The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 24, 1916, Image 8

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is all figured for you; any mcaaurementat any shape stacks;
both government and local or Western rule; endowed ami used
by bankers and hay dealers wherever introduced ; as essential
to the farmer as the interest table to the banker or the adding
machine to the office.
Price of tables, 60c each set of three, $1.00.
Publishing Co.
Alliance, Nebraska
16th and Howard Streets OMAHA, NEBB.
All Stockmen know this Hotel Most of them stop with us
v Well Located Always Comfortable
South Omaha Cars Pass Our Door
BATES: $1-00 to $2.00 Single; 75 cts. to $1.60 Double
Try us once under the new management
You will come again
Harry Ryan still in charge of the Bar
Popular Priced Cafe P. W. MiKESELL, Prop.
A half dozen fine Bone Tipped Corn (Job Pipes, symbols of the
eomfort we furnish, mailed to you FREE OF ALL CHARGE,
if yon send us this add with your address
Cheapest to buy and best to plant. You do not go to low.
lands or draws for seed corn. Why go there for trees f Our
stock is not forced and will give you entire satisfaction. Our
plant is located the farthest west of any nursery in the state,
which insures prompt service.
Little Willie
Gets the
Tummy Ache!
The youngsters just will eat green apples or
puckery persimmons or too much jelly c&kc Old'
fashioned belliake is acute indigestion. Give the sufferer
a good big dose of castor oil and apply a hot water
bottle to the spot of greatest pain.
You ought to have one of our guaranteed
hot water bottles in your home for neuralgia, tooth
ache and rheumatism, too.
Wc carry the highest quality of rubber
go-ds to be had.
Our Cc itor oil in bulk or capsule is as slick
2nd act.. . 'sjs greased lightning.
The Hmnd Poet
Salcaket P. O. Chitina Fairbanks
Trail Alaska. Dig Ben reeple. Mr
Big Ben clock Is somethln the matter
wit it It is differ on to a bloomln os
trldfce cause it goes like hell only
when Us face Is flat on the ground.
Somethln Is the matter wit its guts
cause It wont go at all when It stans
up like any other clock that aint a
frald to look a fellow In the face. I
woodnt give a dam It was my tllll-
cums that t planted last year cause
he wus the best tillicum a dough ever
had an me an blm mashed over Alas
ka togedder fur near twenty year. I
looks all right on the outside cause
I keep it nice and shlney and I hate
to part wit It an I need a clock an I
cant pack to clocks all over the
bloomin country wherever I go meb
be you can tell me how to fix It cause
Im scared to det for fear I cant put It
togedder again If I take it a part an
I aint goin to trust it to no dam Jool-
er to monkey wit so I want to prospec
the InBides of the little walloper my
self. Please tell me yours truly,
Column, Chicago Tribune.
Seaside Reflections
He (poetically inclined): "What
do you suppose the wild waves really
are saying, over and over, so many
She (more practical) : "Can't even
guess some chestnut, likely as not
. More Groaning
Ladd: "They've a fine table where
I eat now literally a groaning
Sadd: "At our place we've nothing
better than groaning boarders."
Pli g is the Best Form in Which
Tobacco Can Be Made,
and "Old Kentucky" .
is Best Plug
To get the utmost of satisfying re
freshment out of tobacco, you want a
plug chew one that gives you the gen
uine flavor of rich, rine leaf.
Then, too, the most wholesome and
healthful way to use tobacco is to
rhew h and the best and cleanest
form of chewing tobacco is the plug
form, ir. which Old Kentucky is made.
Old Kentucky is made of the choic
est Burlcy leaf, in the world's greatest
plug tobacco factory, and under the
most cleanly, sanitary conditions.
The luscious flavor of Old Kentucky
is a delicious revelation to any man
who has been chewing ordinary tobac
cos. It is supremely satisfying.
Fresh, pure, mellow, a chew of Old
Kentucky is a real chew and you will
realize this as soon as you taste it.
Buy a 10c plug of Old Kentucky to
day and try it.
Ward Johnson made business
trip to Alliance last week.
II. W. Tatton and wife called at
Lee Conway's, Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge McNurlin
called at II. W. Tatton's, Wednesday.
Mrs. H. W. Patton and daughter
LaVerta called at J. B. Wade'a, Sun
day. Mrs. J. B. Wade and aon Ralph
called at H. W. Patton's, Friday ev
ening. Mr. Lowe's foreman. Lea McGull
ey, called at H. W. Patton's, Thurs
day evening. N N
The spring term of school at the
Peddy school house began last Mon
day, February 14.
Yes, we went to California."
"Did your wife enjoy the scenery
in her trip across the continent?"
"I don't think she looked at much
scenery. But she enjoyed nerseir,
all right. She looked at hats in evel-
en different states."
"Was that operation you perform
ed successful, doctor T"
"I can't tell yet. The patient's
widow won't pay my fee, and my law
yer advises suing the estate."
First Boy What is this big-broth
er movement?
Second Boy Well, as I under
stand it, never lick any boy who has
a big brother.
The following amusing examples
of how not to write English are sup
posed to have been gleaned from ad
vertisements In the public prints and
"For sale, $6 suits; they won't last
"aBthing suits reduced to almost
"Don't go elsewhere to be cheated;
come In here,"
"Bulldog for sale; will eat any
thing; very fond of children."
'For rent, a room: suitable for
gentleman 12 by 15 feet."
"Wanted, a boy to deliver oysters
that can ride a bicycle." 1
"Shirts laundered in the rear."
"Wanted. 10 girls to sew buttons
on the sixth floor."
. "Every article in this window re
duced 120 per cent."
"Shoes half-soled on the inside
while you wait for 35c."
"Your baby, if you have one, can
be enlarged, tinted and framed for
$8.79 per dozen."
Mrs. Frank Hinman Is on the sick
Mrs. Samuel Hickman is improving
at present.
John Covalt moved to Broadwater
last week.
Ed Neff returned from Alliance,
Mrs. Herman Stille called at A. D.
Hill's, Thursday.
Mrs. Delbert Jay went to Alliance
one day last week.
Miss Dellight Ufford returned Fri
day from Chicago.
J. B. Wade made a business trip
to Alliance Thursday.
Thos. Hoffltt called at 'Herman
Stille's, last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hill called at
J. B. Wade's, Sunday. .
Ralph Wade and mother called at
Alvin Hill's, Thursday.
William Mitchell returned from
Broadwater, Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Stille made
a business trip to Alliance weanea
More money Is wasted by not
knowing HOW to farm than is lost
by the ravages of fires and floods.
ER, but he charges a mighty stiff tu
ition fee.
If you are farming or thinking of
farming, why not learn the farming
game as you would any other bus
iness game? If you have not the
time or think you are too old to
spend two or three years in an agri
cultural college, take a course in the
Campbell Correepondence School of
Soil Culture
and learn the principles and practices
don't have to leave home just use
your SPARE ' TIME that otherwise
would be frittered away.
The West Is full of opportunities
for the man who knows the farming
game fro ma scientific standpoint.
You know all about BURBANK,
and you have heard of CAMPBELL
the great soil wizard. You can
learn what he has learned and in
much less time.
FOUR and a copy of CAMPBELL'S
FORMATION you will find what you
What Brand of
Do You Use ?
Who makes them?
Are they poisonous
non-poisonous ?
Are the sticks long and
strong or short and weak ?
Do the heads fly off or do
they stay on ?
-Do they burn evenly or
If people knew as much
abjout matches as they
should, they would use
Safe Home Matches made
by the Diamond Match
5c. All grocers.
Ask fur them by name,
The Diamond Match
1 f H OM hoi sowod ail
Ur ill
To assure the entry of your name
In the next Telephone Directory,
which will be out April 1st, you
should order a telephone not later
than March 10th. If-not convenient
to come to the telephone office, drop
me a postal, or telephone.
Commercial Manager.
Severe Cold Quickly Cured
"On December first I had a very
severe cold or attack of the grip as it
may be, and was nearly down sick in
bed," writes O. J. Metcalf, Weather
by, Mo. "I bought two bottles of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and it
was only a few days until I was com
pletely restored to health. I firmly
believe that. Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy la one of the very best medi
cines and will know what to do when
I have another cold." Obtainable
everywhere. N
Adv Feb
IT. S. Civil Service Commission An
nounces Exams, for Alliance
J. N. Johnston, local secretary, erf
the U. S. Civil Service CommissJtm.
announces the following examina
tions for positions to take place a
Alliance on the dates given. Full la
formation can be obtained from Itr. '
Johnsfbn at the postofflce.
March 7 General mechanic, ssal.
salary $720. Analyst, male, salaar
$1020. Assistant inspector of
material, male, salary $4.48 per dar
Aid, qualified in engineering, Mate,
salary $600 to. $840.
March 15-16. Ship draftsaa,
male, salary $4 to $12 per day. Mar
ine engine and boiler draftstnaa,
male, salary $3.52 to $5.52.
March 22 Map colorlst, male a4
female, salary $720 to $900.
Nearly new, late model, typewriter
for sale cheap. On easy terms. In
quire at The Herald office.
Do colds settle on your chest or in yor
bronchial tubes? Do coughs bang on, c
are you subject to throat troubles?
Such troubles should have immediate
treatment with the strengthening powca
of Scott's Emulsion to guard agaiMt
consumption which so easily follows. .
Scott's Emulsion contains pure cod liver
oil which peculiarly strengthens the res
piratory tract and improves the quality f
the blood; the glycerine in it soothes ah4
heal the tender membranes of the throat.
Scott's is prescribed by the best special
Wta, You can get it at any drug store. .
Scott & Bowne, Bloomfield. N. J.
Hot and Col.i LDrinks, Lunches Served
ai'.Ojr. Sanir?ry V untain.
: ..j -';,' l)L AND
Western Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana and South Da
kota land are steadily increasing in value. Their 1915 heavy Yields
of grain and the profit from the livestock and dairy business are now
known and advertised in ihe Middle and Eastern States. Indications
all point towards another and early strong movement of land buyers
and homesteaders into t lie West. V
We shall be glad to send, entirely free, to established land agents
along the Burlington a large list of the names and addresses of in
quirers about Western lands. They live in the Middle West. Many
of these inquiries are for deeded lands, others for homestead lands,
others for irrigated lauds. This is then to remind commercial clubs,
county organizations and others to anticipate in some effective way
this coming movement of land seekers and settlers. I will do my part
in co-operating with any locality served by the Burlington.
lOOl Fariuuti Street, Omaha, Neb.
in favor of I
'Of course you are
"Certainly. Rut I don't want to be
equipped with nothing but argu
ments in case I meet the kind of man
whnite one idea of peace is to have
all his enemies stowed away in a
"What's the honeymoon, pa?
"The honeymoon, my son, is the
only period In a man s we aunng
which he considers it funny to come
home and find that his dear little
wife hasn't dinner ready on time.'
He In the present wars they say
the surgeons are positively giving
wounded men new faces.
She What a pity that more peo
ple don't go to the wars! '
"Your age. please." said the insur
ance solicitor.
"Nine hundred ninety-nine next
birthday." replied MelchUedek.
Prettv hi th rate. I'm afraid."
aid the insurance man. "Why did
n't you come to me a couple of bun-
1r! (van aeo. and not put it off
till you're middle aged?"
Miss Sycamore (of Terre HaUte)-
W'alter, you may bring me aome dev
iled crabs.
MiBS Emerson ot Boston) I'll
have some satanlzed crustaceans, al
I. it f ii iii Your Torpid Liver
To keen your liver active UBe Dr.
King's New Life Fills. They insure
good dligestion, relieve constipation,
and tone up the whole system keep
vour eye clear and your skin fresh
'and healthy looking. Only 25c at
Always Moving Ahead
Thousands of the brightest minds in this country are de
voted to the development and improvement of Bell Telephone
Steadily and constantly some fault is eliminated, some
method improved, or some obstacle overcome.
To realize the steady progress that has been made one only
has to compare the quality and quantity of the service today
with what it was ten years ago.
Even in the last five years the number of telephones in u:e
has been practically doubled and the distance of telephone
transmission multiplied many times.
. Our rates are the lowest possible and yet afford sufficient
revenue to pay a reasonable return on the money invested, ufter
payinp fair wages and after providing sufficiently to rebuild or
restort parts of the plant when destroyed by fires or storms, or
when it is worn out or becomes obsolete.
It is our constant endeavor to give the best service at the
lowest rates at which it c?.n be furnished, so we shall be able to
connect everyone who will add to the service to others.
your Druggist.
V 1 ...