The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 04, 1915, Image 2

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I Said
pQO "I want what I ask for a
KqJ I know what it would JP"rj
lfU mean to go home without 0(
HO it. Mother won't takt L Jf
RrQ chancet (he's ur of fjjS
K5l Calumet lure of light, JrW
fQsj wholesome, taty bale- S(H
iQCj liifts ' potitiTe, unl- DQf
l&fl form result of tmtitjr fty
Krl and economy. Koa try kjJS
rOC Baking Powder Kg
kXX 'aJ aside your rOCI
u04 favorite brand otice fvQ
bOe and you'll never fo OQ
Kn back to it. Calu- oRS
DO met Is the vrorld'a rjtJJ ,
DcV best linking Ton- KXJ
t'cr't'. In'"'er Cqj
jYQ Rerei . cd Highct ifjCJ
Cheap ana big canBa king Powders uonot
save you money. Cabirnetdoga It's Pure
and far superior to sour milk and soda.
Real Estate x :1m ge
is the beet advertising medium
for the real estate dealer. Cir
culation coven the United
States, and directly to Interest
ed people. Result are certain.
Write us today for special re
duced rate advertising proposi
tion. Subscription $1.00 per Year
including a one time 60 word
ad, and set seven commercial
maps of Illinois, MUBOurt, Io
wa, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkan
sas, and Texas. Maps alone
worth double the subscription
cost. If you are not on our
list, send your subscription to
day while this special offer la
Belle, Mo.
and Feed
We carry a clean line of
We invite you to call at
in town for a good meal or
clean, fresh bed.
fresh groceries, flour and
feed. All kinds of overalls,
shirts and shoes, etc. If
your goods come from this
store you are assured that
they are good, fresh, pure
and clean.
nc hof,:!'-""''" ri1 'h'T comrnM--l
l branrhca, and atudpnts will bp
pprtnltt"l to make as rapid projtn-M
a dpulrfd.
MmvlicAil Honor Cninp, 'oihmmI of I
IVnltenllitry ItimntfN, Proven a
Kuril, Opinion of Wnrilcii
(Hy Herald Correspondent)
Lincoln, Nr-br.. Nov. 3 When
State Auditor Win. II. Hmlth made
bin rumpaiKii during; the fall of 1014.
he promiaed that if elected he would
conduct his olllce with an much sav
in to the inxpayera of the state ha
could be done without lowering too
Hliciency of the servicp of the ollice.
The coat of conducting the state aud
itor's ofliee. can be grouped under
three heada, and comparing It with
the record of the expenae of the of
fice for the corresponding period last
year the aavlng In each department
allows the following:
Salaries 16.10.91
Kxpcnae of county treasurer ex
aminer and state account. 704.01
Olllce expetme k04..9
The simple mixture of buckthorn
bark, glycerine, etc., known as Ad-ler-l-ka,
aatonlahes Alliance people.
Derail e Adler-l-ka Acts on BOTH
lower and upper bowel. (INK SPOON-
Vh relieves almost ANY CASK con
stipation, sour stomach or gas. It
removes such surprising foul matter
that a few doaes often relieve or pre-
ent appendicitis. A short treatment
elps chronic stomach trouble. The
INSTANT, easy action of Adler-l-ka
is aatonishing. Harry Tlikle. drug-
Total 11.120.41
In addition to this tin? sum of
$325 lias been earned by (he state ac
countant for the examination of var
ious truat companies of the state and
turned Into the general fund, while
a conaiderable sum has been earned
and not yet paid In.
The rooms formerly occupied by
the Hoard of Irrigation on the third
floor of the state house Is being fitted
up aa a court room for the new su
preme court commlaBion. The com
munion has been holding its sessions
In the senate chamber.
A suit was broubht by the weights
and measures department under the
direction of Food Commissioner C. E.
Harman last week In which a man of
Johnson was fined for breaking a
seal on a acale condemned by one of
the state inspectors. The party had
removed the m-al and used the scales
for weighing purposes after they had
been condemned.
The "Morehead Honor Camp",
comprising inmates of the peniten
tiary, has proven an uuqualitied suc
cchh In the opinion of Governor More
head and Warden Kenton. During
the hint legislature Governor More
head asked for an appropriation for
experiment In road building, the
measure providing that the work he
done by the LancaHter Inmate. Un
der the honor hyKteiu which had been
previously originated by the gover
nor and Warden Fenton, the men
were put to work In accordance with
the proviHioua of the appropriation.
That the fywtem ia a success was
thoroughly demonstrated during the
past sever-:; 'eeks. About fifty men
are emrioyed on the road south of
the state farm and they seem (o en
Joy the outdoor work, and it Is to
their credit that not one has violated
the warden's confidences in them.
The men are paid S1.S0 a day, 50
cents of which Is credited to each
one, and one dollar goes to the Insti
tution. This year under this honor
system, in addition to the above la
bor, these Inmates have raised !i000
bushels of potatoes, 1000 bushels of
onions, 700 buahels of table beets.
6000 bushels of corn, a large amount
of oats, cabbage and other garden
ruck. bestdcB 500 head of hogs and
a great many chickens have been
raised at the institution. The prison
honor system has been so much of a
uccess in Nebraska that it has at
tracted the attention of men and wo
men interested in this kind of work
from every part of the country. Not
only has this system been a success
fro. ii a humane and honor standpoint
but it has helped greatly to reduce
the cost of maintaining the lnstltu
our Additional Nebraska CoiintieN
Have Asked for County AgricuN
I oral Agent. by January
There are 1,000 county agrlcultur-
I agents in the forty-eight states of
the Union. Of this number there are
eight in Nebraska, these being em
ployed in Gage, Seward, Madison,
Thurston, Dawes, Dakota. Kimball,
nd Box liutte counties. Four ad
ditional counties in Nebraska have
asked for agricultural agents to be
gin work in January.
"On the whole, these agents have
been very successful In winning the
upport and confidence of the farm
ing people," says the Experiment
Station Record of the U. S. depart
ment of agriculture, "and tangible
results of their work are very en
couraging. The personality of the
gent is, of course, a very large fac
tor In determining the measure of
his success. His understanding of
the real problems of the region In
which he is working, his sympathy
with rural people, and his ability to
meet them on their own ground and
actually to convey to thetn Important,
radical Instruction and Information
In a convincing way are among the
ssentials. When to these qualifica
tions are added studious inclinations
nd habits, the possession of accur
ate and up-to-date knowledge of the
ractice and science of agriculture
nd business ability of high order,
we have a very able and useful man
whose services will mean much for
tbf' agricultural and social advance
ment of his county."
Chamberlain's Tablet
This is a medicine intended espec
ially for stomach troubles, bilious
ness and constipation. It is meeting
with much success and rapidly gain
ing In favor and popularity. Obtain-
ble everywhere.
tCrr 0 trT7 "Omaha'i Fun
4?-y Centre
Urn. ClMf fatwtolamirt. fiwrMfSow. atkfcvtoaf
dont co home saying:
Peru, Nebr., Nov. 1 Prof. F. M.
Gregg, head of the Department of
Psychology, was in Friend Friday, at
winch time he delivered an address
before the city teachers' Institute. On
Saturday he addressed the teachers
of Otoe county at a meeting at Pal
Miss Margaret Ellen Drown, gen
eral secretary of the state Sunday
School association, will address the
students ut the regular chapel perl
oil, Thursday. Her subject will be
"A Sunday School Vision." Miss
Brown was formerly one of the most
progressive and efllclent county sup
erlntendents in Nebraska.
Miss Alice Hawthorne, upper pri
mary critic, has been compelled to
give up her work for a few weeks on
account of sickness.
Miss Katherlne L. Woods, proprie
tor of the Lincoln Fine Arts store
made a short visit with friends in
reru last week. Ml as Woods was
formerly an associate professor In the
department of English In the Nor
The success of the Budget System
or handling school events has at
traded attention in other states,
President Hayes has received a num
ber of inquiries from normal schools
In the United States concerning the
method of handling thla system.
The Peru football squad went to
Crete, Friday, where they met defeat
In a closely contested game with
Doaue College. The team was ac
companled by an enthusiastic squad
of rooters, who report lhat altho the
decisive score was 7 to 0, the Peru
team was at no time outplayed
Coach Johnson states that altho Peru
has had heavier teams, she has never
had a faster or harder-fighting team
since he has been In Peru, and he
predicts some excellent work durln
the rest of fie season.
For the benefit of young men and
young womea who are not able to at
tend school full semester, short
courses are ottered In agriculture
sewing, cooking, manual training
commercial branches, methods
teaching common branches, and
nearly all county certificate subjects
These courses will begin November
15 and continue for nine weeks. The
tuition la fre, and students taking
these course have the same prtvil
eges and advantages enjoyed by oth
er students. Beginning classes will
be organized In shorthand, typewrit
'tinner Living Near Alliance Won
Nine Prizes on l-'ight Entries
G. W. Nation, whose farm lies
within a mile and a quarter from the
post office, had an excellent exhibit of
grkultural products ut the exhibit
hall during market week. Mr. Na-
ion's eight entries for prizes took
nine prizes, seven firsts, one second
nd sweepstakes.
First prizes were won on cabbage.
pumpkins, squash, carrots, beets.
Bermuda onions. Eureka potatoes.
Second prize was won on Ohio pota
toes, and sweepstakes on all articles.
He had other articles entered as ex
hibits but they were not listed for
Student f Alliance Srli l of Muic
lienderetl Fine Piogram Ln.t
Ttiumday Nlbt
Ths reoltal by the students of the
Alliance School of Music at the Had
dorff Music House last Thursday ev
ening was even more than pleasing,
for the program was varied enough
to suit all musical tastes, and the
renditions were exceptionally fine.
Those In Thursday night's program
were pupils of Miss Burnett, Mrs.
Zediker, Mr. Uniacke and Miss Uif
ford. Miss Madelalne Zediker was first
on the program with the reading,
"When Papa Holds My Hand", by
Glllilan. , Miss Madelaine went
through with honors, and her work
showed careful woik both on her
part and on the part of her teacher.
All the other numbers In the expres
sion department were excellent, and
much credit Is due Miss Gifford for
her thorough work.
All the numbers in the piano de
partment were exceptionally good, as
they always are, the expression of
the little girls who took part being
up to a higher standard than Is usu
al. The voice department, Miss Burn
ett's, was represented by Mrs. Emma
Fraker and Miss Mabel Sward, who,
while they have given several private
recitals, were new to public work.
But they proved their ability and
careful training as soon as they had
rendered the first notes of their sel
ections. Mrs. Fraker's last selection
"I'm a' longln' for you," was render
ed with violin obligato by Paul
Thomas, and this brought forth many
comments from the audience.
Mr. Uniacke'B department of vio
lin was represented by George Van
dervoort, but the young man han
dled his part in such a creditable
manner that the audience hardly no
ticed that he was the only student
representing that department at the
The recital as a whole was so
pleasing that the public eagerly
awaits the announcement of a simil
ar occasion.
There is more Catarrh in this sec
tion of the country than all other
diseases put together, und until the
last few years was supposed to be in
curable. For a gnat many years
doctors pronounced it a local disease
and prescribed local remedies, and
by constantly failing to cure with lo
cal treatment, pronounced it incura
ble. Science has proven Catarrh to
be a constitutional disease, and there
fore requires constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manu
factured by F. J. Cheney & Co., To
ledo, Ohio, Is the only Constitutional
cure on the market. It is taken in
ternally. It acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. They offer one hundred
dollars for any case It fails to cure.
Send for circulars and testimonials.
Address: F. J. Cheney & Co.. To
ledo. O.
Sold by Druggists, 7fc.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Dr. B. F. Lee, who was located in
Alliance several years ago as govern
ment veterinarian, but who is now
located on his ranch near Curly, was
here during Market Week visiting
with friends and attending to busi
ness matters.
It's "Fruity"
You like the flavor
of ripe fruit, don't
you? Then chew Spear
Head. There's a fruity
chew for you! A rich,
mellow, juicy chew
with a mellow flavor
that stays.
pear Head
The famous flavor of
Spear Head has made it
the favorite chew for a
third of a century.
Spear Head is the high
quality chew of the world,
and it's made in one of the
world's greatest plug
tobacco factories.
Try Spear Head you'll
never again be satisfied
with any other chew.
A i" V 14 I. H
T t7 Fimim Ntt Prmt t. Cmr Ownrrt II
JT ' i'iQf lifci: 30x3 T 9.40, aio'M i.2nr2JO
I - lvg r W T i lift iifgT 30x3M 11.90 l.U5 2.60Jt.90
j-rr y irrJSiSwl J23j jT7S; ,s-" 2.703.0J A
PyV ll-. 344 ,.,H-90 J0 3.90 . 4.40 tj
vLlV'",r" r"" "' " 37x5 Z"39-80" 3-95r6.70
The great bulk
and mighty grip of
the Firestone Non
Skid tread is a vital
test of the holding
power behind it.
The exclusive way
this extra power of body
is built-in to support the
extra tread explains why
Firestone service gives
Most Miles per Dollar
Firestone Tire and
Rubber Company
"Amrrirm'i LmrfeH ErrtniM
Tin mni Rim Maktn"
Akron. Ohio
Braacfca and D.alan ETarywbar
cT3ve''WoixcIer Car
Quiet Clutch Runs in Oil
The clutch of the ns Maxwell operates in a
bath of oil. This makej it remarkably smooth
and velvety in engagement, and eliminates 80
per cent, of noise when the gears are shifted.
Designers of ths hihest-pnsed cars agree
that the clutch should run in cil.
The Maxwell clutch r nd transmission mech
anism is fully enclosed.
We ars waiting to take you for a
'-rt rid,' '"n the car that has broken
1 low First-Cost" records, and is
breaking all low "After-Cost" records.
DemounhBle Ejmf
l$nn Vision Windshield
fMaqneto Iptition
Hemingford, Nebr.
with your automobile, the repair-shop man gets a good sized chunk of
your money, because you don't know
Why don't you learn all about your car? Learn all about every kind
of car. Save a good piece of that money, or get Into the automobile
business and get it yourself.
will teach you the business from start to finish, including LATHK
consolidated with
Both Schools now operate In one fine, new, strictly modern fire-proof
Write for catalog "A. II." It has names and pictures of men who have
made good. ITS FREE.