THE STAGGERING SACRIFICE SALE OF THE F ft Begins Saturday January 16 at 9 a. m. Veritable Blaughter of the World's Standard Clothing Furnishings Hats and Shoes Not an Item of men-han-dbe In UiN mammoth Mock, the largest lu tlie Went, to be reserved. (reeu tickets bearing the limit of low price are at tached to every piece of merchandise in our stork. Your one great money saving opportunity. Ue on hand at the opening of this extraordinary sale. THE FAMOUS llJ D Or j Column j li 4 Hot One from Our Kxfiinngea Man's Utile Day First thing a fellow knows at morn He's born; Then, say, at ten o'clock, the next He's vexed By readin', 'rltin', 'rlthmetlc, Till sick. At noon he has to go to work, Or Bbirk. Then, 'round 'bout two, he takes for life" I A wife. From two till time to bring In lights He fights And struggles with his fellowmen, Adn then He sits around a while and thinks. And blinks. j And when at last It's time for bed. He's dead. W. W. Whltelock. Smile a Few Here, you discontented knocker, Growlin' 'bout the country's ilia, Chloroform your dismal talker Take a course of liver pills. Stop yer durn eternal howlin'. Chaw some sand and git some grit, Don't sit In th edumps agrowlin'. Smile a few And boost a bit. Fall In while the band's aplayin', Ketch the step and march along. Stead of pessimistic brayln', Jlne the halleluiah song. Drop your hammer do some root in, Grab a horn, you cuss, an' split Cvery echo with your tootln', Smile a few And boost a bit. Selected. Trouble The man who buys an auto car, But first the price must borrow. Will never travel very far Before he meets with sorrow. Birmingham Age-Herald. His punishment begins Indeed When it Is hla desire To show his friends a bit of speed And "Blooey!" goes a tire. Youngstown Telegram. And when he's got some friend s way out To some far sylvan scene His gladness Is all put to rout By lack of gasoline. Houston Tost. You may be right in what you wrote. or troubles there s a horde: But, boys, they'll never get MY goat! 1 m gonna get a Ford! He Stuck to the Claim A homestead shack on the dreary plain. Shaken and pelted by wind and rain. Deserted and wlndowless; gone the door, Thru which glad voices will never more Be wafted out to the rose-decked plain. For the homesteader folk will not come again. Poverty, drouth, and much ill luck Killed their gladness and sapped their pluck. So the old shack stands on the drea ry plain. Shaken and pelted by wind and rain. A neighbor who lived Just over the line Almost starved in the homesteader time. But be stuck to his claim thru thick and thin, And, Behold! Great riches have come to him. His shack Is a farm house large and wide. With a huge red barn that stands be side, His granaries full; and the town folks flock To see his place and his pedigreed stock. He looks sometimes at the lonely snack Across the line of the railway track And wonders what became of the poor old duck Who might have been rich had he only stuck. Sintehla. "Now," said the farmer to the new hand from the city, "I want you to clean up the pigsty and the stable and the henhouse and all the other houses of the stock." The new hand worked vigorously for a couple of days. Then he ap peared before his employer with both eyes nearly closed, bis mouth swol ten and red lumps all over his face and neck and hands. "Gimme my money," he said, "I'm a-goin to quit." "What's the matter?" said the farmer. "I don't know what's the matter, said the victim, "but It happened when I started to clean the beehive. "Yes," said Uncle Eben. Just turned from a trip to California. re "w experienced one pretty severe earth quaae dui i must say I miner en Joyed it. It was the first thing that nappenea since I'oiiy sua i were married thxt she didn't think I was to blame for." Breathlessly he rushed Into the barber shop. His hat, collar and necktie were off In a trice, and he sprang Into the chair over which old Frlti presided. "I want a shave and a hair cut, and I have only fifteen minutes," he said. Old Frlti stopped to consider. Af ter a few seconds, he asked: "Vltch do you vant the most?" "A shave." The shave took about eleven min utes. As Frits removed the towel from his customer's neck, he said: "Mine friend, don't nefer again ask a barber to cut your hairs and shafe you In fifteen minutes, pecause some time you might find a barber vat would do It." I, like Me Luke Says The quickest way to go broke is try to get rich quick. The High Cost of Living was only a pup in the days when a household was awakened every morning by the music of a coffee grinder. Nearly every woman dresses to please other men and to displease other women. A man can have a face like a Cub ist puzzle and yet the woman 1b he good to will think he Is handsome. Marriage may be a lottery to the girls under 25. But to the older girls it is a grab bag. The trouble with the man who is always talking about his own achiev ments is that he Isn't talking about ours. You never realize how dangerous a thing a little learning Is until you hear some girls trying to play the piano. Another pretty safe bet Is that you will not get Into much trouble if you let the other man do all the talking. What has become of the old-fashioned umbrella that used to have a tag on the inside with the inscrip tion: "Stolen from John Jones". A grouch Is a man who eat heart ily when a pretty girl Is watching him. Daughter gets the backache If she has to peel a few potatoes for moth er. But she can dance the Chicken Hip for five hours and holler for more. wnen Mrs. a. moves into Mrs. li. s house and Mrs. B. moves Into Mrs A s house Mrs. A will tell everybody how clean she left the house she moved out of and how dirty she round the house she moved into, and airs, li will tell everybody how clean he left the house she moved out of nd how dirty she found the house she moved into. A barrel of potatoes will do a poor family more good than ten barrels of sermons on Charity. lou may think that molasses in mier is siow. uut just watch a woman In a street car making room for another woman. What has become bf the old-fash toned woman who used to wipe her Qse on her apron? tne man who acts as though It was a felony to treat his own wife with common politeness when they re on the street is the same lad who will fall all over himself to run mile to get a smile from a strange woman. A Test for Liver Complaint Mentally Unhappy Physically, Dull Tne Liver, sluggish and inactive, first shows Itself in a mental state unhappy and critical. Never is there Joy in living, as when the Stomach and Liver are doing their work. Keep your Liver active and healthy by ng Dr. King's New Life Pills; they empty the Bowels freely, tone op your Stomach, cure your Constlpa tlon and purify the Blood. 232 at DruggUt. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve excellent for Piles. . adv No 1 79 Vaccine FurnKbwd) to Cattlemen Persons who graze eattle on the national forests are daily making a large number of requests of forest officers for blackleg vaccine, which la supplied free of cost to those who have cattle grating permits. The vaccine is furnished by the Depart ment of Agriculture. For several years past the depart ment has furnished free to cattlemen who are permittees on the forests this blackleg vaccine. In order that they may protect their herds from the losses caused by the disease. Before vaccination against black leg was introduced the annual loss es to the stockmen were very heavy In some cases running as high aa 60 per cent of an owner's calf crop. The disease is confined principally to an lmals between the ages of 6 and 18 months, comparatively few being at tacked after they are a year and half old. Calves vaccinated before they are 6 months old are not ren dered Immune for more than a few months and must be re vaccinated hence stockmen wait until their calves are past that age before vac clnating. A better practice is to vaccinate the calves at the age of , 4 to 6 montns, again at 1 year of age and still again one year later. Vaccination., however, is not cure for animals already Infected GUNSUMf HON TAKES 350 PEOPLE DAILY Over 350 people succumb to con sumption every day in the United States, Science proves that the germs only thrive when the system is weakened from colds or sickness, overwork, confining duties or when general weakness exists. The best physicians point out that during changing seasons the blood should be made rich and pure and active by tak ing Scott's Emulsion after meals. The cod liver oil in Scott's Emulsion warms the body by enriching the blood; it peculiarly strengthens the lungs snd throat, while it upbuilds the resistive forces of the body to avoid colds and prevent consumption. If you work indoors, tire easily, feel languid or nervous, Scott's Emulsion is the most strengthening food-medicine known. It is totally free front alcohol or any stupefying drus. Avoid substitutes. 6cuit & Cuwac, BIjouiUU, N.J. with the disease, though It prevents healthy calf from becoming Infect ed. The disease appears to be most prevalent during the fall months, but where vaccination is followed regularly the annual losses from blackleg have been practically elim inated. IOA REWARD, $100 The readers of thla vaprr will be pleaned to learn that there Is at leant one dreaded diaeaae that science haa been able to cure In all Its ataa-ea, and hat is Catarrh. Hall a Catarrh Cure the only pomtlve cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be- riK a constitutional disease, requires constitutional treatment. Halls Ca tarrh Cure la taken internally, acting (rertly upon the Mood - and tnucous urfaces of the system, thereby des- roylntr the foundation of the disease, ml slvinK tne patient streng-tn ny ulldtna up the constitution and aa- Istinur nature In doing- Its work. The roorletors have so much faith In Its uratlve powers that they offer One Hundred Dollar for any case that It fails to cure. Send for list of testi monials. Address: r . J. Cheney & Co., Toledo Address: K. J. CHENEY & CO.. Tol- do. O. Sold bv all Druggists. Trie. Take Hall's Family fills for consti pation. Your Cold Is Dangerous -Ilreak it up Now A Cold Is readily catching. A run down system is susceptible to Germs. You owe It to yourself and to others of your household to fight the germs at once. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey fine for Colds and Coughs. It loosens the Mucous, stops the Cough and soothes the Lungs. It's guaran teed. Only 25c at your Druggist, adv No 14799 County Court Ca.e The case of the State of Nebraska vs. Baldon, who was charged with having stolen Burlington railroad property in his possession, was tried before County Judge Berry Friday afternoon. Baldon paid the costs of the case and paid the railroad for Its property. Roy Lewis, a Burlington em ployee, is to be tried today on the harge of wife desertion. It BACK HURTS USE SALTS FOR KIDNEYS Eat less meat if Kidneys feel like leac or Bladder bothers you meat forms uric acid. Moat Mks forget tliut the kidneys, like the bowels, pot BhiL'imh nnd clogged and need a flushing ooctiHionnlly, else we bnvo backache anu dull misery in tne kidney repion, severe headaches, rheu matic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, uleeplessnis nnd all sorts of bladder dis i.riltT. Yon Eiti;;dy must keep your kiuiiet i'-tivo and clean, -and tlie moment you 'el mi u-'ho or pain in the kidney ?.ct alioiit four ounces of Jad 'hit from any god drug store here, a tuldesjioonful in a glass of water .lure breakfast for a few days and ur kidneys will then act fine. This nnious salts is made from the acid of rapes and lemon juice, combined with it liia, and is harmless to flush clogped idneys and stimulate them to normal irtivity. It also neutralires the acids ti the urine so it no longer irritates, .lius ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts is harmless; inexpensive; nukes a delightful effervescent lithia vater drink which every bod T should take iow and then to keep their kidneys clean, hus avoiding serious complications. well-known local drngpit says he lis lots of Jad Salts to folks who hulievs X overcoming kidney trouble while it is - trouble. Bring Eastern People Iuto Inquirers are asking every day, erately priced land in a healthful climate and good neighbors and a chance to go forward with community growth?" Help us get these people for your town and county. Send us lists mercial and professional men and mechanics, chances for man and wife on ranch or farm. We desire to co-operate with County Organizations, Commercial Clubs, Real Estate Men and Individuals, to these inquirers for consideration. in turn, send as the names of your duce them to come and see what you for you. Do this us Increase Mmm lite FILL THE COAL BIN With Standard Grades of Coal, direct from our bins to your borne or office. We have at big supply of Canou City Nut and Lump Sheridan Nut and Lump lYiiiiN)lvauia Hard Coal Kindling on hand, ready for quick delivery. Phone S3. Dierks Lumber and Coal COMPANY F. W. HAARGARTEN, Manager Relief in Sight when you buy a jar of Dry Zensal for the crusty, scaly skin of Dry Eczema, Salt Rheum or Tetter and Moist Zensal for Weeping Skin or watery eruption. These clean, odorless ointments for the two distinct types of Eczema will give you the relief you have been seek ing. Come in aud let me tell you about it. HARRY F. THIELE. Sibt TEA 111 TO IT Grandma kept her locks dark, glossy, thick with a mixture of Ssge Tea and Sulphur. The old-time mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur for darkening gray, streaked and faded hair is grandmother's treat ment, and folks are sgain using it to keep their hair a good, even color, which is quite sensible, as we are living in sn age when a youthful appearance is of the greatest advantage. Nownditys, though, we don't haw the troublesome task of gathering the sage nnd the mussy mixing at home. All drug stores sell the ready-to-use product called "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hah Remedy" for about 60 cents a bottle. It is very popular because nobody can discover it has . been applied. Simply moisten your comb or a soft brush with it md drnw this through your hair, taking tne email strand at a time; by morning is lnir disappears, but what de-:-v!it Indies with Wyeth's Sage and 'ilp" is tlint, besides beautifully m-'.;( !,.- the hair after a few applica inn r: nlso produces that soft lustre '1 .in ri ranee of abundance which is so i . ive: besides, prevents dandruff, cl.i'.: scalp and falling hair. HOUSE TO RENT or lease. Land to rent or lease. Land or city property for sale. Phone 36. C. W. JEFFERS Real Estate Owners and dealers need the REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. It's the llvest realty paper published. 11.00 per year, low advertis ing rates. It brings the re sults Sample copy on request. Real Estate Exchange Belle, Mo. J. F. YANDERS TAILOR and HATTER FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLIXJ. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT THE Br.. New Show lfil QllRircmiP EVERY WCKK Cteaa, Ctassr EatortaiasMat Ewvbear Seesi art Anieeds, LADIES' DIME MATINEE DAILY DO NT OO HOME SAYINQi I DIDN'T VISIT THE QAYETY Money and Your Locality "Where is that location offering mod of lands for sale, openings for com place the merits of your country before Let us put yon in touch with them and Eastern acquaintances that we may in are doing and what the West is doing today while you think of it and help the population of your community &n4 DARKEN the value of your farm. 8. B. HOWARD, Asa't Immigration Aget 10O4 Faroani Street, Omaha, Neb. m i a m Say Printers! Why are you wasting good time setting type by hand, breaking your back and straining your eyes ov er a type case? Do you know that the time you waste in this way would pay you bet'er if spent out after business and would pay the cost of installing a nearly new Junior Linotype Machine In your plant, allowing you to give your readers more news and set In better shape. We have for sale, on easy terms, a late model two-letter (light and black face) Junior Linotype. It is completely equipped and in good condition. For full part'culars write to Herald Publishing Co. Alliance, Nebraska J. H. Fredinberg and Co. ASHBY, NEBRASKA General Merchandise, Hard ware and Lumber, a Com plete Line of Building Ma terial, Tanks and Windimlls, Coal and Supplies. THE FREDINBURG HOTEL First Class Meals, Clean Comfortable Rooms Modest Rates the Place Where They All Stop Tne Barrels fz y a and Lugs of STEVENS H mm uowjie ana aineie Barrel SHOTGUNS -"-r2?5 mw tUd at weal MhctW tal -wmmtxt w uw as (WW Jjg M Mf M( MC I ricMdaot. iMwIWfllllmilwiL Our IKMf.s f. Una ml luinai Rm.,im- rwhU.L.. IM. If ft mw aMua STEVENS Im fmtt vmaia. m racrxx m UUIa rncfc J. STEVENS ARMS &T00L COMPANY P.O.BmSOOS. ctMcoecc r ALLS. MASS, On "SToutr Trip take with you a box of good and a late Get them at up town news stand or at deixt Driller Bros. HUMS