The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 17, 1915, Special Stockmen's Edition, Image 13

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Cameraf Free !t6 You
":j oj (
LI, .Thte.wpnder of the age. Our Camera takes
' Jaha MdkeS fihfched pictures in ONE MINUTE
right on the spot where the picture is taken.
No dark room, plates, films or costly solutions
necessary. Just snap the button and in one
. ; j minuta the picture! s finished on', 'a POST
t J i CARD.' 'You Will-be- sin-prised' at' the wonder
ful results pictures are just as natural and
i Hf elike. aa 'a professional phoidgra pber could
makrf. Nbf only Van yoii have'av l6t 'of pleas
ure but you can make big money selling the
pictures. i I f t i
- -Anyone can get the best results with The
Wonder One Minute Camera we offer you en
tirely free. The moment the ycamera arrives
l'j ydil'a're1 Ipuipfrif to1 inake-finished pictures
I , J every , , J)iQtU5ie, i a SURE SHOT. We send
''.'JK'CMipWtt Oiifflt-nothing to buy y
erything complete.
-you get ev-
1 beg to thank you for the "Mandelette."
I got it all right. It is a daisy. The machine
can't be beat; there is nothing like it.
JAMES M 'DO WELL, Bismark, Mo.
I am so well pleased with the "Itlandelette''
that I would not take $25 for it if I could not
get another like it. I know that when people
learn the "Mandel-ette" process they will nev-
er be satisfied with th eohl plate aid film cam
eras and there will be a big demand forthp
best camera in the world "Mandel-ette."
A. II. HOFFMAN, Wildomar, Cal.
The "Mandel-ette" safely at hand, and I
am getting fine pictures "first crack out of the
box." It's a wonder and I appreciate much
. pleasure operating it.
Wisconsin Veterans' Home, Wisconsin.
I received the "Mandel-ette" some time
ago and am haying all kinds of fun with it. It
tafce remarkably dear pictures. The "Mandel-ette"
needs no recommendation. I just
show the pictures to my friends and they all
understand at once what a fine faniera-it it.
A received the camera all O. K. and was sur
prised to Ree the results of the first attempts I
made to turn out a photo. The "Mandelette"
is one certainly worth the money and will do
' all you claim for it, and even more.
JAMES COLVER; Monroe, la.
L. Hennfg, Mgr., . , . ...
JT01 Jackson St., Omaha, Neb.
' Tlease send me full Information concerning bow I may earn a Mandel-ette Camera and supply
of postal cards and a developer free of charge for a little pleasant work among my neighbors.
Name ,! . . Address
i U
rf xiopo's column
Vult .Your Meanness
Put the hammer in the locker;
Hide the sounding board likewise;
Anyone can be a knocker;
Anyone can criticise.
Cultivate a manner winning,
Though it hurts your face to smile
And seems awkward in beginning;-.
Be a booster for awhile.
Let the blacksmith do the pounding;
That's the way he draws his pay.
You don't get a cent for hounding -
gaint aqd sinner, night and day.
Just for Bolid satisfaction ,
Drop a kind word in the Blot,
And I'll warrant you'll get action '
On your effort on the spot.
Kindness every time beats kicking; .
Mirth is better than a frown;. .
Da not waste your time In picking
Flows1 with brothers who are
, :! down. ' '
And it isn't so distressing .
If you give a little boost . , . ,-.
To the map the fates are pressing .
When the 'chicks come home to
roost.' ' i
, The Kind 'ofVd That Pays "
When the attention of your custo
mer or possible patron is attracted
to your ad, In glancing at the paper,
H8 she Is about to do her dishes, and
when she Bits down to peruse it, let
ting the water cool off, then you have
an ad that Is going to get results.
General advertising is not going' to
do this. It has to be 8ecihc. It has
to be seasonable. It has to be so
gotteh up that it will atract her at
tention in the first place, then hold
it, and lastly create in ber a desire
for it. A mere announcement run in
slightly different form in each Issue,
stating that John Jones is a reliable
dealer, and has the best of every
thing at reasonable prices, will not
have much effect. Instead make the
headline of the ad bear on something
that she is apt to want at that sea
son of the year. Then follow it up
with a short snappy description of
the articles, maybe only two or three
words for each, and the price. The
successful retailer's ad must be up to
date. It must boost something that
the reader will want right at that
time. Otherwise tt Is money largely
thrown away. The neat looking ad,
using Just the right kind of type, the
right amount of white space, etc., Is
good, but it Is the ad that sells the
goods, that counts. To have the ad
neat in appearance Is an asset, but to
have the facts In it that will attract
and hold the readers' attention, is
more important. The occasional
running of big ads Is not as effective
as the steady use of a smaller space,
provided the advertisements are al
ways changed, and are always made
Interesting. Don't carry on an aim
less conversation with your custom
ers through your advertising space!
Talk from the shoulder, and you will
get results! The Tradesman.
While Harold Oreen was escortinf
Miss Violet Wise from the church so
clal last Sunday night a savage do
attacked them and bit Mr. Green sev
eral times on the public square. 1
Isaiah Trimmer of Running Creek
was playing with a cat Friday when
it scratched him on the veranda.
Mr. Fong while harnessing a broa
cho last Saturday , was kicked Just
south of his corn . patch.
Transfer Lin
0' . K
if Household goods
'1 moved promptly
and transfer work
ItMldanea pfcone 131 antf Vtw f
IU.toretl to ;kk1 Health
"I 'was sick for four years with
momach trouble," writes Mrs. Otto
Gans, Zanesville, Ohio. "I lost weight
and felt so weak that I almost gave
up hope of being cured. A friend
told me about Chamberlain's Tablets
and since using two bottles of them I
have been a well woman." Obtaina
ble everywhere.
OLD PAPERS for sale at The Herald
Office. Fire rents per bundle.
It it a grave mistake for mothers to neg
lect their aches aud pains aul sutler la
silence this only leads to chronic sick
nesa and often shortens life.
If your work is tiring; if your nerve are
excitable; if yoo feel languid, weary or
depressed, you should know that Scott's
Emulsion overcomes just such conditions.
It possesses in concentrated form the
very elements to invigorate the blood,
strengthen the tissues, nourish the nerves
and build strength.
Scott's Is strengthening thousands of
motors and will help you. No alcohol.
acutl ft Bt . Bkjuot&cM. N. J.
He Knew How
There was an old geezer and he bad
'a lot of sense;
He started up a business on a dollar
eighty cents
The dollar for stock and the eighty
for an ad 4
Brought him three lovely dollars in
, a day, by dad!
Well, he bought, more goods and a
little more space ,
And ne played that system' with a
' smile on his face. ' ' I
The customers flocked to his two-by-.
... i four , . . . '
And soon he had to hustle for a reg
ular store. i
Up on the square, where the people
pass, , ' - - -
He gobbled up a corner that was all'
plate glass.
He fixed up the windows with the
best that he had
And he told 'em all about it in a half
page ad.
He Boon had 'em coming and he nev
er, never quit
And he wouldn't cut down on his ads
one Jit.
Well, he's kept things humping In
the town ever since
And everybody calls him the Mer
chant Prince.
Some say It's luck, but that's all
Why, be was doing business when
the times were punk.
People have to purchase and the
geezer was wise s
For he knew the way to get 'em was
to advertise.
"Shine 'em up, sir?" cried th
young bootblack. "I'll polish 'em
so's you kin Bee you . face in 'em,
sir." , '
"Thanks, my lad; but I'm onitt"
satisfied to see my feet In th em." re
plied Fogg, passing on. i ;
I placed my watch on a table; ' -
'Twas wound to run tHI;daw?i; :
Next morning, when I looked for it-
.;Wajn't going?. vNay; 'twas-gonef
Greatly' lienefltted by OiamlWlrtiii's1
Liniment -- ' fi-i:j
"I havei used Chambrl.W Ltal
mpt for sprains. . bruUes ml. ,rbu
niaMc pains, and the groat benety';. J
have 'received Justifies my ' rpcoi'u
mend'ng lt In ' the highest 11 terms.""
write Mrs. Florence Slife, i Wabusft,
Ind. t you are troubled witb,ru'"v
catic p."lis you wil . Icertajuly , b
pleased with the prompt relief whirl)
Chatr.berl.i"! 'i Liniment affords. Ob
tHlnable everywhere. t; t
There Is an honor in business tnat
is the fine gold of it; that reckons
with every man Justly; that loves
light; that regards kindness and fair
ness more . highly than goods or
prices or profits. It becomes a man
more' than his furnishings Or his
house. It speaks (or him In the
heart of everyone. His friendships
are serene are secure. H(s strength
is like a young tree by a river.
Up-to-Date Anatomy .
Mrs. Jones of Cactus Creek let a
can opener slip last week and cut
herself in the pantry.
A mischievous lad of Piketown
threw a atone and struck Mr. Pike
in the alley last Tuesday.
John Doe climbed on the roof of
his house last week looking for a
leak and fell striking himself on the
b-irk porch.
Eat leas taeat if you feel B&ckachjf r
nave jsiaaaer trouble Salts
fine for Kidaeys.
Meat forms uric acid which ex-jfc
and overworks the kidneys in their effort
to filter it from the system. Regular
ers of meat must flush the kidneys oosaV
sionally. You must relieve them like yW
ralieva your bowels; removing all flaw
acids, waste and poison, else you tat a
dull misery in the kidney region, sharp
pains in the back or sick headache, dls-'
tineas, your stomach sours, tongue' is
coated and when the weather Is had yM
have rheumatic twinges. .The urine Is) '
cloudy, full of sediment; the channels
often get irritated, obliging you to fef
up two or three times during the nlgM,
. To neutralise these irritating meL0
ud flush off the body's urinous wastft '
get about four ounces of Jad 8aks
from' any pharmacy; take a table
spoonful in a glass of water before breasV
fast for a tew days and your kidneys' wCl'
then act fins and bladder disorders (hV
appear. This famous salts is made Ocuf
the aid of grapes and lemon juice, com-'
bined with lithia, and has been used tot
generations to clean and atimuWU slntr
Sish kidneys and stop bladder irritation,
ad Salta is Inexpensive! harmless ao4
makes a Jelightful effsrveecent litbl'
wUr driak which minions of men mi
women taks now and then, thus avoiding
serious kidttsw and bladder diseases.