The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 11, 1915, Image 6

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    ..V i-r:
xioro'o column
Once In a While
I itepped In a borne I did not know
Aid there, on a chair and all below,
Scattered, around were blocks and
And the floor was littered with vari
ous things
X rubber ball, a horse on wheels,
A mule with upward-kicking heels,
A festive rooster winged In blue
Tnat laid an egg and flapped and
And other right bewitching toys
Athrlll wHh satisfying Joys.
"A real home this I planlly see,"
Quoth I to one who bent her knee
To pick the things up one by one.
Where Is the babyT Daughter or
She laid them each In a proper place
And turned to me a wistful face
A face whose lips had learned their
JLest the eyes too plain betray the
'He has Just gone home," said her
lips to me:
'l borrow him once In a while, you
Grace Abl Allen.
Extern! It
It Is pointed out that the rural
fre delivery service costs $40,000,-
090 per year more than it brings In.
Well, suppose It doeB? The rural
free delivery service Is doing more
food to the country than half a doz
en projects like the Panama canal.
It has made life on the farm less Iso
lated and more agreeable and does
Its share to stop the cityward tide.
Farm values for last year are put at
forty billions of dollars. This year
(be products of the farm were worth
bout ten billions not quite, but
nearly. That is a business worth
catering to. The rural service
Should be extended, not curtailed.
given by Mrs. Henrietta tixienDurg,
who died recently In Chicago at the
age or 10& years, aii nor me mis
estimable woman worked, and It did
not hurt her. She attributed her
longevity to the fact that she always
had worked. She always was a hard
worker and up to a week before her
death she had assisted In the care of
her great-grandchildren.
What a record for some of us who
get tired of working at 30 or 40 or
I earn to IjmikIi
A good laugh Is better than medi
cine. . Learn how to tell a story. A
good story Is as welcome as a sun
beam In a sick room. Ienrn to keep
your own troubles to yourseir. ine
world Is too busy to care ror your
Ills and sorrows. Learn to stop
croaking. If you can not see any
good in this world, keep the bad to
yourself. Lenrn to hide your aches
and pains under a pleasant smile.
No one cares to hear whether you
have the earache, headache or rheu
matism. Learn to rrwet your friends
with a smile. The good humored
man or woman is always welcome,
but the dyspeptic or hypochondriac
Is not wanted anywhere, and is a
nuisance as well.
Effective If Inelegant
The average country printer gets
some queer "copy" . Doth ror tne
newspaper and for the Job depart
ment of his business. We are no
exception to the rule and have
Jabbed on the "set file" and filed
away in "Jackets" for future refer
ence some strange and terrible man
uscript. Lately we received an or
der to print some "Notices to Tres
passers," which should be effective
if there be any virtue in Buch warn
ing. The copy for these notices was
as follows:
"Trespasers will be persekuted to
the exten of 2 mean mungrel dogs
wlch alnt never been overly soHhlbil
with strangers and 1 duddelp barl
shot gun which alnt loaded with no
sofy pillars. Dam if I alnt tire of
this helralsln on my praperty."
From the Salem, N. J., Sunbeam.
Once In a while, when we feel
strong enough and patient enough to
go out soliciting advertising from
some or our friends and neighbors
who seldom break into print, we are
handed something like this: "Now
tell me, what is the use of my spend
ing money for advertising? I have
been here for years and everybody
In the county knows what I sell."
Yes, brethren, there still exist a few
Isolated specimens of the old fash
ioned merchant who ask that ques
sends the following compliment re
garding our Job department:
"Would It be asking too much
of you to ask that you forward
me a few specimens of the Job
work you are turning out from
time to time? A fellow told me
here the other day that The
Herald has the best Job shop In
western Nebraska, and I imme
diately made up my mind that If
that were so I could learn a lot
from it, and I could And some
good pointers, at any event."
We have complied with the re
quest of the brother newspaper man
and want to assure him that the
compliment Is appreciated. The Her
ald's customers know that it takes
experienre, ability and knowledge of
the printing art, combined with good
paper stock, type and printing mater
ial to turn out the kind of Job print
ing that pleases and brings results.
Bells For Sale
Freely (ilven by an Alliance Citizen
When one has suffered tortures
from a bad back and found relief
from the aches and pains, that per
son's advice is of untold value to
friends and neighbors. The follow
ing neighborly advice comes from an
Alliance resident.
Mrs. J. E. Whaley, 422 E. Oregon
St., Alliance, says: "Over three years
ago my kidneys became badly disor
dered and the kidney secretions were
unnatural. Whenever I stooped,
sharp pains darted through my loins
and It was hard for me to straight
en. I tried many remedies, but all
failed to help me until I used Doan's
Kidney Tills. They brought relief
in a short time and I continued us
ing them until I was free from kid
ney complaint. I have had no rea
son to change my high opinion of
Doan's Kidney Fills since I recom
mended them some years ago."
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney remedy
get Doan's Kidney Pills the same
that Mrs. Whaley had. Foster-Mil-burn
Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y.
Angora, Nebr., Feb. 4 Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Lewis were treated to a
very pleasant surprise Wednesday,
January 27. by about fifty of their
many friends, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Crouch.
Frank Glau came down from Alli
ance on No. 303. Frank Bays bis
arm is getting along fine.
Fred Blaln made a business trip
un UnH roaiiv Koiiovo that them i ! to Angora Wednesday
.,r it it is hatvi t an.! Harry Barber is the new pool hall
swer. In fact It is hard to speak at ! manager. 1 having purchased the same
oil a roiinw fo.i iivd hrimfini? nn i from Fred Blain.
a iz-centimeter gun and snooting a
I have two car loads of very
choice Registered Hereford
and Shorthorn Bulls, mostly
coming two-year-olds, from
the best herds in Nebraska
and Iowa,
At the Alliance Stock Yards
Geo. Ho Harrah
"Keep a Working"
You and I and all of us occasional
ly tire of our work. The man who
collects fares on the end of a street
car, the riveter on a sky scraper, the
bricklayer, the hodcarrler, or the
bead of a great manufacturing en
terprise, the farmer, the stenograph
er and the bookkeeper and the clerk
who waits on you in the country
tore, all have their moments when
they would like to cut the whole bus
loess and take one long, lingering
But work is really the best thing
for us. Without the satisfaction and
occasional emolument of work, life
would be dreary and we should
quickly rust out.
How often we hear of a man who
retires from business only to step to
tne grave. All his life he has look
ed forward to a rest. He at last ac
quires a -competency. He proceeds
to enjoy it, but the pleasure he an
ticipated is missing. He is not u
habitual loafer or vacationist. He
loses his vigor, his eyes are no long
er bright, his interest in affairs laps
es, presently he becomes ill and un
less ho can obtain something to take
the Interest in life that he has lost,
lie dies.
"Keep a working," was the rule
little twentieth-century ginger into
the man who asks it. Yes, Mr. Mer
chant, you have been here 20 years,
but everybody In the county does
NOT know what you sell. They know
hat you are here, Just as they know
hat there is a tree at the side of the
road a mile out of town, or the same
s they know . that somewhere In
town there is a lock-up. And when
hey come Into town they drive right
past your place just as they drive
past the big tree or the calaboose
and they pull up in front of the store
of the fellow who has NOT been
here 20 years but who is doing a
bigger business than you are. Just
because he advertises und makes
good what he says in his ads. You
can do the big business, too. Mr. Old
Timer, any day you get rid of the
idea that because you have been here
long time everybody Is thinking
about you. This does not refer to
any particular merchant but to one
and all of the non-advertising kind.
" ff W your Back is aching: or Bladder
VVm J.l.kU..t-.l..
and eat lest meat
The Angora Literary Society met
at the school house Friday night.
January 29. New oflicers were
elected for the corning month. The
new officers are: H. J. Walsworth,
president; Miss Frances Morey, vice
president; Miss Mildred Stoner, sec
retary; Mrs. A. G. Stoner, corre
sponding secretary; Mrs. J. Wlens,
treasurer; C. L. McDaniel, sargent-at-arms;
Dewey Stoner, Janitor. The
debate: Kesolved, that the horse is
more useful to man than the cow, re
sulted in favor of the horse.
Miss Rose and Karnest Sherlock
attended the masque ball Saturday
Miss Maurice Mitchell was a
Bridgeport visitor Saturday.
Jake Wlens and John Sherlock
left Tuesday morning for Alliance.
after twelve head of cows that Mr.
Wlens recently purchased. '
A New Ford Story
Here is a new Ford story we saw
somewhere, but have forgotten Just
where. A man in California writes
to the Ford company and tells them
they should feel very much exalted
for the reason that the Ford Is the
only car mentioned in the Bible and
to prove it cites them to a passage
n Isaiah which says: He went up
into Heaven on high." and asks what
other car but a Ford coulddothat?
When your kidneys hurt and your buck
tVels sore, don't get scared and proceed
to load your stomach with a lot of drugs
that excite the kidneys and irritate the
ntire urinary tract Keep your kidneys
lean like you keep your bowels clean,
bj flushing them with a mild, harmless
alta which removes the body's urinous
waste and stimulates them to their nor
mal activity. The function of the kid
mJ is to filter the blood. In 24 hours
they strain from it 600 grains of acid
and waste, so we can readily understand
the vital importance of keeping the kid
Beys active.
Drink lots of water you can't drink
4oo much; also get from any pharmacist
About four ounces of J ad Salts; take
A tablespoonful in a glass of water
before breakfast each morning for a few
4lay and your kidney will act fine.
This famous salts is made from the
acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined
with litbia, and has been used for genera
tions to clean and stimulate clogged kid
eyt; also to neutralize the acids in
vrine so it no longer is a source of irri
tation, thus ending bladder weakness.
Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in
jure; makes a delightful effervescent
lithia-water drink which everyone should
take now and then to keep their kid
neys clean and active. Try this, alse
keep up the water drinking, and n
doubt you will wonder what became o
jrour kidney trouble and backache.
"(in It!" The Race Is On!
'lis the coward who quits to misfor
'Tis the knave who changes each
'Tis the fool who wins half the battle
Then throws all his chances away.
There is little of life but labor,
And tomorrow may find that
dream ;
Success is the bride of endeavor,
And luck but a meteor's gleam.
The lime to succeed is when others
Discouraged, show traces of tire;
The battle is fought on the home
And won 'twixt the flag and the
What Would You Do?
What would you do if you had a
million dollars In cold, hard silver?
We have asked several people lately
and find that they have many differ
ent ideas. "Doc" Copeland says be
would go into Koy Heckwith's and
buy enough clothing for a lifetime
for himself and friends, to Insure
getting that Ford runabout to be giv
en away soon. "Bill" Tragessor
says he would go and buy a Ford and
take all the boys (?) riding. "Hurt"
Lalng says he would buy every kind
of gun made, from a little teentsie
weentsie target rifle to a 42-centl-meter
howitzer, capable of killing
3.333 16-pound geese at once. Frank
Spon says that he would buy a sam
ple of every breed of dog in the
world, from the hairless Mexican to
the Angora dog. "Billy" Hamilton
says be would take that new Stude
baker Six and feed it perfumed ben
zine Instead of Just plain gasoline.
Next week we're going to tell what
some more of them say.
On Getting Together
Who is your worst enemy? What
do you most abhor? Upon whom
or what is your deepest hatred cen
tered? Stop and think and when
you have pondered well, ask your
self if you have tried to understanu
your opponent.
A man and a woman, who all
their lives had stood at the two ex
tremes of the social balance, ap
proached each other a few days ago
and, after a half hour's talk, each
was astonished to find that they
were in agreement upon practically
all of the questions brought up. The
man was John D. Rockefeller, Jr.,
Another Whiter Roquet
A western Nebraska newspaper
man. who has a good Job shop in
connection, in a smaller town than
Alliance, in a letter to The Herald,
You never know when you will
i'acc an emergency, caused either by
sickness or accident, when there will
be no doctor within call and when
it will be compulsory for you to
render what aid you can.
You can never tell at what time
you may suddenly be taken sick or
may be called to take charge of a
sick or injured person when you
will need some practical knowledge
cif medio! matters.
Dr. Miles' Family Medical Guide
contains advice and knowledge that
will enable you to be of the greatest
assistance to your doctor both be
fore and after he is called in.
This book is divided into three
parts. Tart I, Simple Treatment for
Common Ailments. Part 2, What
to Do in Case of Accidents. Part 3,
Practical Laws of Health.
Special arrangements! have been
made whereby the readers of this
paper can obtain this book free of
charge for a limited time only.
It is a book that should be in
every household in America.
Just write your name and address
clearly, on a post carJ if you like,
and send it to
Family Medical Guide,
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind
mentioning the name of this paper
and you will receive one of these
valuable books all charges prepaid.
Whenever your city is in
the market for Fire Hose or
Equipment, you should at
once write us, as it will be to
your advantage.
Also bear in mind that we
soil Hand Extinguishers for
automobiles, private houses,
lumber vards and schools.
1115 Farnam St.,
Mrs. McClain's Experience With
"When my boy, Ray, was smsll be was
subject to croup, and I was alwsys alarmed
at such times. Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy proved far better than any other for this
trouble. It always relieved him quickly. I
am never without it in the house for I know
it is a positive cure for croup," writes Mrs.
W. R. McClain, Blairsville, Pa. For sale by
11 dealer. Advertisement
and the woman, "Mother" Jones, the
labor leader.
"He has been misunderstood. No
one has wronged him more than I
have," said Mother Jones after the
interview. "I found that her mind
is remarkably clear. She knows a
great deal about these matters that
1 do not know. On all matters
which we discussed we were in
agreement," said Mr. Rockefeller.
Who would have thought It prob
able that two such statements ever
would be made by two such peo
ple? But these two people met and
each discovered that the other was
a human beine, far less unreasons
ble and menacing than the oilier
supposed. Misunderstanding is caus
ed by that aloofness which has, all
these years, kept Mother Jones anti
John D., Jr., far apart. Hatred, en
mity, and misunderstandings vanish
ed with a half hour's conversation.
Each saw the other's view-point and
each realized that the other was
working toward the very same end,
but along another route.
It is more than likely that all of
us who differ on questions of poli
tics, religion, and social questions,
would be truly happier if we could
lay aside our prejudices and get to
gether for a half an hour with our
dearest enemies if we could only
understand the other fellow's view
point. To do this we must cast out
the devil of fanaticism Just as
Mother Jones and John D., Jr.. did
and in its place let enter a spirit
which will keep whispering in our
ears the words of the Golden Rule.
Why use a cheap Sewing Machine
g.vhen you can buy theaa
n $3,00 down and $2.00 per month
with liberal allowance for old machine
41 2 Yz Niobrara Ave
Alliance, Nebraska
We tan and manufacture your own hides Into the
best COATS. lloliHS or other fur garments that you
ever aw and save you big money. All our work Is
fully guaranteed. Get our catalog containing full in.
formation at to prices, etc. It will tell you how to
keep your whole family warm at a very Hinall cost
with the hides and furs of your own raining.
With every coat or robe made from hides shipped
to us. we will Kive a free pair of mitts made from the
trimmings of the hides. These mitts are warm, wear
well Just what you need and they cost you tiothlntr.
III V lllltKS AM) Kl ltS
It. 000 Satisfied shippers testify to our ,SQUAHK"
Policy I'remium Cash I'rices. Write for Fur Price
list. Trappers Supply catalog and tags. If you have
hides to sell pet our prices.
OMAHA HIDE & FIR COMPANY, OMAHA, NE11. South 13th Street
IH-afiK'H Ciimtot IK' Cured
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deaf
ness, and that Is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness is caused by an '
intlamed condition of the mucous lin
ing of the Eustachian Tube. When
this tube is Inllauied you have a rum
bling sound or Imperfect hearing,
and when it is entirely closed Deaf
ness Is the result, and unless the In-
ttammatlon can be taken out and this
tube restored to its normal condition,
hearing will be destroyed forever;
nine cases out of ten are caused by
Catarrh, which Is nothing but an In-
flammed condition of the mucous
We will give One Hundred Dol
lars for any case of Deafness (caus
ed by catarrh) that cannot be cured
by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for
circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo,
Ohio. Sold by Druggists. 75c.
Take Hall's Family Tills for Con
With Standard Grades of Coal, direct from our bins to your home or
office. We have a big supply of
Canon City Nut and Lump Sheridan Nut and Lump
Pennsylvania Hard Coal Kindling
oti hand, ready for quick delivery. Phone 22.
Dierks Lumber and Coal
F. W. 1IAARGARTEN, Manager
I i
I Grow Sudan Grass I
Great for Hay, Smk1, Forage, Silage. Never
slsts drought, taiul rain. Grows wherever
Falls Cron. Re.
Mrgbuni doe. Pure
seed, 91 per pouud, prejwld.
Circular free. Address: ELLAGENE
lllrds of a Feather
A current newspaper Item is as
follows: "The wife of a minister in
West Virginia has been married
three times. Her maiden name was
Partridge, her first husband was
named Robins, her second Sparrow,
the present Quale. There are now
two young robins, one sparrow and
three little quales in the family nOe
grandfather was a Swan and anoth
er a Jay. but he's dead now and a
bird of Paradise. They live on Hawk
Avenue, Eagleville. Canary Island
and the fellow who wrote this is a
Lyre and a relative of the family."