The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 23, 1915, Stockmen's Edition, Image 10

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State Engineer Will Save 7.OO0
Annually by New Tie llrldge
I Tons of Auto Plate
(By Special Cot respondent )
Lincoln, Nebr., September 22
State Engineer Johnson has a new
plan to save Nebraska $75,000 annu
ally. This plan hps been put Into
operation since Mr. Johnson took
charge of his department last aJnu
ary. On the North Platte bridge,
which Is TOO feet long, a saving of
nearly $10,000 was accomplished.
This was done by adopting a camels
back type Instead of a straight top
truss. As the last legislature appro
priated $160,000 for the current bl
nntuin state aid of bridges. It Is es
timated that fully 30 per cent will be
saved In the placing of such bridges,
whtgh will make the said appropria
tion accomplish a great deal more
-work In that line.
New and splendid qaarters have
been secured for the new supreme
court commissioners. This commis
sion consists of Grant O. Martin, of
Lincoln, W. C. Farrlott of Auburn
and F. O. McOIrr of eBatrice, all of
whom are now resident of the capl-
tol city. The new quarters are on
the third floor of the State House, In
the rooms formerly occupied by the
state engineer.
The automobile department of the
office of Secretary of State Charles
"W, Pool will move Into new quarters
In the basement of the State House
within a short time. This move was
' made necessary to do the work of
this department, and to accommodate
the storing away of about 70,000 au
tomobile plates for use In 1916.
These plates come In packages con
taining 100 each, the packages
weighing about 125 pounds. The to
tal number to be stored in December,
ready for use the first of January,
will consequently weigh more than
forty tons.
Of nearly four thousand foreign
and domestic corporations doing bus
iness in Nebra jka, who yearly pay an
annual occupation tax, about 650 are
delinquent on their Utx for 1915 at
this date. Letters are being prepar
ed by Secretary of State Charles W,
Pool notifying these corporations of
their delinquency and the addition
of a 15 per cent penalty for nonpay
ment of occupation tax. These let
ters will be sent out to the corpora
tions within a few days.
JlealJng Plant Committee Thinks V.x
)Mrt Should lie Secured to
Draw up Plan
$250 would pay for the services of
ma expert beating engineer to draw
up the necessary plans tor the Instal
lation of a municipal heating plant
In Alliance, according to the commit
tee appointed by Mayor Roralg to in
vestigate the matter, which commit
tee reported their findings at a spec
ial meeting of the city council Mon
day night.
The plan Is to have the expert
6rae here, determine the possibili
ties of the plant, make plana and
specifications, and estimate the cost.
It would seem that this is the best
plan, as there would then be no
guesswork, and the committee and
the council would know exactly how
to proceed with the matter. Should
the concern making the plans secure
the contract, the $250 would be de
ducted from their bill. Already the
preliminary plans of the streets
through which the mains would pass
nave been sent to the company whose
expert may be employed to investi
gate the matter, together with a list
of the probable customers. From
these statistics, the expert will make
a preliminary estimate. Then the
committee will make a thorough can
vas of the town and determine what
business men would connect with the
steam main, either when It is first In
stalled or after, it has been proven a
After" this work, has been done, all
the reports will be submitted to the
council, and definite action will be
taken at once. The plan Is to get to
work us soon as possible If the plan
Is feasible, so that the plant may be
Take Ublespoonfol of Salts if Back
aorta or Bladder bothers Driak
lots of water.
'We are a nation of meat eaters and
ur blood is filled with uric acid, says a
well-known authority, who warns us to
be constantly on guard against kidnry
The kidneys do their utmost to free
the blood of this irritating acid, but
become weak from the overwork; they
get alupgiiih; the eliminative tissue clog
and thus the waste is retained in the
blood to poison tlie entire system.
When your kidneys ache and feel like
lumps of lead, and you have. stinging
aina in the back or the urine is cloudy,
full of sediment, or the bladder is irri
table, obliging you U seek relief during
tbe night; when you have severe bead
aches, nervous and dizzy spells, sleepless
smw, acid stomach or rheumatism in bad
weather, get from your pharmacist about
four junees of Jad Salts; take a
tMeRxnful in a glasa of water before
breakfist each morning and in a few
days your kidneys will act fine. This
famous salts is made from the acid of
arrape aad lemon juice, combined with
ilithia, and has been used for generations
to flush and stimulate dogged kidneys,
to neutralize the acids in urine so it is
wo louger a source of irritation, thus
ending urinary and bladder disorders.
Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot
is jure; makes a delightful effervescent
lithia-water drink, and nobody eaa make
a mistak by taking a little occasionally
se keep the kidneys deaa and active.
put Into use this winter. The com
mittee In composed of P. E. Iteddlah,
II. M. Hampton and A. D. llodgers.
Mr. Heddlah recently returned from
a trip on which he made an Investi
gation of heating plants, and he re
turned greatly enthused over the
project. From present prospects, it
appears very much as though Alli
ance would be the possessor of this
greatly needed Improvement an Im
provement that should pay good divi
dends to the city, and at the same
time save the property owners con
siderable money by cutting out their
coal bills and assuring them good,
clean heat, at a nominal cost.
Sheriff Cox Brought llrenkley from
I'jist St. IjoiiIs IaM. Friday
Sheriff Cox returned Friday morn
ing from East St. Louis, where he
had gone the week before to get
Charley Brenkley, who made his get
away shortly after he had robbed the
home of Ernest Decker east of town
on August 22, securing a gold watch
and charm, and $3 in money. Drenk
ley accompanied Sheriff Cox without
protest, and on Monday of this week,
at his hearing before Acting County
Judge Broome plead guilty. A short
time before then he told County At
torney Basye that he had "soaked"
the stolen watch and charm In a
pawnshop In Lincoln, "just across
from the postofllce .
Brenkley's liberty was very short.
From Alliance he went to East St.
Louis, where he had said be had a
"girl". After this was learned, it
was only a matter of sending a de
scription and photograph to the East
St. Louis officers, who had Brenkley
collared shortly afterward. Requlsl
tlon papers were Immediately Issued,
honored, and Sheriff Cox made the
trip to St. Louis and got the prison
er. In the district court Monday
Brenkley was" given a sentence of
from one to seven years In the state
penitentiary on the charge of grand
Tired, Aching Muscle Relieved
Hard work, over-exertion, mean
tiff, sore muscles. Sloan's Liniment
lightly applied, a little quiet, and
your soreness disappears like magic
"Nothing ever helped like your
Sloan s Liniment. I can never thank
you enough," writes one grateful us
er. Stops suffering, aches and pains.
An excellent counter-irritant, better
and cleaner than mustard. All drug
gists, 25c. Get a bottle today. Pene
trates without rubbing.
Adv No 2
Established by Police Matron Shar)
at Central School for Greeks
and Others
Under the supervision of Police
Matron Betty, Sharp there has been
opened an aliens night school in the
Central school building, the first les
son being given Monday night. The
work has started off in good shape,
and competent instructors have a
greed to donate their services. The
courses thus far are in reading, writ
Ing and arithmetic, and If sufficient
Interest is shown, there will probably
be additional classes.
This work has been under contem
platlon by Mrs. Sharp for the past
month. She has seen the good that
can be accomplished by such a school
If the Greeks and other foreigners
will show the proper interest, which
they surely should do when it costs
them nothing and is strictly for their
benefit. Colored people are also glv
en instruction. There are a number
of foreigners in this section, working
at different trades, and it is thought
that us soon as they all learn of the
new school it wll be well patronized
SHH'ial Train Ha lleen Chartered
Ijcavew at 8 O'clock
At 8 o'clock tomorrow (Friday)
morning, the special train will leave
for Hyannl8, loaded with those who
are going to that city to attend the
Home Day celebration. On the re
turn the train will leave Hynnls at
7 o'clock by their time, or 6 o'clock
by Alliance time. The program is a
dandy and will furnish plenty of
amusement for all who at ten J. Hy
anus puts on a "real" w ild wem show
which In Itself is worth going to see.
There are plenty of fake wild west
shows on the road now, but the real
article is getting scarcer all the lime.
Iteports are to the effect that the
old town Is going to be "wide open"
all day. eGt up early in the morn
ing so you won't get left when the
train leaves Alliance.
'! Transferred
The rase of Mary A. Kinsley vs.
the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy
railroad company, which was insti
tuted in district court a few weeks
ago, has been transferred to the
United States district court, and will
likely be tried at Chudron, but ow
ing to a crowded docket will proba
bly not come to trial before next
year. The transfer was asked on the
ground that the action is one be
tween citizens of different states and
the request came from the attorneys
for the company.
Will Iteprvseut County
Miss Doris Young, daughter of
Supt. E. E. Young, has been appoint
ed by C. A. Newberry as maid to the
queen of the Ak-Sar-Ben carnival at
Omaha this fall, to represent Box
Butte rouuty. The appointment
could not have been bettered, as Miss
Young is one of the prettiest and
most popular young ladies In this
Able to He l p
After being pinned underneath an
autcmobile more than four hours, it
was not thought that Philip Nohe,
his daughter, Luclle, and sister-in-law,
Mrs. J. A. Waldron, would be
Economy Is a forceful word In modern business.'
Manufacturers and dealers -business men in every
line are trying to cut down expenses.
You realize the advantage the necessity of
controlling your accounts. And If you will consid
er the investment of several thousand dollars In
equipment that will lower your operating or man
ufacturing costs 5 per cent, surely you will be In
terested in a proposition that will lower your book
keeping expense from 25 to 75 per cent, on only a
small Investment.
That Is what a Burroughs Figuring Machine
will do for you. The Burroughs handles all kinds
of figure work even posts direct to the ledger,
adding debits and subtracting credits, automatical
ly computing the new balance. You can use, it on
able to be around toj two or three
weeks. But the first of this week
they had recovered sufficiently that
they wee able to walk, although
somewhat handicapped by., their
bruises. Mr. Nohe's left arm still
gives him some pain at times, and he
has not yet regained full use of the
member. Luclle started to school
Monday morning, but both her an
kles are not yet healed. Mrs. Wald
ron's left arm, which was broken, Is
mending nicely, but it was bruised In
so many places near the break that
it will require more time than usual
for it to heal completely. One thing
that retards the healing of the
wounds on all three Is the fact that
the machine lay on them for such a
length of time that the blood In the
Injured members had stopped circul
ating below where the weight rested.
High School Organizes Clause and
Elects Officers for the Com
ing Year
The high school classes . have or
ganized and elected their officers for
the coming year, as follows:
Seniors President, Carl Fowell;
vice president, aJnet Grassman; secretary-treasurer,
Freda Corbett: ath
letic representative, Uuth Nation;
sponsor, Miss Cantleld.
Juniors President, Oral Harvey;
vice president, Thresa Morrill; secretary-treasurer,
Mabel Grassman;
athletic representative, Lester Har
vey; sponsor, Miss Wilson.
Sophomores President, Ralph oJ
der; vice president, Ethal Clary;
secretary-treasurer, Noel Young;
athletic representative, Home r.
Barnes; sponsor, Miss Isabelle Ga
bus. t
Freshmen President. Walter Wil
liams; secretary-treasurer, Morris
Nelson; athletic representative. Ray
Butler; sponsor, Mr. tSockdale.
Pimples, Skin lllennshet., E sema
No odds how serious, how long
Btanding your case, there's help for
you In every particle of Dr. Hobson'a
Eczema Ointment. It wipes out all
trace of your ailment, and leaves
your skin clean and soft as a child's.
Hundreds of users have sent volun
tary letters of thanks. Just try one
box. It will mean freedom from
suffering and embarrasment.
Adv No 2
Civil Service TeM Coming Tlii k
and Fast
Civil service examinations are
coming thick and fast these days, and
there are plenty of opportunities In
nearly all lines. During October,
from the 5th to the 20th, there will
be held numerous tests, among which
will be for chemists, at a salary of
$1,200; public health statistician, at
$2,500; library assistant at $720 to
$1,000; field assistant In marketing
investigations at $1,810 to $2,400;
ship draftsman at $3.28 to $4.48 per
diem; aeronautical mechanical
draftsman; Junior civil engineer and
Junior mechanflcal or electrical en-
Bookkeeping Economy
Geo. J. Hand.n.D.
Asthma and.
Hay Fever
Eve. l'r, 'm kimI Throat
Calls answered from office day' o
Dr. W. J. Mahaffy
Gas Administered Lady Assistant
Over Post Office
-: Nebraska
WHEN IN OAiArt. Viol I t rid
"Omaha's Fun
Cteaa. Clasty EntortaiaaMirt. Eranbesr Sees; Ask
gineer; assistant in shade tree in
sects, at a salary of $1,400 to $1,600.
liiliousnees and Constipation
It is certainly surprising that any
woman will endure the miserable
feelings caused by biliousness and
constipation, when relief Is so easily
had and at so little expense. Mrs.
Chas. Peck, Gates, N. Y., writes:
"About a year ago I used two bottles
cf Chamberlain's Tablets and they
cured me of biliousness and consti
pation." Obtainable everywhere.
Adv. sept
can possibly spare $10, and se your
way clear to paying In $5 per month,
why not make a little easy money by
buying a lot in FAIUVIEW Addition
on Wednesday, October 20th, 1915.
A lot that you can probably buy
there on this date for $250 or $300
will undoubtedly Jump right up to
$600 or $700 within a year. Just
price lots, even further out, and see
what they are held at. There Isn't
a finer location in tbe city of Alliance
than FAIUVIEW Addition. ( Cross
ings and sidewalks; electric lights
and water mains as well as sewer
connections will all run out there as
soon as there is a demand. In fact,
the water line runs right by the ad
dition now while the sewer, walks
and lights, are only a block or so
away. There Is not another section
of this fast growing metropolis that
is so pleasant, so desirable and that
can be so nicely Improved and ar
ranged as this FAIUVIEW Addition.
This section could have been sold off
four or five years ago had the associ
ation been in shape to have turned
them upon the market. However, it
is now In great demand and if you
buy a lot there on Wednesday, Octo
ber 20th. for less than $400. you will
get a bargain that will make you
Office blanks and blank loose-leaf
books for sale at The Herald office.'
Phone 340 and a representative will
pay roll and cost work, statement work, in fact on
any kind of bookkeeping.
If you are handling your figure work by the
slow pen and brain method you surely should learn
how much more economically you can do tbe work
with a Burroughs. Remember, the Burroughs Is so
simple to operate that any one in your office can
figure with It. It handles figure work faster than
any bookkeeper can do the work by pen and brain.
Accuracy is assured; the machine can't make a mis
take. Next time the Burroughs man is near let him
demonstrate a machine on your work. Drop a post
card to our Grand Island Office, for full Information
(and easy terms) or write direct to our main office
at Detroit, Michigan.
Mark R. Lilly
Sales Manager
11-13 McAllister Bldg.
Grand Island, Nebraska
It'sJ5Qur Convenience
We're Looking After
We take a personal Interest in every customer that comes te
the store, whether it Is man, woman er child. We're Just as care
ful to see that a purchase Is satisfactory If it is for 6 cents as we are
if it is $10. That's the way we feel about the matter, and we wast
you to know that it is our greatest desire to see every customer
leave the store satisfied. '
At Our Soda Fountain
you'll find the proper drinks for the proper weather if the weather's
cold we have hot drinks if it's hot we have cold drinks and ice
cream, so that you're always sure of finding what you want. You'll
find our store a delightful place to hold your theatre party. De
licious sandwiches and bouillons of all kinds to suit every "taste".
(lit U l
1 1 li"-. A
(liny vf 1 VlT' V !'' "
Sure death to Lice and Ticks, cures Scab, Mange, Chicken Chol
era, I loupe and Gapes, Collar llolls and Ilarb-wire cuts. Chases
Flies, Kills Disease Germs and Prevents Hog Cholera.
1 Gallon Makes 21 Gallons Fly Chaser.
1 Gallon Makes 41 Gallons Mite and Lice killer.
1 Gallon Makes 76 Gallons Hog Dip.
1 Gallon Makes 78 Gallons Sheep and Cattle Dip.
1 Gallon Makes 76 Gallons Germicide for Hog Cholera
1 Gallon Makes 76 Gallons Germicide and Disinfectant for ail
diseases. . . -
Sold by
P. E. HOLSTKN. Alliance, Nebr.
Guaranteed by
Roc Chemical Co.. Lincoln, Nebraska
Many people look upon Classes
as a last resort; they refuse to
give them proper consideration in
the matter of relieving headaches
and nervous troubles. They will
take all manner of cures, but are
at last driven to glasses. Don't
you think it would be better to
wear glasses that would stop that
eye-strain that causes those head
aches than to suffer with the
Glasses fitted as they should be
ItegUtereil Optometrist
Over liOtsiK-ich's Variety Store
stmwt..;i r ,iw t i.