Alliance Chautauqua, July 26-31 For All This If you could crowd all the attractions of the Chautauqua on the platform be fore you, you'd be overwhelmed. Think what an array of talent is offered you in the Chautauqua for a few cents per number! Don't think of the lump sum you pay for a season ticket unless you think of the program on a "lump sum" basis. Ask yourself: "How much do I pay to hear Hagenow's Band when I buy a season ticket?" or the Tyrolean Alpine Singers and Yodlers, or Dr. Fox, or Congressman Abercrombie, or Dr. Nusbaum, or Father MacLeod, or the Pilgrim Girls Orchestra, or Hawkeye Glee Club, or any of the many others. Now you can see how little the Chautauqua costs com pared with its immense worth. You'll hear a jood deal about the Chautauqua in the next few days, and we want you to understand something of the conditions under which it is brought to us. It may surprise you to know that more than $25,000 had to be spent before ever this Chautauqua could be brought in. Talent had to be assem bled from the four corners of the earth; advertising iratter was printed in gorgeous colors in ton lots; acres of tents were purchased, put into trunks and made ready for shipment; platform managers, junior supervisors, crew men and the score or more of men and women in charge of the m ny details of a great Chautauqua circuit worked together day after da planning for those many delightful hours you may spend in the cool ol the ChauUuqua tent listening to sweet music and inspiring oratory. The modern Chautauqua is a co-operative affair, many cities and towns forming a circuit so the best can be had and the cost divided amonf the many instead of the few. The business men of this city are sponsors for this Chautauqua. It takes a few pub lic spirited men and women to plant a Chautauqua in a community and make it grow. Buy a season ticket for each one in the family and fet into this Chautauqua commu nity processioa They are on sale today. Ask any of the business men about them. WATCH FOR THE BIG CHAUTAU QUA AD. IN THIS PAPER NEXT WEEK. OUR LOOSE LEAF DEPARTMENT IS FOUNDED ON THE SERVICE IDEA Our Bytem Service coats you nothing Tall mllutoniniiiii la rwr anal tea a that ta eauelag vea traubla Thia? will Obligate You in No Way WE CAXRY A rULl. LINE OF loqh JPriED Forms, Devices and Indexes ThJe liaa anjeya an later national vaantattaa far High OnaUty ana Afeeelute DepeadealUty Ovar S00 Stock Forms in the awl Para Line, and many Complete Outfits WE DESIGN SPECIAL FORMS AMD LAY OUT COMPLETE PLANS MODERN OFFICE SUPPLY CO.. EVERY CITY, U. S. A. IS I Si Check the Department roa think cao be improved Pin tut to your letter head and forward umr to ua We ubrtui a cumptete V'an, the burden ol proof on at ....Purchaie Order ....Receiving Good I ....Sale Orders ....Shipping Order, .... Factory Order ....Cash and Journal En trie ....Check aod Bank Record ....Monthly State ment ....Billing ft Charging ....Ledger Account . Pay Roll ....City Deliveries 100(1 or rici Sum C. (in tiTt, ... VVriu or Call on Herald Publishing Co. Allii-ce, Nebraska Phone 340 J0R00N SAYS NOT GUILTY Man Amited of AHaMnntlng InKCpIt lift) tot) nt KcottthltifT Wit Ar. rnlgiiod ln( Week Dan Jordan, who is hold on Un charge of murdering Joseph Layton near Scottsbluff three weeks ago. was brought back from Lincoln last week, and when he was arraigned on Wednesday of last week he entered a plea of "not guilty". Howver, the preliminary hearing has not yet been held, but Jordan stated that he was ready for It. The state made known that they were ready to proceed with the case at any time. There are no new developments at this time, but they promise to come thick and fast when the Catlett girl, who was employed as a servant In the Layton home, gives the testimony she has promised, and which will throw light on all the circumstances. The current report Is that Miss Cat lett was threatened by Jordan, and was afraid of her life If she made any statements. Now that she has rocovtred and feels out of danger, she has stated that she will tell all she knows about the killing. When Jordan was returned from Lincoln, there was found on his per son a paper containing an account of the murder. It had been ordered that be see nothing pertaining to the crime, and there Is somewhat of a mystery as to how he came Into pos session of the paper. It Is said that Jordan's lawyer Is a brother-in-law of the Lincoln sheriff, and this fact Is significant. Ilarrh(Kn Quickly Cured "About two years ago I had a sev ere attack of diarrhoea which lasted for over a week," writes W. C. Jones, Duford, N. D. "I became so weak that I could not stand upright. A druggist recommended Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme dy. The first dose relieved me and within two days I was as well as ev er." Obtainable everywhere. I1A11Y UIGGY GARAGE They Have One at the New Theatre Well Patronized Alliance has a number of automo bile garages, but It remained for someone to open a baby buggy gar age. Cramer & Willis, of the New theatre, decided It would be a great business, and so started one at the theatre. They surely have plenty of Oli, Ah. Horrlblelsslmo! It Is hard to believe, but those who were there swear it was true, the crowd who attended the monster Fourth-of-July celebration at Bridge port on Monday, had to go dry after 11:15 o'clock la the morning, for the beer (bottled and keg) was all gone at that minute and hour. At 1:20 the last ot the whiskey gurgled down the throats ot the thirsty ones who lined the bars, and they were com pelled to subset th r of the 1y on "sody-water" and gin, of which a plentiful supply remained. The saloon keepers had not looked for such a large crowd or the tale might have been different. Constipation Causes Moat Ills Accumulated waste in your thirty ieet of bowels causes absorption of poisons, tends to produce fevers, up sets digestion. You belch gas. feel stuffy, irritable, almost cranky. It isn't you it's your condition. Elim inate this poisonous waste by taking one or two Dr. King's Now Life P.iii tonight. Enjoy a full, free bowel movement in the morning yoa feci so grateful. Get an original bottle containing 36 pills, from your drug gist today for 25o. Mrs. Dr. Willis returned Monday from Marsland where she had been for several days visiting with rela tives and friends. She will soon leave Alliance for their new home at Arapahoe, where Dr. Willis is now located. . . DRINK HOT TEA i FOR A BAD COLD Git a small package of Hamburg Breast Tea, or as the German folks call it. "Hamburger Brust Thee," at any pharmacy, lake a tablcupoonful of tbe tea, put a cup of boiling water upon it, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at anv time during tbe dar or before retiring. It is the most effective wav to break a cold and cure grip, as it opens the pores ot the skin, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus driving a cold from the system. Try it the next time you suffer from a cold or the grip. It is inexpensive and entirely vegetable, therefore safe and harmless. parking space for the buggies, and the large lobby and level floor af ford fine advantages to the ladles who wish to bring the kiddles and enjoy the show. Is It a well patron ized garage? Well, rather. Last Saturday Inaht there were no less than fifteen baby buggies cared for. The babies enjoy the show nearly as much as the grownups, and they can be taken with perfect safety, as the room Is perfectly ventilated and cooled. Most of the babies go to sleep shortly after their arrival, but they enjoy the show while they are awake, Just the same. CLASSIFIED 0EPART.B Your Cough Can le Stopped Using care to avoid draughts, ex posure, sudden chances, and taking treatment of Dr. King's New Dis covery, will positively relieve, and In time will surely rid you. of your Cough. The first dose soothes the Irritation, checks your Couah, which stops In a short time. Dr. King's New Discovery has been used suc cessfully for 4 5 years and Is guaran teed to cure you. Money back If It falls. Get a bottle from your drug gist; It costs only a little and will help you so much. CELEBRATED JULY FOURTH FOR SALE OR RENT One new eight-room house, partially modem, large barn, ben house, milk ( house and one acre of ground with' apple. cherry and small fruits. A large wlndniill supplies water for the house, barn and milk house: corner ot 10th and Missouri. Phone 495 or call Mrs. Amy I. Brown. 29-tf-B677 Several Hundred Spade People Gath ered at Plel Grove for Cel I'bratlon Saturday Two hundred and twenty-five peo ple came from a distance of three to twenty miles on Saturday, July 3rd, to the large grove near Spade, Nebr., at the home of S. P. Pisel to help cel ebrate our national holiday. Every one enjoyed himself greatly and the occasion was pronounced a great suc cess. Mr. Pisel proved a host well worthy of the name. Features of the day were the big basket dinner. Everyone brought a well filled basket. The baskets were opened and the contents spread on the long table, at which everyone gathered and helped themselves to their heart's content. Cigars, candy and fruit were at the stands. The ball game between the mar ried men and the single men ended In a score of fourteen to six In favor of the single men. There were foot races between the lan and fat men, the women and th men. A child ren's sack race was one of the fea tures, and a tug-of-war proved the loss of many buttons on the part of the contestants. Music was furnish ed by the orchestra. There were four balloon ascensions, one of the balloons going a distance ot eight miles. J. M. Schirk, of Alliance, who at tended the celebration, brought home with him samples ot fall rye from the J. A. Hunslcker place and alfalfa from the W. J. DeDoard place. The dye measured six feet and nine Inch es high and the alfalfa, which was second crop, measured two feet and ten inches high. These samples are now on display at The Herald office, and show that tbe sand hills certain ly produce the crops. , AN EXAMPLE OF THRIFT BACKACH AND E LUMBAGO RIGHT OUT Eub Pain and Stiffness away with a small bottls of old honest 1 8t Jacobs Oil When your bark is sore and lame or lumbago, sciatica or rheumatism has you stiffened up, don't suffer I Get a 25 cent bottle of old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" at any drug store, pour a little in your hand and rub it right into the pain or ache, and by the time you count fifty, the soreness and lame ness is gone. . Don't stay crippled! This soothing, penetrating oil needs to be used only once. It takes the ache and pain right it of your back and ends the misery, it is magical, yet absolStely harmless and doesn't burn the skin. Nothing ele stops lumbago, sciatica and Lame back misery so promptly! The Stand is Made on QiuU.ty because that is our strong point. Might catch some people by selling low-grade lumber at a low price, but we prefer to sell High Grade Lumber at figures that talk good value loud ly. No matter what the Job on hand may be we can supply you with the right kind ot lumber tor It. Dierks Lumber Co. Manufacturing Industry Twenty-Five Mllert from I tall road and It's Making Money Sometimes it doesn't take much nerve to start in business in a thick ly populated town, but when comes to starting a manufacutrlng Industry twenty-five miles from any railroad well, that's different. Sucu Instances are rare, but there Is one In this part of the state. J. L. Morgan some time ago open ed a cigar factory on bis KinkalJ twenty-five miles from Lewellen, and he s still "doing business at tbe ol stand". Most people would say tha the cost of marketing a product un der such adverse conditions would be more than the profit on the goods but Mr. Morgan has found different Right in his section of the country tbe Klnkalders are close neighbors only a short distance separating each one. He disposes of large quantities of his cigars, which, by the way, are as good as can be made for 5 cents to the neighbors, and the cigar stores In Lewellen and Oshkosh all handle Morgan cigars. Throughout the country, the ranchmen are strong boosters for his product, and nearly all of them that smoke Just put in their orders, which are filled prompt ly. There are also a number of country stores in that section, and they always keep a good supply of Morgan's products in their show cases. rates The chars for both res lar and special editions Is le psr we per Insertlert, six words to th Ha. Advertiser o desiring may bv W ewers to their advertisement addre d to a bos number, car of The tie aid. , Advertisements charred to eatret line, not by the word. N.B. Th Herald cannot be respoa slbl for more than one wrong- Ineet tlon due to typographical error. N claim for error ran be allowed aft th 10th of th following- month. At; advertisement Inserted to run nti forbidden must b stopped by wrttt order. Write the First Mortgage Loan Se curity Co., Council Bluffs, lows. 27-tf-4933 roil SALE) CITT PnOPKRTY ' FOR SALE Brick house, com- pletely modern. Good barn. Ground? fully Improved. Also several rest dence lots. L. II. HIGHLAND. 31-tf-5830 POIt SALE LANDS LAND FOR SALE 640 acres. It miles from Alliance, two miles froOf Canton. Call at Herald office or ad dress Box 5629, care Alliance Her aid. . 26-tf-66lf LAKDJTOJUkDJL FOR SALE OR TRADE NiB lots and three residences. W. B Young, phone 75. 30-2t-6697 FOR EXCHANGE for western Nebr aska land. S20 acre Improved farm IS Nance county, Nebraska, flv mile from Palmer and seventeen mil from Fullerton. Address Box 1714, care Alliance Herald, with full de crlptlon of land which you wish to s chango and price of same. FOR SALEMtSCELLAyKOtT FOR SALE OR TRADE One al most new piano. Write B. C. RapiV Alliance, Nebr. 30-4t-566$ MISCELLANEOUS YOU want money: money SAVED Is money GAINED. Save money 08 good furniture by applying at 707 Cheyenne. Phone 497. 31-3t-5829 JAMES M. KENNEDY. DENTIST ' First National Bank Building, A1U ance, Nebr. Phones: Office, S3; Reet denre. Hlnrk 10. . Money to loan on real estate. tf F. E. KEDPTg, RECORD FOR TRAINMEN Railroad men can secure a very use ful book at Th Herald office, ft to dally time book for trainmen ana flnemen. The price Is reasonable. -tf-1721 WANTED Horses to pasture Write C. V. Kennedy, Marsland, Neb raska, or phone 340. 1 -tf-54 08 STRAYED Two black sows. No tify R. W. Wood. Ellsworth, Nebr. FOR SALE Bargain in five roon cottage at 116 Missouri avenoev Large rooms. Renting for $12 per month. In good repair. Price 100a DR. GEORGE' J. HAND. 29-tf-5690 METCALFE'S PAPEIt THE OMAHA NKWtASKA! Subscriptions to Richard L. Met cplfe's paper. The Omaha Nebraskan, will be received at The Herald office at the regular subscription price ol 11.50 per year. Mr. Metcalfe Is con ceded to be one of tbe best edltorla' writers in America. Herald reader all know- him, by reputation if not personally, and no doubt many ot them would like to become regulai readers of his paper. We shall b pleased to forward your subscription it any time. HERALD PUBLISHING CO. DIVISION AGENT MOVES HERE Adams Express Company Official to Make Headquarters at Alliance P. L. Dodd. division agent for the Adams Express Company, moved to Alliance on Tuesday with bis family, from Sheridan, Wyoming. Mr. Dood will make his headquarters at Alli ance in the future. The territory covered by Mr. Dodd Includes the main line of the Bur lington from Broken Bow to Billings, tbe Deadwood line, the Casper divis ion, the Big Horn basin division, and tbe Guernsey line. Beauty More Than Skin Deep A beautiful woman always has a good digestion. Ir your digestion is faulty. Chamberlain's Tablets will do i ou good. UDtainanie everywuere. WATCH LOST IM KKWAUD Lady's small gold'j lost eith er on street or at picture show. H' reward for teturn to Hotel. . 31-lt$-5835 LOST Gold bracelet set wittt. pink cameo. Reward for return toi 1019 Cheyenne Ave. 31-2t-5837 jBaaBaaaaaaaaBWa.BaSJaa.BaBweM aaBiiaMBaiajaiaiBiBaaaiaiBaaaSSSaSW' Serial No. 014351. Notice tor PubVaCon 'Department of the JiL.tiior, U. 8 Lanl Ornce at Alliaiict, Nebraska June 26, 1915. Notice U hereby giva that Eiiza beth Saylor. of AntKij, Ncbraa.3 wno. on M-ca l!!2, made- Homestead Entry Serial N'. 014351 for SW U Sec. 3; EM NE'4: NW NEi,4 Sec. 9; NV,4 NE,i; NW or Section 10. Township 22 North of Range 45 West of the Sixth Princi pal Meridian, has filed notice of In tention to make Final Three Year Proof to establish claim to the land" above described, before Register and Recelver, U. 8. Land Office, at Alli ance, Nebraska, on the 9th day of August, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: Ar- thur C. Peterson, of Antloch, Nebras ka; Henry Jones, of Orlando, Nv braska; Howard Beck, of Lakeside,. Nebraska: Anton Ronsborg, ot PaW let, Nebraska. T. J. O'KEEFE. Register 30-7t-623-5699 Serial No. 013282. V.. ..,!.... Department of the interior, U.' Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska. June 26, 1915. Notice is hereby given that Jultt" G. Blrkel, of Alliance, Nebrask who, on March 30, 1911, male Homestead Entry, Serial No. 01328 r -for Lot 6, Sec. 19; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, I... 6; SE4 NW4; SWV4 NEtt; NE'V SWVi; tihk SEhi of Sec. 30. T. ZZ. N.. K. 47; SM SE4 Sec. 24; NE of Section 25, Township 23 Norths- Range 48 West of the Sixth Princi pal Meridian, has filed notice of in tentlon to make Final Three Year Proof, to establish claim to the lanrV above described, before Register f nf Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at Alli ance. Nebraska, on the 10th day of August, 1915. Claimant names as witnesses: Lee McLaughlin, ot Alliance, Nebraska;. Lewis L. Unger, of Alliance, Nebras ka; Henry Sagemuller, ot Alliance Nebraska; George Workman, of Al liance, Nebraska. T. J. O'KEEFE. Register. 30-71-624-5498