the ALLIANCE HERALD to five years In the penitentiary. Dor gan Is the man who wrecked the In terior of the cage at the city Jail Monday evening after being arrested by the night marshal). He claimed that the night marshal! treated him cruelly after being arrested and that he did the damage out of revenge. He tore up the mattresses and smash ed the plumbing in the cage, and cre ated a general scene of wreckage. Likes the Town J. O. Greusel, of Greusel & Miller, leading Lincoln real estate men, is In the city today, stopping over while on his way to Scottsbluff, where he has been selling some farm and ranch property. Mr. Greusel says that the outlook for the real es tate business during the coming year Is very bright and states that his firm Is going to give particular at tention to the colonization of west ern Nebraska during the coming months. He left for Scottsbluff at noon. JOHJf W. THOMAS, Kdltor LLOYD C. THOMAS, City Editor ALVA jjjiyjifQ rubllnhed erery Thunuhiy by THE HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY Incorporated Lloyd C. Thorn-, ft-eeldent J- ThomM, Vice Pre. John W. Thorn, Secretary Entered at the post office at Alliance, Nebraska, for.tranamlaslon through the mailt as aecond-claaa matter. A Wheat Field Yesterday A Town Today A City Tomorrow SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, ll.BO PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Arguments are being made for a new trial for Ira Phillips, who was ' - v- A S-"-- convicted in the district court there Mrs. Claude Vaughan returned on Monday from Kansas City, where she .1' u a ') wns m visited her parents and other rela lives for about a month. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Wet o?er, Tueaday, February 23, a baby boy, weighing twelve pounds. Skinner'a Macaroni Producta made In Nebraska. Ask your grocer. -Adv. Mr. and Mra. L. L. Smith enter tained at dinner Sunday the follow ing guests: Mra. L. Z. Holloway, Mr. and Mra. L. II. Highland, Mr. and Mra. Lloyd C. Thomas, Mr. W. O. Nelman and Mlsa tvlan Holloway. Mrs. O. J. Appelburg of Hot Springs la the week-end guest of Mra. L. Z. Holloway. Mra. Appel burg expecta to leave the latter part of the week for Omaha, to visit her daughter and friends. The Lenten teas served by the Episcopal Ouild ladles were given by Mrs. L. L. Smith, Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Tlmmel. Mrs. Lloyd C. Thomas. Mrs. Rob't Reddish, Miss Young and Mrs. None. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cotton of Bingham brought their Infant child to Alliance on Monday for medical treatment. They returned home Wednesday, the little one much Im proved. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Watson enter tained at dinner on Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Ralls of this city and Mesdames Riddle and Bennett of Ellsworth. The party then re paired to the Imperiul. The even ing was greatly enjoyed by all. Mrs. R. T. Watson returned Tues day from a week's visit at Fairvlew ' with her daughter, Mrs. Munger. Mrs. L. L. Chambers and Mrs. Orr Surprise of Angora visited friends In Alliance last week. , Mr. and Mra. Horace Bogue re turned Sunday from their extended ' eastern trip. i Attorney B. F. Oilman Is In Chad ron this week. He is one of the at-1 torneya In the Phillips arson cases.' Say Printers! Why are you waatlng good time setting type by hand, breaking your back and straining your eyes ov er a type case? Do you know that the time you waste In tbla way would pay you bet'er If spent out after business and would pay the cost of Installing a nearly aew Junior Linotype Machine In your plant, allowing you to give your readers more news and set In better shape. We have for sale, on easy terms, a late model two-letter (light and black face) Junior Linotype. It is completely equipped and in good condition. For full part'culars write to Herald Publishing Co. Alliance, Nebraska The Woman's Club will meet Fri day afternoon with Mrs. J. O. Dole, at her home on West Sevinth street. Mrs. C. A. Wetherall cane down from Casper the latter part of last week to spend some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Milllken Last Friday afternoon Mrs. F. W. Harris entertained a few lady friends at bridge. Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Reynolds re turned the latter part of last week from Omaha, where they had been visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Fee of Kalispel, Montana, is visiting at the W. O. Barnes home this week. Frank Hedglln and family depart ed the first of the week for Bridge port where they will make their fu ture home. Last Friday evening Miss Edith Reddish waa pleasantly surprised by about twenty of her friends. The guests all gathered at the Holsten home and proceeded from there to the Reddish home. The evening was spent In playing games, and a delicious luncheon was served. Those present were: Till ie Frankle, Thel ma Fitzpatrlck, Delia Holsten, Mar garet Harris, Helen Rice, Rose and Grace Carlson, Mabel Young, Doro thy Bicknell, and 'Messrs. Marvin Dickinson, Aubrey Young, Leo Vau ghn, Frank Buechsenstein, Norman Newberry, Vivian Hall, Morris Nel son, Richard Knlest and Everett ()' Keefe. Mrs. J. G. Beck departed Saturday for Central City, where she will visit her daughter Mrs. Hazel Beck Con nors, and from there she will go to Des Moines, where she will visit oth er relatives. Mrs. Jerry Rowan had a delightful surprise last week when a number of her friends came In to play bridge. Omar J. Scribner, by his attorney, Leo Basye, has filed petition for di vorce against Etta L. Scribner, alleg ing extreme cruelty. They were married February 2, 1913, at the home of her parents, eighteen miles west of Hemlngford. She la attend ing business college in th& eastern part of the state. BASKET BALL AND BOX SOCIAL Ihttihlelieuder (iame and Itox Social Combined at High School (J)iii Tomorrow Night There will be two games of basket ball at the High school gym Friday night for the single admission of fifteen cents. The Central school will play Emerson, and the alumni team will play the first High school team. Game will be called at 7:30. The box social in connection with the basket ball games will be a big feature of the evening's entertain ment. Each class of the High school will furnish a stunt. Everybody in vited. Doors open at 7 o'clock. mi.lTlCAL POT lUHMNG 1 CttndiditteN Are Talked of for Differ ent City OflU-e Petitions Slow In Coming Out With election only a little over a month away April 6th the polit ical pot in Alliance la beginning to boil. The only candidate to an nounce himself for mayor up to to day is Penrose E. Romlg, now coun cilman from the new first ward. Archie Gregory, who has been city treasurer for the past year, has pe titions out for re-election to a sec ond term. With four wards, now that Alli ance has become a city of the first class, and with only two councllmea holding over, Snyder and Fleming, a total of six councilmen will have to be elected for the coming term of two year 8. The first and second wards will each elect one councilman and the third and fourth ward will t ach elect two councilmen. Candidates whose names are men tioned but whose petitions are not yet out are Ben Sallows for council man in the first ward; Ed Shields and F. J. Waa for councilman in the second ward; John Brennan, Jerry Kowan and W. II. Swan for council man in the third ward; A. J. Welch and Wm. Davidson for councilman in the fourth ward; Uovd c. Thom as tor city clerk. It la expected that there will be a number of new candidates for the different city offices out within the next few days. 1915 MARCH 1915 jSJ M I T W T F fin I 123456 Z8 9.1PH1213 14151617181920 21222524252627 !28!29l50l31 I T1 ON TOP Filed SeriouM Charge W. 11. MatthlesJias filed a charge In h olMrict cmi "ttHlnnt Dal Dor gan of assault and battery with in c.l iv -to - . i.itny liar . The penalty for the charge is from one, We are on top in the news line. Read this paper regu larly and be convinced.. Mr. MoClaln's Experience With Croup. "When my boy, Ray. was small he was subject to croup, and I was always alarmed at such times. Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy proved far better than any other for this trouble. It always relieved him quickly. I am never without it In the house for 1 knot, it is a positive cure for croup," writes Mrs. W. R, McClain. Blairsville, Pa. For sale by ll dealers. Advertisement. WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT THE re, New Shew llllSIRil RURlFSfiUP 111 fcJ KVCRY WUK Claaa. CteMj EatsrUlnmsnl Enbod f Bow Ask Anibedr. LADIES' DIME MATINEE DAILY DONT uo nUMt dat in I I DIDN'T VISIT THE GAYETY ' Mtf PRETTY BOUDOIR CAP. This boudoir ch. Imitating the Dutch cap In fnnhlon. In hulH f gold metal lace with a garniture arrow the front of pink chiffon rose. HOW "TIZ" HHPS SORUP rEET Good-bye sore feet, burning feet, swol len feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tired feet. Good-bye corns, callouses, bunions nul raw spots. v more shoe tight ness, no more limping with pain or drawing up your fare iu agony. "TIZ" U magical, acts right off. "TIZ" draws out all the poisonous exuda tions which puff up the feet. Use "TIZ" and for- get your foot misery. Ah I how com fortable your feet feeL Get a 25 cent I ox of "TIZ" now at any druggist or department store. Don't suffer. Have good feet, glad feet, feet that never swell, never hurt, never get tired. A year's foot comfort guar aa teed or money refunded. FOIl EXCHANGE tor weHtern Nebr aska land. 320 ucre Improved farm In Nance county, Nebraska, Ave miles from Fullerton. Address Box 6764, care Alliance Herald, with full des cription of land which you wish to ex chanRo and price of same. Fn SALE Two lots In Johnston's Addition, or will trade for horses or cows. Address W, care Herald. For Sale or Trade A good Marlln 38-55 rifle for sale or trade for shotgun. Address Box 5759, Herald Office, Alliance. 13-tf-5759 I lAoiTE E VAUGHAN OMAHA The Jeffery Chesterfield Six is the most up-to-date of all up-to-date cars Every feature of the Jeffery Chesterfield Six is stamped with the approval of the world's fore most engineers. , For example, the "Chesterfield" high speed, high efficiency, small bore motor is the type which European and leading American engineers today regard as the most perfect automobile motor ever built. This type Jeffery made famous in America The Jeffery Chesterfield system of four speeds for ward and one reverse is, in conjunction with the high speed six-cylinder engine, the most up-to-date of all transmissions. In the rear axle you will find that type to which all the greatest engineers are turning: the silent worm drive. The "Chesterfield" cantilever springs, as Jeffery suspends them, give the most perfect riding comfort You swing over the roads without vibration or jar. In all these, and many other respects Jeffery leads. An extra $1,000,000 is the sum Jeffery pays again this year for such super-quality. If you want to see the most advanced of nil good cars, if you are interested in knowing what the engineering world approves as the finest in materials and design, come in and see the Jeffery Chesterfield Six. These are Jeffery "Chesterfield' Specifications: Motor small bore, high speed Four forward speeds Worm drive rear axle 3 plat dry disc clutch Tungsten stej valve Cantilever springs Spicer universal joints Daimler leather coupling Imported annular ball bearings One-man Neverleek top Bijur starting and lighting Collins curtains Empico driven edometer Solar headlights & intensities Stewart vacuum gasoline Iced Klaxet horn Wall ham clock Cloth upholstery optional Jtffmry Ch.ifrfMJ Six, $1,650 f Jtfftry 'Four. $ 1.450 Jmffiry rpoaanjr Suc-48, $2,400 all pn'cii f.o.6. Kttotha, Wis. (Dealer's Name Hera) o A new railroad building from Port land to San Francisco opens up for settlement and development some of the finest farming and timber land in Oregon. Alvadore is a new railroad townsite 110 miles south of Portland in one of the most fertile sections of the Willamette vallej. The half-way point between Coos Bay, the best harbor, and Portland, the best dis tributing point in Oregon. Sur rounded by thousands of acres jof the finest fruit and berry land in the state. Trading center for 10,000 acre sub-divided district and a rich diversified farming country. Irrigation Unnecessary 10 Months Growing Season Flowers Every Month in the Year Crop failures are unknown. Billions of feet of timber near the town and water power on the river will make it a manufacturing center. Many homes, stores, school ami canning factory are now building. Hundreds of thousands of dollars will be spent in building and development during the coming year with consequent increase in property values. j The railroad is desirous of a rapid development and to assure this the company are offering for a short time only business lots at $100 and residence lots at $50, with special inducements to builders. There are openings in numerous lines of business. Fortunes were mnde in the development of California and the Pacific Coast of Washington. Larger fortunes will be made in the development of the Willamette valley, owing to its greater resources. Get in on the Ground Floor If interested in land for dairying, diversified farming, fruit growing or chicken raising, at a fraction of the cost of similar land elsewhere ; or if interested in property in the orig inal townsite of a rapidly growing town, call ou or address A. D.BOYD Alliance Hotel Phone Black 388