The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 08, 1915, Image 2

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    Activities Along the Right of Way
Department of the Alliance Commcrt lal Club
W. D. FMirr, Hc'y. I'hone 74.
The Hay Spring Coiumrrlal Hub
has moved Into their new building
and the club now has a suite of the
finest offices that any club can enjoy.
Lincoln Trade Kevlew.
At a meeting of the board of di
rectors of the Commercial Club of
Alliance, held last Monday, by a un
animous vote, W. D. Fisher was re
tained as their club secretary for the
coming year. Mr. Fisher will re
main with the club at the same com
pensation he received the past year.
Few clubs have made the record of
activities equal to the Alliance club
the last twelve months. Up to date
nine business Arms have agreed to
Increase their subscription over that
of last year, and It looks very much
like the club will have a much larg
er fund this year than last. Lincoln
Trade Hevlew.
attend. Don't forget the date, April
13. at 7:30.
On April 20th at the Imeprlal
theatre the Alliance Hand will give
a band concert to raise funds to buy
some new music for this summer.
Mr. Dubuque has very kindly offer
ed the boys fifty per cent of the pro
ceeds, and every citizen In Alliance
should turn out that evening and
show the boys that you appreciate
their efforts. A soliciting commit
tee starts out to solicit funds to
help pay for a band leader and the
expense of the summer concerts, and
later the Commercial Club will give
to this funds from the treasury. On
ly those who are not supporting the
Club wll lbe solicited.
With such a fine courthouse as
this county now has, It is only In
conformity with the building that
the grounds be beautified as much as
possible, and the block on which the
building rests will be a sight worth
seeing when the grass Is up In nice
shape and the trees are reen. The
county Is offering the old Jail for
sale cheap, and It will soon be re-
uoved. It will take some time for
the grounds to attain the necessary
greenness", but It Is worth waiting
the knocker Is a coward. Some
times he has ability; sometimes you
will find him a worker, but one
thing you'll always find him to be a
coward. Face your man in a manly
way and spit It out. It will give you
self respect, and It will Instill re
spect from others, Uod help the
miserable knocker the man who
smiles with his lips while they're
smeared with poison. Making trou
ble Is tonic for hlui. Learn to detest
the fearfuj habit. Act the man to
your fellow-worker. Omaha Trade
The "Tradesman", published at
Omaha, has asked the Commercial
Club to furnish an article on the
spring style show, and they have
asked for a picture, which will be
shown In their next month's magazine.
The secretary of the Hannibal
Commercial Club of Hannibal, Mo.,
has asked for full particulars con
cerning our Junior Commercial Club.
The American City magazine pub
lished In their last issue an article
telling of the Alliance Junior Club.
The Hannibal club wishes to organ
ize a Junior club In their city along
the same lines.
The secretary of the Hoard of
Trade at Hamilton, Canada, has ask
d for full Information concerning
our recent Co-operative Style Show.
The Alliance Hand has been Invit
ed to a social gathering at Mr. Corp's
residence at Central school, the Com
merclal Club furnishing the refresh
ments. All band boys are invited to
April 12 at the opera house is the
date for the next Commercial Club
smoker. The entertainment commit
tee is planning an athletic program
and a big lunch. Don't forget the
Commercial Club to Meet
at Kidney, April lltli
The Associated Commercial Clubs
of western Nebraska, comprising the
panhandle district, will meet in reg
ular session at Sidney, -Wednesday
April 14. The sessions will be as
follows: 10 a. m. to 12; 2 p. in. to
4 p. m.; and In the evening Sidney
will entertain her guests at a big
The following towns have been
asked to send delegates: Alliance
Bridgeport, Chadron, Crawford, Da
kota Junction, Gerlng, Hay Springs
Gordon, Harrison, Henry, Iteming
ford, Marsland, Mitchell, Mlnatare
Lodgepole, Morrill, Rushvllle, Scotts
bluff, Oshkosh, Sidney. Kimball.
Every town is urged to send at
least three delegates for important
matters will come before this meet
lng regarding commercial club work
and western Nebraska. Every town
is urged to appoint at least one dele'
gate who will tell ten Important
things their club has accomplished
and what they have In view for this
This organization was organized
at Alliance. March 1st, and some
very Important matters were discuss
ed, and this Sidney meeting Is the
outcome of the first meeting.
Every town Is urged to come pre
pared to submit certain subjects tha
confront their town or organization
and it is urged that you notify Secre
tary Fisher of Alliance or J. T. Mc
Cleneghan at Sidney, so that proper
arrangements can be made to enter
tain the delegates.
IiHtct News by Special CorreHnd
ent from WeMeru Nebraska's
Educational Institution
Chadron, Nebr., April 7 Mrs.
Snow and Mr. and Mrs. Mohatt were
visitors in the primary room last
wec't. new typewriters have arrived
for the business department. The
screen has been placed around the
banking center In the business de
partment, and in the typewriter
room a table for the machines Is be
ing constructed that extends the full
length of the room.
Last Friday afternoon the practice
teachers In Miss Delzell's room cave
an interesting program, representing
In part some of the work that the
practice teachers bad charge of In
that room during the third quarter.
At the regular meeting of the sen
iors, reports were received from the
various committees for commence
ment. These were committees for
the School Memorial. Class Day, Bac
calaureate Service. Caps and Gowns
and Invitations. These reports show
the commencement preparations well
advanced. The program for Class
Day has been completed.
The children of Miss Driscoll's
room have been very busy this week
finishing the third quarter's work
The third grade have completed their
"Progressive Readers" and taken up
the "Dramatic Readers" and a book
of Robert Louis Stevenson's poems
Both grades .are preparing to lay
aside their language books, as the re
mainder of the term Is to be devoted
to picture study. Some excellent
fruit pictures and landscape scenes
nave been done in freehand crayon
ine practice teacners nave com
pleted their work of the third quar
ter, and will soon be started on their
new assignments. Excellent results
have been obtained by Elma Scott In
fourth grade arithmetic, by Jessie
Washburn in third grade language
and Lou Schuebel in third grade ge-
ography. The fourth grade geogra
phy class completed their quarter's
work by making water color maps of
the United Slates under the direction
of Elma Sturdevant.
A very attractive Dutch corner has
been started iu the primary room,
which will be characteristic of the
people of Holland and their country.
The first and second grades w ill add
some work each day. Friday, the
second grade finished the hand work
on the Dutcn windmills. They have
also finished some very attractive
hand work to illustrate their reading
lessons "The Fox and Crow" and
"The Crow and the Pitcher". This
work Is done in black water colors,
making the popular shadow picture.
Mr. Marriott completed a success
ful quarter's teaching in seventh
grade reading with a recitation in
which the pupils made their own
selections and preparations. Miss
Hyser's work in the eighth grade wxs
closed with the reading contest. Mr.
Blgelow completed a profitable term
in seventh grade arithmetic; Miss
Krelzenbeck, a very interesting ser
ies of lessons in eighth prart arith
metic; and Mis (ire we closed her
He has absolute faith in his medi
cine he knows when he takes it for
certain aliments he gets relief. Peo
pie who take Dr. King's New Dlscov
ery for an irritating Cold are opti
mists they know this cough remedy
will penetrate the linings of the
throat, kill the germs, and open the
way for Nature to act. You can't
destroy a Cold by superficial treat
ment you must go to the cause of
the trouble. Be an optimist. Get a
bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery
Adv No. 3
(Joes Out Window of Toilet ltoom
While Sheriff Awaits His He-
turn Wanted for Forgery
Sunday morning, on No. 41, while
Sheriff Matlock, of Billings, was
bringing back from Indiana a prison
er charged with forgery, the "bird
flew", making his escape through a
window of the car.
The circumstances surrounding
the escape Were related to a Herald
reporter by Sherley Smith, the porl
er on 41, who was connected with
the case. Just as the train was pull
ing out from Seneca the prisoner
went into the toilet room. Sheriff
Matlock thought no more of the mat
ter until considerable time had elaps
ed and the prisoner had not return
ed. Becoming slightly worried, he
tried the door of the toilet and found
It locked. Repeated attempts failed
to bring any response, and It was
then that the officer asked the porter
to unlock the door. When access
was at last gained, there was no
prisoner In sight, but an open win
dow told the story.
At Hyannls Sheriff Matlock left
the train and started back for a
search, but at this writing no trace
of the prisoner has been found. As
It was dark when the train pulled out
of Seneca, It Is probable the forger
made good his escape, as be had a
considerable start on the officer.
People of Alliance and Vicinity Will
He tilveti Advance Notice lie-
Ranting Weather Cntiditolns
In order that Alliance people may
be Informed of weather conditions,
the Commercial Club this week be
gan taking government bulletins,
and the usual weather flags will be
used (o convey the information to
the people. The flag pole is over the
Commercial Club rooms, so at any
time you wish to know what kind of
weather Is coming. Just cast your
gaze In that direction and you will
know what to prepare for. Most peo
ple are not acquainted with the vari
ous flag signs, and for their benefit
we print the correct Interpretation:
Solid white flag alone fair weath
houa Diue nag alone rain or
White and blue flag alone local
rain or snow.
White flag with black triangle flag
above fair weather, warmer.
White flag, with black triangle
flat below fair weather, colder.
Blue flag with black triangle flag
above rain or snow, warmer
Blue flag with black triangle flag
below rain or snow, colder.
Blue and white flag, with black tri
angle flag above local rain or snow.
Blue and white flag, with black
tnangie nag Deiow local rain or
snow, colder.
It will be well for Herald readers
to preserve these directions and put
them In a prominent place, bo when
you see the flag you can readily know
wbat Is coming.
the states
Inds of cat
ceeds 1,500,
owa . . .
Texas . . .
Kansas . .
New York
Illinois .
Nebraska Is first In the per capita
value of cattle In proportion to the
number of rural Inhabitants. Ac
cording to figures complied by the
Nebraska state board of agriculture
stories of Colonial and Revolution
arv days given by each member o
the class.
The declamatory contest, ueld on
Thursday and Friday mornings of
last week In the eighth grade was
decided success. The class was al
lowed to choose selections from any
class they chose and to have. any one
except their teachers drill them. On
Thursday morning, those In the bu
morons class had their try out, Lu
cllle Scott winning first and Evelyn
Good second; In the oratorical on
Friday morning, Harold Gil lam won
first and Wayne Borton second; and
In the dramatic, Eleanor Wilson won
first, and Catherine Harvey second.
The pupils are all to be commended
for their work and the good will
which was manifested throughout
the program.
The Verein Germanla held its first
regular meeting last Tuesday after
noon. The first part of the meeting
was devoted to progressive games.
and was much enjoyed by the club.
At the buBlnesB session, the club vot
ed to purchase a school memorial
and place an order for pins. Social
chairmen for the remaining meetings
of the year were appointed: Miss
Mae Morrissey, Miss Marian Hoover,
Miss Elizabeth Eaton. Miss Nellie
Morrissey. After the meeting was
adjourned, Miss Steckelberg enter
tained the club at Randall's. The
members enjoyed the entire session,
and by the enthusiasm and attend
ance at this first meeting, we may
expect some very pleasant meetings
of the club this spring.
Monday morning of this week,
Professor Anderson of Lincoln, who
has charge of the state extension
work, accompanied by Messrs. Good,
Lawrence and Hawk, were up to vis
It chapel. There were interesting
talks given on agricultural work.
Professor Anderson talked on the
work of the experimental station,
the extension work and the agricul
tural school as carried on at Lincoln.
Mr. Lawrence emphasized the Inter
est of the Commercial Club In the
farm work and the need of the com
munity's helping (o advance this
work. Mr. Good spoke of the work
of one of our students who Is teach
ing In this county. He showed what
excellent opportunities are open for
young teachers for the education of
girls and boys in extending this work
in the rural districts. The talks
were very much appreciated by the
students and faculty of the Normal.
Alliance Readers . Can No linger
Doubt the Evidence
Again and again we have read of
strangers in distant towns who have
been cured by this or that medicine.
But Alliance's pertinent question has
always been, "Has anyone here in
Alliance been cured?" The word of
a stranger living a hundred miles
away may be true, but it cannot have
the same weight with us as the word
of our own citizens, whom we know
and respect, and whose evidence we
can so easily prove.
Mrs. O. E. Leldy, 322 E. Dakota
St., Alliance, says: "I can highly rec
ommend Doan's Kidney Pills to all
sufferers from kidney complaint, as
I have used them on a number of oc
casions with good results."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don t
Blmply ask for a kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills the same
that Mrs. Leldy had. Foster-Milburn
Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Ah I what relief. No more tired feet;
no more burning feet, swollen, bad smell
ing, sweaty feet. No more pain in corns
callouses or bunions. No matter what
ails your feet
or what under
the sun you've
tried without
getting relief,
lust use "TIZ."
TIZ" draws
out all the poi
sonous exuda
tions which puff
up the feet;
"TIZ" is mag
leal; "TIZ" is
grand; "TIZ"
will cure your
foot troubles so
you'll never limp or draw up your fa
In pain. Your shoes won't seem tigh
and your feet will never, never hurt or
get sore, swollen or tired.
Get a Zo cent box at any drug or
department store, and get rebel.
Claimed $180 for Groceries Purchas
ed from Him While in Busi
ness In Alliance
On Saturday a case was tried be
fore Judge Berry In which Ora Phil
lips of Ilemlngford was plaintiff, and
Edgar B. Ozman of Alliance was de
fendant, Phillips bringing suit for
$189, which he claimed was due him
from Ozman for groceries purchased
by the defendant while he (Phillips)
was in the grocery business in Alli
ance several years ago.
It was about 8 o'clock In the even
ing before a Jury was secured, and
at 10:30 they returned a verdict rec
ommending that Phillips be awarded
judgment In the amount of $184.26,
nearly all that was asked.
It will be remembered that Phil-
Hps, the plaintiff in the case, is now
under indictment at Chadron for in
Should Not Feel Discouraged
So many people troubled with In
digestion and constipation have been
benefitted by taking Chamberlain's
Tablets that no one should feel dis
couraged who has not given them a
trial. They contain no pepsin or
other digestive ferments but streng
then the stomach and enable it to
perform its functions naturally. Ob
talnable everywhere.
Improving Court House Yard
Workmen are now busy clearing
the court house yard, and as soon as
the work is completed the entire
grounds will be blasted and set out
to blue grass. In addition there will
be about one hundred more trees set
out. The walk in front of the build
'n?. on Box i:v.tU'. will bu taken up
iu. 1 .i n v o'. 'about elpht f't. wide
People who are looking for a home
or farm, or for a money-making in
vestment In any kind of real estate.
will do well to call at our office and
Investigate the following:
Fine residence lots. In good loca
tion. For sale on easy terms.
Seven room house. All modern.
On northeast corner lot. Six blocks
from bank corners. At a bargain,
on easy terms.
Good small house in northeast part
of town. Six lots. Chicken house
and stable. Easy terms with small
cash payment. Good borne for some
320 acres good farm land. Unlm
proved. Within five miles of Alli
ance. For sale or trade at a bargain.
On our lists we have a number of
good ranches. Letters of inquiry
are answered promptly. Tell us
what you want and how much you
have to Invest. We can suit you.
Phone B58.
211 Box Butte Ave., Alliance, Nebr,
seVenth grade history work with "M bu laid In Us
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
From a small beginning the sale
and use of this remedy has extended
to all parts of the United States and
to many foreign countries. When you
have need of such a medicine give
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a trial
and you will underui.d why it has
become so popular for ooughs. colds
and croup. Obtalnanle oerywhere.
Buy your meats at the shop
where you get quick and re
liable service.
Prices have been reduced to
save you money.
Our weights are absolutely
Phone your next order to 40.
City Meat Market
ITnUistor'a Pnrkpv Mountain Tea
Is nature's own tonic, purely vegeta
ble. Its use is not followed by de
vitalizing after-effects. Safe and
sure, try It for debility, anaemia,
poor appetite, Spring tiredness. Tea
or tablets, 35c. II. F. THIELE.
Try This on
Your Eczema
If you are afflicted with Salt
Rheum, Tetter, dry Eczema,
Acne or Pimples, buy a jar of
Dry Zensal. For that watery
eruption or Weeping Skin, use
Moist Zensal. 50 cents the
rank as follows for all
tie where the number ex
,000 In the state:
Per Capita
Nothing has ever
equaled or compared
with the medicinal fatt
in Soott's Emulsion to
arrest the decline, invigorate
the blood, strengthen the
i .t
nervous system, ai a me appe-
v j
of better health.
Soott'm Emulsion is
pure health -build
lng food, without
alcohol or opiate.
THE only barn paint on the market whose liquid analysis
shows 43.7 pure linseed oil is Standby Barn Paint.
Think of that nearly kali the liquid is oil. Just compare
that with the formula of any other barn paint.
The makers are glad to publish their formula, for they want
you and every man who has barns, sheds, fences and roofs
to paint to know just what it contains.
Pure Linseed Oil 43.7
Heavy Japan 56.3
That formula speaks for itself. Every man that buys paint knows
that the oil percentage is the important point. Standby Barn Paint
is made of pure mineral pigments and oil. The pigments are ground
by special processes that make them especially fine and smooth.
We are so confident that Standby Paint is superior to others that all
we ask is that you be the judge. You know good paint when you see
the formula you know good paint when you see how is looks- how
it spreads and how it covers. Let us give you a
Free Sample Can
Vou know this is the severest test possible, and if we didn't have the
paint, we couldn't afford to do it.
Get this sample paint your barn door ith i' see how it covers
how easily il works under the brush. Note i.m- brilliant the color
and how glossy the finish.
You can tell by the formula it is all paint all uodness.
You can tell by the sample that it goes far and n'tves the results you
want. All thatremuinsto know is the wearing quality.
We Guarantee Standby Barn
Paint for S Years
Drop in our store today and get that Sample Can.
Dierks Lumber and Coal Co,
No. I him r!t':JrmJ' w
3 Or. li J WW V I
Itaak Put 4 Cam C V
Ho. VanrDvr
Climatic Conditions Affect
Good paint must hold its color and present a smooth, even sur
face free from cracks, checks or peeling. To do this the paint must
be made especially to fit the climatic conditions of the locality where
it is to be used.
Lincoln Climatic Paint
stands this climate best. It is made of materials which resist ex
posure to rain and sunshine, heat and cold, and the varying condi
tions or our particular climate.
Call at our store and examine our large climatic map of the
United States, and get a book telling how paint is made to fit our
HoIstenVThe Rexall Store"
With Standard Grades of Coal, direct from our bins to your home or
office. We bare a big supply of
Canon City Nut and Lump Sheridan Nut and Lump
Pennsylvania Hard Coal Kindling
on hand, ready for quick delivery. Phone 22.
Dierks Lumber and Coal