CATTLEMEN - SHIP YOUR HIDES, RAW FURS, WOOL THIS "PRUDENT" YOUNG MAN BANKED HIS MJNEY AND BECAME A PARTNER Such a thing as not "having a chance" Is all HOSll. Every man has a cluuice if he will only TAKK the chance. Older men with lots of MONEY are looking for younger men with a little money whom they would like to take into PARTNER SHIP. Nothing can hold flown a man with CHARACTER and money. RANKING your money will build your character. Do it and have BOTH. Make OUR bank YOUR bank First State Bank ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Hides and Furs Ship your 'hides to the Chicago Hide & Fur Co. Grand Island, Nebr., or Omaha Hide & Fur Co. Omaha, Nebr. Wholesale Dealers in Hides, Wool, Pelts and Furs Write for Tags and Price List We Pay Highest Price FILL THE COAL BIN With Standard Grade of Coal, direct from our bins to your home or office. We have a big supply of Canon City Nut and Lump Sheridan Nut and Lump Pennsylvania Hard Coal Kindling on hand, ready for quick delivery. 1'hone 22. Dierks Lumber and Coal COMPANY P. W. HAARGARTEN, Manager Direct to the Old Reliable LINCOLN HIDE & FUR CO., LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Owned and Operated Since Its Existence by Cadwallader Bros. Our prices never equalled Write for Price List and shipping tags HIDES TANNED Ship us j-our Cattle and Horse Hides and lot us tan them and make into beauti ful FUR ROBES, FUR COATS, MITTS and GLOVES. We give you workmanship of the very hiphest character. We do not split the hides neither do we trim away a great part of your hides, but tan the whole hides making you a larger and better robe from the same size hide than most tanners will. Write for tanning Catalog and shipping tags. LINCOLN HIDE & FUR COMPANY LINCOLN, NEBRASKA IN THE BUSINESS. Address Scavenger Do you want trash, ref use and rubbish hauled f Vaults cleaned t We do this work quickly at rea sonable prices. Special rates for business and res idence property. Phone 676 Pegg and Darnell Free! Free! A set of 7 commercial atlas map covering states of Missou ri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Illinois and Iowa, size 21 by 28, giving townships and ranges, not cheap circulation maps, but high clans, large scale, correct and practical, worth 25c each. . 50 WORD AD one time In the best real estate advertising medium in the Unit ed States and the Real Estate Exchange for one year, all for $1.00. Big- f;est bargain ever offered. Time i ml ted. Send us your $1.00 Im mediately and get the best real estate paper published and the other good things along with it. Sample copy on request. Real Estate Exchange Ilelle, Mo. HOUSE TO REM or lease. Land to rent or lease. Land or city pi operty for sale. Phone 36. C. W. JEFFERS On. "3TO-U.X Trip take with you a box of good CIG-AKS and a late Get them at up town news stand or at depot Ciller Bros. Frank M. Coquillette, D.C. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJUSTER Imperial Theatre Building Alliance, Nebraska Lady Assistant Phone 515 J. F. YAMDERS TAILOR and HATTER FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA CLEAN RAGS WANTED flood rrW pp(il fnr 1f rtr t Herald office.- Mum bd launder ed, if oW Column s t "The Ford Psalm" The Ford is my auto, I shall not want; It maketb me to lie under it in green pastures, It leadeth me Into much trouble, it drawetb upon my purse. Yea, though I understand my Ford perfectly, I fear much evil. For its radius rods, or its exles, might break. I go on the paths of death for Its sake, It hath a blowout in the presence of my enemies. And I annoint the tire with a patch, and the radiator boiletb over. Surely this thing will not follow me all the days of my life, Or I will dwell in the house of pov erty forever. MORAL: Equip your Ford with one of the KooKoo clocks, and when the thing reaches a speed of 25 miles per hour, the bird will come out and sing, "Nearer My God to Thee." A traveler who bellveed himself to be the sole survivor of a shipwreck upon a cannibal isle, hid for three days, in terror of hiB life. Driven out by hunger, be discovered a tbin wisp of smoke rising from a clump of bushes inland, an dcrawlvd carefully to study the type of sav ages about it. Just as be reached the clump be heard a voice Bay: Your Last Chance To Obtain Dr. Miles5 Family Medical Guide FREE This Book Contains Knowledge thet Every One Should Possess. PART ONE Simple Treatment for Common Ailments. PART TWO What To Do In Case of Acci dent PART THREE Practical Laws of Health. If you desire one of These Books, Free of Cost, send your name and address to FAMILY MEDICAL GUIDE, Miles Medical Co., Elkhart Ind., mentioning; name of this paper. Not more than one book can be tent to the same address. t": ) "Why In hell did you play that card?" He dropped on his knees and, devoutly raising his hands, cried: "Thank Hod. they are Christians." You Owe It t Your Mother To lift all the burdens you can from the shoulders that have grown stoop ed in waiting upon and work ing for you. To seek her comfort and pleasure In all things before your own. Never to Intimate by word or deed that your world and hers are differ ent or that you feel in any way su perior to her. To manifest an Interest In whatev er Interests or amuses her. To make her a partaker, so far as your different ages will permit, to all your pleasures and recreations. To remember that her life Is mon otonous compared with yours, and to take her to some suitable place of amusement, or for a trip to the coun try, or to the city If your home is In the country, as frequently as possi ble. To Introduce all your young friends to her and to enlist her sym pathies in youthful projects, hopes and plans, so that she may carry youth into old age. To defer to her opinions and treat them with respect, even If they seem antiquated to you In all the smart up-to-dateness of your college edu cation. To talk to her about your work, your studies, your friends, your amusements, the books you read, the places you visit, for everything that concerns you is of Interest to her. To treat her with the unvarying courtesy and deference you accord to those who are above you In rank or position. To bear patiently with all her pe culiarities or Infirmities of temper or disposition, which may be the result of a life of care and toll. Not to shock or pain her by mak ing fun of her religious prejudices If they happen to be at variance with yours, or if they seem narrow to your advanced views. To study her tastes and habits, her likes and dislikes, and cater to them as far as possible In an unobtrusive way. To remember that she Is still 1 girl at heart so far as delicate little attentions are concerned. To give her flowers during her lifetime and not wait to heap them on her casket. To make her frequent, simple presents, and to be sure that they are appropriate and tasteful. To write to her and visit her. To do your best to keep her youth ful In appearance, as well as In spir it, by helping her to take pains with her dress and the little accessories and details of her toilet. If she Is no longer able to take her accustomed part In the household duties, not to let her feel that she Is superannuated or has lost any of her Importance as the central factor In the family. Not to forget to show your appre ciation of all her years of self-Bacri-fice. To give her credit for a large part of your success. To be generous In keeping her sup plied with money, so that she will not have to ask for It, or feel like a mendicant seeking your bounty. Orison Sweet Marden in Pictorial Review. The Modest Man He never bragged of what he'd do, He never said: "I'll make a hit;" And when a prize was hung In view He never vowed to capture It. He merely did h's level best And left Old Time to tell the rest. He never bragged of what he's done, Dut when his task had proven good He straightway found another one With which to do the best he could. He tackled things hat came his way And let results his merit say. He didn't think always to win, So failure never chilled bis heart, He somehow kept a cheerful grin Whatever chanced to be his part. Though many honors he has gained, His simple nature has remained. A family living in South Chicago found a good deal of cream on a bot tie of milk which bad been standing overnight, and when the driver call ed In the morning the pleased serv ant held it up to the light and said: "Look here, I have never seen any thing like this before on your milk." The man looked at it for a mom ent, scratched his head and replied: "I don't know what's the matter, but you can throw It out and I'll give you a fresh bottle in its place." Old Man: "What are you fishing for, SonnyT" Sonny: "Snigs." Old Man: "What are snigs?" Sonny: "I don't know; I ain't nev er caught any yet." I'ROKNT NOTICE Mothers should see to It that the whole family take at least 3 or 4 doses of a thorough, purifying, sys tern cleaning medicine this spring Now Is the time. The family will be healthier, happier and get along bet ter if the blood is given a thorough purifying, the stomach and bowels cleaned out, and the germs of win ter, accumulated in the system, drlv en away. Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea is the very best and surer Spring Remedy to take. Get it ac see the difference in the whole fam lly. Their color will be better, they '11 feel fine and be well and happy 35 cts. The best the world over. If. F. THIELE. BANQUET FOR SENIORS Alliance Merchant Will Entertain at Drake Hotel This Evening for High School Boys W. R. Harper, Alliance merchant and proprietor of the Harper Depart ment Store, will give a banquet this evening at 8 o'clock at the Drake Hotel, in honor of the young men of the Senior class of the Alliance High ,,'i!i'. It M unlT-teod that r In-to-fsUns: p ojriau haj baeii arranged. RULES FOR THE POTATO CLUB Interesting Information for Hoys and t.lrW of lbs Unite County Who Want to Join Club Below are given a list of the mem- bershlp rules of the Nebraska boys' and girls' potato clubs, one of which s being organised in Box Dutte county. Enrollment blanks and In formation ran be secured from Miss Opal Russell, county superintendent. Mr. Seidell, Box Dutte county farm demonstrator, can give any Informa tion desired on the matter. Membership Bute 1. Club members shall not be un der 10 or more than 18 years of age by Jan. 1, 1915. Enrollment closes June 1, 1915. 2. Any Individual In the state, Ir respective of age, may be an associ ate member, which entitles him to all privileges of regular membership except that of competition for prises or awards. 3. Club members shall make a special study of potatoes and potato culture. Bulletins and suggestions will be sent to members from the U. Department of Agriculture and the State College of Agriculture. 4. The club plat shall be at least H acre. 5. Each club member shall keep an accurate account of all Items of expense, receipts, observations, and experiments connected with the club plat and shall make such seasonal reports as may be required by local. county or state leader. 6. Two copies of final crop report and story of "How I Made My Pota to Crop shall be made out and one sent to county superintendent and one to the State Agricultural Exten sion Service not later than Nov. 1. These reports shall be exhibited with potatoes In county and state con tests. 7. One peck of seed potatoes carefully selected by club member from his plat shall be exhibited at county and state contests. No mem ber shall be eligible In the state con- est who does not compete in local or county contest if such is held. 8. In estimating profit, $1 shall be charged as rent for M acre, club member's time at 10c an hour, and the time of each horse at 5c an hour. Seed potatoes, spraying mixtures. and commercial fertilisers shall bs charged at actual cost, price deter mined by local markets. Manure shall be charged at 50c per load. (Manure Is worth $2 per load but only one-fourth its value" Is return ed in a single crop.) 9. Two disinterested parties not relatives of club member shall meas ure plat, be present when one-half of plat Is harvested, measure yield, and sign report certifying to size of plat and yield. 10. The report shall also bo signed by local club leader, teacher, or county superintendent, sertlfylng as to its accuracy. 1 11. Careful record must be -.kept of all potatoes dug from plat before the final harvesting. 12. Awards will be made on the following basis: Yield per one-eighth acre 40 Profit on investment 30 Exhibit of one peck seed potatoes 1& Crop report and story on "How I Made My Crop of Potatoes". 15 Total score 100 Prize Valuable prizes are always award ed to club members in both county and state contents. Tills win ui be true for the year 1915. Such prizes, no matter what the nature may be, are a recognition of achlev ment, and will always be given to boys and girls who complete their club work with accurate and most successful results. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Mothers' Favorite. "I give Chamberlain's Cotivh Remedy to my children when they liaveoildaorcoughi," writes Airs. Verne MixtVr, Vandererm, fa. "It always hel them hih! k far sucrior to aoy other cough xacdii-ine 1 hare used. I advise anyone in reed of twh a medicine to give it a trial" Fit aula by all dcaler?.- SALTS IS HME FOR ' KIDNEYS, QUIT MEAT Flush the Kidneys at ones when Back hurts or Bladder bothers Meat forms trie add, No maa or woman who sits meat regu larly eta make a mistake by flushing the kidneys occasionally, says a well tnown authority. Meat forms urio aeid which clogs the kidney pores so they sluggishly filter or strain only part of Die waste and poisons from the blood, then, you get slok. Nearly all rheuma tism, headaches, liver trouble, nervous epss, constipation, dizziness, sleeplessness, bladder disorders come from sluggish kid neys. '1 he moment yon feel a dull ache in ths kidneys or your back hurt, or if tha urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sedi ment, irregular of paasage or attended by a sensation of scalding, get about four ounces of J ad Baits from any reliable pharmacy and take a tablespoonful la glass of water before breakfast for a few days aad your kidneys will then act fine. This-famous salts is made from the acid of rrapea aad lemon juioa, 00m liined with littiia aad has bees used for generations to flush dogged kidneys and stimulaU them to activity, also to neu tralize the acids in urine so it no longer eanses irritation, thus Sliding bladder dis order. 'J ad Salts is inexpensive and can not injure; makes a delightful effer vescent lithia-water drink which all rejr- ' nlar meat ester should take now and then to keep the kiduey clean and the blood pure, 1 1. civ by avoiding serious kid ney complications,