J - The Alliance Herald Firemen's Edition HEAD BY KVKJIY MFMI1KH NKHIl ASRA STOCK OIUNVKIW ASSOCIATION'. ALL TIIU NKW8 OF AUJANCK AND WKNTKHM M.llKAMi OFFICIAL OIU.AN NKUKA.SKA VOLl'NTlCbJt FlltKMKN'8 ASSOCIATION. IT KKACIIKS IIKAIKjUAHTKItS K1UI IB.OUO FlIll.MKN VOLUME xx ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DKCKMHKK 2, 1915 NO. 52 tttttt tiiTtt tririi. ttttmtttTTttt Nebraska Volunteer Fire Departments 1 Several months ago we wrote to each volunteer department in the state, asking for a list of the officers of the departments, with a report of the equipment and other items of In terest. While all of the departments did not answer, we received enough to make some very Interesting read ing. The reports rendered to us are given herewith: Alliance Volunteer Fire Dcpart mciit. There are 75 active members in the department and a number on the waiting list. The department is housed in the commodious city hall, the club rooms with shower bath and gymnasium fixtures being on the upper floor. The combination auto truck, hose carts and hook and lad der truck are on the first floor, fac ing large sliding doors, balanced with weights. Besides the paid driv er of the truck, three other volun teers sleep in the quarters provided In a separate room directly behind the room occupied by the trucks. The Alliance department has a large swimming pool, erected during 1915 with funds subscribed by members of the department and with material and labor which were donated. This swimming pool is heated by a steam coil and Is constantly used during the summer months. Firemen ha i free use of the pool, while a no. nal charge 1b made to the public, excit ing children, who are admitted frc during mornings. Fire alarms are given until 10 o'clock at night by siren whistle and fire bell. From 10 o'clock at night until 6 o'clock in the morning no public alarm Is given un less the fire gets beyond control of the night crew of four who sleep at the quarters. So far, although the truck has been installed over a year, it has not been necessary to sound the public alarm after 10 o'clock. Of ficers of the department are: Lloyd C Thomas, president; Penrose E. Ronilg, vice president; Percy Uolf aon, secretary; Dr. George J. Hand, treasurer; Charles Hill, chief; Leon ard Pllkington, assistant chief. llellwood Fire Deutrtiiieut. At the annual meeting of Hellwood Vol unteer Fire Department, held Nov ember 1, 1915, the following officers were chosen to serve: H. A. West, chief; D. E. Burkey, assistant chief; Roy Day, secretary and treasurer. J. U. Keeruts, I. 11. Teffel and J. P. De laney were elected trustees. J. P. Delaney, A. T. Curtis and J. H. Keeiuts were appointed on the exam ining committee; T. Tox, L. Loveless and Ray Clossen appointed on the grievance committee; and D. E. Buckey, A. G. Peck and Joe MrGaf fin on the finance committee. This department was organized March 25. 1913. incorporated March 25. 1913. aud now has 37 active members, meeting regularly on the first Mon day of each month. Practice on the second and third Tuesdays of each month. The attendance at each meeting is large. Equipment in cludes 800 feet of l'fc inch No. 2 Mill hose, one chemical engine, one gasoline engine, bell on 40-foot tow er (which cost $HO), water press ure 80 pounds, 300 feet water mains and 3 hydrants. Value of property belonging to'department, $50; value of property used by department, $2750. Number fires in 1914. four, amount of damage, $4 50. Value of buildings before tire. $35,000. A mount of insurance tax collected last year, 570. Cash on hand June 7, $75. 40 feet extension ladder, a ladder wagon and a hose cart. Itroken How. Equipment consists of one Anderson combination hose and chemical w:.gon, one hook and ladder truck, two hose cans and tour thousand feet of hose. This is all stored in the basement of the city hall, and the department also has a furnished room, used as a meeting place and lounging room by mem bers of the organization. KrncMiaw. A. B. Turner, presi dent; J. T. Hampton, vice president; I. H. Johnson, chief; H. E. Palmer, assistant chief; C. E. Evans, fore man; C. B. Palmer, Jr., treasurer; C. A. Sininger, secretary. This de partment was organized January 3, 1908, by the following members: A. B. Turner, Wni. Sirrs, Edwin Miller, C. E. Trump, C. W. Gardiner, Harry E. Palmer, F. E. Bowees. Claude Mc Coy. W. H. Mason. J. E. Selover, I. H. Johnson. J. E. Myers, Sam Belch er, T. A. Hatton, R. W. Taylor, J. T. Hampton. D. A. Sabdall, C. B. Palm er. Jr., C. D. Coburn and J. B. Good rldge. The department at first con sisted of two hose companies which were consolidated a short time later. Early in the year 1909 the members, realizing the need of a suitable meet ing place, circulated a petition ameng themselves and the citizens, for the purpose of erecting a building th" result is a neat little brick building, entirely out of debt. Equipment in cludes 950 feet of good hose, 3 noz zles, a hook and ladder truck with 60 feet of ladders. Crawford. The Crawford depart ment baa 60 active members. It is equipped with hook and ladder trucks. Alarm is given by bell and whistle. The water works are grav ity pressure, with direct pressure of 80 pounds for fires. The department U now housed in the new city hall, recently finished. It ia equipped with shower baths and other modern conveniences. Oflicers of the depart ment are Clyde J. Hornsby, presi dent; Thomas Beans, vice president; L. M. Davis, secretary; Clyde Beck wlth. treasurer; William Sherrill. chief; Dr. A. Sprague, assistant chief. Columbus. Organized August .:!. 1873, and has b.?en In continuous service since th.it time, having on the active list of members seventy-! two volunteers, who have uniforms. ! The following companies compose the Columbus Fire Department, namely: Hose Company No. 1, Hose Company No. 2, W. T. IBssell Hose Company, Chemical Engine Company and Pion eer Hook and Ladder Company No. 1. The officers of Columbus Fire De partment are: President. G. M. Mat son; vice president, Bert L. Parker; secretary, C. S. Kenayer; treasurer, Arthur Vierqutz; chief. Bert J. Gal ley; assistant chief, Will F. Plage mann. Officers of Hose Company No. 1: President, Arthur Schack; vice president. A. H. Vierqutz; secretary. Henry Wolfe; treasurer, A. W. Rum mer; foreman. Gus Boettcher; as sistant foreman, Paul Pheifer. Hose Company No. 2: Foreman. Otto oJ hannes; assistant foreman, Walter Vierqutz. W. Y. Bissell Hose Com pany: President. Fred Burgenger; vice president, Clarence Cornell; secretary, C. S. Kenoyer; treasurer, E. It. Launer; foreman. C. S. Kenoy er; assistant foreman. Clarence Cor nell. Chemical Sugine Company: Foreman, W. Carl Rector; assistant foreman, Clarence Umland. Pioneer Hook and Ladder Company. No. 1: President, John Stauzel; vice presi dent and foreman, Herman Kauf mann; first assistant foreman, Julius Speecher; second assistant foreman. Herman Wolfe; secretary, Guy M. Matson; treasurer. Wni. F. Plage maun. Equipment consists of one combination chemical und hose motor-propelled Searrave, one Sea grave hook and ladder truck (horse drawn), two hose carts (each carry ing 650 feet hose), one emergency ;hose cart. 450 feet rubber hose. '3000 feet 2 Vi inch cotton covered I hose, tire alarm system (special tel ephone ulariu), also fire whistle and j balls, water works system, electricity and steam direct pressure at fires 90 to 100 pounds, mains and hydrants (12 miles), size 18. 12. 10. x. 6, t ; 7'J hydrants and 12 steamer connec tions. IteMgTN-de. Organized January 22 1912. with a membership of 25 ' con- sisting of two companies of 1 2 each and a chief. Oflicers n re- lr..i,K.ni l.oii Dopr; vice president, N. J. Pen fielJ; secretary. 11. T. Jackson; treas urer, F. W. Brown; chief, A. J. Ruz icka; assistant chief, 11. J. Phllama le; trustees, D. M. Dodge. E. A. Andrews and Chas. West. The de partment has the following equip ment: two hose carts. 1000 feet of ho.;e, two Pyrene extinguishers, ex tension ladder, robber coats, axes, and a fire bell. IMooiiitield. Ortani.ed January 24, 1902. Equipuieut consists of two hose carts, 1200 feet of hose, one hook and ladder cart, one sixty-gallon chemical engine. The depart ment has a membership of thirty two active members. Officers are: President, A. F Heires; vice presi dent. !. W. Hugh; chief, E. H. Ber ryman; assistant chief, H-nry Wag ner; secretary and tieasurer. If. F. Cunningham; board of directors. N. N. Baker. W. E. Graves, A. H. Lux. In Chief Berry man the department claims the distinction of having the oldest and the best ire chief in the state, he being sixty-four years of age, and can run hundred yards in twelve seconds. Ulooin field is pre paring to build a city hall to cost $8,000, of which the department do nates $650. Cedar JtluflV Organized in 1898. The oflicers are: Chief, August Ost rand; treasurer, A. F. Bockemuehl; secretary, J. 11. Mackprang. The equipment Includes two 55-gallon chemicals, two hose carts, 1250 feet hose, oire hook and ladder truck. Cedar Itapid. This department has 24 members in good standing ami holds Its meetings on the first Mond.iy of each month. Members missing two consecutive meetings are fined 25 cents and the fines are col lected. Officers are: President. W. G. Green: secretary. D. A. Beach; chief, F. J. BauiH. Equipment con sists of two hand hose carts and hook and ladder wagon, bell used for alarm. Also owns a piano in city hall, and grandstand at city ball park. Crete Volunteer Fire Dcitnrtment . Organized 1888, reorganized 1903. Number of members. 50. Officers are: President, k. E. Eckert; vice president. Paul Lutz; secretary, L. C. Dredlu; treasurer. F. J. Kobes; chief. Frank Dredla; assistant chier. Ham Dillon. Foreman Hose Co. No. 1. Ed aVsatka; assistant foreman, Wm. Brauer. Foreman Hook and Ladder No. 2. Howard Denny; as sistant foreman. Jerry Elias. The equipment consists of 4000 feet of hose, 2 hose carts, 1 book and lad der, rubber coats, gloves and boots for all members, uniforms for all members, 26 miles of water mains, reservoir with 75-pound pressure. Meetings are held every second Tues day of each month Frecuont - The Fremont depart- ment is the largest volunteer depart ment In the state, having 190 active members. It has two auto fire trucks, hook and ladder, hone carts and hose wagons. Alarm is given by telephone and whistle. Fire protec tion is by water works with direct pressure of 100 pounds. Harry J. Hauser is chief. Malum Volunteer lire IH-utrtiiicitt. First established December 20, 1911. with an enrollment of 14 mem bers. In the fall or 1914 the town of Malmo built a cement block for the benefit of the lire department, and in this building the firemen hold their meetings and keep their appar atus. At the present time theie are twenty active members, and the of ficers are us follows: Chief, H. W. Olson; assistant chief, J. H. Holtorf, Jr.; president. Erlck J. Erickson; vice president. Thos. Holtorf; secre tary and treasurer, Emfred Potndle; foreman, Alfred Brodahl; assistant foreman, Ei nest Holtorf; sergcant-at-arms, Hairy Lyon; police. Art Berggren and D. A. Anderson; trus tees. Pearl Saum. 11. W. Olson and Jerry Holtorf. Equipment consists of a 32-foot ladder with a truck, 1 hose cart with 600 Teet of hose, 2 respirators, and a 30-foot tower, re cently erected, within which the tire bell Is hung. Neligli Mre Department. Neligli department was organized In 188s, having a membership of 35, and all meetings well attended. The olliccis are as follows: Chief, Geo. Fergu son; president. Ed Dewey; vice pres ident, L. E. Jackson; secretary. 1J. W. Wattles; treasurer, ('has. Pagel; foreman, L. E. Haberstrok; assistant foreman. Ceo. Zlemens; captain of chemical department,' J. Amer. Equipment comprises 2 hose carts, 1200 feet of hose, 1 chemical engine, 4 Pyrene extinguishers. 1 electric si rene whistle and 1 bell. The Ijooinis Volunteer Hook ami I .adder oiiihui). Organized May 12, 1911. For three and one-half years after its organization there was fortunately no demand for its serv ice. On November 21. 1914. a dis astrous fire occurred in which the department did efficient service. Again, on the evening of December . iv m, tiie 1,001111s Mill was buruc.' This fire had gained such a start ! when discovered that it was utterly ! impossible to extinguish it, but in 'OII"""1 tH blaze to the structure hMH il origii.ated and saving other ' prop,'rty n,el'a,'d. the dep.irtn.i iit I accomplished a most dlllie lilr task at great personal risk. Efficient service was also rendered at the tire which destroyed the Bolen blacksmith and repair whop in February, 1915. Again the blaze was confined to the build ing where it started and valuable structures nearby thus saved. The department Is divided into two divis ions, Nos. 1 and 2, each of which chooses its own officers. The pres ent officers of the company are as follows: Chief. C. M. Bruner; assist ant chief, Kob't Weissenfluh; secre tary and treasurer, F. E. Young. Ol fl.ee rs of divisions: No. 1, foreman, F. E. Young; ussistant foreman, S. C. Carlson; nozzleman, J. N. Lumlin; assistant, M. Abramson. No. 2, fore man. A. W. Lappart; assistant fore man, Nels Hendricks; nozzleman, C. A. Bragg; assistant, W. C. Seeman. Equipment of the company consists of 2 chemical fire engines of 4 ((-gallon capacity, extension ladders, tire hooks, and other necessary equip ment. Deshler, Nebr. This volunteer de partment consists of two companies, each having a roll of 22 members. The department officers are as fol lows: Chief. Fred Buntemeyer; as sistant chief, Harry Grebe; secretary. F. E. Ileinenover; treasurer, Henry Sittler. Each company has officers namely: Captain, assistant captain, secretary and treasurer. The equip ment comprises 2 hose carts each with 500 feet of hose. Regular monthly meetings are held by each company and by the department. Dodge lire leparUiieiit. On June 4. 1915, the eigtheentb annual in stallation of the officers was held at the city hall, and the following were elected: President, J. B. Miller; vice president, Jos. J. Ruzlcka; secretary, G. J. Borgmeyer; treasurer, Wm. E. Vlach; chief, Guy M. Porter; assist ant chief, Ray Hall. After the usual business meeting a luncheon was served and the evening closed with songs by a chorus. The equipment includes 2 hose carts, a hook and lad der truck, 1000 feet of hose, and all equipment that is necessary to make up an up-to-date fire company. Emerson, Nebr. Organized May 25, 1903, this volunteer department Is now divided Into two companies, and consists of 29 members. The of ficers are: President, James A. Ire land; vice president, Chas. A. Belers dorf; chief, Ernest Enke; assistant chief, H. O. Luth; secretary, eGo. 11. Haase; treasurer, II. 11. Stolae; cap tain company No. 1, Lee J. Wood; assistant captain, C. W. Harris; cap tain company No. 2, C. A. Beiersdorf; assistant captain, E. C. Lenderink. On July 11, 1905, a contract was let by the department for a building for its use, and a two-story brick build ing 24x40 feet was erected at a cost of $2000. The first story is used for the storage of the department's equipment and the second story for its meetings. The equipment con sists of a honk and ladder wagon, a hose cart and a chemical cart and 800 feet of standard hose. Emerson has about 2 4 miles of water main. Fire loss very Flight since the exist ence of the department. Hardy Honc Co. No. I. Organized February 2. 1911. and lift 19 active members. Officers are: ('resident, J. B. Barton; vice president, P. Q. Chambers; secretary, C. L. Cramer; treasurer, .1 C. Gavin; chief. Goo. S. McDowell; first assistant foreman, P. D. Chambers; second assistant fore man, W. H. Scott. Equipment con sists of 500 feet of 2 hose, one hose cart, and good air pressure system. Have had twelve fires since being or ganized, resulting with a loss of $5, 710, mostly covered with Insurance. Islington Volunteer Fire Depart ment. Organized in 1891 with s bucket brigade of 38 men and In the fall of the same year the water works were installed. At present there are 65 members In good stand lug, all fully uniformed. The officers are as follows: Chief, W. 11. Tlllery; assist ant chief, Robert Rodebaugh; secre tary, C. II. Mallett; treasurer, Isuac Nisley; attorney, I. J. Nlsley; pub licity reporter, C. C. Corder. The board of control consists of foreman of hose company No. 1, D. C. Mullln; foreman hose company No. 2. C. 11. Mallett; foreman hook and ladder company No. I. P. G. Welch; fore man chemical company No. 1, M. E. Huffman; chief. W. H. Tlllery; as sistant chief, R. II. Rodebaugh; at torney, 1. J. Nlsley; property men, Al King and Carey Messenger. In 189 2 the first two hose carts were pur chased, aud in 1893 the first hook and ladder truck was purchased. Since that time a chemical engine has been added, a smoke helmet, a search light, and several other things needed to help fight Urea. .Mitchell Volunteer Fire Depart ment. There are 33 members enroll ed In this department 27 in hone company, and 6 in chemical com pany. Financial conditions reported in such a good condition that Im provements can b'- made from time to time as needed, the treasurer's ac count having gradually increased by the insurance companies remitting their occupation tax pro -iptly. The inclination for the members to keep up this department in prime condi tion has been greatly aided by the as sistance anil encouragement of the business men and citizens, ail taking interest In the success of the depart ment. Thru the persistent watchful ness and carcfulnchS of the members, two years have passed without u fire, which is considered a good record for a town of 1,000 people. Work ing equipment consists of 2 carts. 1.000 feet of hose, and 2 chemicals. Xortli Platte VoLtutcer r Ire De partment. Organized in September, 1887, in four companies, namely: P. H. N. Schleslnger Company No. 1; B. I. Hinman Co. No. 2; Wild West Company No. 3; Buffalo Bill Hook & Ijidder Company No. 1. The de partment was under the direction of Chief John McCabe ami Assistant Chief R. L. Graves.. The city built three hose houses and furnished very good equipment. Each company had its own officers and held regular monthly meetings. In January. 1911, the city purchased a lire waon, nec essitating hose companies No. 1 and No. 2 to consolidate, namely, Patter son Hose Company No. 1. In the tan or J9U me city purchased an auto truck ami cfienncal equipment. which is said to be the best of its Alliance, Nelitaska, Novctiiocr 13, 1H5. INVITATION Te llie- ineioWis ef the: N. S. V. K. A., aiiel to all members of Volume e f Hit Departments in the? State of Nebraska : Tlie Annual Convention of the Nebraska State Voltint.e r riremei, s Association will be held in Crawford, Nebr., on .January lth, 19th and 20th, 1916. The Alliance Fire Departme nt and the Commercial Club of Alliance- cxt.-i.d a eordial invitation to all delt'Rates to this annual convention to come to Alliance on the dav following the Convention in Craw ford, which will be Friday, Januxry 21st, 1916. The Alliance Fire Department has planm-d a reception and a fceiod programme for all delegates who come to Alliance, consisting vi auto rides, shows, athletic ente rtainment and smoker and boys we can sure do it right when it comes lo entertaining, because that is part of our business' and'the Com mercial Club and the business men of Alliance an- the- best on the- map and are behind 'im in whatever we do. Some of the Brother Firemen in the state visited Alliance for probably the first time when Alli ance had the annual convention s-veral years ago, and this prohahlv has been the last time they have visited Alliance, too, but all delegates are urged to stop ove r with us a day after the convention iti Crawford. Alliance has made many improvements since the convention was in Alliance and we are proud of them and want every one to see them when in Alliance. ' Some of the fire departments in the- state may go to Crawford in special cars, but they can route them via Alliance on the return trip, and stop over one dav. Some of the fire- departments may go via the Chicago and Northwestern, both ways, but if such be the case, they can make arrangemnts very easily for the car to lay over in Crawford on Friday, and come to Alliance and upend one day and leave here on No. 41 Saturday morning, ami this way will arrive home but one day lateil ' Mayor Romig and Mr. Guthrie- will be- on hand to help entertain all the dekgau-s, so, toys let us see all of you in Alliance on FRIDAY, JANUARY 21st, 1915. When you leave yo.ir hwue town for the Convention, be sure to plan on staying in Alliance this one day. Iloping to see you all in Alliance' on this date, and wishing the N. S. V. F. A the best of success and prosperity, and wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, we remain, Fraternally yours, (i. .1. HAND, T. 1. KOLFSON, I LKK HASYK, L. K. IMLKINGTON, ( j G. H. ELLIS, ... - J Committee on Entertainment. kind in the state, and valued at $K 100. This department now consol idated Into one company, claims the distinction of being the best In the slate of Nenrhsktt and one of the best In the United States. OHIcrrs at the present time are: President, .1. It. Basking; vice president, William J. Landgraf; chief. Si Russell; assistant chief, John Jones; secretary, Ceo. R. Tighe; treasurer, Fred W. Dick. The social activities of each year Include an annual ball and picnic, a Fourth of July celebration at which time this department competes in races with (lOthenbui k. Lexington and Kearney and rep rt victory In nearly every event, and the regular monthly meetings, at wh ch a smoker and a Dutch lunch are among the pleasing features. This d partment Is not un mindful of the tick, but respond to the call of the needy, and also ob serve Decoration Day In the forming of a parade to 1 1 . cemetery and dec orating the graves of deceased mem bers. Among the list of tlreR at which this department served nota bly and efficiently is the great North Platte fire In April, 1893 (when 60 residences of the city were destroy ed), the big U. P. ice house fire in January, 1906, and the Hinman Gar age fire, April 18, 1915, where 20 automobiles were totally destroyed. Norfolk Fire Department. -Offic ers comprise the following: Presi dent, Matt Shaeffer, Jr.; vice presi dent, E. E. Tru' tock; secretary, A. J. Pasewalk; trea arer, H. W. Winter; trustees, Ernest Raasch, Dan Klug, John Schelly; chief, V. A. Nenow; as sistant chiefs, John Rice, Dan Klug; day fire driver, Iouls Novak; night fire driver, A. W. FlnkhauB. The equ'pment consists of one hose wag on and team, one hook and ladder truck, two hand hose carts; one fire helmet, respirators, rubber coats, nozzles and 2500 feet of hose. Overton Volunteer Fire Depart ment. Organized in October, 1911. under the direction of Chief G. II. Beltner, who h.-.s served in this ra pacity up to the present time. The work of this department is reported very efficient, an I the regular me -f inga are well ntt nded. Recently the boys suffered a i '-eat loss when their ciud rootu wiin i una been eiecieu for their use, bu nt down, with an es timated loss i $100. A moii l' the social events of the season under (tit direction of ti e ire department i'; a "Firemen's Fail Festival", which is given with no idea of financial gair but to show the people surrounding ihe town that, lighting fires is net th only accomplishment of the tit part inenl. The equipment consists of 2 Nott chemical engines and u pfir of extension ladders. Oflicers are us follows: Chief. H. II. Beltner; as sistant chief, D. R. Peaker; secre tary. Leo A. Rengler; treasurer. Ralph Wallace; captain Co. No. 1. Edward Anderson; assistant captain Co. No. I, Ray Gobel; captain Co. No. 2, J. M. I'ullen; assistant cap tain Co. No. 2, Tim Ryan; captain hook and ladder No. 1, J. H Bailey. Rising City Volunteer Fire Ifc-pari-meiit. Organized in 1911. and now claimed to be the best little fire de partment In the state of Nebraska, comprising twenty-two active and en thusiastic members. All good fire fighters, and prompt In answering the call at any time. Officers at the present time are: Chief, W. S. Scott; assistant chief, R. E. Thomas; secre tary and treasurer, J. F. Bates. Equipped with one hose cart, two ladders and six fire extinguishers. Schuyler Fire Dcimrt meiit . The origin of u lire department in Schuy ler dates back to May 14, 1877, when the Star Fire Company was organiz ed. A year and a half later, Nov. 11, 1878. the Hescue Fire Company was organized. On January 13, 188i, the Red Jacket Hook & Ladder Com pany was organized, and on June 19, 1899, all former companies were re organized under the name of the Schuyler Fire Department, which is the present imiuo of the department, now having 73 members. The fol lowing are Ike wfllcers: E. F. Kloba sa, presideat; H. C. Smith, vice pres ident; R W. Huzicka, secretary; F. W. Shoiika, Jr., treasurer; Joseph Sever) n, Jr., chief engineer; C. C. Watts, assistant chief. The standing committee consists of J. J. Laiu brecht, Mllo Ballon, C. C. Watts. Tho foreman and assistant foreman ef the different companies are as fol lows: K. A. Re build, foreman Chem ical Co. No. 1; E. E. Ruzlcka, assist ant foreman; 11. C. Smith, foreman Hook and ladder Company; L. VV. Gohr, assistant foreman; J. J. Lam brecht, foreman Hose Company No. 1; N. C. Jenkins, assistant foreman; Joseph J. Kubik, foreman Hose Co. No. 2; Geo. F. McKenzle, assistant foreman. The equipment of this fine organhioel department consists of two hose cwts, carrying 1,400 feet of hose, one chemical engluo and one hook and ladder. AIbo ono racing cart and complete set of harness. This department is comfortably housed in the fine new city hall, the firemen having two large rooms for their exclusive use one for the ap paratus and the other for a meeting room. The latter room is splendidly furnishe-d la mansion style of furni ture. A running team composed of members of thin department, altho a new organization, has won several purses, and with a little more prac tice will undoubtedly be one of the fastest tea me in the state. Verdlgre Volunteer Fire Dcart ineiiU Three years ago, March 12, 1912, the eWmire for organized fire protectiou resulted in the enrollment of volunteers, and at this time 43 is the number of Active members which make up one of the best departments in the state. The officers of the Ver digre Fire Department are at pres int: Chief, Frank Drassal; assistant chief, O. E. Brun; secretary, W. A. Brine; treasurer, L. J. Bartak. About $1200 has been Invested for equipment by 4he department and there Is hose and a hose carl beside. Considering the- age of this organiza tion they are wel! equipped. It has in its possession a chemical, 4 0-gal-lon, hose cart, 1000 fe-et of hose, a, hook aud ladder truck fully equipped and 6iPyiene The town hoard has the credit of treating this flourishing department very royally and togeth er with that bod aud the commercial club they are working band in hand for h bigger and better department. Several informal banquets hel ddur ing July and August (spring chicken time) were enjoyed by the members. Kcttt.tsblitiY Volunteer Fire Depart -meitt. Officers are: F. G. Warrick, president; W. Re oft, chief; Dan E". Ayer. secretary and treasurer. De partment consists of 23 active mem bers, who readily respond to the alarms. 3 hose carts, 1.000 feet, or hose, 1 hook and ladder wagon well equipped, comprise the materials which this department owus. Main tenance reo ivtul by this department comes from collections of $5 per an num from th- companies writing fire insurance. I'lih endty I'Uce Volunteer Fire Department. The I'nlverslty Place (Continued on last page)