The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, August 05, 1915, Image 9

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I ) .
tf your Back U acainj or Bladdar . Will Hm-hi Net Week at iMininp
bother, drink lota of water
and tat 1m meat
oni in I I'n.Kmni Will lie Ob
nerved Hmli Day
Whm your kidneys hurt and your back sKCOMl WKKK Hlt OTIIKIl IM)YS
feela tore, don't get seared and proceed ..
to load Tour stomach with a lot of drugs .
that excite the kidneys and irritate tha ! In charge of Charles 8pacht, scout
entire urinary tract. Keep your kidneys executive, the Alliance Boy Scouts
clean like you keep your bowels clean, Tuesday will go to Dunlap for a
by flushing them with a mild, harmless week's outing. An official program
alU which removes the body's urinous will be observed, the days being dl
wate and stimulates them to their nor . vlded into periods for meals, rest,
tnsl activity. The function of the kid- chapel, camp duties. Inspection, camp
neys is to filter the blood.' In 24 hours rhdips and swimming, and this pro
they strain from it 600 grains of acid gram will be observed to the minute,
and waste, so we can readily understand pUntap Is an Ideal place for the
the vital importance of keeping the kid- !Camp. It is 28 miles north of Alli
ueys active. ance, on the Niobrara rivet. Although
Irink Jots of water you cant drink niewhat dilapidated, there are an
too mucs j also get from any pharmacist ,o)( nM and a house still standing
about lour ounces oi JU saite; wceinpap be rlveI.( and tnPBe buildings
by adding all the expenses of the
trip and Crldins this eum by tho
number of boys that participate.
Sentit Kxecuuve Soacht 'now has
near')' all the expenses fiptired, and
says that the trip will probably not
cost each boy more than $4. This Is
I very reasonable for such an outing.
and in addition to furbishing the
young nmn with the cleanest sports,
it will promote a better feeling and
will give thorn some excellent train
ing. The 14 pays for all meals and
other Incidentals that might be in
curred. Mail for the boys may be
sent to Dunlap.
All boys who are interested in at
tending the second week should com
municate with Charles Spacht, ' who
has charge of the arrangements.
a, table ixxmful in a glass oi water
before breskfant each morning for a few
dave and your kidneys will act fine.
This famous salts Is made from the
will be used for shelter. Some of
the scouts will take their tents with
them, and these will be used if the
This famous sans is maae irom ine wpalner perm,8. Th, old buildings
add of grapes and lemon juice, combined ! tha Bi,e w, be cleaned bef0re
with lithia, and has been uaed for genera
tions to clean and stimulate clogged kid
neyj alao to neutralize the acids in
urine so it no longer ia a source of irri
tation, thus ending bladder weakness.
.Tad Salts is inexpennlve; cannot in-
jure; makes a delightful effervescent
ithia-water drink which everyone should
take now and then to keep their kid
Tiers clean and active. Trv thia. also
keep up the water drinking, and nooye wm De governed strictly, ana They also made short stops at Sea-
Monday so they will be ready for
While the outing will extend over
a period of two weeks, the first week
is for the boy scouts alone. During
the second week, any boy over ten
years of age may attend, and the
Walter ltuecltM-nistelii Saya They Are
Grand Vlaited I loth Fairs and
Went into .Mexico Few Mile
After a several weeks sojourn In
sunny California, where he attended
both the San Francisco and San Die
go expositions, Walter Buechsen
stein returned home last Saturday,
rather tired, but with many words of
praise for the expositions and saying
that he had never enjoyed himself
more thoroughly in his lifetime.
. Walter madu the trip in company
with Harry Be'.ebenner, a former Al
liance boy, new of rayette, Idaho,
and together they visited with
same auenuon win De given mese friends over IJaho before starting,
boys as is given the Boy Scouts. Allland on their return from California.
doubt vou will wonder what became ol
vour kidney trouble and backacba,
and Feed
'We carry a clean line of
We invite you to call at
in town for a good meal or
clean, fresh bed.
fresh groceries, flour and
foed. All kinds of overalls,
shirts and shoes, etc. If
your goods come from this
store you are assured that
they are good, fresh, pure
and clean.
uny deviation from the established ttle, Portland, and other coaBt cities
i uira win nuujra i iuc uiouurci tu on tneir journey.
The two expositions are beyond
comparison, Walter says, and he
says further that he would have been
there sooner if he had only been
dismissal from the camp. However,
tt he rules are easy to abide by, and if
any boy breaks them it will be of his
own accord.
ine purpose oi tne camp is not to aware of what was In atore.' While
afford a medium for rowdyism, but the San Diego exposition is not on as
trainer a menium lor ine conunuea , i,.rKe a scrIb n the nno at sn Vn-
i mental and physical development, cIbco, It Is nevertheless extremely in
jwlth the sunshine, fresh air and wa-'terestlng, and the exhibits are stu-
xer 10 neip.
itiilon hiuI Hcg illation
The daily program will be observ
ed to the minute by the camp clock
Motto: "Keep a check on your
elf." 4i
pendoun. While Walter did not get
lost while in the western metropolis,
he says that at nihgt the maze of
brilliant and multicolored lights was
magniftoent, and that unless one
kept clone tab on his senses he would
Swimming will be allowed on the probably think himself In dreamland
hour only. A violation of this rule;A11 tne buildings are Just as pictur-
means suspension. Remember, it's a- 'el ne Bttys inal ine Pictures do
V?. . THE ,
Real Estate Exchange
la the best advertising medium
for the real estate dealer. Cir
culation covers, the ' United
States, and directly to Interest
ed people. Results are certain.
Write us today for special re
duced rate advertising proposi
tion. Subscription 00 per Year
including a one time 50 word
ad, and set seven commercial
maps .of Illinois, Missouri, Io
wa, Kansas, Oklahoma, 'Arkan
sas, and Texas. Maps alone
worth double the subscription
cost. If you are not on our
list, send your subscription to
day while this special offer Is
Belle, Mo.
"safety first
No tlrearms will be allowed in the
Tobacco is of all things the most
undesirable, and its use will be strict
ly forbidden.
The management reserve the right
to dismiss any boy at any time if
they so determine his conduct or in
fluence a detriment to the camp. In
such cases no refund will be made.
Thing to Take
Three good blankets or their
equal, one pillow and case, one extra
pair of high shoes, two extra pairs of
socks, 2 dark shirts, change of un
derwear, knife, fork, spoons and tin
plate, Bleeping gown, cake of soap,
face and bath towels, two dish tow
els, tooth brush and wash, mosquito
netting and lotion. Some other
things worth while are base balls,
bats, etc., supply of fishing tackle,
kodaks and supplies, raincoat and
sweater, and a good knife.
' The trip will be made in automo
biles, at an early hour Tuesday
morning. There will probably be
means of conveyance if any of the
boys should be called to town burr
rledly, but the automobiles that take
the boys for the second week will be
used by the Boy Scouts on their re
turn. l'rogrum
.6:30 'Reveille", rising call.,
:3.r. Flag raining. Kxericaea
and dip.
7:10 Blankets out.
7:30 Breakfast.
8:00 Chapel. Announcements.
8:30 Camp duties. Ready for
8:50 lus-pection. Balance of
morning for recreation and swim.
12:00 Prepare for dinner.
1:30 Program and games.
4:30 Swim.
5:30 Inspection.
6:55 -Flag lowering and singing.
6:00 Supper.
7:00 Camp games.
8:00 Camp fire.
9:15 "Tattoo" to bed
9:30 "Taps" lights out.
While the first week la a strictly
Boy Scout affair, nevertheless the
parents and friends are invited to
partake of the hottnitalitv nf the
'!ramn t aiiv tlnia tnr t ha rimn mill
. - -. , .. -" -
be always open to inspection.
The method of determining the ex
pense to each boy will be determined
not do them Justice, especially in the
night time, when the grounds are al
most one solid mass of electric
While In San Diego, these two
men took a side trip to Tejuhna,
Mexico, more for novelty's sake than
that of sightseeing. Tejuhnn is only
a few miles from San Diego. Walter
plated that when the natives were in
terrogated regarding their ruler they
did not know his name, and that fur
thermore they did not seem to take
much interest in the revolution. This
In probably due to the fact that they
live close to the border and believe
themselves safe from an invasion.
While war talk Is not as prevalent
in lower California as one would
think, the apparent sentiment there
la that they would not care to Bee in
tervention by the United States. They
want to let the Mexicans settle their
own disputes and wranglings.
Mont Children Have Worms :
And neither parent or child know
it, yet it explains why your child Is
nervous, pale, feverish, backward.
Often children have thousands of
Worms. Think of how dangerous
this is to your child. Don't take any
rihk. Get an original 25c box of
Klckapoc Worm Killer, a candy loz
enge, ivickapoo worm Killer will
positively kill and remove the worms
Relieves Constipation, regulate
Stomach and Bowels. Your child
will crow and learn bo much better.
Get a box today.
Adv No 1 .
Paint-Fishburn Granite Co.
Grand Ikland, Nebraoka
Write tor Information or call
on our Local Agent
Agent at Alliance
Look years younger! Try Grandma'a
recipe of Sage and Sulphur
and nobody will know.'
Murder Conspirator l'ald the Penalty
luist Friday
Charlea Becker was put In the
electric chair In Sing Sing prison
last Friday morning for the killing
of Herman Rosenthal, the New York
gambler. The former New York po
lice lieutenant retained his compos
ure and protested his Innocence to
the last. He went to his death with
a photograph of his wife pinned on
bis shirr, over his heart. Three
shocks were given before the prison
officials pronounced him dead. The
only time Becker hesitated was when
he entered the execution room.- It
seemed to the witnesses that he wa3
startled to discover the execution
chair bo close at hand. As he en
tered the chair be began to chant a
death prayer in unison with the pris
on priests. The first shock came
while he was still mumbling, and
lasted for a full minute. The pris
on doctor then made an examination
and found the heart still pulsating
feebly. The second shock lasted sev
en seconds and the third five seconds.
A negro murderer was executed
shortly after Becker. It was Beck
er's last wish that he be executed bo
fore the negro.
Almost everyona knows that Sam Ta
and Kulphur, properly compounded,
brings back the natural color aad luatre
to the hair when faded, streaked or gray;
alao ends dandruif, itckiog acalp and
itopa falling nair. Yttara ago the only
way to get thia mixture waa to make it
at home, which ia ntuaay and trouble
aooia, Nowadaya we aimply auk at any drug
store tor "Wyeth'a bagu and fclulphur
Hair Remedy.1' You will get a large
buttle for about 60 cents. Everybody
uaea thia old, famous m-ipe, becauae no
one can poaaibly tell that you darkened
your hair, aa it does it ao naturally and
evenly. You dampen a apomze or aoft
bruah with it and draw thia through
your hair, taking one small strand at a
tima; ly morning the gray hair diaan
peart, mvd after another application or
two, your hair bawnis beautifully dark,
thick aad gloaay and you look years
The Way They
Spin the Flax
ON the Derrvvale apsciat
pinninf frames the shear
Shannon flat is pua into th
finest and ttronf eit of twisted
yams. That is another reason
Pure Irish
r lasrsntMd t waab wall and waar
Inas. and why rn ahoald ba aara tha
UarrrTala (rada-aaark ia arr
piaaa ol liaaa fom baa. '
The Horace Hoarne Store
Prominent Officials and Employees
Gather In Broken How Sunday .
to DIncuhb Freight Matters
Sunday of last week the represent
ative railroad men and telegraphers
of the Alliance division gathered in
Broken Bow, twenty-nine being in at
tendance, Representatives were there I
from Ravenna to Deadwood, and the
technical names of the two organiz
ations attending are the Over Shrot
and Damage freight committee and
the Order of Railway Telegraphers.
These organizations are better
known as the "O. S. D." and "O. R, 1
9 -
Supt. W'eldenhamer, of the AM
ance division, presided over the
meeting of the O. S. D. The nur-1
pose 'of these meetings is to bring.
the railroad men closer together and
encourage co-operation between rail
road men and the patrons of the '
road. Few people realize the effort '
that is being made to facilitate
freight shipments without delay or"
damage. It is generally at the June-'
tlon points that the delays are caus
ed by faulty loading, and for this '
reason, members of this organization
are posted In the most advantageous
places so that these delays can be re
duced to the minimum. Matters per-1
talnlng to heavy freight, live stock, '
fruit and all perishable goods are
handled alike, and it Is the great ob-'
Ject of the O. S. D. to see that these!
each their destination Intact and in
good, condition!
At the clone of the meeting, E. R.
Purcell, president of Broken Bow'b
Public Service club, made an address
of welcome to both organizations,
which was responded to by Supt.
Weldenhamer. The O. R. T. held a
Besslon early in the afternoon, and
later automobiles were furnished by
the citizens- of Broken Bow and the
visitors were treated to a ride over
the city. . t
Following are the names of the of
ficials and employees of the Burling
ton who were .present at the meet,-.
Ings: -
W. M. Weldenhamer, Supt., Alli
ance. .
C. C. Holtorff, Asst. Supt., Dead-
A. V. Gavin, Chief Dispatcher, Al
J. G. Dole, Master Mechanic, Alli
. V. Arnold, Chief Clerk Supt..
O. E. Williams. Gen. Yard Master,
' N. O. Bobbins, Chief Clerk, O. S.
D., Alliance.
G. N: Hoag, Freight Inspector, Al
F. A. Rezner, Gen. Car Foremnn,
S. H. Cole, Chief Freight Inspect
or, Alliance. I
J. F. Carder, Asst. Gen. Ch., O. R.
T., Burlington, Ia. . ,
L. M. Davis, Chairman O. R. T..-;
E. A. Chambers, Agent, Deadwood,
S. D.
A. H. Neal. Agent, Lead. 8. D.
T. J. Cummins, Agent, Seneca.
W. H. Prettyman, Agent, Hyannis.
W. D. King, Agent. Whitman.
R.' E. Jones, Agent, Thedford.
R. H. Stevens, Agent, Dunning.
P. D. McRavena, Mason.
J. W. Thompson, Agent, Litchfield.
A. F. Ptnkley, Agent. Ansley.
E. P. Walter, Agent, Broken Bow.
T. H. Brown, Cashier, Broken
J. T. Caldwell, Asst. Chairman, O.
R. T., Broken Bow.
J. L. Hughea, Operator, Broken
Malm, Trainman, Broken
Tlie Sweetness Lasts
You can't chew the
fruity sweetness out of
Spear Head because it's
a part of the tobacco.
That rich, ripe, red Bur
ley flavor keeps on pleas
ing you as long as,you
keep on chewing.
has a distinctive quality, due
not alone to the top-notch
tobacco leaf it's made of, but
also to the ivay it's made.
The most expensive
modern processes keep
Spear Head fresh, sweet ,
and pure at every stage of
its iournev through one of
the greatest plug tobacco
factories in the world.
Start chewing Spear
Head nmu.
rNo Change in OoiiHtruction - la the
1910 Car
The announcement of the 191 (
Ford motor cars was made last Sat
urday, to take effect Monday, August
2. The purchasers of 1916 are giv
en a flat reduction of $50 on the ini
tial cost. They are not to wait ci
their 150 refund checks as they di 1
on 1915 cars. The equipment an I
model are to be the same, with the
exception that the 1916 car will hav 1
no speedometer.
The $50 profit-sharing checks ar-
to be mailed to the more than 300 -000
purchasers of 1915 cars this
month, the company announces. The
prices for the 1919 cars are to be:
Runabout, $390; touring car, $440;
town car, $640.
The Keeler-Coursey company will
receive a new consignment shortly
and these will be sold at the new
M. B
F. II.
Clyde Lang,
Mitchell, Trainman, Broken
Trainman. Broken
New Koad Will Connect with Alli
ance Line
Coleman township, in Holt coun
ty, wants a railroad, and has voted
bonds in the amount of $7,S00 for
an extension of the Burlington into
that township. The bonds have been
put up to the Btate auditor for his
approval. The road will connect
with the Alliance and O'Neill line of
the Burlington.
At 50?
Haveyou -ver thought what
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At 50 will you still be working
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That depends upon what you
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To learn how you can receive
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Don't neglect practical opportuni
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AutomotMl Runataag
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It has been said that very third
person has catarrh in some form.
Science has shown that nasal catarrh
often indicates a general weakness!
of the body; and local treatments in I
the form of snuffs and vapors do little,
if any good. I
To correct catarrh you ahould treat its !
cause by enriching your blood with tU ;
oil-food In Scotfa Emulaioa which ia a
medicinal food and a building-tonic, fret
fromalcoholoranyharnifutdruKS. Try it.
eVott & Bowac, Bluoni field. N. J. -
H .YlT!!, " oi tha world.
3 M.tWicant SImbw, . VTTY OF Klirc-AIrM Lj
F your tick. at-tmt tar titku via C. tk B. Una. wouciaua au aic ataaaMn. ah W
U I P"y'U -1 drzn
2 I x-w uml .Tltl "m. ! aria,, tort