The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 19, 1915, Image 2

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in Unprecedented Yield of Wheat,
Out, Barley Mid Alfalfa liar.
vet Now In Prog-re
Box Butte count la now In the
midst of a harvest tbe like of whlcn
waa not dreamed of a tew years ago,
and If the present weather holda out
for a few days longer, the golden
grain will aoon be bouaed In the farm
buildings, which will be bursting
with their load. Growers of alfalfa,
oata, and barley will be riding the
crest of a wave of prosperity that will
bury mortgages, notea and other In
cumbrances in ita smothering foam.
From all aectlona of the county
come cheering reports of bumper
yields. There has been moisture a
plenty so much, in fact, that ripen
ing has been delayed considerably,
but the warm sunshine of the last
two weeks has worked wondera, and
baa filled out and rounded the grain
with an almost magic touch. Every
where the traveler's footsteps wan
der there are evidences of unauual
prosperity, vheat fields give way to
billowy oceans of oata, and oata to
an emerald-green field of alfalfa. It
Is the triumph of the dry land farm
er his own year. Men who were
laughed at when they announced that
they could grow crope on the landa
they now occupy were ridiculed, for
everyone positively knew (T) that
nothing could be raised in the sand
hills except potatoea. Think of land
bought for teaa than a song produc
ing SO-bushel wheat and Z-ton-to-the-acre
alfalfa. The Irrigator of
course will get his share, but it will
not be as large a abare proportion
ately as that of the dry land farm
er. Owing to the continued wet
weather tho first of the season, the
hay crop is not as heavy as it could
be, but even at that It is a dandy.
The only fly In the ointment for
the farmer and rancher is the ab
sence of good roads in many of the
districts. Some of these highways
are in excellent condition, but no
matter what the condition now is,
they can be bettered, and the great
cry ia for more roads first get the
roads and then better them. The
county commissioners are now work
ing on the road proposition to some
xtent, and the next year, or even
less time than that, Is expected to
see some wonderful transformations
In the road systems in Box Butte
The stock grower is also having
tils inning in the game.
imolsture that
in Box Butte county this year are
superior to any before known. While f
it must be admitted that the frequent
heavy rains put fear into the hearts
of some, everything is coming out
more than satisfactory, and there Is
going to be a great influx of people
from other states here this fall.
Those people have come to the con
clusion that it doesn't pay to hold an
Investment of flOO-an-acre lam!
a . 1 A .
wnen lana cosun ga tenio. as roucn to P-n,.lnh-i- tho- terrihl do v. tn.i
can be made to produce nearly as about a month before school began.
great results. iui. ,rr nmm mu ,vou remember, they be nan lust
S hNl la- With Tlirlr "T. rrlble
Trial and Tribulation"
Will Soon lie Here
Of course the thought doesn't
bother you now, but you don't have
to stretch your memory Very much
western Nebraska as an agricultural
section, and people outside of the
state have already found it out.
about the middle of August, right
when you were having the best time
of the year. Some of the other kids
would come over and you would
m Q lr A hlatl iftAr nlu n f rr mUbimm
Ordinary ailments and Injuries are that would the next six
A (kMMl llotinehold Halve
not of themselves seriou but Infec
tton or low vitality may make them
dangerous. Don't neglect a cut, sore,
bruise or hurt because lt'a small.
Blood Poison has resulted from a
pin-prick or scratch. For all auch
ailments Bucklen's Arnica Salve la
excellent. It protects and heals the
hurt; ia antiseptic, kills infection and
prevents dangerous complications.
Good for all Skin Blemishes, Pimp
les, Salt Rheum, Kceema. Oet an or
iginal 2-ounce 2 fie box from your
druggist. '
AdvNo 2
Attorney General I toed of Nebraska
' Held Railroad lUtee ia Favor
of Stock Shippers
(By special correspondent)
, Lincoln, Nebr., August 18 The
termination of the case on trial be
fore . the interstate commerce com
mission, in Washington this week, in
which the railroads asked for radical
advances In freight rates, reaulted in
a partial increase only being granted,
and as the raise of rates the railroads
asked for on grain products, live
stock and packing house stuff was re-'
fused the people of Nebraska have
won a victory. To Attorney General
months and then some one would
Incidentally remark that school be
gan in a month. Then your plans
fell to pieces, and you wlahed there
never waa auch a thing aa a school
room. You said you never did like
to go to school, and that you knew
as much aa some people who went to
school almost all their lives.
And the kids today are Just the
same in mina as tney were in your
day. You don't have to go very far
to find a repetition of your own
thoughts and remarks these daya, be
cause the Alliance schoola are going
to open on September 6. Already
the boys and girla are telling each
other that there should be no schools
and that they know enough already,
and that the terms and the vacations
should be reversed there ought to
be three months of achool and nine
months of vacation, because they
Just can't carry out all their plans in
the short space of three months,
But It's coming, and they'll all be
there on the first day, ready to take
up their duties for another year. And
they'll atudy bard. Just like they al-
waya do, and really before they hard
ly know it, there will be another va
cation, because time passes in a hurry.
RaTKSi Th charge for both rea-a
lar and special edition I le per won
9r insertion, sla words to the Una,
Advertisers so desiring may have an
swers to their advertisement address)
d to a box aumbsr, ears of The Her
Advertisements charred to patron,
having accounts are measured by tb
line, not by the word.
N.B. The Herald cannot be resnoe
stble for more than on wronr loser
lion due to typographical error. H
claim for error can be allowed after
the 10th of the following month. Any
advertisement Inserted to ma noil)
forbidden must be stopped by wrlttae
FOR SALE. One new eight
room ' house, partially modern,
large barn, hen house, milk house,
and one acre of ground with apple
cherry and small fruits. A large
windmill supplies water for the
house, barn and milk house; corner
of 10th and Missouri. Phone Black
243 or call Mrs. Amy I. Brown.
FOR SALE Brick house, com
pletely modern. Good barn. Grounds
fully improved. Also several resi
dence lots. L. H. HIGHLAND.
LAND FOR SALE 40 acrea, 81
miles from Alliance, two miles froa
Canton. Call at Herald office or ad
dress Box S629, care Alliance Her
aid. 26-tf-562t
FOR EXCHANGE for western Nsbr
aska land, lit acre Improved farm la
Nance cotinty, Nebraska, Ave miles
from Palmer, and seventeen mils
from Fullerton. Address Box 1714
care Alliance Herald, with full. des
cription of land which you wish to ex
change and price of same.
The QUICK action of simple bucr
thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed
in Adler-l-ka, the remedy which be
came famous by curing appendicitis.
Reed belongs In large part the honor I surprising Alliance people. Many
of winning this victory. Mr. Reed naTe oina that this simple remedy
and Clifford Thome, of the Iowa drains so much foul matter from the
Railway Commission, represented the system that a SINGLE DOSE relieves
shippers at the western hearing, ana i constipation, sour stomach and gas
Nebraska' attorney general matt non tne tomach almost IMMEDIATE-strona-
ircument against the raleiLY- Adler-i-ka is the most thor-
berore tne interstate commerce com
mission In Washington - about two
months ago. Mr. Reed is the first
attorney general of this state who
has ever taken such action in favor
of the stock and grain raisers of Ne
braska, and that he was an able rep
resentative is attested by the result
That George E. Hall, state treuBur-
The, was working on the right lines
served, to bold the land to the best Interests of the state
farmer back in his harvesting served
nthe rancher mljflity well by keeping
.ithe pasturage green and sweet. A
.recent trip to a ranch near Alliance
-was one of surprise, for all the cattle
.are sleek and fat, aad they will
.bring top prices on the market this
JSy.wyofte says that crop conditions
of Nebraska in his fight with th"
ough bowel cleanser ever sold. H.
THIELE, Druggist. Adv.
(Iven by MI.hh WIIhou, in Honor of
ti. L. Clement k, Who l-ft Al-
'' liuiH'e Saturday Night
Last Friday evening, at the Chris
tian parsonage,' 809 Box Butte ave
coum;7e7surer."of the sta'te. fore- C7o7ttnVeJ T&t T
, , i,w m(. not be forgotten for some time. In
ing them to make monthly remit- . , . .
Tells Ilow To Open Clogged Nos
trils and sLnd Head-Colds. of the state's money to the
treasury, Is attested by the following
On the 14th day of August, 1914,
Nebraska was paying Interest on
1311, 679.13, Btate warrants out
standing, while on August 12, 1915,
not a warrant was outstanding and
there was $394,842.63 cash In
state treasury.
On the same date-In 191'4 there
was $106,000 normal school war
rants outstanding, and $101,000 Unl
National Bank Building-. All!
ance, Nebr. Phones: Office, S3; Res'
dence. Black 10.
Money to loan on real estate.
Railroad men can secure a very us
ful book at The Herald office. It ts
dally time book for trainmen and en
ftnemen. The price Is reasonable.
WANTED Horsea to pasture
Write C. V. Kennedy, Maraland, Neb
raska, or phone 340.
FOR SALE Bargain in five roon
cottage at 116 Missouri avenue
Large rooms. Renting for $12 per
month. In good repair. Price $1000
MONEY TO LOAN on your lanrf
Write the First Mortgage Loan & Se
curity Co., Council Bluffs, Iowa.
response to Invitations issued
Miss WIlHon, a teacher in the high
I school, about twenty young people
i gathered to enjoy the pleasures of
.the evening which had been prepared
by the hostess.
Several, games were indulged in
.which tested the skill and knowledge
tn of the players. Miss Alia Young
won i lie iriH in a neeing America
trip. Miss Anna Senner was the
lucky winner in the "Who's Who"
contest. Stationery was given to all
915.00 REWARD
For Information that will lead to the
conviction of the person that stole a
12-foot McCormlck self-ump rake
from my hay meadow In section 34
24-47, an the recovery of the rake.
Tho Dell Tcbphoco
Unites the Family
Almost regardless of distance, the Bell
Telephone brings the voices of absent ones
right into the home circle.
This country is made one big neighbor
hood by the 21,000,000 miles of telephone
wire extending to every corner of the land.
TA World' Most EfKcUnt TMphonm
FARE S3 22
t Tjnr A IT TV c
flftvL ti .!" v rr. .&a rj m
HTIm law nsaMrttrneainerea any Mead water ( th warid. g1flnini isnfa f
tion fur IMS nannn, )
W "CITY OF ERIE" 3 Mittficirt Steamers "CITY OF BUFFALO
CLEVELAND Daily. May lt to Dec 1st BUFFALO
UmCltrelaiMl - IMP.U. Laws Buffalo - I A) P. If.
B Arrnr Buffalo . . . t SOA.S, Arriv Umtea MA. U.
(Central Standard Tina)
Conmetkna at Buffalo far Nlasars r'alla and ail ttaatera and Canarilaa pabta. Raflraad tie-
mm iwimg DCTwsen kwnwu ana Bnaaio are gam lot maspsrtauaa
Braatifullv colored ftectional paaala chart, ahowms both
BMP "SKKAMiKKK" aoat on rararot of flra mil to
for onr 84-para rt"rlal and qVarriprtra bnnhM froc.
oxtarioe and intorior
of XhoUraat"! I
a. oki. R
'veraltr fund Vunntn At the vres-' Psent who were asked to each
I I, h.i i. m . i . 41 rlh in ihewrlte a letter to the guest of honor,
.ent there is $17,618.43 cash In the tn . ., . th'
Inorrual Bchool fund and $36,486.22)":
dn tt.a TTnlvernltv rash box. These 1
S. L. Clements, to be opened at the
ace and time stated on the envel-
.II v " j .......... - - one
You fwl fine in a few moments. Your flsurea tell their own story and need . IS.
eold in lioad or catarrh will lie (rone.
Your cloffKed nostrils will open. '1 be air
passages of your liead will clcnr and
you can kroathe freely. No more dull
ness, kesdarlie; no jiswkiiii;, snuffling,
mucous dikanres or dryiiciisi no Strug-
. rlin( for kreath at tii'lit.
Tell your drufgiit you want a small
bottle of Kly's Cream Bslm. 'Apply a
littlw of this fragrant, antiseptie creum
in your nostriN, let it penetrate through
every air ps.annK" of the' hiiatl ; soothe
and lieal the swollen, Inllnmivl mucous
i membrane, and relief comes instantly.
It is 1ut what every cold and catarrh
utTcrer needs. IXiu t
and miserable.
f I aa 1 futiaa 1Mra naal at a A i n aorvln rr
no explanation. j refreshments, after which vocal mu-
" ... , ...... kt , ylc was furnished by Miss Eva Dun-
PurinK the month of July the Ne-' , lnBtrumental ulUBlc by tne
braska . Board of Educational Lands Afi' r.
uuAni a v uai vv k
One Cadillac auto In good condi
tion;, made by same firm that made
the Win. Mitchell and R. M. Hamp
ton autos; price $75. Also one two-
cylinder Heo, $150; and one four-cy
Under Studebaker, price $300
Phone 263.
stay ttunVlup
und Funds, consisting, of Governor
Mnreheud Hwraturv of State Pool.
Treasurer Hall, and Land Commis
sioner Beckmann, transacted a larpe
amount of business, having purchas
ed $237,100 worth o fBchool and
municipal bonds. This plethora of
cash for investment was In part made
possible by making use of cash re-
eived from the state of Idaho, that
state having paid off Its bonds which
Nebraska held.
J Arink hot tea
.ct a ninall paikue of Hamburg
l'.ii'at leu. or as tlie German folks
call it, "Hamburger Brunt Thee,'' at any
pliMiiimry. Take a tablcspoonful of the
tea, put a cup of boiling water upon
it, pour through a sieve and drink a
teacup full at any time during tbe
iay or Itefore retiring. It is the most
effective way to break a cold and cure
irrip, as it opens the pores of tbe skin,
relieving coiieation. Also loosens tbe
bowels, thus driving, a cold from the
Trv it the next time jou suffer from
coid or tbe grip. It is inexpensive
, anil entirely vegetable, therefore safe
and harmless. . '
The 4'lerk tiuaninteHMl It
'A customer cume into my store
he other day and said to one of my
lerks, 'Have you anything that will
ure diarrhoea?' and my clerk went
nd got him a bottle of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy, and said to him, "If this
does not cure you. I will not charge
you a cent for It.' So he took It
home and came back in a day or two
and said he was cured," writes J. H.
Berrv & Co.. Salt Creek. Va. Ob
tainable everywhere.
Adv August
Bub Fain and 8tifineaa away with
a small bottle o old honeat
St Jacob Oil
When your ba.k is sore and lame
or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has
you stiffened up. don t suffer I Get a
25 cent bottle of old. honest "St.
Jaoobs Oil at any drug store, pour a
little in your baud and rub it right
into tbe pain or ache, and by the time
you count fifty, tbe soreness aad lame
nt a ts cone.
Don't stay crippled 1 This soothing
relict rathi" oil need to be Used only
me. It takes the ache and'paio right
ul nf your back and ends the misery
Jl is magical, yet absolately harmless
and donsn t burn tne skin.
Nothing else stops lumbago, sciatica
Following are the names of
guests: Mibsea May Nation, Marian
Grebe, Devona Dickenson, Anna Sen
ner, Mablo Worley, Eva Duncan, Hat-
tle Renswold, Alta.Young, and Ruth
Rice, and Messrs. William LaMon,
L. Clements, Merrltt Chaffee, Nor
man Mccorkie, 1'aui i nomas,
Charles Spacht, Eugene Black, and
Carl Thomas.
WANTED Aflddle-aKed lady to di
laundry and chamber work in small
tPl. M. ti. Fcliull, itemtiiKrora, meor.
-3t-5!l5 .
Great llritMiii Wantx l.tMMI.OOO Cat
tie to Knpjdy DeinaJids of Ann
lea and for Home I'ae
Helena, . Montana, August 13 C.
O. Robiuson, representative of i
larae packing company of Chicago
made public here today a copy of i
cablegram from Liverpool - sent to
the Chicago office, asking that an es
tlmate be furnished of tbe cost of
1,000,000 head of American beef cat
tle, delivered at Liverpool.
The order, if filled, said Robinson
would require a payment of about
$100,000,000. and would make vast
inroads on the available rattle in the
United States.
ltrM-oiiiiueiid.H Chamberlain's folic
Cholera and Diarrhoea lleniedy
"I never hesitate to recommend
Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Dl
arrhoea Remedy," writes Sol Wil
Hams, merchant. Jesse, Tenn.
sell more of it than of any other
preparations of like character. I hav
UBed U myself and found It gave ni
more relief than anything else 1 hve
ever tried for the same purpose." JJb
talnable everywhere.
POR SALE One bay team, with wa
eon end harnens. Team veil broke to
ride or rtrlve: weliflit annul eacn,
Harnexa and wrkoii in wood sluipe.
Will tnk 1S0 cash. Write Herman
Itreiunlcrer, Jcnninws. Nebr.
Heart Disease Almost
Fatal to Young Girl
"Mjr dauahter, wheti thirteen years
old. was stricken with heart trouble.
Bbs was so bad ws lisd to place hsr
srd near a window
so sh could act
hsr kreatk. On
dxUor said. 'Poor
child, shs Is likely
to 'fall dead any
time.' A friend
told me Dr. Miles'
llea't l'.rniedy had
cured her futhsr,
so 1 tried, it, and
she br-Kanj to ilU
lioi. cilia took
a aicat m4n bot
tle, but sh is
spnrad to Vie to
day, a Iai rosy
cheeked i'l- No on can Imaaiia ths
confldene I tisvs In V. M!ls" Veart
Rerasdy." A. It. CANON, Worth. It-
The unbounded oinfijcrfce Mr.
Canon has in Dr. Mi'.e'.'lleart Rem
edy is shared by 'thousands of
others who knoye' iu value from
experience. Mhy heart disorders
yield to treatment, if the treatment
is right. If you are bothered with
short brcs'h, fainting sfells, swell-
ing of ice-, or ank'.-s, pains about
the bVart and thouUrr blades, pal
pittion, weak and hungry spells,
yu should begin tifinsr Dr. Mile
Ileart Remedy at once. Trout by
'the experience of others while yo
Dr. Mils' Haart Remtdy Is td and
guarantd by all druggists.
Mil.CS MCOICAL, CO., Elkhart, I
RENT Close . In.
WANTED A COOK, on ranch, sin
Kle and colored preferred, liitht work.
w usees 125. and 3f per montn. aurtnif
havintr. irood references necessary, so
ber. Write liox 6?fi, Alliance iterant.
FOItKMAN WANTKD On 8f.00 acre
cattle ranch, in Hand hills. 225 miles
roni Alliance. Klntflc preferred. Muet
know all the "ins and outs" of ranch
work, also ha Ins. Waffes $50 to start.
with (rood chance for competent man
to advance. Munt be entirely temper
ate while on ranch. Rood references re
quired. Write l!ox ft98. Alliance Her
houeekeeplng at
aun 12-tf-5S70-
3 ronnm for light
210 Yellowstone. No
ills. L. J. Siitco,
face cow four years old; dehorned;
branded t'J i.;;ht hip; has calf.
two other cows branded right hip. $500
reward for information icadinsr to re
covery of animalH and aiTest and con
victlon of thief. C. MACH, Whitman,
FOU SALK 100 acres of land two
and one-hUalf miles east of Alliance
Fenced. Level. Cheap for cash or
bankable paper. I'hnne Hisek 241 o
see W. IX Holliday, 10th and Missouri
FOR SALE Ono good top buggy and
one aood low buggy. On bath chair.
Reasonable price for cash or bankable
note, if sold at once. Mrs. Amy 1
llrown. phone iilack 143.
AUTO FOIt SALE Four-cylinder
Oakland. In good condition. Cheap, be
J. L. Nicholai, Heo Uarage, Allianc.
S-tf-6935 '
Mrs. C. Fox, 306 West 3rd St.
V . sw lai aaal aW laa a l-
Tmi raoMPT PaiNTiav
T. S: Fielding
The Wardrobe
v The only txlorless cleaning in the City. We have the only
power machinery in Alliance for the cleaning of clothes none
of that odor found in hand cleaning. The price is no higher.
Try us and be convinced. , N
315 Box Butte Ave.
Phone 682
16th aid Howard St., Omaha, Nebr.
A Itoally Comfortable Hotel for You
to- Stop at
It Is Popular with Many Live Stock
Shippers. Why not You Try It Once?
We use a bone tipped cob
pipe as an advertisement. It
is an emblem of comfort.
We will mall you a half dos
en upon receipt of a written
request for them; or fill In
your name and address be
low, cut out this advertise
ment and mail to Her Grand
Hotel. Omaha, Nebr., and
you will receive the half do
en pipes by return mail:
Name ,
Address ,
Transfer Line
u t.u . i
t"fJ nuuscnoia gooas
Sira'- moved promptl
fxii nairansier work
Dray Phone 54
sat ii M.v,w,iessiari ra fr-auzp solicited.
Residence phone 636 and Blue 574
Nebraska Military Academy
YOUR BOY must be educated and developed. If he is not doing
well in school, is discouraged, wants to do more and better work
where you can send him and be sure that he gets what you want him
to have. This SCHOOL understands BOYS and deals with them in
dividually. Prepares for college and business. For Information
talk to our patrons, visit the school, phone or write for catalog. '
Addresa VOU B. D. HAY WARP, President
ad lame lrk misery so promptly I
Adv August