The IG Make THE HADDORFF Music House WE INV1TK YOU AND YOl'H KKIKNPS TO MAKE OUH STORK YOUR HKAD QUARTERS WHILE IX ALLIANCE MARKET WEEK HERE YOU WILL FIND COM FORT A ' BLE SEATS, GOOD MUSIC AND COUR TEOUS ATTENTION. WE WILL TAKE PLEASURE IN PLAY ING YOUR FAVORITE SELECTIONS ON THE PLAYER-PIANO, PIANO OR VIC-TROIiA Haddorff House MRS. J. T. WIKEJt, Mgr. Si'fuUiai'LiiiMiiiiir SifililliblL ARE GOING AT THE CLOSING OUT SALE! STORE BUILDING FOR LEASE ROOMING HOUSE FOR LEASE AMONG THE VERY BEST LOCATIONS ON BOX BUTTE AVENUE CALL, PHONE OR WRITE IT WILL PAY YOU TO ANTICIPATE YOUR NEEDS FOR THE ENTIRE WINTER AT THE PRICES WE ARE MAKING. NOTHING RESERVED EVERYTHING GOES SHOW CASES, DISPLAY RACKS, COUNTERS, SCALES, AND ALL OTHER FIXTURES. Your Dollar Do the Duty of $1.50 NOW IS THE TIME TO LAY IN YOUR WINTER SUPPLY. YOU'LL NEV ER HAVE A CHANCE TO GET GOOD GROCERIES CHEAPER f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Music A A A W -w -w The Diamond From the Sky By ROV L. AlcCARDELL Copyright. 1015. by Roy L McCardell CHAPTER XIV. "Here Are the Proof!" ft ND Mr. Burton Randolph re pX turns to Richmond. Vivian and Blair have qunrrclcd. Vlv- I.. ...... It..., t,.. i..r ...111 lllll lf4llltS 1-UIIIUA Will lull while it fensta upon gossip that will not Interest lier. She will return to Richmond with her friend. With n woman's prescience she real- tee that Illnir'a mother Intuitively aua Poets her. 8o Vivian Maraton think fl best to return to Richmond too. That night the Montlccllo hunt la nd- Diia n member. Inquiry nnd Investiga tion bring some of the huntsmen to BtanU-y hall. The dead rann is Identi fied for the man he really la and la I z z z z z z z "Hr are the proof that your eon murdered Or. Lee!" borne awny.' And tlie breach Is wider yet between Kulrfni and Montlcello In consequence. The next day Hngnr hits a visitor at Stanley hull. It In Detective Tom Blake of Richmond, and he bears with him a curious Hut portfolio of curious photographs. lie and Hagar examine these curious photographs in the libra ry at Stanley hall, leaving Esther upon the broad piazza, innocent of any knowledge of what passes let ween the gypsy woiniiii ii iid the astute private detective Hagar employ. But the photographs are vital things. vital especially to Blair Stauley, for they hold the evidence that proves him guilty of the murder of Dr. For the photographs are the telltale reproductions of Itlalr Stanley's linger prints. Some were made by iilake from impressions he found ou the ri fled cash box and the dead doctor's throat, and one other is the reproduC' Uou of the plain mark of his Ink stain ed thumb, stained by a leaky fountain pen, made on the bad check be passed on Abe Bloom, grumbling den keeper of Richmond. The check has come back to the vln llctlve, angry gambler marked "No funds." and when Abe lllooni has call ed upon t lie Bluke Detective agency to aid hlui recover the amount of the check the wily Tom Iilake bus In his possession the convincing identification he has been seeking the duplicate thumb print of the murderer of Dr, Lee, the thumb print of Itlalr Stanley! The astute if not overscrupulous de tective is working only for his client, Hagnr I larding, who pays hlui well There is no reward offered for the ap prehension of Hhilr Stanley or miy oth er man save the innocent Art her Stan ley. Detective Blake knows that Hagnr will use the evident he brings her in her own time and in her own way 't concerns him no fin t her. for the present at least, Hiid he takes his fee and returns to Richmond, htrangely enough, on the same train that beam Mrs. Burton Randolph and VI vi Marstou. Blub? and his mother have returned from the little station at Fairfax after aeelng their late guests to the train Blair and his mother are at dagger drawn. He asks that she give him money and let him go upon his way in the world, as he wishes to leave Fair fax and never return. "You have lecn under euougb ev'l Influences in following the promptings of your own unfortunate ways," aayf Ms mother coldly. "This Vivian Mars ton eaunot deceive me for a moment And aa she seems to have also coin pletely deceived und Infatuated you iJ rou shall have no monev of my yiv (if I in ff;kJU tog to wmate upon an aiTvrnturr." Blair made no reply, but Inwardly he felt wild curse mounting to hi llpa. and he flnng himself In the house, 'eavlng hla mother alone on the porch ere he might utter them. But he was resolved to leave Fair fax, and he was resolved to again see and regain the favor of Vlvlnn. There was no time like the present, was his thought. Blair went rapidly up the steps nnd Into the living room an the second floor, while his mother remained In bitter contemplation on the He nerved to his desperate undertak ing. He cloned the door of the living ooni behind him He pressed the spring, and the "Tory hiding place" elilnd the chimney opened. Taking the heavy poker from tht ftreplaee thul now was tuuii outward Into the tooui, Blnlr stepped Into the tecess and closed the hiding place aft er hi in. Here be lit a caudle and furiously pried at the old Iron bound chest where, among his father's papers, his mother kept the ready money which alie. like her husband had before her, lent out at heavy lutereat to such un fortutiates as fell Into her meshes when their security waa good. At Stnnlcy hall, after the departure of Detective Blake, Hagar ordered her carriage. "I nm going to pay a call. I will not be long," waa all the informa tion she vouchsafed to Esther. But Esther knew that, whatever waa the errand that called Hagnr away, al though a accret. it wns one that waa for Esther's good. Luke I -o veil, who spent his time at Stanley hall partly nnd partly oa hend mnn under linear at the gypsy rendez vous Rome dcteu miles awny In a hid den fastness of the Blue Bldge, brought around the horse and buggy to the front of Stanley hall. At this Instant a diversion was caused by the appear ance of a hunchback organ grinder hurrying up the driveway. It was Qunbba, his monkey, shriek ing with fright, clinging closely to his master's breast. Behind them came Sheriff Sam Swain ou horseback, lash- lug the unfortunate (Juabba. II agar and Esther both flew to the rescue of the poor hunchback. 'lie's lucky I am not chasing him ont of the county!" explained the irate sheriff. "But for the trick he played upon me yesterday I would have caught Arthur Stanley. I)o you know what this organ grinding monkey toting imp of Satan did? "Why, he handcuffed me to Blair Stanley, and Arthur Stanley, the mur derer, who had the nerve to come rid ing at the mask tournament, got away! I could have this organ grinding kcouu- drel sent up for a year for Interfering with an officer In the discharge of hla duty!" 'I didn't mean any harm," whined Qunbbn. "You were teasing and Jok Ing with me, saying you wero going to put the handcuffs on me, nnd 1 only Joked with you and the other gentle man In putting them on you and him." "Young feller." wild the sheriff im presslvely, "never Joke with an olllcer of the law. It Is against the cace and dignity of the common wen 1th of Vir ginia nnd the law nnd the statutes Hint therein apply!" And, having delivered himself of this pseudo legal dlctgm. the sheriff touched hla bat to Hagar and Esther and cantered off. Qunbba was a wandering, solitary gypsy of Italian stock. A word In Bomnny fell on his ustonished ear from the Hps of the grande dame at the portals of this grand bouse, who gave orders to I. like that Qunbba te oared for at the kitchen of Stanley ball. This done. Hagar was prepared to go usn her mysterious errand with, as Esther noticed, the hi nek Hat port folio tlte strange man from Richmond hnd brought that day. when her keen gypsy eye noticed that th horse was slightly lame. Half angrily she ordered I veil to return it to the stable, and after f.ov ell. with the equipage and Qunbba. ihe latter uttering expressions of his grat itude, bad turned the corner of the great house. "I am not going so very far, to it doesn't matter If I walk." alJ.Hnnr and klrsed Esther again and went Uon her way Little did list her dream of the Strang return this secretive yet kind woman, whom she deemed her mother, was to make to Stnnloy hall. At Mrs. Stanley's house that mistere woman sat upon her piazza, risking and waiting for Blnlr to re turn from Inside the house. She had more to sny to her son. and as she re fleeted uion the bitter phrasing of the words she would sjieuk her heart ached dully. What was the use? she kept saying to herself. What wns the use. whnt use the ambition, the cold, calculating :unbfon that had darkened her life ami had caused the tragic death of ber husband eighteen long years ago? What was the use to scheme and plot and hope and hate for a bauble that bad disappearedthe diamond from the sky and an earldom farther av.ay than even distant Warwick hire? The diamond from the sky and the earldom were not for her. They were never to be the possession of ber aon either, it would seem Dead men lay between and a living man, a wanderer and a fugitive, and the earl, old and feeble, a helpless ln v.i i I for years, Ktill lingered on. And Aithi r Stanley, proscribed as a inur ili it r though be was, bore a charmed liie t but blood between her ion and the earldom aud the diamond from the aky. The diamoud from the fkr itpclf was goneT tanlshrd from the aiglit ofriianr Aa for ber eon, that aou waa tnfato tted with a worthies woman. Vivian Marston would make a flt mate for Blnlr Stanley, son site had Ikihhi and reared! But bitter as all these reflection were, the Stnnlej pride waa strong la the breast of Blair's mother. Bad aa lie was. she thought. It were better be never possess Ihe diamond from the sky or the HI an ley earldom with anch a woman lo fchnre these great posmft slons. Aud then He Judge'a widow aavr cemliig toward her Hugar Harding, the prevent inis'ressof Stanley hall. At the slt;bt of Hngnr Mrs. Stanley stiffened, ami Instinctively all the old hopes nnd all the old hatreds leaped again within her withered breast. She rose us if to ci.tcr he.r houi e uud Ignore Hngnr, hut Hngnr stayed her with a gesture. "Do not go. Mrs. Stanley," aald Ha gnr In even tones. "I have with me the proofs that your on and not Ar thur Stanley Is enllty of the murder of Dr. Henry le." And she indicated with a meaning gesture the flat black portfolio she carried, the same portfo lio Detective Blake bad brought from Hlchmond. "Hush!" whispered the Judge'a wid ow tensely. "Come Inside!" And she led her strnnge gnest within the por tal of her home and np to the living room. Here Hagnr without a further word bowed hot the photographs of the thumb prints left by the murderer to Dr. Eee's study and the photograph of the returned dishonored check, with the fatal inky thumb print ol Blair Stnnley resting against his signature, na though he hnd nttested to It. "I will gel my son. He Is some where atsuit the house!" cried Mrs. Judge Stanley. "Whnt Is the price you ask for your alienee? I cannot think you would come here except to bargain." "My price la nn easy one," replied Hngnr. "I nk that you nnd all your friends receive my daughter Esther and myself In Fairfax. I have only this to say: Deem me who you may, my daughter Esther la of as high birth and blood ns the proudest families of Fairfax." "What you ask can be arranged. I feel sure," aald the Judge'a widow, re gaining her cold composure. "Walt here till I llnd my son." Mra. Stanley bowed and hurried down to the porch, where she called loudly for Blair, thinking perhaps he waa la the garden or at the stable. Meanwhile Blair In the "Tory hiding place" iM'hlnd the chimney bad heard every word that had been uttered In the room. In his hands he clutched a mass of bnnk notes. Thrusting them In his pocket, he touched the sprbig nnd punned aalde the awlnglng fire place noiselessly. Hngnr stood, by the table, her back to the fireplace, watching the door. In ber bands were the incriminating pho tographs of the thumb print of Blair Stun ley. I Aa she tnrned at the sound of Blair's ndvnnee he struck her down with the heavy Iron poker, and she fell to the floor aa though lifeless, In a crumpled lump. Aa Blnlr stooped to Bclze the photo-' graphs of bis guilty thumb prints that bad fallen lo the floor a gleam of steel on the table euugbt hi eye. It waa the sheriffs handcuffs that Vlviaa Marston had brought to the house wltb her and left for Blnlr, us be ildi mockingly, "as a souvenir of the white knight's leap" Hagnr moaned and stirred. Blair' could hear his 'mother calling him in the hallway now He seized the hand cuffs and clasped them on the unre sisting wrists of Hagar. . licking ber up. he thrust her hi the "Tory" hiding place" and hastily swung the will back In position, leav ing the uuc"'"" kins and inauacled form of Hagnr impr soned by the broken ( pen chest In the darkened ulche. At this lntaut be heard his mother on the threshold and turned and fled with the photographa and the stolen money by the door that led to the Inner rooms and win gone. Far JJ'y a colored boy,, who had oeen driving u pig the day the gentle folk of Fairfax held their vn anted tournament, is playing he Is a hunter after eagles He has n wotslen gun. this colored, l-o.v who herds pigs while gentle white folk ride to tournament nnd to chase the fox. nnd with his wooden gun he play n part In Ihe destinies of those concerned In this strange story. For beneath a wayside tree he find a handful of feather "Owls up dar!" says the niiinlc hunter, and he drop 'he rude wotslen gun nnd climbs the tree. An ow fllea from ita best with a querulous screech. That evening an obscure negro ur chin, whose lot It is that be mast at tend to awtne. loans over a noisome pen and dangles before an unapprecta five pig. gorging at hla swill, the dia mond from the skyl TO BE KEEN AT THE EMPRESS Til E.TltE MONDAY XKillT When Baby Has the t roup When a mother is awakened from sound (deep to find her child who has gonsr to bei apparently In the best of health atruggliug for breath, the la naturally alarinod. Yet if she can keep her prcBonee of mind and give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy every ten minutes until vomiting la pro duced, quick relief will follow and the child will drop to Bleep to awaken In the morning aa well as ever. Tbla remedy has been in use for many years with uniform success. Obtaina ble everywhere, AdT Oct