SHERIFFS ARE INVITED Eirttrr Kent Out ly RwreUry of An-Mx-liilJon 1R All MMnhew in Meet at Alliance The following la a ropy of the let ter received by Sheriff Cal Cox from W. C. Condit. secretary of the Ne braska State Sheriff's Association, In regard to the coining sheriffs' con vention which will be held In Alli ance on the lfith and 16th of this month. Coplea of this letter have toeen rcrlved by every sheriff In the tate, and judging from present re ports emanating from different sour ces, there Is going to be an extra large attendance. The letter from Mr. Condit also touches on other matters of Interest to the officers. It follows: Fremont. Nebr., May 27, 1915. Brother Sheriffs: The next meeting of the Nebraska State Sheriff's Association will be held at Alliance, Nebraska, June 15 and 16. 1915. Alliance Is arranging to show us an exceptionally good time, as on the 16th of June the state Stockmen's Annual Convention will commence Its four day program, one of the fea tures of this program being the cele brated auto polo team of Chicago, for which the live awake business men of that hustling western town are expending $1,500 for this one at traction. Besides there will be vari ous other attractions, some of which 1 presume will be roping, bucking torses and other frontier day amuse ments. I am In hopes that we will have a turn out such as the association nev er before witnessed, as at the pres ent time our membership is larger probably than ever before In the his tory of hte organization. I shall endeavor myself to Interest every sheriff present with the finger print system, showing how prints are taken, the different matters of prints and why no two persons have the name finger prints. This will be done to attempt to Interest the sher iffs of this state In the taking of On jter prints for means of Identifica tion. I have received a great many In quiries of late, asking when the ten cent mileage bill will go Into effect, and owing to an over amount of work that I have had on my hands I have mot had time to anawer these In quiries separately, and for the Infor mation of all concerned, will say that the mileage bill will take effect July S. 1916. Trusting that I may meet you all .at Alliance and that I will have the .opportunity of seeing faces never be fore present at our conventions, I .am,, Yours for Alliance, ar' w. c. condit. i& Secretary Nebraska State Sheriff's Association. Are You ltheuuiatlc? try Sloan's If you want quick and real relief from Rheumatism, do what so many thousand other people are doing whenever an attack comes on, bathe the sore muscle or Joint with Sloan's Unlment. No need to rub it In Just apply the Liniment to the sur face. It la wonderfully penetrating. It goea right to the seat of trouble and draws the pain almost Immedi ately. Get a bottle of Sloan's Lini ment for 25c of any druggist and have It In the house against Colds, Sore and Swollen Joints, Lumbago, Sciatica and like ailments. Yout money back If not satisfied, but It clos jdve almost Instant relief. Sia. 1 Adv 6265 ANTIOCH Antloch. Nebr., June 2 W. O. Wilson has made a trip east with his little daughter Louise and is expect ed to return soon. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of South Dakota were visiting their friends and Mrs. Anderson's sister here Sun day and have returned to Alliance from which place they will atart for their new home In Colorado Springs. Many friends of departed ones vis ited the cemetery Sunday and left It SALTS IS FINE FOR ' KIDNEYS. QUIT MEAT flash the Xldneye at onoa whan Back torts or Bladder bothers-Meat forma aria add. No man or woman who sat meat reflu laxly can make a mistake by flushing the kidneys oooaaionaily, says a well known authority. Meat forma urio acid which clogs the kidney pores so they sluggishly filter or strain only part of the waste and poisons from the blood, then you gut siok. Nearly all rheuma tism, headache, liver trouble, nervoua nets, constipation, dUzineaa, sleeplessness, bladder disorders oome from sluggish kid- The moment you feel a dull ache in the kidneys or your back hurt, or If the vrlne U elowdy, offensive, full of sedi ment, Irregular of passage or attended by a sensation of scalding, get about four ounces of Jad 81 to from any reliable pharmacy and take a tablespoonful is a glass of water before breakfast for a leer days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous esJU Is made from tk acid of grapes and lemon jutes, eom taned with lithia and has been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to activity, also to neu tralLa the acids in urine so it no longer csm&es irritation, thus ending bladder dis orders. Jad alts is inexpensive and can sot injures makes a delightful effer resoent lithia-water drink which all reg ular meat eaters should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and the itlood pure, thereby avoiding serious kid ney oom4icAtioua. very beautifully decorated with flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Smith were visiting friends In Chadron a few days ago. and report their visit a chilly one. referring of course to the cool sum mer weather. Mrs. J. Wilson entertained the school children of this place today to celebrate the birthday of her eon. Mrs. Wilson also bad a blrthduy a few days ago but we know nothing of bow she celebrated it, but we di know that she was 29 years oil. The town park and playnrounds are now under way. The nruutit is being graded for lawn tennis and croquet. Many other things will be placed on these grounds of Interest especially to the children, such as swing, teeters, cable airships, and many other children's spons. To the people of Antloch and the entire surrounding country, a hearty wel come is extended to enjoy this sum mer on these grounds. Drive that car, or ride that horse, or walk those feet to the grounds and enjoy the cool evenings of this summer with your neighbor In a game of tennis or croijuet, or treat him to a cigar and enjoy a chat while the children spend the evening in sport. Mr. Elmore has sold his ranch and stock and is going to make a trip through the east with his wife and dog in their Ford car. We trust he will not have to harness the dog and drive it when he strikes the mud of Missouri. Kev. J. S. C. W. Hlvner has traded his buckskin horse to Tod Berry for a little black mare. Mr. Hlvner Is planning to raise a few fancy step pers to hit the high places of the sand hills. There will be preaching services at the First Congregational church of Antloch next Sunday both morning and evening. Sermon themes will be posted at the Antloch Merc, store. Look for the Children's Day an nouncement in next week's paper. We don't know of any Antloch people stealing any old It. K. ties. Will AmhInI Dawes Co. Agent A. . Anderson departed Sunday for Cbudron where he will assist C. S. Hawk, Dawes county farm agent, in the demonstration work. Mr. An derson had been here for several titty assisting County Agent Seidell In the work, and will return next Tuesday and spend a few more days here. Woman Finally Recovers From Nervous Breakdown Impoverished nerves destroy many people before their time. Often be fore a sufferer realizes what the trouble is, he is on the verge of a complete nervous breakdown. It is of the utmost importance to keep your nervous system in good con dition, as tlie nerves are the source of all bodily power. Mrs. Ross Bonner. 85 N. i8th St., Birming ham, Ala., says: "I have been suffering with nerv ous prostration for nine or ten years. Have tried many of the best doctors in I'.irmingham, but they all failed to reach my case. I would feel as if I was smothering; finally I went into convulsions. My little girl saw Dr. Miles' Nervine advertised in tlic papers and I at once began to t-ke It. I continued to take it for some time and now I sin well." If you are troubled with loss of appetite, poor uieauon, weakness, inability to sleep; if you are in a general run ilown condition snd un-ble to bea- your part of the grind of life, you need some tiling to strengthen your nerves. You may not realize what is the mat ter with you, Lut that is no reason why you shouM delay treatment Dr. Miles' Nervine has proven its value in nervous dis orders for thirty years, and merits a trial, no matter how many other remedies have failed to help you. Sold by all druggists. If first bottle falls to benefit your monsy Is returned, MILKS MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Inn. What Brand of Matches Do You Use? Who makes them ? Are they poisonous or non-poisonous? Are the sticks lone and stron j or short and weak ? Do the heads fly off or do they stay on ? Do they burn evenly or' explosively? If people knew as much about matches as they should, they would use Safe Home Matches made by the Diamond Match Company. 5c All grocers. Ask for them fry name. The Diamond Match Company MBS h o m hoi so mom gl Uf ii t ft MrtUL , i AU.;.i'JiJ i (AI ft I Now that your Grocer can give you KRUMBLES the question of the morning cereal is just about three times easier to solve. You and the family may want KRUMBLES every day. You may want to alternate with Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes. Anyway, you'll like KRUMBLES the first Wheat breakfast food with a distinctive flavor and sweetness of its own, the first that you don't eat simply for the sugar and cream. KRUMBLK3 13 wheat all wheat the whole of the wheat, cooke, "krumbled" and delicately toasted. The idea is new the method is new, original and exclusive with W. K. Kellogg, of Battle Creek. Try a saucerful of KRUMBLES, with cream or milk. See how new the flavor is how pleasing and how KRUMBLES tastes sweeter and sweeter the more you chew it I At your Grocer's KRUMBLES 1 f --f-in the Kellogg "Waxtite" package 1 v CeniS B' '' fi ,0 1 1. a 0 M ; .01 Yet, that's Sis at the piano; wish you zeere home, ehf 4 Completing the Family Circle by Telephone The space between those at home and those who are away is bridged by the long distance lines of the Bell Telephone System. Almost regardless of distance, the Bell Telephone brings the voice of the absent one right into the home circle. To hear one's cheery voice and merry laugh over the wire is almost like a face-to-face chat. Twenty-one Million Mile of Wire Unite the Nation NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY Try This on Your Eczema If you are afflicted with Salt Rheum, Tetter, dry Eczema, Acne or Pimples, buy a jar of Dry Zensal. For that watery eruption or Weepipg Skin, use Moist Zensal. 50 cents the jar. P. MONUMENTS Granite Marble Paioe-Fisliburn Granite Co. Grand Island, Nebraska Write for Information or call on our Local Agent AL. WTKER Agent at Alliance OU I'APFKS for hale at The Herald I Otlue. Five cents per bun-lie.