The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 24, 1915, Image 10

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AsismM Own?
Queries and Repliei Covering Mhtleri of
Importance to the Man WhA Runs a Car
Man Named Han Dorrell, Home Any I
Place, Picked by Offlc j
er Ijiot Friday
The state convention held at Filler- train Vo stop atMand on flag for ness and recreation in your lives''
' ton last week waa attended by Mrs. pasM-ftgers tA height. Hoffland is said she to an eleven-year old fclrL.
Charles Tully, president, and Mrs. tU new statfi about ten miles from "Oh, I don't know about tjRaF." an- t
Samuel Tlllett, secretary, of the Al-. -AHiance, and it Is where the potash swered the girl. "It ain't j dull as W
Tha vml mlikt IVilnlr ti. -1
llance P. E. O.'s. The ladles report deposits, In regard to which
My rear U makes a noli, pe
nally whtn turning a corner. I havs
tiad new housing and gtara put in,
also new beval gear driving pinion
Whan I acraw tha pmion as tight aa I
think it ought to go it binds. What if
tha matter f
Thlft condition Is duo to the shifting
Of the large differential gear, so Hint it
mores away from and toward the
driving pinion. The cause of this l
usually a loose truss rod, which per
mits the housing halve to separate
The left half of the housing should 1
removed and the bolts renet and tlgUt
sMied. and then the truxs rod taken up
a far as possible to form a rigid con
t ruction. If you are not fnfulilar with
tbe work do not attempt It and under
Bo circumstances should you try to re
adjust the tenrs to compensate for the
loonn rod. " 1L T t f
A lady living In the east part of
town was amused and then startled
last Friday when a stranger appear
ed at her home In the afternoon and
ing what the or color might be. I ??"p,,t 'Wg tbC ,,PXt
a grand entertainment at ruiiertoa,
Mrs. Tully was elected delegate if
attend the supreme ronventlo at
Los Angeles In October. FulfcTton
was decorated with the P. E. . col
ors and everyone did their fcest to
provide a royal entertainment. Much
credit. is due Mrs. Tully and Mrs.
dull aa
Herald recently contained an article, something doln' to keep us from get
are located.
Superintendent W. M. Weidenha
mer and family departed Saturday
for San Francisco to attend the ex
position. They were Joined here be
fore starting by Mr. Weidenhamer's
nephew, E
tin' blue. It's lively sometimes, all
right. Fer instance, las' night the
people on our floor was a-cuttin' up
high. Dere was a gentleman next to
us what had de tremens, an' de lady
right across the hall from 11a tram
j. atrauD, ana ramuy, or jagged so she nearly bit her sister'.
111., and by bis brother, ear off."
;tlon for this city.
Ar chain carbon ramovars as good
is jhf scraping method f
Much has' beefl said "gainst this
method of removing carbon from the
Tllndors. but it has beeu tried with
very satisfactory results, no barturui
fjjecj, on Jbo motor being noticeable.
It certainly Is' a quick and effective
method and eiual In every way q UlC
result obtained when the cylinders are
removed and scraped. Many poople are
afraid that If they use this method
Jhere Jj djinger of tbe chain catching
lnlhe valvoi of that small pieces of
tbe chain will become broken off and
vcoje the cylinders, , I'otti experience
and careful thought on tile subject,
however, will show that there Is" no
possibility of tbe chain catching In tbi
taJvej ot a"hy poppet Take motor. Of
bourse It would not do to use, the chain
Jj) rotary or sleeve vftfre motor, be
cause It would Ret caught between the
Age of tbe varva and the felge of the
ports and be ground to pieces, and at
tha same time the valve would be In
jured. Furthermore, there Is no possi
bility of small pieces of chain break
ing off and scoring the cylinders for
til reason that tbe chain Is not brit
tle, i It will bend before it will break.
Kor is the material hard enough for
the remover to scratch the cylinder as
It la battered about The chain will
only remove the carbon from the top
of the piston, the cylinder head and
that part of the bore that Is above the
piston travel. Tbe valve pockets must
be scraped, but as thexe are easily ac
cessible this Is not on objection.
How are platinum points fastanad to
craws of a magnatoT
One method I to hard solder the
points in place. Tbe first step is to cut
two small slots at right augles in the
end of the two members carrying the
points. Then by the aid of the brass
older the points are fastened in place.
What la tha approximata aaving In
currant whan using tha two haadlighta
switchsd on as dimmsra Instead of
switchsd on fullf
This all dciieiida on the method of
dimming used. If the lamps are dim
med by connecting thcru In series then
the current consumption is cut in halt
if the resistance in the wires is neg
lected, and since this Is small It may
le. If two bulbs are lined in the head
light, a lurge one In focus for 'country
driving and a small one out pf Jcrj
for city driving, tne saving may b
much greater, the small bulb taking
about A fourth Jlit JJjrre'jt of the large
I am troubled with fir coming from
the oxhauat cut out undarnaath my
car whan running rapidly and abutting
off qulcklyi alao whan pulling haj-d jj
Is not tha raguiar exnaust from tha an
gina, but a large blaia like gaaolina fir-
which co.rtoa claar to tha ground ane
spreads out several ft at each way. Can
you explain ltf ...'. '
Tt fs diiUculT to soy exactly what Is
causing this trouble without seeing the
car. However, it may be that the
valves are improperly timed or the mix
ture mny not be correct If the valves
have been reset lately it would be wise
to make certain that the timing is cor
rect, but if ibey have not been reset
they probably" fire ail right. If the
mixture is at fault It is fl simrle mat
ter to adjust the carburetor. Possibly
there is carbon In the exhaust pipe or
It may be that you are running with
tbe spark too late, ,
ftns'hklf IhlhtB from the spring seat
ta tha auter and of tha axle, a dl
tanca c) about tan Inohee. How ahouH
It fca straightened?
This axle should be heated to a cher
ry red heat and then straightened. The
beat should be applied at the bend
only, and as this la ten Inches from the
king pin bushings there is no renson
why the latter should be heated and
therefore no danger of them becoming
enlarged. In fact, it Is doubtful
whether they would be enlarged even
If exposed directly to the beat it is
not necessary to give the axle any beat
treat ment after tt Is straightened.
Doaa it maka any difference how
many taath aro in bevel goar in ra
lation to tha gaar it works in 7
The relation of the number of teeth
on the driving lnlon to the numttef
on the large gear gives the ratio be
tween the number of revolutions the
motor makes as compared with the
number tlie wheels make when the cat
is traveling on high pear. Any change
in either the pinion or bevel geat
alters the ratio.
Imagine her surprise when the man
took the thread and started over to 1
a neighbor's house, wrapping the'
thread around trees, shrubbery, and '
then around the neighbor's resi
dence. When he had used the en
tire spool, he proceeded to ask the Alliance
neTt nplohhnr for A n w nunnlv nnHi
t(i.n tnrtt.l Ihrnlich tho numo r.rn.1 Well NatNMed
cedure. But the officers had been
notified and before the man could Xne 26th natlonai conventIon
l .""r . "i"'""''" the T. P. A.'s convened
oi which wbb rviurmiy 10 ninu me
houses on one street together so that
they could not be blown or washed
away, the law was upon him and he
was escorted to the police station.
When questioned he gave his nnme
HclegnteN Keturned Home
with Treatment
at Omaha Last Week
V. I). Weidenhamer. and family, of
Sterling, Colo., who are making the ' Mrs. Monte Hargraves was called
trip with them. They are going by to York Wednesday noon hv n ti.
the northern route, by way of Port
; land, and will return by the southern
; route. Needless to say, they will en
ijoy a fine trip.
of In
in Omaha u
June 14 and continued until the ev-i v
what the old war horses said, it was
tne most successful one or tne z b Manjr 0f us don't find our double
conventions. A great deal of work'.- . . x
. , , , , in a iiiciuiit' wut-ii n ruuifs 10 lue
XloD'o Column
M Double for Sure
or ana n Rives an inea ns to tne oe
fudled condition of his mind:
. uuKitwii'a aj. : UID II tl iiir" Mnn. 1 I.
tn Dun Porell, with no borne in pnr-'h", Y'Tt' nlav lBm name, but a few years ago.
tlculaf, and It was at onr? Been thtl V ul A,f t'. M,v h,.,whl,e at Rock sl,rlnf''9' Wyoming. I
he was Insane, as his words were con- uti r Lloyd V' Thomfl" who BOt
fused and his mind wandered inter- lay forJthe t'hraska division, as niy niall while there The ftther day
mittenUy On fia person were found y. .h".d.1.? ..f" .th.e .d!leAa!! while reading The Houston Chronicle
two letters, one of which was ad-' L" ' L'T .;.,.. uL."f- " j W rr,'1,' IIorace Voe cftme across
SrTrari0 ?T'W fHr baWae "was takVn proper c. ' Vh ds .Th'IS nr'
ore Capt. Snyder, TlroH.lway Trans-' f r.rin7 nl .iy ,.r(,e iniall sounus a wnoie 101 line us.
fer Co.. St. Louis, Mo. the other l;', ftVoLha from ffiir- LLOYD THOMAS SHOT;
letter Contained no address. Follow-!.?. .""Lr aJiJILi YOUNG FREE ON BOND
gram stating that
seriously 111.
her mother waa
FOR SALE Dargain in five room
cottage at 116 Missouri avenue.
Large rooms. Renting for $12 per
month. In good repair. Price $1000.
OLD PAPERS for sale at The Herald
Oitice. Five cents per bundle.
Ti P. A. delegates and
ell of tramping around Visiting news
stands and libraries. I was in your
town & worked a few days arrested
& walked over to Rock Island.
Could you help a fellow to do so
again, Quincy was with them as
the stage, Peonle raised a ornhan
& after forty years we are men. Sure
tt certain of mail & express telegra
phy we was found again. Employed
a short time on Taclflc & Atlantic oat
a visit going back to ask for the pos
ition before. The scenes of boyhood
& Installment plan. Garden & sun
shine or a chance to do as before.
The exhibition of fine arts and curi
osity. Visiting on coast for fourty
days at house of correction." The
other letter Is similar in its rambl
Wfleh Darell appeared at the nrt
uOUse and asked for the thread he
grabbed the woman's hand and start
ed to pull her out of the door. He
is obsessed with the idea that fee Is
a great and powerful man in financ
ial circles, and in his letters refers
to some of the world's richest men as
his acquaintances.
On Tuesday he was taken to the
county Jail. The' insanity board
composed of Dr. H. H. Bellwood
Monte Hargraves and Eugene Burton
adjudged him Insane, and he will be
taken to tbe asylum tbe last of this
thpir special iu luiumnc,
. ... flulvaatnn 'Ievna. .lima F. Into
wives, it Was a good sight to see ... - "
.h- fttii r,, hJ, a,iAr this evening Lloyd B. Thomas, the
The novelists and eory writers ' ,,,. , , r. ..- young newspaper man, who it is
their friends from other states whom'r ; w9 shot ,Iast ""ernoon by
they had not seen for a year. I ' "n'Jh' PJ rZl
Mn.i. ,ijo the Labor Dispatch, was resting
nu .eur- . , , . . . .
' ituiuiii-'ii tmrr ill i I'lt-ii'iup; ma luic-
arm between the wrist and elbow,
were welcomed to Omaha at
aEka by the following well known
and his condition was considered so
serious that no attempt whs made on
men: State President W. C. White in
behalf of the Nebraska division; ,
A I 1 f It.. 1. I .11 n n f ' T TI
Morehead. H 7& E. Lobeck ' and Part of the surgeons to probe for
Senator O. M. Hitchcock. They l"""umh.Ua . , , M
were responded to by auona t'rea-i l" , "'v "I
Geo. J. Hand, H. D..
Asthma and
Hay Fever
Eye, Ear, Nose aud Turunf
Calls answered from office day
answered from
The rest of the time was taken up
In routine business ttlnnfc With which
the convention s?nt PrfclMdent Wil
son a message that the T. P. A.'s of
America were wHft him and that
they would he vith him as long as
he was pretvlent.
The voHVentlon. adjourned Friday
eft-rbn to meet In June, 191, at
Uafayette, Indiana. i
Delegates from Post M, Alliance, '
were R. C. Strong and Robert Lud-,
ington, who returned home the first
of this week well pleased with the
entertainment afforded them.
A bond of $500, slenett by Marsene
Johnson, M. K. HhAy anj j. Dar
rouzet. It I Understood the revolv
er, which was not of a large caliber,
has not as yet been obtained by the
Figures Just Compiled by County As
Mrssor Khow Little Chang
from 1914
County Assessor Jelinek haft Just
completed the 1915 personal ts tolls
for Box Butte county and has them
In tabulated form. Thejr do not
show much change from last year.
The greatest proportionate vain is in
automobiles which increasf-d in num
ber 38 during tbe .year. The num-
ber of lacks. Jennies anrt mules cYe-')
What 4 the causa of Inner tubas b
Kindly tall ma something about long , ""B rne"t.6! or faatan.d to the
and short intake manifold. Which ia 1 e"m; vr occult to remove
the batter f ! "'
The short manifold usually Is tetter, i Tbi t8 cau8d neglecUng to use
bowing sui1or results at low skhh1s tn00 tire talc betweeu tute and cas
mim wide open throttle aud equailv j !nK- Whenever a tube Is pla.-el Into
rood results at hlirh innt Vh th. casing alwaya aprtnkle Ulc over the
throttle Is wt it at low siWfs. a ! ,u",,v' of th t,re- Talc u a wh,tt
oawMtion existing when the car Is on a ! P"'1"- which Is cheap, and may be
heavy pull, the liquid gasoline In tbe j gtit at any aupply store.
manifold must lie lifted a greatet !
height In the long manifold, and hence ! How do you fit babbitt bearing oa
there Is a chance of loading up. due to crank shaft and connecting rods, oithef
tb liquid fuel dropping back against " putting in new onae or when U
tha throttle. The condition really is kin9 u l'ck in old 6n,,T
caused by the air velocity U'lng lusuf-j " on.v slhiutly worn bearing may
flcfent to carry the fuel to the motor I l adjusted by removing shims or by
With a short manifold the fuel ueed i fl1,n ,h eorlng oapa. if the bear
sat be lifted very high, aud hence ! wred or worn out of round
tre will te no loading up or collect-1 or ,f "" eurliigs are put in the aur
Sat of gasoline In the tuaulfold ,l,UHt raHHl.
I If the bearing surfnees are In good
condltlou and not woru out of sli;H a
slight adjustment should tie Mitlicleiit
A starting uud lighting battery will ZiZ Z1: .Z
for three to four years, if properly i . ., K. th . "
for. Lach year the batterv will ' ... .
need new m-imrntom. ; ioo-new wuimsnpin-ur. uemuuuij
1 i enough shims to make the bearing s
, . . : snug but uot a tight fit When shim
maor to a compr...,on on.? I wni0Ted b the tn
Wie comprension may be raised by; . ,'! .,. 1.,,
1.. - .. lor u l v uiitiaa vv u vut- riaa-.
methods, it is hardly udvls- ... ..
ax make this chauge. becuuseyour ... llP ,1M ,... ... snlll.B ti,,oul,.
1.. I ....... i s ...i.. 1 -
u lu'cx-u ursikut-u i or a i-vriuiu , .... , .i... ..
wpiTv.iuu, uiiu ii ) vu ruinv II, au;
ten pounds, you will submit the cylin 1
der to a greater strain than they were
detjgned for, the pressures on the cyl-i
lndar walls will be greater aud the'
we ou the beurlngx more. If your
What Is the life of tha average stor
es) battery whan uaad for atartingf
U not giving sufficient power! ou, tlf ,.,, 1V,., nwd
ap tit In
filing the tint surface of the bearlit.'
cap should be preserved, tbe tile no)
only belnir held flat against the sur
face, but the movement of the tool
being carefully executed.
If the tx-nrtim U m-ored. new or worn
you should find out what is the mat
ter with it rather than raise the com-1
Probably tbe best method is to rivet
a plate to the top of the piston or the
cylinder, whichever l more couven-i
lent. Placing the plate ou the piston
BtBaV weight to the recipnx'atlu:; '
mewses, wiilie if it Is attached to tli , uj ,.al8 r..llloved. uud the raul;
ryMhder head there is dauuer of Inter shnft lB.inlw. k,h f;i. e are p-Hnted with
v ui c is, u uc uun vi l uv vtio." in ;
and out. In either ca. be sure thai
This xtiouid be done by an exierlenoe'
man. Connei-tlms hk! bearings may lf
scr-aiH'd without tenrlm; tlowu the m
tor. but if tbe uiiiln bearlngn reiulrt
scrnpii'i; ilie motor must lie disasseni
b!d miuI Mie erruik case placed upHltW
down with the crank shaft and flv
whiH'l still In iumttlon. The main bear
there is clearance enough between tbe
piston and the cylinder to allow the
plate to lie put Into place If tbe plate
I attached to the plstou tt should be
made of aluu.lnlum for the sake of
LeiiKtheuluir the connecting rod or
Increnstiiir the t-rnukshaft thniw villi
r'x-i 'ivetisc tin i-miipreutin I 'it
re'thcr 'f the-e methls I as simple
or n cheap a the first one suggested
a solution of rriwt:m i'ne .rter m
tating th 'rnk sh.ift s few times and
removing it the hlgn sHts of the bear
lngs will be -oMted with the blue
These spots are carefully removed witl
a seelal neraping tool, care being tak
en uot to cut too doeii. Then the crank
shaft Is repainted and the operatloi
repeated until tha few large high spot
h-iv,. jrtven t'lsc to more evenlv rt's
trl'. 'itcd small oiir. showing that tin
beuriug makes contact at practically
every point
creased 26 during the year. The -increase
in cattle is 165.
Following are the figures for tfhis
year and for 1914:
No. Act. Val. Asa Val,
Alliance Hand Did Much Touartl
Making Stockmen's Conven
tion a Success
One of the principal attractiens at
tne storamen s convention, aad one
that contributed In a great degree
toward making the affair so enjoya
ble, was the Alliance )aTid. The
members held rehearsals frequently
before the occasion so that they
might be in shape to mttVe the best
showing, and all Alliance people
were well pleased with the result.
This band has beet organized only
a short time, and this makes their
work even more rwditable. Just
this one event alone proved conclus
ively the benefit of a band not tak
ing into consideration their regular
weekly concerts on the streets. There
is no one thing a town possesses of
which It can boast more than it
band. While the visitors to the con
vention were admiring our fine iowtj
with Its many piobllc Improvements,
they did not fail to say a good word
for the band.
The boys are barely started In
their efforts, and the coming months
will see many Improvements. The
organization of a Junior band will
prove beneficial to the city organisa
tion by assisting in keeping the ranks
filled and in Increasing the member
ship. Instructor Wilson Is fullyJ Chief Dispatcher A- Y. Gavin and
competent, and is sparing no effort family leave oda.v Jot the Black
to bring the Alliance band nvto the l mils, where they will sjnd the next
same ran as ine dcsi musical organ-iwo weeks fishing and camping.
ABiur 1 1 urn irn umiiiu 1 1 n a
the McCook division. e.he washouts
have been completely repaired. It
A Friend in Need
"My dear fellow, delighted to meet
you. Just the very man I wanted to
see. I wish you 'womd kindly lend
me $20. I unfortunately left my
money at home, and I haven't a cent
on me.
"I'm awfully sorry, old chap, but
I haven't that amount about me Jut
now. I can fix it. though, so you
can get it almost immediately.
"Tea thousand thanks, dear boy."
"Here's ten cents. Take the
street tat and go home and fcet your
Childhood's Observation
Visitor (who has takn small girl
'ob his lap): "Now, iny little pet,
what do you think I've taken you on
my lap for?"
Small Girl: "To give me candy."
V.: "No, but to give you something
almost as good as candy a real
sweet kiss
S. G.: "I'd rather have the candy;
ou can go and kiss my governess.
Horses Sill 410.405
Mules, ja.-lis
and Jenes 161 10, "5 30
Cattle 18881 473,210 H,642
Household '
effects '.2 4,6 i 7
AntomuYlles 2TS -19.6S3
a in 4
Horses 8,220 462,475 '92,495
Jacks, rmules
St jeiinle 187 H.8'0 '2,376
CaXD 18,516 483,260 96,652
Autonidblles 237 18,952
The total value of all personal
That's what papa does, and he gives
me the candy every time I Bee him
do it."
property for 1914 waa $9ib, 875, as
apalnfit I967.S90 for this jyear.
Burlington Bubbles
Jupiter Pluvious iot lluy F.very Ev
ening KexiHHisible for He
create in Attendance
It would seem that old Jnpiter
Pluvlus got his wires crossed last
week either that, or he had a
grudge against the stockmen's con
vention, for he proceeded each night
to make people hunt shelter, some
times for not more than five minutes
and at other times for half an hour.
Anyway, it was a rather curious co
incidence. After the first two times,
people knew better than to appear
on the streets in the evening without
an umbrella, for they knew they
would have use for them.
Tbe heavy rains up and down the
Burlingion, causing the sandBlides
aud washouts, were the direct esuse
of 2.000 more people not beirg here
during the week. Trains were so ir-'
regular, and it was so impossible to
estimate their arrival in Alliance,
that these people, who had intended
to be here, changed their mnds.
Many people, who had come here be
fore the washouts, were greatly In
convenienced in returning to their
homes by missing connections at
Junction points.
Slight Have Yellow Fever
A New York young lady not feel
ing well raused the family physician
to be summoned.
After looking at her tongue, feel
ing her yulse, etc., he said:
"I do not wish to alarm you. Miss,
hM yoxr symptoms are plainly those
of srariet fever."
"Oh. no," Bhe ewlalmed in con
steTnafron; "surely not, Doctor!"
"Tea," he Bld, Ton are certainly
threatened w'th scaTlet fever."
-TOiat shall 1 do? What fhall I
So? she moaned In great distress.
"Oh, Doctor, couldn't you throw it
into some other kind of fever. Scar
let b so trying, to my complexion."
Tit ere was a roan in western Iowa
who suddenly hecame rich and built
art eniormoas ko-use. He decided to
adorn it with statuary from Italy and
so je ordered a ropy of the "Venus
de 3iIilo." la due time it arrived, ex
ecuted in the finest Carrara marble,
t no sooner did the millionaire re
ceive it than he sued the railroad for
fi,O00 damages for mntilatlon and
utiat's more, he won the suit.
"Evciy ioj has liis d&y-the-:;
nights we reserved for ike cats..
For Auto Supplies and Oil and Gas
oline Free Air the Curb
Auto Supply Ca. l
Phone 25'
Lively in the Tenements
A young woman new to mission
work on the east side, New York,
ws latelv moved to comment unon
is thought that the entire system will monotonous and cheerless exist-
be in normal condition by the last of
iJiis week or the first of next week.
An order ha bees issued for
ence of the inhabitants of the tene
ments. "1 suppose there is little bright-
The Herald is prepared to
announcements anfc
at reasonable prices in differ
ent styles. Engraved invita
tions furnished promptly.
Herald Publishing Co.-
Phone 340
121 Ilox Ilutte Ave.
V. K. O. t mention Xex Yeir
Alli"v b!" been select fir the
state P. E. O. convention In 116.
Our Bnttm Barrice coat yon nothing
TP Mllwliirtilli y r Wfr
thai 1 ul ya tr bU
This, will Obligate You in No Way
Forms, Devices and Indexes
Tata Uaa aaiara aa lataraatiaaal raavtaHaa fc
Higa OaaUty mm4 Aaaaluta DapaaaabiUty
Ova 500 Stock Fonwa in tha "I PaaD Line, and many Complete Outfits
Check the Department yog
think cm be unproved Pin
thi to your Imer head and
iurward urae to u
We aill tubmit a curnplete
!an, the burden ol prool
on u
....Purchase Order
....Receiving Goods
....Sales Orders
....Shipping Order
.... Factory Orders
....Cash and Journal
....Check and Bank
....Monthly State
ments . Billing ft Charing
..-..Ledger Accounts
.-...Fay Roll
....City Deliveries
awns atrici sumv oa.
ottt ut. . . t 4,
W'riie or
Call on
Herald Publishing Co.