The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 20, 1915, Image 2

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Thin F.xrKJng, FaMiiiallng new Nrt
Will lie Fixture of Ht4K ktnen's
Convention In June
Cattle rustlers, cow punchers, rop
ers, all ye stars of the wild and
vooly western pastimes look to
your fame, for the newest sensation
of sportdom Is going to enter the
lists against you for the plaudits of
the crowds at the Stockmen's Con
tention. Have you ever beard of
AUTO POLOT It Is the real up-to-the-minute
thriller In the realm of
sports and will be seen for the very
first time In this section of the coun
try as a feature attraction of the con
vention. Ever since the closing of last
year's convention, the Alliance Com
mercial Club has been on the alert,
and have raked with a fine comb the
lists of exhibitions, hippodromes, etc.
from coast to coast in their effort to
find something really high class to
temper the form of sports we have
been accustomed to. After long and
careful consideration, and through
the painstaking efforts of the Alli
ance Commercial Club, HANKIN
been Induced to come to Alliance for
a series of three games to mingle
their skill and science In the hand
ling of motor cars with our knights
of the West and their bucking bron
chos, and Incidentally to tight for a
purse of $1,500, hung up by the Al
liance Commercial Club to the win
ner of the series.
AUTO TOLO has been the sensa
tion of the East and Middle West for
the past two seasons. First taken
tip by society In their never ending
search for new thrills to tickle their
fastidious tasteu, It has added friend
and enthusiast In every city and town
where it has been shown. And not
only will our social lights revel In
the fascination surrounding this new
sport, something to take them away
Xrom their pink teas and bridge
whist parties, but the series about to
be staged here bids fair to draw ev
ery cattleman from his pen, every
farmer from his field, Indian from
bis wigwam, merchant from bis
counter, banker from his desk, all
beaded alike for the big Stockmen's
Convention at Alliance for the big
time awaiting them, and for their
first glimpse at this new game.
All big things grow from a simple
Inspiration, and AUTO POLO had its
original conception from the result
of a wager between two motor car
salesmen as to their respective prow
bs In pushing a tin can along the
roftd with the frout wheel of their
car. Ralph A. Hankinson of Kansas
City, a true son of the West, was a
fortunate spectator at this unique
contest. At that particular time the
entire country was in a fervor over
the International Polo Match waging
between America and England, and
With rare foresight, Mr. Hankinson
quickly summed , up the possibilities
thrown out by the suggestions of this
contest and grasped the opportunity
they say awaits every man once in
bis life. AUTO POLO was thus
launched with a whit and whir Into
the front ranks of sportdom. enthus
ing masses and classes from the out
set. The game was presented first
In its crude form in the West. Ex
perience and knowledge came thick
and fast, and the management of
Madison Square Garden, New York
City, with its far reaching tentacles
of "amusement scouts", claimed the
privileges of its introduction to the
critical tastes of the great metropo
lis. A three weeks' series was stag
ed, and the result of this engagement
Is now well known to every lover of
sport throughout the length and
breadth of our land. AUTO POLO
was the new cry, and across the wa
ter Its fame has spread. At last
something has been found with six
ty seconds of action crammed Into
every minute of play. Motor races,
motorcycle races, golf, baseball, even
aviation, were forgqtten in the mad
scramble for the new sensation.
And now AUTO POLO comes to
Alliance for the first time as part of
the 1915 schedule in the Internation
al match now waging between Eng
land and America. The American
team, twice victors over their British
Harmless to flash Kidneys and neutral
ixe irritating acids Splendid
for system.
Kidney and Bladder weakness result
from uric acid, says a noted authority.
The kidneys filter this acid from the
blood and pass it on to the bladder, where
it often remains to irritate and inflame,
causing a burning, scalding sensation, or
setting up an irritation at the neck of
the bladder, obliging you to seek relief
two or three times during the night.
The sufferer is in constant dread, the
wtr passes sometime with a scalding
sensation and is very profuse; again,
there is difficulty in avoiding it
Bladder weakness, most folks call it,
because they can't control urination.
While it is extremely annoying and some
times very painful, this is really one of
the most simple ailments to overcome.
Get about four ounces of Jad SalU
lrom your pharmacist and take a table
spoonful in a glass of water before
breakfast, eontinue this for two or three
days. This will neutralize the acids in
the urine so it no longer is a source of
irritation to the bladder and urinary or
gans which then act normally again.
Jad Baits is inexpensive, harmless.
Sod is mad from lh aiiil rf mnaa an.l
lemon juice, combined with lithia. and
- i . i ... .
item vj mounanus or fonts wno sre
subject to urinary disorders caused by
uric acid irritatiou. Jad Baits is splen
did fur kidneys and cause no IjA
effects whatever.
Here vou have . nlwiunt
0 I -1 v u m
. lifiia-woter drink, which quietly relieves
1 1 i.u. ......
brethren, eager to add more laurels
to their already long list, and the un
daunted Iirltlshers, far from discour
aged, grimly determined to wipe out
the stigma of defeat of the past two
Five periods of ten minutes . each
constitute a full game of AUTO PO
LO. The rules are very similar to
the regular Pony Polo game, with a
natural revision to care for the dif
ference between horse flesh and Iron,
steel and rubber. A short Intermis
sion Is required between each period
to administer to the wants of these
untamed ponies, but there Is not a
dull fraction of a second during the
whole time play Is on. Each team
carries a competent equipment of
cars, players, mechanics, and helpers
of every nature, and in some games,
as many as ten to twelve cars are
brought into play at Its various
Like any other sport springing to
the front with such a gigantic leap,
AUTO POLO has been subjected to
the experiment of Imitators. From
time to time some new organization
has sprung up presenting so-called
"auto polo" only to share the same
fate of falling by the wayside, and
the Commercial Club has spared no
expense In bringing HANKINSOVS
ORIGINAL TEAMS here as a feature
of the convention, In order that our
people may see real AUTO POLO.
These teams are world-renownedi
and recognized as the only competent
exponents of the game today, and
the only players so far developed
who are able to produce the real sen
sational game that the very name
AUTO POLO inspires. Among these
players, the only understanding to
"go out and win". Turnovers, spills,
head-on collisions, sprained ankles
and broken noses are only Incidents
of the game It goes on uninterrupt
ed, some new player, some new car,
ready on the dot to fill the gap, and
not a moment of action lost through
out the period.
Some interesting stories have been
told of the men composing these
teams, of the Intensity of their play
while in action, contrasted with their
mild mannerisms off the playing
field. High bred, cultured and edu
cated, they have turned to AUTO
POLO ns a satisfying answer to their
craving for the thrills of life, and
during the short existence of this
Twenty-first century sport, their
dare-devil dispositions seem to In
crease with each and every game.
The Commercial Club has shown
rare judgment in varying the form
of entertainment for our lovers of
sport. Knights of the Hope and
bucking bronchos will be here in all
their old-time glory our love of the
natural sports of the West cannot be
downed but AUTO POLO bids fair
to carry Its fascination into the
minds of numberless enthusiasts, af
ter the shrieking of their motors, the
backing and tilling, twisting and
turning of these little "gasoline pon
ies" in their mad pursuit of the ball,
shall have passed on from Alliance.
People who are looking for a borne
or farm, or for a money-making in
vestment in any kind of real estate.
will do well to call at our office and
Investigate the following:
Fine residence lots. In good loca
tion. For sale on easy terms.
even room house. All modern.
On northeast corner lot Six blocks
from rHi corners. At a bargain,
on easy ttrm.
Good small nouse in northeast pan
of town. Six lots. Chicken bouse
and stable. Easy terms with small
cash payment. Good home for someone.
320 acres good farm land. Unim
proved. Within five miles of Alli
ance. For sale or trade at a bargain
On our lists we have a number of
good ranches. Letters of inquiry
are answered promptly. Tell us
what you want and how much yon
have to Invest. We can ault you.
Phone 658.
211 Box Butte Ave., Alliance, Nebr
Secretary of Heiuingford Commercial
Club HtopiMtl Over in Alliance
Sunday Morning
C. O. Rosenberger, secretary of the
Heruingford Commercial Club, arriv
ed here on No. 41 Sunday morning
from the east where he has been the
past two weeks selling a car of Box
Butte potatoes loaded at Berea. Mr.
Rosenberger handles a great many
cars of potatoes from this section and
is thoroughly posted as to market
conditions. He said: "Farmers are
largely to blame for the criticism
Box Butte potatoes have on the mar
ket today. Merchants who buy our
potatoes east say. 'We are cutting out
your potatoes up there on account of
throwing away, as a rule, more than
our profits for handling. In "dry
rots." ' Box Butte county at one
time bad the reputation of furnish
ing the best. Why can't we redeem
this reputation? Place a quantity of
potatoes upon the market that speak
for quality, and then attach a prize
according to that quality, and you
will see a revolution on the market
at large for our tuber products.
"Three weeks ago I shipped Into
Box Butte county a car of Red River
Ohio seed, from the Red River val
ley district of Minnesota. An acur
ate record is being kept of all who
purchased of this car of seed to de
termine whether or not better results
can be obtained by planting northern
grown seed here, versus our home
grown, both being planted at the
same time and in ground of the same
"Box Butte county farmers can
make more money here raising pota
toes for commercial purposes than
'pry can in any other line of agri
iiMurul prolurto, but In doing so
i'iTi' should b. certain rules and
ui;: lions lo M by, and every one
i crested in tliut line i.f comniercial-
;a do bin duty.
iii'' o:ui,iz..tion of a potato
guwer' association should be one
Long ago folks
began to wish they
had something
new to eat
And now
Along comes
A new food, a new flavor and a dainti
ness all its own.
KRUMBLES is made entirely of
Wheat the whole of the wheat berry
granulated, cooked and delicately toasted.
It's a new idea a new method originated by
W. K Kellogg, of Battle Creek. The equipment is
There can be no imitation of KRUMBLES. Every
package of KRUMBLES is sure to be Kellogg's. You
will find the signature "W. K. Kellogg" on the pack
age, just as you do on Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes.
And the package is the famous damp-proof, air
proof Kellogg's "Waxtite"package.
Serve KRUMBLES all around to the folks at
Pour a little cream or milk over it
KRUMBLES has a fine natural
sweetness of its own, and the more
you chew it the better it tastes.
At your Grocer's
1 Pta rwFA 1 11
10 cents the package
of the very first steps taken. Rales
and regulations embodied in that
organization to use all necessary
methods to build up our quality and
quantity, and to prevent the ship
ment of inferior quality from our
county, unless in a class by themselves.
"I see no reason why our Box
Butte County Farm Management As
sociation could not take immediate
steps in this direction. It is of vital
D. R. Stansberry and R. V. Red
dish attended the district shoot at
Chappell on May 7 and 8, and were
participants. On the first day Stans
berry broke 139 out of 180, and
Reddish broke 114 out of the total;
on the second day Stansberry broke
145. and Reddish 139. Judging
from their great increase in scores.
It would appear as though with a
little practice they could break the
entire 180.
The nervous system is the alarm sysfcia
of the human body.'
In perfect health we hardly realize that
we have a network of nerves, but when
health is ebbing, when strength is declin
ing, the same nervous system gives the
alarm in headaches, tiredness, dreamful
sleep, irritability and nnless corrected,
leads straight to a breakdown.
To correct nervousness, Scott's Emul
sion is exactly what you should take; its
rich nutriment gets into the blood snd
rich blood feeds the tiny nerve-cells while
the whole system responds to its refresh
ing tonic force. It is free from alcohol,
bcutt a Bgwue. BloonificU. N. J. .
Seeds and'JM u rsery
Largest Stock of Field, Grass, Gar
den, Flower, Seeds, Bulbs and
Plants la the State
Samples, Catalogs and Prices ou Application
1614 Harney Sreet, Omaha, Nebraska
r . - r wm fssssasa
Try This on
Your Eczema
If you are afflicted with Salt
Rheum, Tetter, dry Eczema,
Acne or Pimples, buy a jar of
Dry Zensal. For that watery
eruption or Weeping Skin, use
Moist Zensal. 50 cents the
Paioe-Fislibura Granite Co.
Write for Information or call
on our Local Agent
Agent at Alliance
Write u.e.vauohan
When Kn:land delays action on
th drink question is it a case of so
ber second thought?
h SI
Ra X
"'i I liSaVW
' i n ii ! i ' i 'i i 'j i tii m
1 1 ! I III i I i 1 1 I 'I II I II
are iust
three short state
ments we want vou
to read about Standby Barn Paint.
First We want you to try it free of
charge. See the color and finish
note how it spreads and how it works
under the brush. We will give you a
Second Look at the formula on the
can. You will see that 43.7 per cent
of the liquid is pure Linseed Oil, the
highest percentage of oil of any barn
paint on the market.
ThirdWe guarantee the wearing
quality of Standby Barn Paint for five
years when it is applied properly.
These three statements tell the whole
story of
0Wm Barn Paint
We put it up to you on its merits. The
tormina tells you it contains more oil
man any other.
V Ths ,...A. ..u ... ..
i wv umyic suuws you wnai u
.:v win co.
The guarantee insures its wear.
Come into our store and get your free sample.
Dierks Lumber g Coal Co.