The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 14, 1915, Image 8

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    HATKBf Th rhrr for both ft
Mr and apodal tdltlona U le pr "or"
mt lnprtln. all word to th Ita.
Advtrtlaers so dralrlnir rny bar M
tvoii to thlr dTrtlacmrnt ddrM
4 to l box number, car of The Har
Atvrtlamnts charred to patroat
fearing- account ara tneaaurad by th
Ibii. not by tha word.
M B. Tha Maratd cannot a raapoB
rtfcio for mora than ona wronr Inaar
tJon dua to typocraphlcaJ ai ror. N
4alm for error can be allowed ftai
Ua ttb of tha following month. An?
Mvrtlaamant Inaerted to run ontl,
forbidden mutt be stopped T writUt
WANTED A good man to solicit
for accident and health Insurance. A
rood proposition for a lire wire. Ad
4mi C. U. Can field, Burlington Ho
tel. Alliance. Will be there on Sat
urdays. 4S-4t-6064
FOR SALE Bargain In fire room
tettage at 116 Missouri arenue
Lrge rooms. Renting for 112 pet
Month. In good repair. Price $1001
Ford touring car In good
running condition.
FOR SALE Good auto-player pi
ano. Ninety records go with It. nl--aanlre
Robert Campbell, Alliance, Ne
braska. 41-4t-600t
res, 20 miles south of Alliance, 12
tnlles east of Angora, and 6 miles
from Lynn. 11-room frame house
and other good ranch Improvements.
Cuts 600 tons of hay. Price $12.50
fer acre, 10 years time on $25,000
ir more. School on land. Geo. D.
Workman, Lynn, Nebraska.
FOUND Bunch of keys. Owner
can hare same by calling at The Her
aid office. Identifying the keys, and
paying for this ad.
FOR RENT Modernly furnished
Jvnt room, close In.
Phone 151.
Money to loan on real estate.
Railroad men can secure a very use
ful book at The Herald office. It Is
daily time book for trainmen and en-
rnmn. The price la reasonable.
MONEY TO LOAN on your land
Write the First Mortgage Loan A 8e
eurlty Co.. Council Bluffs, Iowa.
We hare equipped our dray wag
ona and auto truck with the latest
.appliances for moving furniture
without marring or scratching oi
damage. Up-to-date wagon path
will be used by us on all moving Jobs
JOHN R. SNYDER, Phone 15.
Buy your receipt books, legal
tblanks, blank notes, all kinds of
tlanks at The Herald office. Price
reasonable. A big assortment.
Office blanks and blank loone-leat
feooks for sale at The Herald office
Thone 340 and a representative will
TENANT WANTED for two sec
tions of land. Improved, eight miles
fro u Alliance. Write J. F. Dineen,
Columbus, Nebr.
be net out during September. Buy
ithem from J. P. Barger, Phone 9.
THOROBRED Jersey milk cow foi
ale. Fresh. Four years old. Tame
and rentle. Phone Spruce 8061. Viv
Co v alt. Alliance, Nebr.
cant rooms for rent. At 519 Big
Horn avenue, Alllacne. Nebr.
ioc&i m
Mrs. John Grommett was here
from Marsland Sunday visiting her
husband, who is confined In the hos
pital as a result of an accident In the
pumping station at Marsland two
weeks a no, In which he sustained
several broken bones and serious In
ternal injuries. Ills condition Is im
proving, but it will be some time be
fore he will be able to be about
a a
Marcus Frankly returned Monday
from CLicago, where he had been to
attend the National Clothiers associ
ation convention, which was held
there last week.
a a
True Miller, of Marsland, was In
town Sunday with a real, live porcu
pine that he caught on Running Wa
ter creek. The "anlmule" was ex
hibited all day Sunday in front of
Geo. Snyder's cigar store, and It ex
sited much attention and comment
from passers-by. This porcupine
must have "strayed from us native
haunts to this part of the country.
as it Is the Drat Mr. Miller or anyone
else haa seen that was caught In this
country. 1
C. Pennycuick and- wife arrived
the latter part of last week from
Sheridan, Wyo., to make their home
in Alliance. Mr. Pennycuick travels
for the Loose-Wiles Biscuit Comp
any. a
Mrs. George Darling and baby are
viBltlng at the Richardson ranch this
a a
W. R. Harper spent the first of the
week in Denver looking after busi
ness matters.
a a
Next-wet'-is "Wooltex Week" at
the Horace Bogue store. Thla week
is observed by Wooltex garment
dealers all over the United States,
and they then make a special effort
to appraise the public of the excel
lent qualities of these garments. The
Wooltex line 1b well known here, as
Mr. Bogue has handled It for several
years, and the week will no doubt
result in many Bales.
SiEter Lucy, of St. Franeia hospit
al at Grand Island, was here the
first of this week securing potatoes
for the Institution for the coming
year. St. Francis has on an average
of one hundred patients, and uses a
car load of potatoes a year, this
amount being secured here. .
a a a
Mrs. B. F. Frederick, of St. oJe.
who had been here for the past week
visiting with her sister, Mrs. O. E.
Williams, and family, returned to
her home Tuesday..
a a a
Leonard Colgan came down from
Edgemont Tuesday to assist Mrs. Ag
nes Duncan and L. E. McElhaney
with the music for the Columbus Day
dance. Mr. Colgan plays clarinet.
Mrs. I). E. Host stopped off here
the lirst of this week on her way to
her home at 1'aKe, Nebr.. after a visit
ut the San Francisco exposition.'
W hlle here she was the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davidson.
a a
Mrs. Charlotte Templeton. secre
tary of the state library commission
of Lincoln, was In the city on Tues
day visiting with Mrs. Jerry Rowan
and other friends. She also spent
some time at the city library Inspect
ing the work done there, and look
ing after other Interests pertaining
thereto. Mrs. Templeton was very
well pleased with the work as it is
directed thru the efforts of the li
brarian, Mrs. Wilson, and was very
complimentary In her remarks as to
the condition of the records and ev
erything conencted with this Institu
tion. Surely Alliance people should
appreciate more and more the ad van
tages derived from having current
and late literature so near at hand,
a a a
All those who have been kind
enough to volunteer the use of their
cars for the Box Butte County Fair
Association lot sale on Wednesday.
October 20, will please try to be upon
the street and ready for passengers
at 10 a. m. on that day, and you will
please call at the Commercial Club
...for our...
Special Millinery Sale
Watch for Announcements
Mrs. Sanquist & Daughters
W. R. Harper Department Store
Opportunity wastes
to be up and at it
look the part before
NevQt know I could yof O
6ofs suit so cAeop before
What is the most important item of a well
dressed man's apparel?
Select yours here where variety is great ami
styles are new and corrrct. Hats for sport,
travel, business, day and evening wear.
See the new mixtures in soft hats and derbies,
greens, grays and browns. Dress up! $3.00
W. R. Harper Department Store W. R. Harper Department Store
otlice. where cards are awaiting you
which you will tie on your car desig
nating it as one of the volunteers so
the people may know that your car
is a volunteer and ready to serve
them. With plenty of cars and a
fairly good day, Falrview Addition
will sell like hot cakes.
Sudden Muscular Aches ami Pains
Need Not lie!
That Is if you use the right rem
edy. Sloan's Liniment Is a real nec
essity In every home for young and
old. Its merit is praised in dozens
of letters. A stiff neck from colds,
children's sprains, those aching mus
cles, that sharp neuralgia pain
these find guaranteed relief ir
Sloan's Liniment. Kvery home meets
with sudden aches and accidents.
Your home needs a bottle,
and $1.00.
Adv No 3
!5c, 50u
Occupant and Car Suffered Injuries
When Machine Turned over on
the I toad to Alliance
Joe Manion Buffered several ruts
on the back of his right band; his
daughter Josephine was badly cut on
the face and arms, and Mrs. Manion
and a laborer on the Manion ranch
were slightly bruised when they
were coming to Alliance Wednesday
morning in their Dodge car.
The daughter was driving, and
they were coming down a rather
steep hill when the accident occurred.
Miss Josephine started to apply the
brakes, and when the car did not re
spond readily she became excited and
lost control. It is almost a mystery
how the occupants escaped with such
slight Injuries, but it was probably
on account of the soft ground when
the machine went over. The wind
shield was broken squarely off. and
the bits of flying grass caused the in
juries to Mr.. Manion and his daugh-
no time on the procrastinator. You've got
jumping to the forefront and you must
you can play the part successfully.
GOOD CLOTHES the right thing in the right place at the right
lime have probably done more for the men who are on the top today
than a-y other i ingle factor. There's confidence in good clothes ease
of action, a Bfiinring of the shoulders, initiative born of the knowledge
that you belong and your appearance doesn't deny it.
of ieco'nuzed superiority clothes from such fast growing sources of cor
rect styles as
Stein-Bloch and Brandegee-Kincaid
We've earned and kept a patronage which returns to us a tremendous
volume of sifudy business, making values possible here that many strive
for, but few, if any, equal.
RESULTS, GENTLEMEN, at $20, $25 or $30 that will surprise while
delighting you. Fabrics and fashions unsurpassed fit that is a revela
tion of modern tailoring. The Fall and Winter styles await you. .M od
ds by the store, fabrics by the hundreds, service and satisfaction we're
;rlad to guarantee on a money-back basis. v
ter. Mrs. Manion and the laborer
vere In the rear seat, and this ac
counted for their escape from seri
ous injury. All were thrown clear
of the car. The accident occurred
about four miles from the Manion
home, and about twelve miles from
Shortly after the accident the
Lowry & Henry garage was notified,
and Link Lowry made a record run
to the Hcene, making th'e twelve
mile$ in a little better than thirty
minutes. He made an examination
of the damaged car and found that
there was no injury to the engine or
working parts. All the fenders were
bent almost double, the top was bent,
the windshield torn entirely off. and
the hood was badly dented on top.
The self-starter was applied and the
engine responded in a lusty manner,
and the car was driven Into town,
the occupants aboard. Miss Manion
was the only one needing medical at
tendance, although her Injuries are
not regarded as serious.
Keeoinmends Chamberlain's Cough
"Last winter I used a bottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy fov a
bad bronchial cough. I felt its ben
eficial effect immediately and before
I had finished the bottle I was cured.
I never tire of recommending this
remedy to my friends," writes Mrs.
William Bright, Ft. Wayne, Ind. Ob
tainable everywhere.
Koal Welsh Male liartette WIU Visit
Tliis City at An Karly
The Royal Welsh Male Quartette,
Newport, South Wales, survivors of
the Gwent Welsh Singers saved from
the Lusitania disaster, will appear at
the Christian church on Saturday ev
ening, Oct. 23. and will be remember
ed as the leading soloists of Gwent
Singers who appeared here only two
weeks before they sailed on the ill
fated Lusitania. They returned to
America shortly and will be heard in
concert through United States and
Canada. They were fortunate to se
cure Arthur Smith as pianist for the
Gwenls on their American tours. Ow
ing to illness last season Mr. Smith
was replaced a few weeks of the tour
by Spencer Hill, who had appeared
with the chorus. Mr. Smith is a
graduate of the Royal Academy of
London and has played by command
twice before the King and Queen of
England, also appeared at the White
House, Washington, with the Gwent
Singers May 23, 1913. He is a pian
ist of national reputation and will
render two selections during the ev
ening. One of the most interesting des
criptions of the Lusitania disaster
will be given during the evening by
Mr. Risca Williams, the oldest mem
ber of the Gwent organlxation. He
will tell of his rescue from a raft af
ter floating five hours, of his meeting
the survivors of the Uwents the next
day in Queenstown, Ireland, and the
great loss of their famous conductor,
Geo. F. Davies.
Mr. Williams close with Longfel
low's psalm of life and the quartette
With Me" as they sang while on a
raft off the roast of Ireland, May 7.
The music loving people of Alliance
will be glad to welcome these Bplen
did singers back to America, who on
last season's tour sang their way In
to the hearts of the American peo
ple. The date of their appearance here
Ja Oct. 23, at Christian church.
W. R. Harper Department Store
Are right around the corner, bumper crops are being harvested;
more money in the savings banks today than ever before; automo
Diies galore; factories are rushing;1 aad people are spending their
money. Everything now is O. K. so '
Prwrous, and your neighbors will soon follow suit, and
I ? , ,ODK bfore everybody will be wearing a new outfit.
kJ)! ,, Suitcome8 fr here, he will be sure to be wearing a
oroao smile. Lots of smiles out already and there's one waiting for
Cure That Window Pane
We have a complete stock of
sited frame to fit we'll be glad to
have the equipment and can do it
Is the best we can obtain.
There's no better paint made than Hughes' Crescent Cottage
Paint. It lasts longest and goes farthest, and there's satisfaction in
every can, whether it is a large or small one. Our customers have
learned that we carry none but the best of materials and can rely on
our statements. Let us give you an estimate on your painting bill.
Phone 73
The Burlington's Autumn
Service to California
The Sxposition cIokck December 4th. Many Eastern people wll
go as usual to Southern California for the winter; this year they will L
visit the Exposition, then go south.
The entire structure of Burlington through Coast sleeper service
via Denver, Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake will be maintained to San
Francisco and Los Angeles.
Every day through standard sleepers via Denver and Scenic Col
orado to San Francisco over the Southern Pacific and Western Pa
cific. Every day Personally Conducted Through Tourist Sleeper Par
ties via Denver, Scenic Colorado, to San Francisco over the Southern
Pacific; also over the Western Pacific; also to Los Angeles via tie
Salt Lake Iioute.
Let us make through i t st i valioua caiiy ami
otherwise assist you to avail yourself of then a
; Chronic Constipation
"About two years ago when I be
gan using Chamberlain's Tablets I
had been suffering for some time
with stomach trouble and chronic
constipation. My condition improv
ed rapidly through the use of these
tablets. Since taking four or five
bottles of. them my health has been
fine." writes Mrs. John Newton, Irv
ing, N. Y. Obtainable everywhere.
Adv Oct
Well improved, fully equipped
all slzeji, but if you have an odd- ff
cut a glass any size or shape. We
satisfactorily. The glass we carry
and Oils
Geo. .1. Heilman, Mgr.
wen operated ana popular through servi
Coast routes.
i. KRIPKLHAt'Ull, Ticket Agent, Alliance, Nek.
Ij. W. WAKKLKY, (ieneral rttfttwitger Agent
1004 Fariuun Street, Omaha, Neb.
S000 acre stock ranch in southern
Wyoming. 800 acres fine irrigate
hay land; remainder well watered
pasture land. Water rights perpetu
al and fully paid.
4 00 head of cattle;
25 head of horBeg and mares; i
4 00 tons of hay. t '
Value of property, about $60,010.
One-half cash, balance on terms t
Address, WYOMING, 925 Fob'
Building, Denver, Colorado.