The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 18, 1915, Image 4

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iriTaWPff SALES ; m
1 J ami l.rn: Outinir Flannels, in plain pink,
Mite, wliito, light funma and dark 1 A
shades, nt - - "L
IVmdi'H in. linlil and dark tthadt-M,
lOo values, nt
Apron Chock. UinghaniR, in blues, brown and
green, and black and white
checks, at . UL
Hosiery LadkV, Misses' and Children's Cot
ton Hose 15c valucn, at, IHn
per pair 1UI
Wool Comfort Data, 72x90, fine, clean, white
wool ready for the Comfort, Ql OF
at yuLi
Cotton Comfort Size Data, blue ribbon, pure
white cotton, put up in individual CI OF
cartons, at tpliJ
Cotton Comfort Size Hats, all clean cotton-
in three sizes, at,
05c, 75c and
Cotton Bats, all clean pure cotton, at O'ln
10c, 12V$C, 15c, 20o and . t)C
fl ffW
2430 I i f J
I f 1 ft., I.M
Exceptional Bargains in
In gaberdines, poplins ami serges, in all the
leading shades, all new models, $15 . (PO PA
and $17.50 values pO.JU
$20.00 and $22.50 values in Ladies' Suits, in
plain tailored and fancy
models, at -
early fall and some last season's models, most
ly plain tailored in a good range of colors and
materials; $20.00 and up to $35.00 CIA
values, at :. plU
Ladies' Coat new Wooltex garments, in the
newest pompadour cloths, in the newest shades
of blue, green,
or browns - .' ..
Ladies' Coats' in plush, corduroy and fancy
Scotch plaids, and plain materials, some fur
trimmed, some with velvet collars; the new
belted effects, at CIA
and up to $25.00. ?11J
Children's Coats, in a great variety of styles
and materials, plushes cordu- CI PA to CIA
roys, chinchilla, at - tJ)lJU pIU
$18.50 10 $30
8400 r
ci?n mi t, I nam Tt.w VjI
Every Hat in the house must go. Ladies'
Trimmed Hats, new fall shapes, CI AO
values up to $5.00, at $lJO
Ladies' Pattern Hats, in a great variety of
styles and colors, valued up to CO AO
$7.50, at $.30
Ladies' Pattern Ilats, new shapes, in velvets
and plushes Values up to CO Q
$10.00, at yOAJj
New Pattern Ilats; most of these are new ar
rivals, in the newest shapes $12.50 OA AO
and $15.00 values, at $4. JO
A great variety of Children's nats, in all
shapes, at less than ILVLF-PR1CE. Come in
and see them.
II A fi n fi TT
The Horace Bogpue Store
A rnmnlpfp linp nf Muffs. Srnrfs nnH Sptsnlwnvs
H-TJ11 on hand in Mink, Beaver, Black and Red Fox,
Many New Corporations Organized
for llusliu'ss iu Nt4raka Do
Iiikh nt State t)niltol
(liy Herald correspondent)
Lincoln, Nebr., Nov. 17 That the
state of Nebranka Is enjoying a largo
degree of prosperity It Indicated l
the number of domestic corporations
that are being organized In tint
state. During the paat months the
records In tho omce of Secretary of
State Charles W. Tool fehow that
ed, the combined capital of which Is
eighteen large Corporations have fil
ed, the combined capital of which Is
nearly $3.000.00,0. Besides these
there was tiled u long list of smaller
corporations with, capital stock from
15.000 to $25,000 each.
The Live Stock Sanitary Hoard has
raised the quarantine on horses and
mules on the live western counties of
Dlaine. Cherry, 'Grant, Hooker and
Thomas. This quarantine was estab
lished November 7, 1914, during the
epidemic of durane which existed In
that territory. . During the year over
JV00 horses, ti ares and stallions
were tested and about thirty-five kill
ed. Another Important change tho
board has made' la that where for
merly animals shipped Into the state
required only health certificates, they
tan only be admitted now in compli
ance with the statlion registration
law. This It Is said will save the
farmers and horse ownorB of Nebras
ka a good many thousands of dollars
a year in the buttertutmt, of stock
conditions generally
The word "cure" on the labels of
packages or bottles containing pro
prietary medicines will herearter be
tabooed in Nebraska, according to a
decision just banded down by a local
court, in which the state Pure Food
and Drug Commission was p lalntlff,
and the defendant a local drug store
selling patent ' medicines. The de
fendants took an appeal to the dist
rict court, but eventually decided to
pay the lower court's fine of 1 50 and
cowls, on condition that they be given
time to get their stock In shape to
comply with the law. The case
crew out of the Interpretaltno by
Food Commissioner Clarence K. Har
man of the drug law that the word
"cure" on labels of proprietary med
icines wna misleading and not In con
formity with the statutes.
The total amount of expense for
assessing the state of Nebraska for
19 1R. as certified to by Secretary O.
K. Ilornecker of the State Board of
Knuallzation, is as follows:
Salary of county assessors 47.015.00
Office help 24.156.15
Salary of precinct assess. 132.751.57
Hooks, schedules blanks.. 11,734.56
Total $215,657.28
E. J. Hainer, a Lincoln lawyer who
is interested in properties and also a
stockholder In a creamery, last week
filed a brief In the supreme court, as
amicus curiae, or friend of the court,
relative to the case now pending In
that tribunal. In which Fire Commis
sioner Rldcell Is mandamlslng State
Treasurer Hall to compell him to pay
fire commission warrants issued by
the stnte auditor, The outcome of
this case will probably decide the
food commission's right to draw fees
fnvi the state treasury. The brief
of Mr. llalner takes the position that
Inasmuch as these fees are paid Into
the treasury for the specific purpose
of maintaining those departments,
and no provision being made for any
other use of this money, that these
funds take the form of trust fund
and that the state treasurer has no
legal right to use them for any other
purpose without the proper legislat
ive action. Mr. Hainer quotes vari
ous court decisions and authorities
in substantiation of his view of the
Livestock Importations
The system of records adopted by
the Live Stock Sanitary Board is
very interesting and are compiled for
the protection of stockmen and farm
ers In securing the very best class of
live stock.
The board's report covers the per
iod between April 1 and October 31,
1915. During that period exporta
tions of live stock have been sent out
to 35 states and Canada, and are as
follows: 145 stallions; 3,489 horses;
2,714 mares; 291 mules; 7,338 cat
tle; 1,574 dairy and breeding cattle,
to 731 of which was applied the Tu
berculin test; 317 sheep and 790
swine. A great record for a great
This report does not cover live
stock shipped to public markets for
Immediate slaughter.
serum law for selling Berura and vir
us without a license. He waived
hearing and was bound over to the
district court and on October 23 was
fined $50 and costs f or such violation.
Coughs that Are Ktopiod!
Careful people see that they are
stopped. Dr. King's New Discovery
is a remedy of tried merit. It has
held its own on the market for 46
years. Youth and old age testify to
Its soothing and healing qualities.
Pneumonia and lung troubles are of
ten caused by delay of treatment. Dr.
King's New Discovery stops those
hacking coughs and relieves la grippe
tendencies. Money back If it fails.
50c and $1.
Nebraska Ituys Iowa Stock
Figures compiled by the Nebraska
Live Stock Sanitary board show that
from April 1st to November 1st the
state of Nebraska Imported from Io
wa 60 stallions; 211 horses; 142
mares; 12 mules; 846 cattle; 408
sheep; 624 swine, 231 of which were
stock bogs and 393 breeding pure
E. O. I-alng, Proprietor of Modern
Clothes for Men, Offers Hpechtl
Values iu Overcoats
$15 will buy a mighty tine over
coat at the K. O. Lalng store Mod
ern Clothes for Men as will be not
ed by the announcement elsewher
in The Herald this week. Mr. Lalng
takes the timely opportunity to give
some good advice on overcoat pur
chasing which it will be well worth
your time to read.
He also calls the attention of our
readers to Collegian suits, of which
he has a fine assortment.
Chamberlain's Tablets
This is a medicine Intended espec
ially for stomach troubles, bilious
ness and constipation. It is meeting
with much success and rapidly gain
ing in favor and popularity. Obtain
able everywhere.
Hough Dry, 6 cent a pound
Alliance Steam Laundry.
Nebraska Production
The State Hoard of Agriculture in
compiling agricultural statistics from
the acreage taken by the assessors
and the estimates made by it 3,500
correspondents have found the total
prlnrirml crops for Nebraska for 191."
as follows:
Corn, bushels 227,000,000
Wheat, bushels 70,710,217
Oats, bushels 72,751,284
Serum Uw Held Valid
Dr. C. C. Hall of Omaha was re
cently tried in the county court of
Douglas county for violation of the
On Hunting Trip
Attorney D. F. Gllman left Tues
day night for Gordon, Wisconsin, for
his annual deer hunt. Mr. Oilman
was raised In the Wisconsin country,
Gordon being his old home. He and
two brothers take a deer hunt each
year. Mr. Gilman expects to make
this trip a short one, expecting to re
turn in about two weeks.
Hough Dry, 0 cents a pound
Alliance Steam Laundry.
Delicious Hot Drinks
the Cold Days and Evenings
The kind of pure food drinks that "warm you up" and make
you feel better all over. Come in after the show before you go
home and get a good, warm drlDk. Everything is served Orennan
style and that's the best Just take a look at these tempting
Chicken, Clam, Tomato, Beef
Cream of Tomato, Vegetable
Oyster Stew
Oyster Cocktail, Chili
Hot Drinks
Chocolate, Malted Milk, Lem
onade, Coffee
Any kind that you want
We use our own make of Mayonnaise dressing on all our salads.
Drop in the next time you're down this way. We'll make you feel
at home.
On Quality Corner
The next time you want a good fresh cigar
or a fresh can of tobacco drop into the King
Billiard Parlor and get it.
All Popular Brands of Cigars and Tobaccos
The Easiest Way Often Leads to the Depths of Degradation. That is the Progress of THE GREATEST EMOTIONAL ACTRESS IN TILE WORLD
Bessie Barriscale Mrs. Fiske
In the Powerful Drama That Strikes "Home" with Every Mother, Wife and Daughter in Appearing as "Becky Sharp" in the Kleine-Edison Film Version of Thackery'. Master.
the Land Ua8S1
"The Cup of Life" "Vanity Fair"