendry came peering in. A perfect servant was old Hendry, once sergeant of in fantry, and now a combination of cook, valet, and housemaid, who kept my rooms in spotless order, grilled a steak to a turn, was a fair hand with a needle, and spent his spare time in producing the most inartistic wood carving 1 have ev r seen. "Well, and what is it?" I i. 1.' .' hint; for he seemed in some he; it at i n. ''1 beg your pardon. Mr. I I illips, sir," he said, '"but- there's a young man would like to see you. A imt respectable young man, sir, as lodges above us on the third floor, but " "(!o on, Jacob, go on." "The fact is, sir, he's from the Yard." "The Yard! What Yard?" "Scotland Yard, sir, where the de tectives come from." and take a With Extraordinary Rapidity Took An Impression of a Key And where I wish to Heaven they would remain, thought I. This intrusion was simply insuffer able. I had a mind to refuse the man admittance. "'Is boots is quite clean," said Jacob, entirely mistaking my hesi tation. "'E 'as wiped 'cm on the inut. I saw 'iin." "Oh, show him in." "The person, sir, of the name of In spector Peace," said Hendry, swinging open the door. He was a tiny slip of a fellow, of about five and thirty years of age. A stubble of brown hair, a hard, clean shaven mouth, and a confident chin such was my impression. He took one quick look at me, and then waited, with his eyes on the carpet and his head a trifle tilted over the right shoulder. "I fear that 1 have taken a great liberty, Mr. Phillips," he said, in a very smooth and civil manner. "Hut I had an idea that you would help me, and time was of importance." "Well, and what is it?" "You have many friends amongst the foreign artists lure in London. You attend thtir concerts anil some times even their lit lie dances. We are near neighbors, you see," he con cluded, with a slight bow, tlu.t was at once an apology and an explanation. "I am flattered by the interest you have taken in my movements." "Two hours ago," he continued cheerfully, "a body was found in a passage off Lcman street, Stepney a body which we cannot identify. The man was of good position, a sculptor, and, I believe, a Pole. A cab is wait ing at the door. It is late, I know, Mr. Phillips; it cannot fail to be a great personal inconvenience; but will you drive down with me look at hiin?" "Certainly not." He saw that 1 considered his pro posal an impertinence, for he hesi tated a moment, regarding me with an air of depression. "It has stopped raining," he said, "ami the cab has most comfort ubli cushions. I noticed a fur coat in tin hall which can be slipped on in a mo ment. May 1 fetch it for you?" "Yon merely waste time, Mr. Peace,'' 1 told him, "1 will have nothing t do with an affair in which 1 am nowise concerned." "This sculptor may be an acquain tance of your own," he said gravely; "and while we are arguing his mur derers inav escape." "Murderers?" "Yes, sir; murderers! The man has been strangled and robbed." The position was most embarrass ing, lie asked me to go into a part of Loudon that I had always carcfull avoided. It was sufficient to know that filth, immorality, ami crime exist without personally inspect ing t he muck heal). Yet there he stood, his head oi. one side, staring at my toes like ai inquisitive terrier, and my arguments faded before his stolidity. Hendry ever let him in? certainly speak to the about his "Well, Mr. Phillips." "If I agree to go, will you see to it that I tun not again troubled in this matter?" 1 answered sulkily enough. "For I will not be a witness or a jury man or anything like thai, you under Bland?" "Certainly. I will see that you an not further molested." "Then, in the name of common sense, let us get it over as quickly at possible," I said, kicking off my sli pers and ringing the bill for my boots- l'ig Hen was striking eleven as oui hansom trotted down the long Em bankment with its lights winking on the rushing tide below. Past the great restaurants of pleasure, glowing with shaded lamps from the windows of all their balconies; into the silent city where the tall offices of I he day laj like deserted palaces under the moon: over macadam, over clattering as phalt, over greasy wood pavement; so wc journeyed till of a sudden w dropped from wealth to destitution, from solitude to babble, from the West to the East. Costers bawling then wares under spouting f lures, frinred the sidewalks along which j'.stled the Why had I should old rascal r, 4 V r