OF INTEREST TO STATEFIREMEN Orgnnlf.nl Ion f liiMinimr Doiwrt ment tf NehraOiA State Volun teer Flreinen'i AfMK-latlon The conntltutlon and by-U' f"' the Insurance department of the Ne braska State Volunteer Firemen'! Association has been adopted by the directors of the asHOclatlon. Secre tary Miller of Kearney has mailed out a new application blank to those who joined the newly created de partment at the state convention at Nebraska City. The constitution and by-laws are as follows: ARTICLE I This Department shall be known c Fmst in EveryiluiifT Fint in QuaHty First in Fttaltt fint in Purity first in Ccoito.7ijf and for these reasons Calumet Baking Towdcr la first intha hearts of the millions of Lousewlves who too it and know it. lyiyo highest iwnros Wsii'c Pare fi !-. Clio,-. l-ala. trrt fcianwlia, Fnac. liana. i Tea m amr tm W Ww -i- J lia aeweer. W I X .... HfW" le.iYaeaal rTh lm-i i'tiiNwSI, Ml to Ur mariN to eanr auik aad auk. I ns "The Insurance pepartment of the Nebraska State Volunteer Fire men's Association." AUTICLK II The object of this Department shall be to aid and benefit the mem bers family or estate by the payment of not less than $1.00 by each mem ber Into a common fund, provided the membership does not exceed five hundred. If the membership does exceed five hundred, the sum of $500 Is to be paid to the beneficiary upon the death of a member; the surplus to be applied on the next claim paid. Also to foster and de velop a spirit of mutual helpfulness among Its members. AUTICLK III Only persons in Rood standing as members of the Nebraska State Vol unteer Firemen's Association and members In good standing of Volun teer Fire Departments that are mem bers of the State Association shall be eligible to membership. AUTICLK IV The business of this department shall be governed and transacted by a Hoard of Directors which shall con sist of the President, First and Sec ond Vive Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer of the Nebraska State Vol unteer Firemen's Association and they shall make a written report to said Association at the annual meet ing thereof. AUTICLE V This department shall meet annu ally at the same place that the con vention of the Nebraska State Vol unteer Firemen's Association Is held and at a convenient hour to be de termined upon some time during the convention. ARTICLE VI Fifteen members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of bus iness at any regular meeting. ARTICLE VII This department shall at Its meet ings consider such business as may be brought before It by motion or resolution and shall endeavor to en courage and promote friendship among its members to the best In terest of the Nebraska State Volun teer Firemen's Association. ARTICLE VIII Amendments to the constitution and by-laws may be offered and rec ommended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of those present, the same to become a law and be ef fective when adopted by the State Association. ARTICLE IX General parliamentary rules shall at all times direct the duties of the officers and govern fhe proceedings of the Department. ARTICLE X The Secretary and Treasurer of the Nebraska State Volunteer Fire men's Association shall also be the Secretary and Treasurer of this De partment. ARTICLE XI The benefit funds of this depart ment shall be deposited in the name of the Nebraska State Volunteer Firemen's Association Insurance De partment in a regularly Incorporated bank In the State of Nebraska and shall be drawn out only upon an or der or voucher signed by the Secre tary and President on the Treasurer of this Department and then for the one and only purpose of paying the death benefit of a deceased member. ! ARTICLE XII The Secretary and Treasurer shall give goo (land sufficient surety bonds in favor of and made payable to the ! Nebraska State Volunteer Firemen i Association In a sum not less than twice the amount of money that shall at any time be In their hands, the premium on said bonds to be paid by the Nebraska State Volunteer ' Firemen's Association, i ARTICLE XIII Every applicant who is a member UAINTED! vu.N TO FILL GO H) POSITIONS Trained men are wanted everywhere; in fact, they are always wanted, for the demand is greater than the supply. This demand is rot for the man who is able to earn only two or three dollars a day at hard manual labor and who can work only under the direction of some one else, but for the man who is able to plan and direct the work of others the man whose training has qualified him to competently Iiolu positions of responsibility. The I N T E 1 1 N A T I O N A T . CO K It ES PO N I ) ENC E SCHOOLS, that great institution that has done so much in the past and is doing so much every minute for working men and women, offers you an easy way to become a trained man to secure a good position in the trade or profession that best suits your taste and ambition. The I. C. S. plan enables you to help yourself right where you an without losing an hour of work or a dollar of pay; without changing positions until you are ready to step into the one you desire: without obligating you to pay more than your present salary will afford, no matter how small it is. Thousands of men have secured life-long betterment through this great plan. Every month an average of 300 voluntarily tell us of such advancement. You can do the same as these men have done. If you really want a good position, a larger salary, ami a success ful life, finu out how yoa can secure it in the surest and most prac tical way in the world by marking and mailing this coupon. This puts you under no obligation. It is simply a request for further in iuiuiBuuii. vnp, iiiuiK, ami man h nuw, INTERNATIONAL 'CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS llox HHH, Scrautoii, Pa. Please explain, without further obligation on my part, how I can qualify for the position, trade; or profession before which I have marked X. 1 Automobile Running Poultry Farming Dook keeper Stenographer Advertising Man Show-Card Writing Window Trimming Commercial Illustrating Chemist Languages: Spanish, French. German, Italian Banking Civil Service Textile Manufacturing Architectural Draftsman Electrical Engineer Mechanical Draftsman Mechanical Engineer Telephone Expert Stationary Engineer Civil Engineer Architect Concrete Construction Plumbing, Steam Fitting Mine Superintendent Name Street and No City State f the Nebraska State Volunteer Firemen's Association shall, upon be- ng admitted to membership, pay to the secretary the sum of One Dollar nd shall thereafter, within ten days f the receipt of notice of the death f a member, pay to the Secretary the sum of One Dollar, the same be ing payment In advance. AUTICLE XIV Every applicant who is a member of a Volunteer Fire Department that belongs to the State Association shall pon being admitted to membership pay to the Secretary the sum of $2. One Dollar of which shall be an en trance fee and pay his dues for that ear, and $1.00 being Advance Bene ficiary Payment, and shall thereaf ter, within ten days of the receipt of notice of the death of a member, pay to the Secretary the sum of $1.00, the same being payment In advance, nd he shall pay annual dues to the Nebraska State Volunteer Firemen's Association of One Dollar in advance. AUTICLE XV In the event of the failure of any member to pay any assessment that hall be regularly made to pay the benefit of a deceased member as provided In Articles XIII and XIV or If any member shall default In the payment of his annual dues to the Nebraska State Volunteer Firemen's Association for a period of thirty days after receiving notice that the same Is due and unpaid, he shall for feit all rights and benefits from this Department. Notice to be mailed not later than December 15th of each ear. ARTICLE XVI A notice mailed to the last known address of a member shall constitute what shall be known as tegular or sufficient notice of any assessment or annual dues. ARTICLE XVII Any member suspended by reason of non-payment of annual dues or as sessments may be reinstated within a period of 30 dyas from date of sus pension, by the payment of delin quent dues and all assessments that may be called during the time of sus pension, after 30 days a penalty of $1.00 to be added to the above until the end of 60 days from date of sus pension. After 60 days no rein statement can be made. AUTICLE XVIII In case of a Department or Com pany becomes suspended from the State Association it shall not affect the rights or privileges of any mem ber of that Department or Company that holds membership in this De partment, but It shall bar any fur ther members of that Department or Company from making application or becoming members of this Insur ance Department. ARTICLE XIX It shall be the duty of the Presi dent to preside at all meetings and to keep a general supervision over the affairs of the Department. ARTICLE XX It shall be the duty of the Secre tary to conduct all correspondence, to keep a strict and accurate account with each individual member, to no lify each member by mall of each as sessment that may be due, to collect and turn over to the Treasurer all moneys collected. It shall be his duty to sign all vouchers and to make a complete, detailed financial statement of all receipts and dis bursements of the Department at each regular annual meeting. ARTICLE XXI It shall be the duty of the Treas urer to receipt the Secretary for all money turned over to him and de posit the same as provided In Article XI, keeping a strict account of mon ey received, and to make a complete report of money on hand showing vouchers for money paid out at the regular annual meeting of the De part ment. ARTICLE XXII All benefits that are a just claim against ten Department shall be paid within a period of Thirty Days after receipt of notice and official proof of death of a member. The blank form to be furnished by the Secretary of this Association on application of the chief of the Department where de censed was a member. AUTICLE XXIII There shall be no salary or other perquisites paid to any officer or member of this Department for any services that may have been or may be hereinafter rendered. badly, is very scabby, frequently lodges, and produces grain of poor quality. At the North Platte sub station the average yield of durum for five years (1904-1909) was 21 bushels and for the common spring wheat, 13.5 bushels. In 1909 anu 1910, on the other hand, durum yielded but 16.2 bushels and com- m"n spring wheat 16.6 at the same station. The North Platte substation from Its experiments has found (1) that durum wheat matures earlier than common spring wheat, (2) that it not only gives higher yields but is also much more rust resistant than common varieties, (3) that Kuban- ka, Black Don and Velvet Don are good varieties for western Nebraska, and (4) that the best yields of dur um are secured In years of normal rainfall. Announce New llnllroad The Bridgeport News-Blade In its ssue of February 26 announces that railroad officials have announced that definite arrangements are being made for the building of the long ex pected river road and that the plans will be given out this week. It Is stated that the road will run from Bridgeport to Newark on the south side of the river instead of to Kear ney, and will cross the river twice. It is stated that blue prints have al ready been prepared and maps will be ready for distribution next week. A CONFIRMED STATEMENT Evidence Alliance Header Will Ap preciate Doan's Kidney Pills have done splendid work In this locality. Have merited the unstinted praise they have received. Here's evidence of their value that none can doubt. It s testimony from this locality twice-told and well confirmed. Such endorsements are unique in the annals of medicine. Should convince the most skeptic al Alliance reader. George Busick, Gordon, Nebr says: "I had a great deal of trouble from irregular passages of the kid ney secretions and I also suffered from attacks of lumbago. Often the pain and lameness in my back was so acute that I was unable to stoop or do any kind of work. Doan's Kidney Pills cured me in a short wine anu me cure nas lasted. 1 am glad to confirm the endorsement one of my family gave Doan's Kidney ruts in my beuair some time ago." Price 50c. at all dealers. Don' simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Busick had. Foster-.Milburn Co. Props., Buffalo, N. Y. GEO. HOLLOWELL, Local Representative Bo 1168, Alliance, Nebr. Where to Grow Durum Wheat Durum wheat can be recommend ed as a spring cron for nointa Nebraska west of Niobrara, lioldrege and Broken Bow, according to re ports from growers and the result of the state experiment stations a Lincoln and North Platte. In 190 the average yield secured from num erous points in the state was KlIDhal. OM .1 . - f . i .... 1 wheat y:nl 18.3 bushels an acre for durum. Durum wheat at Lincoln and other points in the eastern parts of the state, '"on ever, rusts very Grow Sudan Grass Great for Hay, Seed, Forage, Silage. Never Falls Crop. He- j sluts drought, stands rain. Grows wherever sorghum does. Pure seed, 91 per pound, prepaid. Circular free. Address: ELLAGEXE FAItM, ALDINE, TEXAS. "SI Advertising If there is one enterprise on earth that a quitter should leave entirely alone, it Is advertising. To make a success of advertising one must be prepared to stick like a barnacle on a boat's bottom. He should know. before he begins it, that he must spend money lots of it. Somebody must tell him that he cannot hope to reap results commensurate with his expenditure, early in the game. JOHN WANAMAKER. Ruth Leonard, teacher of piano; children a specialty. Prices reason able. 918 Laramie. ll-tf-5780 Have you Catarrh? h natal breathing impaired? Doe your throat get husky or clogged? Modern science proves that these symptoms re sult from run-down health. Snuffs and vapors are irri tating and useless. The oil-food In Scott's Emulsion will enrich and enliven the blood. aid nutrition and assist nature to check the inflammation and heal the sensitive membranes. Shan Alcoholic mixturta and intitt upon SCOTT'S. a&V: H'.'J." w.'.w..i.'.ijrnm I scorn ii EMULSION coo'uya ee, auntamm 1 Opening Shoe Shop t am opening a new- up-to-date shoe shop at 121 W Box Butte Ave nue. All repair work will be done promptly, in an expert manner. Satisfaction Guaranteed I will sell shoes at a very reasonable price. You are invited to call and get acquainted. H. SIMON, Proprietor 121 W Box Butte Avenue THE "SEE AMERICA" COAST TOUR This is going to be the year in which to make that dreamed of tour. Here is an ideal circuit tout, the greatest rail journey in the world, one way via Denver, Royal Gorge, Scenic Colorado, Salt Lake, Los Angeles, and San Diego, Coast Line to San Francisco via Santa Barbara, Del Monte, the Santa Clara Valley, then the Shasta Route or the Great Northern Pacific steamers to Portland; returning via Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane and either Glacier National Park, the world's climax of mountain scenery, or Yellow stone Park. Or go out through the Northwest and return through Scenic Colorado. Ask us for printed matter; let us help you plan your trip. J. KRIDELBAUGH, Ticket Agent, Alliance, Neb. L. W. WAKELEY, General Passenger Agent, 1004 Far nam Street, Omaha, Neb. OUR LOOSE LEAF DEPARTMENT IS FOUNDED ON THE SERVICE IDEA Our System Service costs you nothing Tall ua tha department in your bual naas that la eaualng you traubla Thia will Obligate You in No Way WE CARRY A TOLL LINE OF IloosiI J-I ii f 1 Forms, Devices and Indexes Thla Una anjoya an lataraational raputntioa far High Quality and Abaoluta Dependability Over 500 Stock Forms in tha an I pom Lin, and many Complete Outfits WE DESION SPECIAL FORMS AND LAY OUT COMPLETE PLAN 8 MODERN OFFICE SUPPLY CO., EVERY CITY. U. S. A. 1 'V . - ' Check the Department too think can be improved Pin thn to your letter head and forward same to a We will submit complete plan, the burden ol proof ia on ui Purchase Ordert ....Receiving Goods ....Sales Orders ....Shipping Orders ....Factory Orders ....Cash and Journal Entries ....Check and Bank Record ....Monthly State ments ....Billing & Charging ....Ledger Accounts Pay Roll ....City Deliveries Seed la SODtSN OfflCt lUffLV ca. tlllY OUT, . U. S. A. Write or Call on.. Herald Publishing Co. Alliance, Nebraska Phone 340 Seeds for Spring Planting 4 11 . WHKN YOl' HUY YOUU SKKDS OF ANY KIND II K SlUK YOU KNOW WHKKE THEY COM E FltOM. WE HANDLE ONLY WESTERN GROWN SEEDS. mi THIS YEAR WE HAVE SEVERAL NEW VA RIETIES OF FORAGE CHOI'S THAT ARE ES- ...wi. a eeeaw.e rru ma.TK.,l V V f a'TAa' LiffV ftllUV :i(4si sviyrKIlITA. SWEET CLOVER. H.S i TEPARY UEANS, ETC. THEN IN THE GARDEN SEEDS WE HAVE JOHN HAER TOMATO, LEMON l l Cl-MRER, ETC., ETC. WE WANT YOU TO HAVE OUR NEW 128 PAGE CATALOGUE. IT TELLS YOU JUST WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW AROUT SEEDS. IF YOUR DEALER DOES NOT HANDLE OUR SEEDS WRITE TO US DIRECT. SEND FOR A CATALOGUE TODAY. timm if Griswold Seed Company I57 Sou'h Tenlh Strtet LINCOLN. NEBRASKA