The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 17, 1915, Special Stockmen's Edition, Image 16

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We have -expert salesmeriland competent brand and yardmen. We have t e b estf
. , loctiohlih the stock yards. ; Plenty big, roomy s
j ' 'i
alii (X.I
Bn F. Roth
V Cattle Salesmen at So. Omaha
Frvm the, Files of The AUUuce
t Heritld of Jane IB. 1905
t .....
connected with his office. The
south bound iasenger train on the
Burlington Thursday ran Into a hail
storm at Menlo. this side of Sterling,
andl every window but two on the
north side ol the cars was splintered.
These were heavy plate glass so it
A young man giving the name of took great force to break them. The
W. H. Burke, of VVatonga, Okla.. faroi country around looks as if it
ras arretted for passing worthless had; been mowed to the , ground of
(hecks. He tried to cash one at Si- all vegetation. At Sterling the pas
son Spry's place . while Marshal sengers had to alight from the train
ghajr was .there, and the marshal! in order that the floors could be
4-AHEht sltht of the. signature. Word swept of hail stones and broken
tisd been received from Watonga re
garding the young man, and later in
ibe evening be was arrested and
placed in Jail by Deputy Sheriff Kee
Jer. ; ' .
glaSH. Sidney Telegraph.
Arthur L. Anderson, traveling pas-;
senxer agent for the Chicago. Mll-
Iwaukee & St. Paul Railway, in com-
i natv vrltK a raal aatal Houlor itOV.
A hobo, who was evidently In need ed bver night In Oshkosh Wednes
f a pair of pants, strolled Into "The! day. When questioned by our re
JRIrht" clothing store yesterday, and porter in regard to business here and
while the clerk. Bert Lalng. was about the probabilities of the Bur-Imibv-.
started off with a S4.50 nalr lington coming up the valley, Mr.
f pants. Marshal Shay arrested th I Anderson was as closed mouth as a !
fcobo at the stock yards; 1 and the I clam and had nothing to say. 'I hey
Weary Willi was given a. sentence
jOf $15 or thirty days in Jail, c boos
ts g the latter method of payment.
were traveling overland in a Ford
car and yesterday morning resumed
their Journey westward to Alliance.
Oshkosh News.
Guy Lockwood - returned today
from Omaha where be had been for
A week or so. He did not undergo
jtn operation for appendicitis us whs
expected, as his condition had im
proved considerably.
After five months' retirement, T.
J. O'Keefe is again in charge of the
Herald, having bought the plant and
Hot from W. S. Raker, to whom he
fold It five months ago.
A fine new $260 bell will soon be
erected in the Holy Rosary church.
D. W. Butler has opened his law
office in the upstairs of the post of
fice building, and will devote all his
time to law. Mr. Butler practiced
even years In South Dakota and two
years in Denver.
A letter from C W." Ray at Colura
bus, Ohio, says he Is visiting his
wife's folks there, and that he may
be home here June 22. He buried
Jais wife at Riley, Indiana.
Judge Westover and Chas. Nines,
M merchant of White Clay, were I
among those ' who filed for' home' no whrs
cteads In the strip that was opened
for entry Monday. ' ; Their clalms'bf
(40 acres each are adjoining.''
J . . . i M 1
Constipation, if Neglected,
Causes Serious Illness
Constipation, if neglected, leads
to almost innumerable complica
tions affecting the general health.
Many cases ot
typhoid fever,
appendicitis and
other severe dis
eases are trace
able to prolonged
clogging of the
bowels. Regard
the effects of
constipation, C.
E. Ayers, 6 Sabin
St., Montpelier,
Vt, says:
"I was afflicted
with convttpatlon
and blllouaneas for
years, and at tlma lrarne so bad 1
would become un.-onirlous. I havs tm
found tn condition many times.
Ph)tcians did not stem to t able to
do : me any aood. I would twoom
weak and for duys at a time could do
Not . lone ago I sot a box
Burlington Bubbles !
r .
H. L. Harris has been re-Instated
and has resumed his run as freight
conductor between Sidney and Chey
enne. V. A. Wirt, division sup
erintendent, has been promoted to
Mvi!on No. 1 ard now has 'his head
quarters In' Oniaha. J.'.W, Ad-'
of tr. Ml In- Laaatha Tablets, and
after using them found I had never
tried anything that aeted tn each a
mild and erT.ctlve manner, i I belles
1 hare at at fovad. the remedy that
suits my cass.:' .., :. .,( ,t
Thousands of people art sufferers
.froro fcabitml , constiBaiiqrtnt nd
whilft ,f9sillyt realizing, something a
oi me oaoger ..PI UuiUiAaiQ yfii
nealect too looa to, emloy ,raier
curstLvf measures ,uniil eriou .iil-,
nen pittn rfuts., 4iip, aavice qi
all physicians is,"kte'yc-ur, bowels
dcaoJ and it's. good. advices .'..
. Dr. .Miles', LMUve tablets' -are,
sold by a 11. dr ut gist, at ?s cents a
iound, (atisficlprjf, , your , mpcey. is
rtuarters in umana. v?,r J..w, Aa", retorned V
ams. superintendent, of division' No. . miuKS MDJCAjl CO.,' JtikhrVUV
J. succeeding to V. A. Wirt, was in ' ' . " ', ',,
(ha .v all Auv Tlisartav rn . u f "t t J(!
It is more economical and satisfac
tory to buy direct aijd no: through
ngents. . ;-l
We oarry the largrst and' colli ft ion in tho ttatc.-.lf
tmpoKKible to call on us, w rite ami v will send yen a sj1 ndid
.selection of artistic fctyk-s which can bi' furnished at a moderate
cost, t -v. i .:. i .
I buy used automobiles of all sizes, kinds and descriptions, tear
them down and sell the parts. I have for sale
I can furnish any part of almost any car made at prices that
are much lower than those charged by dealers. I guarantee
my parts to be as described. Write me what you want and I
will send you description and price.
Dealer in Second Hand Automobiles and Automobile Parts
Atchison, Kansas
.1700 Main Street
1 I : ( . I . .- .
Established 18S7
Mi'mi i vuK iinirii-in .1 .i .it,.) it Miner pr. Mr. Metcalfe ts eon
' TMtVOMV. :iVt.rcviy,i(,1 be n of the elitorla'
AUQMTi(iiiuna iu uicudin i .w
win oe rt-ctivpri at, iue iurjii.i mc
m-rituia .n America. Herald reader
all. kiuv him. by reputation If no
(ersotaiiy, aua no uuuoi many o-
at the regular ' subscriptn r.r;Ce ,0' ihem Lwu-14 Jik.e.iQvbtv;BieL.rtguIai
. i . ; ..... . . . .. I t ., -.. . ..... v
When you want
the very best baked goods
just ask your grocer for
Baked fresh every day in
Nebraska's Snow White Bakery
readers f hU psser We sball' t
pleased to forward your subscriptioc
t any time.
An American citizen of foreign
family may hare his natural sympa
thies Without lettine II,
J ith. Jbda proper . alelgiance,
I. - t