The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 18, 1915, Image 3

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Direct to the Old Reliable
Owned and Operated Since Its Existence by Cadwallader Bros.
Our prices never equalled Write for Price List and shipping tags
ful FUR liOBKS, FUU COATS, MITTS ami GLOVKS. We pive you workirahship of
the very highest character. We do not split the hides neither do we trim away a
preat part of your hides, hut tan the whole hides making you a larper and better robe
from the same size hide than most tanners will. Write for tanning Catalog and shipping
; ?
" XT
Burglars, thieves and hold-up men make it their BUSI
NESS to learn who keep money in their pockets, or houses, or
in holes in the ground.
They will not tackle the man who has his money SAFE
in our bank.
BANK your money and be free from FEAR fear of bur
glars, sickness, OLD AGE, or that your wife and children may
some day be in WANT.
Make OUR bank YOUR bank
First State Bank
Do you want trash, ref
use and rubbish hauled f
Vaults cleaned f We do
this work quickly at rea
sonable prices. Special
rates for business and res
idence property.
Phone 676
Pegg and
Ginx Billiard Parlor
We are still giving a five cent chip with each game and we have
the bet equipped Billiard l'arlur in town nine tables, good cues
and prompt service. Special sale for one week on cigars by the
box. Others have "sales", but this is a bona fide bargain giving
Fred F.Fancher, Prop.
Free! Free!
A set of 7 commercial atlas
maps covering' states of Missou
ri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas,
Arkansas. Illinois and Iowa, aiz
21 by 28, giving' townships and
ranges, not cheap circulation
maps, but high class, large scale,
correct and practical, worth 25c
one time in the best real estats
advertising medium in the Unit
ed States and the
Real Estate Exchange
for one year, all for $1.00. Big
gest bargain ever offered. Time
limited. Send us your $1.00 Im
mediately and get the best real
estate paper published and the
other good things along with It.
Sample copy on request.
Real Estate Exchange
Belle, Mo.
With Standard Grades of Coal, direct from our bins to your home or
office. We have a big supply of
Canon City Nut and Lump Sheridan Nut and Lump
Pennsylvania Hard Coal Kindling
on hand, ready for quick delivery. Phone 22.
Dierks Lumber and Coal
is often caused by constant work
ing under artificial light with im
proper lenses. We frequently
find people wearing glaMtea that
are an injury to their eyes. Some
defect was overlooked. Our test
leaves no defeat undiscovered. If
you will come here and have your
eyes fitted with the proper lenses,
you will notice a wonderful im
provement, DRAKE & DRAKE
or lease. Land
to rent or lease.
Land or city
pi operty for
sale. Phone 36.
On. "SToviz Trip
take with you a box of good
and a late
Get them at up town news
stand or at depot
2ll!ex Bros.
Frank M. Coquillette, D.C.
Imperial Theatre Building
Alliance, Nrbrd&ka
Lady Assistant I'hone 515
J. V. MrCorkle Sold Acres to
Wm. KIiik for Owners Who
Live in South Dakota
One of the largest land deals for
a number of months in Box Butte
county was closed Saturday through
the agency of J. C. McCorkle, man
ager of the Nebraska Land Company,
between the owners in South Dakota
of 960 acres and Wm. King, Alliance
The owners of the land were
Christian Hieb, John J. Guthmuller,
ChaB. Lehr, Jacob Hieb and Wm.
Jurczewsky. The land is located
eight miles northwest of Alliance,
and is very choice. Mr. King paid a
good, fair price for the tract and
will stock it. It will be managed by
his son Edward.
Mr. King has great confidence in
the future of Box Butte county. He
has another choice farm four and
one-half miles southeast of Alliance
which Is to be farmed this year by
another son, Johnny King, the well
known baseball player, who has de
cided to pass up baseball for this
year and spend his time on the farm.
V. II. Draney, Denver I'm lug Import,
Addrewel Meinter of Commer
cial Cliilt Monday Night
Thousands of people keep on suf
fering with Neuralgia because they
do not know what to do for It. Neu
ralgia is a pain in the nerves. What
you want to do is to soothe the nerve
itself. Apply Sloan's Liniment to
the surface over the painful part
do not rub it In. Sloan's Liniment
penetrates very quickly to the sore,
Irritated nerve and allays the inflam
mation. Get a bottle of Sloan's Lin
iment for 25 cents of any druggist
and have it in the house against
Colds, Sore and Swollen Jionts. Lum
bago, Sciatica and like ailments.
Your money back if not catisfled. but
It does give almost instant relief.
Adv No 2 4799
Director Are Organizing
The board of directors of the Odd
Fellows Building Association of Al
liance are organizing the association
to take over the GadBby building,
which has been purchased. The
board of directors consists of A. D.
Kodgera, T. M. Lawler, Lloyd C.
Thomas, John Snyder, H. H. Brandt,
C. W. Jeffers, and W. B. Young. At
torney Eugene Burton has prepared
articles of incorporation and is at
tending to the legal work.
( II. Draney, Denver paving ex
pert, addressed the members of the
Alliance Commercial Club at their
monthly smoker Monday nlnht on
the question of paving for Alliance.
"The improvement of city streets
is no longer a luxury but a neces
sity," said iMr. Draney. "Civic pride
Is one reason and the automobile has
been another factor for the improve
ment. Alliance should profit by the
experience of other towns on the
paving question." Mr. Draney be
lieves that an asphalt concrete pave
ment is the best for the small city
like Alliance. Ten per cent, of the
material used Is asphalt, the rest of
the materials used being obtained
either locally or nearby. Two Inch
es of asphalt are laid on a five Inch
base or foundation. Mr. Draney es
timated that the cost of paving on
Box Butte, exclusive of the street In
tersections, would not be over eight
dollars per front foot, at a maximum
estimate of a cost of two dollars per
square yard. For the residence dis
tricts where some of the streets are
not much more than half as wide as
Box Butte avenue, he estimated that
the cost would not be more than
three to four dollars per front foot.
These prices would include mainten
ance for five years, with nine years
to pay for the paving.
For flat streets Mr. Draney favors
the cement gutter. He read inter
esting extracts from an article on
"Street Favlng In Small Cities" by
Thomas H. MacDonuld, state high
way engineer of Iowa. Parts of the
article were as follows:
Street raving in Small title
No very definite limit has been fix
ed as to the point at which the large
town caterpillar becomes the small
city butterfly. Very much depends
upon the point of view. No one will
seriously question, however, the
right of any corporation, no matter
how small Its population, to call it
self a city, If it may point with pride
to even a single paved street. Towns
may have electric lights, water
works and sidewalks by the mile, but
paved streets never. Legislatures
may write into the laws of the state
the limits of population which de
termine the legal status of towns
and cities; but no law can change a
sleepy country town Into a thriving
little city.
Paving promoters are more suc
cessful. This conclusion at least
must be reached if we believe that
the first broad public service that
any municipality renders Is the
building of good streets. All the
other first Improvements serve the
more selfish welfare of the Individu
al and the town. Improved streets
serve the best interests of the whole
community. Their benefits are nei
ther selfish nor Individual. Their
I usefulness is not limited to those
, who live within the corporation
'boundaries, but rather Is extended
to the whole surrounding territory.
That street improvements should
be made by the cities and towns In
agricultural communities as rapidly
as possible seems only fair, for such
improvements provide direct and re
ciprocal benefits to the agricultural
communities upon which so much of
the prosperity of these municipali
ties Is dependent.
During the five year period from
1909 to 1913, there were 40 towns
In Iowa of less than 15,000 people
which built in that time 1.640.000
sq. yds. of pavement of six standard
types. The smallest of these towns
had only 1,200 people, the largest
14,600, and the average size for the
whole number was 4,300 in 1905, in
creasing to 4.600 in 1910.
Forty such towns for which the
correct totals are available have
built in five years, the following
Material Sq. Yds.
Creosoted wood block . . 70,300
Sheet asphalt ,..107,700
Bltulithic 201,700
Asphaltic concrete ....256,500
Brick 484,600
Cement concrete 519,000
cler up Box Butte avenue. A year
or two ago, on election day, when
the saloons were closed, a squad of
soldiers came up main street at full
tilt and made for the nearest saloon,
not knowing that they were closed.
Just as they reached the door Burt,
who had been watching them and
was prepared, blew the "water call"
on his bugle. It was a good Joke
and appreciated by the men. At
noon time one day Inst week a lone
soldier was journeying up the street
and appeared to be looking for
restaurant. Burt gave hlra the
"mess call."
Many Disorders Come from the Liver
Are You Just at Odds with Yourself?
Do You Regulate Living?
Are you sometimes at odds with
yourself and with the world T Do
you wonder what alls you? True,
you may be eating regularly and
Bleeping well. Yet something is the
matter! Constipation, Headache,
Nervousness and Bilious Spells Indi
cate a Sluggish Liver. The tried
remedy is Dr. King's New Life Pills.
Only 25c at your Druggist.
Bucklen'a Arnica Salve for Skin
Adv No 24799
Prominent physicians have esti
mated that 68 per cent of the cases
of sickness in America could be
prevented if there was a more wide
spread knowledge of practical medi
cine. The majority of us, up-to-date in
everything else, obey the same rules
of health that were the fruits of
popular superstition in those days
when practically nothing was known
about preventive medicine.
In the hopes that people will be
gin to see how important it is that
they learn a little more about the
ilment9 of the body, a practical
medical guide is offered to all the
readers of this paper I ree of Cost.
The name of this work is Dr.
Mile' Family Medical Guide. It is
a work that has been very carefully
compiled. It has been written in
very plain language, omitting, when
not absolutely necessary, all tech
nical words and phrases.
It tells how to recognize various
ailments. It tells what to do before
the doctor arrive, or if he does not
arrive at all. - It tells what to do
and what not to do in case of acci
dent. It gives a few practical laws
of health. It tells of how to take
care of the sick room, of what to
eat, of how to care for infants and
other important details.
Send your name and address to
Family Medical Guide,
MUes Medical Ce, Elkherf; Ind,
mentioning the name of this paper
and you will receive one of these
valuable books all charge prepaid.
Total 1,639,800
Another serious problem which
the small city necessarily meets is
the lack of any comprehensive im
provement plan. Frequently the
paving program begins with the Im
provement of a single street, and
may not be resumed except in a de
sultory piecemeal manner. The ac
tual amounts of paving laid do not
show any continuality or regularity,
but rather a most haphazard plan.
Practically every small city has
three distinctive types of roads. The
business streets proper, the residen
tial streets and the main market
roads extending into the surround
ing farming community, and form
ing also a part of the network of
main county and state highways
While these three classes of streets
may not demand different types of
pavement on account of the traffic
requirements, tbey do require differ
ent treatments on account of the fin
ancial requirements.
The business street of a small city
demands a pavement that can be eas
lly cleaned, that will not be Injured
by large quantities of mud tracked
on the surface, that does not in it
self originate dust, and that needs a
minimum of repairs. If these re
quirements be met, the cost is not so
Important, for property values and
property Incomes are high enough to
justify the cost of any of the stand
ard types of pavement.
Fooled the Soldier Hoys
"Burt" Lalng, of Alliance, was
formerly a soldier In the United
States army, serving In the Philip
pines. He has a bugle and la pro
ficient in its use. Occasionally he
makes use of this bugle when sol
diers, stopping over In Alliance, wan
North Platte Valley Teachers' Aaho-
elation Will Meet This Year at
Alliance, In March i
The eighth annual session of the
North Platte Valley Teachers' Asso
ciation will meet this year at Alli
ance, beginning Thursday noon.
March 25, and closing Saturday noon
March 27.
At the business session of the as
sociation at Bridgeport last year It
was decided to hold the annual asso
ciation meeting In a different town
each year, hence the meeting at Alli
ance this year. Alliance extends a
very cordial invitation to all teach
ers, superintendents, principals,
county superintendents, boards of
education, and all others Interested
in educational work In western Ne
braska to attend this association.
The executive committee is planning
an excellent program and is trying
to secure the best available talent.
One new feature of the association
meeting this year Is that the district
declamatory contest of the North
Platte Valley Declamatory Associa
tion will be held either Thursday or
Friday evening in connection with
the association. The city schools
will be In session Thursday forenoon
and all teachers Interested In the
work of the city schools will have
an opportunity of observing the work
done at that time. The schools will
be open 'for inspection during the
entire time of the association and
those interested are especially invit
ed to visit the new departments,
namely: The Manual Training De
partment, the Domestic Science De
partment, the Department of Agri
culture, Including the school farm,
and the Commercial Department.
Furthermore, a new ward school has
recently been completed, built on the
most modern lines of school archi
tecture, especial emphasis being
placed upon light and ventilation.
The Alliance Commercial Club is
planning to aid in making pleasant
and enjoyable the stay of visiting
teachers. The accommodations for
a meeting of this kind are excellent
and the city will make every effort
to make the stay of its guests pleas
ant and profitable. Detailed an
nouncements relative to the program
will be Issued later. Every one in
western Nebraska who is interested
in educational work should plan to
be at Alliance March 25. 26 and 27.
Mother Died in South Dakota
Charles and Arthur Pryor, of Al
liance, received a telegram Friday
morning stating that their mother,
whose home was at Spearflsh, S. D.,
was seriously ill. The storm delay
ed the morning train Saturday, so
that they did not reach her bedside
before her death.
Harmless to flash Kidneys and neutral
is irritating' acids Splendid
lor system.
Kidney and Bladder weakness result
from urie acid, says a noted authority.
The kidneys filter this acid from the
blood and pass it on to the bladder, where
it often remains to irritate and inflame,
causing a burning, scalding sensation, or
setting up an irritation at the neck of
the bladder, obliging you to seek relief
two or three times during the night.
The sufferer Is in constant dread, the
water passes sometimes with a scalding
sensation and is very profuse i again,
there is difficulty In avoiding it.
Bladder weakness, most folks call it,
because they can't control urination.
While it is extremely annoying and some
times very painful, this is really one of
the most simple ailments to overcome.
Get about four ounces of Jad Baits
from your pharmacist and take a table
spoonful in a glass of water before
breakfast, continue this for two or three
days. This will neutralize the adds la
the urine eo it no longer la a source of
irritation to the bladder and urinary or
gans which then act normally again.
Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless,
and is made from the acid of grapes and
lemon juice, combined with lithia, and
is used by thousands of folks who are
subject to urinary disorders eaused by
urie acid irritation. Jad SalU is splen
did for kidneys and causes no bad
effects whatever.
Here you have a pleasant, effervescent
lithia-water drink, which quickly relieve
lladder trouble.