The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 01, 1915, Image 8

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R. R. Klnrald and L. O. Pittullo ! Using In The Herald, and they will
were here from the Bingham country
last Thursday and Friday looking af
ter business matters.
Nice, Jiilrk Meaks and pork loin.
Tou will always find them at A. I.
Rodger' Grocery Store.
J. O. Hold, master mechanic for
the Burlington, went to Seneca last
Friday on railroad business.
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Wheeler were
.kere from Ellsworth last Thursday
And Friday making final proof in the
local land office.
C. H. Sampson, assistant auditor
for the Burlington, was here from
Omaha last Friday.
Lars Lofquest, of the Antioch
country, was here last Friday with
ome produce for the local niarktt.
Mr. Lofuuest stated that the roads
were In such condition that it was
necessary for him to use the railroad
to do his marketing.
Furniture ami rug for sale at sac
rifice price. VIA). J. HAND.
Henry Gye was here last Friday
from near the Kice ranch making
final proof on his claim.
Leo J. Hitter was in Alliance Fri
day making final proof In the local
land office. Mr. Hitter's ranch is
near Ellsworth.
Mrs. M. L. 1'hares, of Bridgeport,
was here the latter part of last week
attending the teachers' convention
and vlsttlng with her slater, Mrs. K.
T. Watson.
Don't fail to read every advertise
ment in this issue. Each one con
tains a story that means much to you
In dollars and cents.
Emma Doyle went to Berea Mon
day and remained until Tuesday vis
iting with friends.
The Herald's telephone number Is
340. Next lime you know any news,
lust call that number and tell us
about it. Editors are only human,
and sometimes we miss an item of
Importance which some of our sub
scribers knew and failed to tell ua.
Remember three four oh.
The cafes and hotels were about
the busiest places in town the latter
part of last week, taking care of the
J. M. Kllpatrlck came in last Frl
day from Beatrice to look after his
ranch near Alliance and to attend to
other business matters.
Mrs. J. I'arsons came down from
Edgemont last Friday for a short
visit with Mrs. 11. V. Dinsmore and
Mrs. George Eckhardt.
H. E. Boone arrived last Friday
from northwest Moutana, where he
moved from Alliance last July, to
look after business matters and visit
with .friends for a few days. Mr
jpoone sun retains nis rancn near
H. Brunson returned to his home
Bear Lakeside Monday after a few
days visit with friends here. He
was accompanied by J. A. Shane
who visited with friends there until
no doubt enjoy a good business
The next Commercial Club smok
er Is April 12, at the opera house.
Alliance young men attending the
State University who spent the East
er holidays with horme folks were
Max Wilcox. Lloyd Tully and Marty
Miss Viola Klelnke returned Mon
day from Dalton, where she had been
visiting with her parents
Mrs. E. L. Knapp went to Broken
Bow last Thursday for a few days
visit with relatives and friends,
Nice, Juicy steaks nml pork loins.
You will always find them at A. I)
Rodger' Grocery Store.
J. E. Erlckson. superintendent of
stock yards on the Burlington rail
road, was in Alliance Thursday at
tending to business matters.
Mrs. Archie Gregory and children
returned Tuesday from Thermopolls,
Wyoming. They had been confined
In that town for a few days on ac
count of the daughter Mildred con
trading measles. Mr. Gregory re
turned several days ago.
W. W. Norton made a business
trip to the North Platte valley the
last of the week. He has several
fine irrigated farms there.
Anton Uhrlg. A. M. Miller. A. 8
Enyeart, Carl Fostrum and John F.
Foley were Hemlngford people who
came to Alliance on business Friday
of last week.
August Hornburg, the trained
nurse, returned Friday from Hyan
nls. where he had been nursing S. S.
Sears, who Is now much better.
Mrs. T. L. Johnson and baby, of
Lincoln, sister of II. A. Johnson of
Alliance, arrived Thursday morning
of last week for a visit of ten days
with her brother and wife. Her hus
band Is in charge of the stock yards
at Lincoln.
Miss Lenna aBsye returned Ratur
day morning from Lincoln, where
she has been attending business col
lege. She will be at home until af
ter Easter, when she will return to
Lincoln to complete her business
course there.
A special meeting of the band has
been called for Friday night at 7
o'clock sharp at the City Hall to
consider the matter of hiring a band
leader for this summer. The secre
tary urges that everyone that Is In
terested In the band be present at
that time.
Robert M. Bernecker, an expert
butter maker, arrived Monday from
Denver, having accepted a position
with the Alliance Creamery. His
family will arrive the first of next
man of this city, and the groom has
a position in one of the Alliance res
taurants, and both are well and fav
orably known. They will make their
home here for the present.
Mrs. R. M. Wheeler and daughter
of Ellsworth came up to Alliance on
Thursday of thla week to have some
dental work done, returning home on
4 4 today.
Martin Mulhall, of Ellsworth, was
here Monday looking after business
S. K. Stewart, operator at Ells
worth, was In town today visiting
and looking after business matters.
Miss Doris Barber went to Lake
side Wednesday to spend the Easier
holidays with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. I)e Iah Barber.
Mrs. J. R. Chambers and children
returned Wednesday from Ansora,
vh're they had benn for the past few
d.'iys visiting wio vra and
Mrs. J. T. Whitehead, or Mitchell,
came in the first of this ween for a
few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. V.
W. Harris.
Dave and Tom Brlggs came In
Monday and remained until Tuesday
visiting and looking after business :
matters, when they went to Rushvllle ,
to attend the meeting of the board
of assessors. i
... 1
J. E. Erlckson was In this city on i
business last Thursday. Mr. Erlck
son is superintendent of the Burling
ton stock yards.
Miss Mary O'Keefe went to Oma
ha Tuesday for an extended visit
with friends.
Misses Hazel Minor and Lena
Westover, who are attending St. Ag-!
nes academy, went to Hyannls Wed- j
needay to spend the Easter holidays
with home folks. !
... i
MrB. Al. Slefert departed Wednes- '
day for Ottawa. 111., for an extended
visit with her sister who Uvea at that
place. She will stop at Broker Bow
today for a day's visit with friends.
Mrs. Fred Vaughn went to Broken
Bow Wednesca for a few days visit
with her mother.
Mrs. Frank Noble and Mrs. D. A.
Thompson, of Lakeside, were in the
city Wednesday shopping.
Mrs. George Hunsakfr came in
from Antioch Wednesday for a few
days visit with Mrs. C. 1. Wakeman.
Mrs. C. E. Clouch and Miss Elsie
Clough returned yesterday from Mln
atare where they were called Satur
day by telegram to the bedside of a
relative who passed away Sunday ev
ening, the funeral being held Tues
day. ...
C. E. Clough was up from the
ranch Tuesday for repairs for ma
chinery, preparatory to commencing
spring work.
Mrs. Jim Dally, who had been vis
iting with relatives and friends, at
Minatare, came up Wednesday for a
few days visit with friends before re
turning to her home at Sterling.
J. L. Hooper and daughter, who
had been visiting here for a few days
returned to their home at Lakeside
Wednesday. j
. .
Dr. George J. Hand was called to
Hay Springs yesterday on a profes
sional visit, returning this noon on
MiBB Eva Duncan, who was recent-
fru- i hi i i j vfcv ihim awi a r ' i no, a v
,u. vr,.ui, .. ,,,-;st Joseph.B hospital returned to her!
Izlng on brick ice cream for Easter,
and is taking orders now, to be de
livered Sunday morning. The bricks
will be made in quart sizes, and the
patrons have the choice of yellow
and white or chocolate and white.
Patrons are asked to get their orders
in by Saturday noon If possible.
Mrs. Wm. Davidson returned home
home last Friday, in excellent health. ;
Mrs. J. E. Richardson and daugh
ter Gladys returned to their home at 1
Worland, Wyo., last Friday after a
three weeks' visit with the former's
sister, Mrs. H. D. Hacker.
On Tuesday evening of this week
the members of the girls' basket ball
v. Wednesday from Orchard, where she team were entertained at a 6 o'clock
Mrs. N. Winter stopped off be-1 had been visiting with relatives and , rti
tween tralnB Monday on her way friends. Lam, on Ble Horn avenue. The tal
. ...... ! . . lblB were very prettily decorated
..ih ih .t f lm.0re l, An" wl,h and white with roses In
llnr, . , flJ?,V ,l h, 8 Wee ,for,a the center, and the dinner was de
short visit with relatives and friends. ,lclou8. Thoge t were M,
Furniture and rugs for sale at sac ' "f1,0" Nation. Nellie
rifle price. JKO. J. HAND.
Mrs. W. A. Gosmer was down from
Hemingford Tuesday and Wednes
day of this week, attending the Alli
ance School of Music.
A. E. Hann returned to his home
borne from Morrill, visiting
Mrs. C. Sanquest while here.
Mrs. C. C. Stevens came in from
Bridgeport lam Thursday and re
mained until Monday visiting with
tier sister, Mrs. 11. Aspden, and fam
ily. J. H. Clark and family were here
the latter part of last week and the
first of this week visiting with his
brdther, M. L. Clark, and family, on
the Squibbs ranch.
. .
K. Canneld, who had been visiting
here for the past several weeks, re
turned to his home at Morrill Mon
day. W. E. Spencer, manager of the Al
liance Creamery, returned Sunday
from Omaha where he had been at
tending to business matters.
The 36x66 addition to th- Nicolai
garage is being consplen-d. and is be
ing floored concrete through
out. The increasing business at the
Reo garage hus necessitated the
building of this addition, and as soon
as it is completed there be plen
ty of room. Mr. Nicolai anticipates
a good automobile business this
spring and summer, and is preparing
to handle his share of it.
C. E. Wills, in charge of the gov
ernment drainage project near Mit
chell, passed through Alliance Tues
day enroute for the east on a busi
ness and pleasure trip.
Run your auto on lUco-Ga-soline,
Wright. Ruth Sturgeon, Izetta Rens
wold, Edith Vanderwart, Dolly Hag-
aman, Nina Whaley and Miss Can-1
A marriage license was issued Sat- ;
urday to Miss Anna K. Sorenson and I
Richard S. Smith, both of Angora, i
and they were united in marriage the
faster fUMUmery
1c a A
We have a fine line for the
Easter trade, all new goods and latest
styles. Remember that before Easter,
as well as after, we sell at
Reasonable Prices
Best Goods at Money
Saving Prices
Mrs. Sanquest & Daughters
Buy your meats at the shop
where you get quick and re
liable service.
Prices have been reduced to
save you money.
Our weights are absolutely
Phone your next order to 40.
City Meat Market
Received this Week
Many New and
Attractive Styles
A Style and a Price
to Suit Everyone....
REGAN'S-Opera House Block
Try This on
Your Eczema
If you are afflicted with Salt
Rheum, Tetter, dry Eczema,
Acne or Pimples, buy a jar of
Dry Zensal. For that watery
eruption or Weeping Skin, use
Moist Zensal. 50 cents the
Special Ice Cream Bricks
for Easter
in Yellow and White
or Chocolate and White
Quart Bricks 50 Cents Each
Order from Alliance Creamery or Brennan's Drug Store. Have
orders in by Saturday noon if possible
near Mitchell Tuesday after a short same day by Rev. Baker at the Meth-
business visit here. jodist parsonage. Mrs. S olth is the'
I daughter of Severin Sorenson. Mr.
eeds and Nursery! J? . Fielding
K. V. leather, of Mitchell,
here Tuesday on business.
Wm. Carter and wife departed
Sunday for Casper. Wyoming, where
he has a position. Mr. Carter has
been employed here for the past sev
ral months by (J. W. Kehder.
Painters were at work this week
redecorating the entire Interior of
Brennan's drug siore.
Mrs. Nellie Wilson, city librarian,
returned the first of this week from
a short visit at Omaha.
At Just about the time when it
looks as though we were going to
have a spell of nice weather two or
three days at least along comes a
snow and spoils everything. The
weather man sandwiches in a single
nice day once in a while, but that is
about the extent of his courtesy.
Mrs. C A. Vpuhorrv A Till lilt II ph-
More mer and greater etllcieiuy. At ;ter. May. departed Tuesday for Coun
tli Iteo Garage, 18c er gallon. I cil Bluffs. Iow a, w here Miss May will
J7-tr-5J4 5 enter the Mercy hospital and prepare
w ti -7 -,.?, r r. to bwome a trained nurse. The beBt
Ku' in km . 8. Sn are "ow wishes for her success from her
nt '''"T iD AUUnc- They many frlemU wlth Miss Newbw!
nave purchased a new auto truck, ry
and are going after the business in ...
earnest. As their ad states, they do Miss Shirley Haeaman and Lyle
painting .pn pnrer hanging, auto Morse, both of Alliance, were mar
aud sign pit- - inn and rue cleaning, rled at the court house at 8:30 Mnn
and guarantee satisfaction. The new day morning by Judge Berry. The
company is starting right by adver- bride is the daughter of Geo Haga-
Smlth is a contractor at Angora. The j
best wishes of their friends go with J
them in wishing them a smooth voy-!
age on the sometimes ruffled sea of
matrimony. !
In conversation with a Herald rep
resentative Friday, Judge W. W. j
Wood, commissioner of the local
land office, stated that this was the i
worst winter he had seen ih'"
country for thirty years, . ;
had been living here. Eight yew.--ago.
according to Mr. "Wood, the
leaves were very noticeable on the
trees, and there were signs of spring
everywhere. The exceptionally bad
weather of this year has been gener
al, and this part of the country has
been no more unfortunate than all
other places.
Mrs. George E. Davis. Worthy Ma
tron of the Alliance Chapter O. 12. S..
went to Seneca last Saturday accom- i
panied by eleven other members of I
the local chapter, where a new chap-!
ter was constituted. The party was j
Joined at Hyannls by three members
of that chapter, who assisted them In
exemplifying the work. The visit
ors were afterward treated to an
elegant banquet. On Sunday Mrs.
Davis went to Kimball where she
constituted another chapter, officers
from Sidney exemplifying the work
on Monday afternoon, and the nffio
rs of the Pine BH .T, Wyv. Nil,"
taLlrtf charge Monday evening- TMj
loosest Stock of Field, Grass, CJar-,
den. Flower, Seeds, Ilulbs and
Plants hi the State
Samples, Catalogs aud Prices on Ap- 1
r14 Harney Sreet, Omaha, Nebraska
chapter was organized with a mem
bership of about 25.
Fife Bros., musical evangelists,
have been secured by the Christian
church, and meetings are being held
the latter part of this week and the
first of next. These people have an
excellent reputation, and those who
have already heard them claim it is
an extraordinary attraction. They
have about $3,500 worth of musical
Instruments. A cordial invitation is
extended everyone to attend these
Told That There Was
No Cure for llliu
"After Suffering for over twenty
years with Indigestion and having
some of the best doctors here tell me
there was no cure for me, I think it
only right to tell you for the sake of
oM- snrff-rrrs ns well as your own
atlKf.iction that a 25 cent bottle of
The Wardrobe
The only odorless cleaning in the City. AVe have the only
power machinery in Alliance for the cleaning of clothes none
of that odor found in hand cleaning. The price is no higher.
Try us and be convinced.
315 Box Butte Ave.
Phone 682
Chamberlain's Tablets not only re
, lieved me but cured me within two
i months although I am a man of 65
(years." writes Jul. Grobien, Houston,
i Texas. Obtainable everywhere.
County AMwirii Met
All except three of the twelve pre
cinct assessors of the county met on
Monday with County Assessor John
Jelinek, preparing to start out today
on the annual assessment work. The
work UoUully ikes about bik.y Ua)b.
Furnished rooms for rent. Strictly
modern. 322 E. Second; phone 664
WANTED A good second hand.
Ford. State number of miles run,
when purchased, and best cash price
Address Box .837, Alliance. Nebr.