The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 27, 1915, Special Stockmen's Edition, Image 2

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Esqp)rtk, Adlvk Wot ftfia
Queries and Replies Covering Matters of
Importance to the Man Who Runs a Car
W tit
In washing a ear will a mixture ef
gasoline and wattr cut the greaceT If
hew Should it be applied?
So doubt the addition of gasoline to
4be water In connection with sponging
the car will efficiently aid In the cut
ttag of tbe grease. It would have to
le applied either In a spray or sponge,
a these are tbe only two practical
method of mixing It In such a way
that It would combine .closely enough
to form a suitable mixture for clean
ing. Kerosene la also frequently used
4a tola manner with success.
I have a ear with a two spaed rear
atals. Whenever I go down hill or ever
m bump with the clutch out I hear a
twttle. What Is the eauae of thist
Tbe rattle you mention Is probably
from tbe Idle pinion on tbe rear axle.
In this axle there are two bevel pinions
constantly In mesh, and one of these
4s always running Idle, and tbe partic
ular gear which Is delivering tbe pow
0t from tbe motor depends upon tbe
.position of a dog clutch. When the
ear goes over a rough spot with the
dutch out there Is a tendency for tbe
drive abaft to revolve at an unequal
rate of speed, due to the Inequalities
jtt tbe road, with tbe result that the
Idle pinion la alternately thrown back
ward and forward against the bevel
fear, with which it meshes, tbua malt
tog a rattle. There la alwaya a certain
amount of back lash In these gears,
and tbe amount of noise will naturally
aVpend upon tbe extent of tbla play.
There la nothing serious about this, as
the noise occurs only at rare intervals.
then la not the Indication of trou-
Will you kindly tall me hew te bend
Jm gaaoline and ether tube lines In
atiort area without the pipe flattening T
Copper tubing of small diameter can
yfe readily bent Into abort curves by
Melting rosin and pouring it Into the
fa be. When this becomes cold It solidi
ties within the tube, and tbe tubing
be bent like a piece of solid cop-.
per After tbe desired bend bus been j
obtained tbe rosin can be run out by
.beating tbe tube with a blow torch.
Anotber method sometimes used is to
- 4111 the tube with sand; but the rosin
.method gives the better results.
Why has a rotary valve engine five
jar seven cylinders Instead of four, sin
r eight t
The odd number of cylinders gives a
Kre even torque la a rotary cylinder
nglne. Quest lous of balance make an
ven number of cylinders preferable in
the conventional type of motor.
la it possible te start the motor In a
ear when the self starter fails to work
and the crank ie misalnaf
JWhen the starter fails and the hand
.rankTs"uol ftvaJJajyietbe beetmetbod
f tbe RJr wheel
-wlfboui touching" tnV ground. Then
-""WjJace the gear shift lever In high, aud
few turns of the uplifted wheel will
.tart tbe motor. Dace tbe gear shift
lever ln neutral before letting down
tne Jacked up wheel or you will have
a runaway on your hands, or at least
tae motor will stall, and you will have
aJl your work to do over again. Prop
ajiy done tbe eutlre operation takes
.only a few momenta.
What are the common causes for a
voter mieeing firef
Sltaalng fire may be caused by an
awerrkh or too lean mixture, by poor
valve adjustment. Inaccurate valve or
Ignition timing, leaks around the spark
plugs, cylinder plugs, manifolds, etc.,
Jooae Ignition wires, weak magneto
magnets, water ln fuel, faulty spark
lugs or those with poorly adjusted
Jectrodes, carbon deposits In the cyl
inders and overloading.
When I throttle my car down en high
trr it begina to jump and Jerk ae
though the clutch were slipping. The
fetch is all right, however. What can
a the trou blet
Tbe Jumping and Jerking action Is
probably dne to the motor mlsatng fire,
caused either by poor Ignition or faulty
carburetton at low engine speeds. Mix
tures may be too lean or too rich, there
may be leaks In the Intake manifold.
or tbe spark plug points may be too
far apart or too near together. Look
at them first and see that they are
apaced a thirty-second of an inch apart
Then see that your vibrators are ad
tasted. If tbe trouble is still ln evi
dence yoar magneto magnets may be
weak and require recharging.
What le the advantage ee disadvan
tag the cantilever spring In regard
te th three-quarter elliptic?
The main advantage of the cantilever
prtng over the three-quarter elliptic
la that It will give the same carrying
rapacity with the proper flexibility
with considerably lea weight Anoth
er advantage ilea In fta slow period of
vibration and tbe ability to eliminate
rebound to a great extent The weight
a cantilever la nearly an unsprung
In the disadvantages tbe principal
ewe Is that a stiff frame Is necessary
and that a roll 1s given to the body
when the r turns a corner
How esn one tell when a magneto
needs remegnetitingf
When tbe magnets will not lift and
bold about fifteen ounds they are
aatd to be weak. Missing fire at low
speeds la the result of weuk magnets.
When this occurs the magnets should
be recharged.
Whst are the respective advantagee
and diaadvantagea of the T head and
L head types of motorsf
Tbe T bead motor, because Its valves
are located on opposite sides, allows of
tbe use of large valves, and hence more
power Is obtainable than In tbe L head
variety, other things, of course, being
equal. It Is un"lly more costly to con
struct than bead type and baa a
more symmetrical appearance. Tbe
T bead, however, Is heavier and more
complicated than the L head design,
tbe latter UBlng only one cam shaft and
having tbe valvea all on one aide.
What are the advantages and die
advantsges of the valve In the head
The chief advantage claimed for the
valve in the head motor is that, for a
given size. It has more power than an
L head or T bead, because of the fact
that larger valves may be used and
the combustion chamber given a more
apberlcal shape. There are a number
of manufacturing advantages, one of
which is that the entire combustion
chamber may be machined and given a
high polish, thus preventing, to a great
extent, the accumulation of carbon.
Tbe losa of heat through tbe cylin
der walls of a motor depends to a great
extent upon the surface of the walls,
and In a properly designed valve in the
head motor this wall area is small,
compared with that of another type of
motor of tbe siiroe size. This reduc
tion of wall area la obtained because
of tbe absence of valve pockets.
The main disadvantage of tbe valve
In tbe head motor, especially one using
valve cagea. Is that the valve scats can
not 1h effectively ,f tne
aeat were a part of the casting. This
is true In the cage construction, be-
caut)e tue uent ln orUer to get fronJ
tbe valve sent to the water Jacket,
must overcome tbe resistance of the
joint between tbe cage and the cyllu
der casting. This lack of cooling would
not materially affect the inlet valves,
ae they are kept comparatively cool by
tbe Incoming gas, but It would mean
more valve grinding ln the case of tbe
exhaust valves.
Is It possible to maintain preaaure In
a rear fuel tank whan the tank cap is
In cases of this sort take an old in
ner tubo. cut out a niece altout elirht or
eE Tuche lPiUh, tie one fpjl tE1- ao
sert tbe hose ln the open end of the
tube and pump until tbe tube com
pletely LUs tbe hole In tbe tank. Then
tie the outer end securely. This con
trivance will hold several pounds prea
aure ln the tank and will last for some
Is three-eighths of an Inch tee much
play in the wrist pin bushing f
Three-eighths of an inch la entirely
too much play for the wrist pin bush
ing, assuming that up and down play
Is meant There should be so little
play that It cannot be felt by a move
ment of tbe wrist pin.
Can I eilverite glass refleotorsf If
ao, whai are the ingredienta and In
what proportions are they ueedf
An amateur can allrerlEe reflectors,
but It l? very difficult to make a good
Job of It The method by which this
work has tieen carried out la as fol
Iowa: First fasten to a block of wood
the finest possible grade of emery
cloth. With this the reflector is
smoothed down to a fine finish. It Is
feext necessary to have a melting pot
and a thermometer which la capable
of measuring more than 212 degreea
Two ouuees of lead, two ounces of tin
and four ounces of chemically pure
bismuth are melted together. Eight
ounces of mercury are added at 212
degrees F. and mixed with the melted
mixture. This is applied while warm
with a smooth camel's hair brush.
Which will give the better reeulta.
60 or 74 test gasoline?
As between OX) and 74 test gasoline.
the 00 test fuel baa been found to give
tbe best results as far aa mileage Is
concerned. The gasoline which we get
nowadaya la much heavier than that
on tbe market aay, five or ten years
Can an expert gain any advantage
by changing free automatic te hand
ontrel in a battery Ignition eyetetn?
A skilled driver might get better re
sults with a hand control of the
park than could be obtained with
the automatic type of Ignition control
for the reason that grade climbing can
be accomplished much easier and the
loads of the motor considered. In nth
, er words, tbe driver can shift hi
anark to suit road and motor condl
1 rjona and thus get tbe highest efOdeo-
cy at an time.
hi sir usui. men insert tne tied
iWL Z r iSI-Rl JtBSl inv
ito that lr will turn valve connection from thl i.umn in.
I - - - s a- -
(VP lf
ft'V.:ft -T'tH
The announcement of tbe mar
riage of Miss Molly Grimsby, or
Fruitdale, S. D., and Jonn tJeacn,,oi
Alliance, which event occurred at
Wahoo, Nebr., on January 20. last,
haa Just been made public, much to
the aurprlse of their friends. These
young people met in Lincoln, where
the bride waa attending school. Tbe
marriage was kept a secret even to
tbe members ot the bride's and
groom's families until last Friday at
a luncheon at the groom's home.
Mrs. Beach la a highly respectedMnd
accomplished young lady, and dur
ing her stay here baa won many
frlenda. Mr. Beach haa a position
ln tbe Burlington freight depart
ment, and waa formerly connected
with the Herald In the capacity, of
bookkeeper. Their many friends
Join in wishing them a long, happy
voyage on the sea of wedded life.
Whooping Cough
When my daughter bad whoop
ing cough she coughed ao hard at
one time that she bad hemorrhage ot
the lungs. I waa terribly alarmed
about her condition. Seeing Cham-
berlain'a Cough Remedy ao highly
recommended, I got her a bottle and
it relieved the cough at once. Before
she had finished two bottles of this
remedy she waa entirely well,
writes Mrs. S. F. Grimes, Crooksvllle,
Ohio. Obtainable everywhere.
Stole Revolver
Wilbur Knapp, aged nineteen
years, was employed aa a cnore noy
on the Leith ranch by Fred Hoover,
manager, a week ago Thursday. On
Sunday he stole a revolver, valued
at $12, and walked twenty-five miles
to Alliance, arriving Monday. A week
later he waa caught by Mr. Hoover
and when arraigned before .County
Judge L. A. Berry plead guilty and
waa aentence to tbe reform school.
The case was prosecuted by County
Attorney Lee Basye. The boy said
he waa an orphan and had run away
from the Ohio state reform school
and that he did not know why he
stole the gun. The gun waa located
In a local second-hand store and re
plevied by Mr. Hoover.
Cheap Farm for Quick BeJe
One-half section within alx miles
of Alliance. Near railroad. Choice
land and desirable, f 13.80 per acre.
This will sell quick. Address Box
S3S4. care Alliance Herald, Alliance.
Don't tell the folks anything about
it beforehand.
Just serve KRUMBLES all around
at breakfast, with cream or milk.
Watch father and the children take
notice of the KRUMBLES flavor.
KRUMBLES is the new Wheat breakfast
food invented and perfected by W. K. Kellogg,
manufacturer of the original Toasted Corn Flakes.
A new idea a new method a new food
a new flavor, and a fine natural sweetness all
its own.
KRUMBLES is just introduced in this city.
Already it numbers its friends by the hundreds
all over town.
In the Kellogg's "Waxtite" n .
package grocers everywhere V CC11U
Look for this signature
..' t!"..1J"" .JJ
Lame Rack
Lame back is usually due to rheu
matism ot the muscles of the back.
Hard working people are most likely
to suffer from It. Relief may be
had by massaging the back with
Chamberlain'a Liniment two or
three times a day. Try it. Obtain
able everywhere.
Bids are wanted for the removing
and filling in of dirt on the west side
of Box Butte Avenue, between Sixth
and Nlntb streets for the bringing of
sidewalks to grade. All bids must
be in by noon, May 25th. The city
council reserves the right to reject
any or all bids.
City Clerk
Bids are wanted for the construc
tion of a concrete culvert at the in-,
teraectlon of Fourth Street and Mis
souri Avenue. Said culvert to be
not less than sixty feet in length.
Plans and specifications can be se
cured from the city engineer. All
bids must be in by noon, May 25th.
The city council reserves the right to
reject any or all bids.
City Clerk.
Bids are wanted for the removing
and replacing of the cement sidewalk
on the west side of Box Butte Ave
nue, between Sixth and Ninth Streets
the walk to be replaced after the
grade has been made. All bida
must be in by noon. May 25th. The
city council reserves the right to re
ject any or all bids.
City Clerk.
Sealed bids will be received by the
city clerk ot Alliance, Nebraaka, for
the removal of a Quantity of dirt on
Fifth street between Big Horn ave
nue and Box Butte avenue, sufficient
to put the street to grade. Specifi
cations may be obtained from the
city engineer. Board reserves right
to reject any or all bids. All bids
must be in by noon. May 25.
24-lt-557f City Clerk
au aore must be provided wttb a
1915 license within tbe next thirty
Tell your grocer
to send you a
package of
days and they must be securely fas
tened to the collar and worn at all
times to afford protection. Other
wise, the dogs will be taken up and
if not claimed within twenty-four
houra they will be killed.
24-tf-5577 Mayor.
To F. F. Badgley, Ada Fielding,
Bertha P. Fleming, Guy H. Lock
wood, Truman W. Brown, Alice Tier
nan, F. A. Woten.
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on tbe 17th day of May,
A. D. 1915, the following resolutions
were duly adopted by the City Coun
cil of Alliance, Nebraska, towit:
Be it resolved by the Mayor and
Council of the City of Alliance, Ne
braska, that a sidewalk be, within
thirty days from tbe publication of
this resolution, constructed and laid
to tbe established grade: On the
north side of East 6th street, and ad
Joining the following described
premises, towit: Lot 24 and Lot 34.
County Addition to Alliance, Nebras
On the east side of Big Horn ave
nue, and adjoining the following de
scribed premises, towit: Lot 7, Block
1, First Addition to Alliance, Nebras
ka: Qn the North side of West 6th
street and adjoining the following
described premises, towit: Lot 7.
Block 1, First Addition to Alliance,
On tbe East side of Laramie Ave.
and adjoining the following premis
es, towit: Lot 13, Block 3, Second
County Addition to Alliance, Nebras
ka; On the West side of Big Horn Ave.
and adjoining tbe following describ
ed premises, towit: Lot 2, Block 4,
Second Addition to Alliance, Nebras
ka. On the North side of West 8th
street and adjoining the following
described premises, towit: Lot 7,
Block 10. Second Addition to Alli
ance, Nebraska.
On the West side of Big Horn Ave.
and adjoining the following describ
ed premises, towit: Lot 5, Block 1,
Second Addition to Alliance, Nebras
ka. Said sidewalks shall be construct
ed by the owners of aald property
without delay and In accordance with
the specifications contained in Ordin
ances Nos. Ill and 126 of the City of
Alliance, Nebraska.
(SEAL) City Clerk.
Try This on
Your Eczema
If you are afflicted with Salt
Rheum, Tetter, dry Eczema,
Acne or Pimples, buy a jar ot
Dry Zensal. For that watery
eruption or Weeping Skin, use
Moist Zensal. 50- cents the
and :
Paioe-Fishkro Granite Co.
Grand Island; Nebraska
Write for Information or ea.ll
on enr Local Agent
Agent at Alliance
When England delaya action on,
the drink question ia it a case of so
ber second thomght?