The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 23, 1915, Stockmen's Edition, Image 5

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    pllJl-:-r; IFni IESjS
Lloyd's Column
A Glean Market for Clean Live Stock
That's Where the Eastern
Feeder Buyers Are Coming
Next Fall. for Their
Assets of the South Omaha Market
Most Convenient, as Well as Efficient and Sanitary Cattle and Sheep Division Offered to the Shipper.
Eest and Most Sanitary Horse Barn in the World.
Finest and Most Modernly Equipped Hog Division in the World. -
Every Pen in the Stock Yards Supplied with an Unlimited Amount of Pure Well Water that "Fills".
Added to These Facilities
South Omaha Has Prices That Attract
futile Salesman
Sellers of
Both cattle salesmen, both hog sales
men and office manager with the
"National" up to the time it sold out.
Cut I It Salesman
Fully equipped in every department. Every salesman a
member of the firm. Best yard help obtainable in every
division. All mixed shipments sorted for ownership and
everything sold on its own merits.
The Ann organized Dec. 1st and handled 1772 load of Mock la it first seven month of bus!
utual Live Stock Commission Co.
Room Without Bath $1.00 or $1.25
Room With Bath $1 50 Up
Cafe Prices Moderate
Brush this through faded, lifeless
locks and they become dark,
glossy, youthful
Serial No. 017164.
Notice for Publication
isolate! Tract
Department of the Interior. U. S
Lead Office at Alliance, Nebraska.
AKst 14, 1915.
NOTICE ia hereby given that, ai
' directed by the Commissioner of the
General Land ofllce. under provisions
of Sec. 2455, H. S.. pursuant to the
application of James E. Rice, Serial
No 017164, we will offer at public
aale. to the highest bidder, but a
not less than 12.60 per acre, at 10
o'clock A. M.. on the. 12th day of Oc
tober, next, at thia offlce. the follow
lntc tract of land: The WV4 NEfc
Si. 33. T. 23 N.. R. 47 W.. th P.
The sale" will not be kept open, but
will be declared closed when those
present at the hour named have
ceased bidding. The person making
the highest bid will be required to
immediately pay to the Receiver tb
amount thereof.
Any persons claiming adversely
the above-described land are advised
to file their claims, or objections, on
or before the time designated for
- T. J. O'KEEFE, Register.
J. C. MORROW, Receiver,
aug 19-81-5974
A Gi-od Household Salve
Ordinary ailments and Injuries are
not of themselves serious, but infec
tion or low vitality may make them
dangerous. Don't neglect a cut. sore.
bruise or hurt because It's small.
Blood Poison has resulted from a
pin-prick or scratch. For all such
ailments Bucklen'a Arnica Salve Is
excellent. It protects and heals the
hurt; is antiseptic, kills infection and
prevents dangerous complications.
Good for all Skin Blemishes, Pimp
les, Salt Rheum, Eczema. Get an or
iginal 2 -ounce 25c box from your
Adv No 2
TRAINMEN'S daily time books for
sale at The Herald office for twenty
cents each. Ask to aee them. 4
Hair that loses its oolor nd lustre, or
when It fades, turn irray, dull and life'
loan, is cauwd by a lnck of sulphur in the
hair, vur jrTandinoiher dkuIo up a nur
ture of Safe 'leu and Sulphur to keep
her hicks dark and bountiful, arid thou
sands of women und men who value that
even color, that U-.iutiful dark tluule of
i i r wLii-li i, no attractive, use only this
' !-tir:i rvd;,e..
nowadays Ye get thi famous mixture
asking rt m y dms store fur a 60
i .-nt bottle of "Vyetu' Sa and Sul
phur Hair Lemcdy," darkens the
l.air so naturally, so evenly, that nobody
on possibly tf II it has been applied. Be
sides, it take otf daudrutr, stops scalp
itching and falling hair. Vou just
dampen a sponge or soft brush with it
und draw this through your hair, taking
one small strand at a time. By morn
ing the gray hair disappears; but what
delighU the ladies with Wyeth's 6age
and Sulphur Is that, besides beautiful (y
darkening the hair after a few applica
tions, It also brings back the gloss and
lustre and give it as appearance of
Which lloom?
Strickland (illlllau tells this one in
Jud ve:
At O'Neill, Nobr., there was once n
hotel that all traveling salesmen
avoided except when they couldn't.
There tan no healing system, the on
ly warmth In the house being sup
plied by a small stove In the oillce.
One howling night, when the wind
was making about thirty knots per
hour and the mercury was twenty bo-
ow aero, a traveling man shivered
beneath the lnsufllclent bedclothes in
hi drafty room until about 3 a. rn.
li liable to stand It any longer, though
he dreaded to leave the bed, he leap
ed out, seized his clothes and ran to
the oillce. There he shuddered Into
his garments, and then began build
ing up the fire.
The fire-poking roused the land
lord, who came out and said, "What
're you gettln' up this time o' night
fer? You left a call fer slx-thlrty."
"What did I get up for?" shouted
the traveling man. "I couldn't stay
in bed any longer In that room of
mine! 1 was freezing!"
The lundlord defended his hostelry
and the traveling man assailed It, In
a regular quarrel.
During the disagreement an old
doctor of the town, who had been out
In the inclement night and was al
most frozen, saw the light In the ho
tel and came in. The old man's long
whiskers were covered with frost and
festooned with enormous ficles.
As the traveling man turned from
his quarrel and saw the old man's
condition and the pendant ice, be ex
claimed, "My God, man! Which room
did you have?"
The Yale freshman year was prov
ing very expensive to father, so fath
er decided to have a "heart-to-heart"
talk with oJhnny, home for the
"Now, son," said he, gravely, but
affectionately, "your mother and I
are spending Just as little as we pos
sibly can. I get up in the morning
at half pnst six and I work until after
live. But, son, the money Just won't
go around at the rate your expenses
are running. Now, I ask you, as one
man to another, what do you think
we had better do?"
For a moment Johnny's head was
burled in thought and then be re
plied: "Well, father, I don't see any way
out but for you to work nights."
Cincinnati Enquirer.
Money will buy practically every
thing except a few little details like
health, happiness, self-respect.
Wliat U "Punch"?
What is that force in an advertise
ment that makes you buy the thing
What is it that enables one man to
sell two or three cars while the other
fellow isn't selling any?
We call it "punch" in a general
way, but what is "punch"?
Punch is vim vitalized. It is vig
or with a voltage behind it. It is
"pepper" coupled with "push". It
Is power, personality, persistency and
pugnacity done up in the same pack
age. It is knowing enough not too
It Is talking enough not too
It Is the correct sizing up of a sit
uation. It Is knowing bow lo say and do
forceful things In a forceful way.
It Is knowing when to pull the or
der blank. It Is the ability to get
out of a tight place with the order.
It is dominating the interview and
coming away with the check.
"Punch" Is Just plain, everyday
horse-sense" with a "kick" in It.
Ford Times.
Do you wish the world were better?
Let me tell you what to do:
Set a watch upon your actions.
Keep them always straight and
Kid your mind of selfish motives;
Let your thoughts be clean and
You can make a little Eden
Of the sphere you occupy.
Do you wish the world were wiser?
Well, suppose you make a start.
By accumulating wisdom
In the hc rap book of your heart:
Do not waste one pace on folly;
Live to learn, and Ichiii to live.
If you want to give men knowledge
You must get It, ere you give.
Do you wish the world were happy?
Then remember day by day
Just to scatter seeds of kindness
As you pass along the way; '
For the pleasures of the many
May be ofttinies traced to one.
As the hand that plants an acorn
Shelter armies from the sun.
Put the hummer in the locker;
Hide the sounding board likewise;
Anyone can be a knocker;
Anyone can criticise.
Cultivate a manner winning, 1
Though it hurls your face to smile
And seems awkward in the beginning
Be a booster for a while.
Ix t the blacksmith do the pounding;
That's the way he draws his pay;
You don't get a cent for hounding
Saint and sinner night and day.
Just for solid satisfaction
Drop a kind word in the slot.
And I'll warrant you'll get action
On your effort on the spot.
Kindness every time beats kicking;
Mirth is better than a frown.
Don't waste your time picking
Flaws with brothers who are down
And it isn't distressing
If you give a little boost
To the man whom fates are pressing,
When the chick comes home to
Only five blocks from the Court
House, four blocks to the City Hall,
and five blocks to the Bank corner
you can't ask for a more convenient
location and, where can you find a
more sightly and pleasant one.
. ,
"S-O-M-E rWhrnitl"
"Any time you want rol
goodies use Calumet Baking
Powder! My mother U9ee It
she's tried all others she's
learned her lemon now she
ticks to Calumet
" Unequalled for tnsklog
tender, wholesome, light bofc
inA. Wonderful leavening
and raiting qualities uniform
results. Mother says Calumet
te tht (no wonocnictl lo bar matt ara
otnlral to ta. Tit il M once.
Received Higheet Awards
Htm Cmk S4 Piw
fc. .( In Pnmd Cm
i .
Cheap and big canBakingPowdersdonct
save you money. C - Vj mc t loes It's Pur ;
and far superior to sour nude and sod u
State Fair at KUter City Wer.
IMettmsl with Eiiiertaiiuuetit
Alliance people are still talking of
the fine entertainment given visiles
.it the Trl-Siate fair and race mv?t,
held at Crawford September 9, 19
and 11, and which was visited oat
Friday, September 10, by a lage
number of auto loads of Alliaae
'The Crawford boosters certainly
proved that they are second to none
when it comes to being capital en'
tertainers. Special boxes bad baeA
reserved for our visitors and they
were shown every courtesy 1; 1
itufe to say that uot a dull mon'nt
was experienced by anyone who at
tended. New buildings' w re in
lenoe at th fair grounds and we
were advised thut most ft the w- 'k
on thse fine buildings had !- n d nit
by the boosters.
The men who took part i; :naKug
a success of the fall and worked oft
the committees were Ir. !. F. H -uw
tds. president; In. J. E. Hurt II,
vice president; liov. tVaitcr C. I..O
Jin, secretary; J. L. Hcywoi.d. a v
.into secretary; f'i. A. V. Spra..t.,
.peed aectc-liiry; ( iy lc J. liorn ny,
.reasnrer; W . M. Siii'.ii.way, eo., A.
Adams, L. I.. Lcaie, h. M. Kiripp
.'.. A. Miiiick. directors; Col. P. li.
Cooper, marshal of the day; Col.
VVm. J. A. Itaum. u:.i.j,laul mar- iiat
or the day; W. E. Barnum. W. L.
Elsvtick, Con. Lindernaa, C. L. I.c-il-hoft'.
James Nestor, Ben llanloi . J.
N. Hartranft, Sid Williams. I. M.
McBride, members of committee-!.
Alliance has a warm spot in , xtf
heart for Crawford and will have
opportunity later to return the I any
courtesies shown her visitors.
New Hooks at Public Library
Rental shelf:
Pollyanna Grows Up Eleanor 1'orV
er. Michael O'Halloran Gene Struttoa
Nancy the Joyous Edith Stowe.
Harding of Allen wood UaroK
Far Country Winston Churchill.
Lovable Meddler Leona Dalryuiple.
Through the kindness of the Od4
Fellows organization, the library has
live volumes of the American state"
man series:
Life of Alexander Hamilton.
Life of Thomas Jefferson.
Life of Daniel Webster.
Life of Benjamin Franklin.
Life of Andrew Jackson.
Thanks are due A. J. Macy for
copy of Algol Lange's "On the Iiower
None Equal to CbauuberUlxt'e
"I have tried most all of the cough
cures and find that there la nono thS
equal Chamberlain'! Cough Remedy.
It has never failed to give me prompt
relief." writee W. V. Harner. Mi
poller. Ind. When you have a co4
give thla remedy a trial and see for
yourself what a splendid medicine tt
i. Obtainable everywhere.