I 0 Important Happenings of 1914 In Pictorial Review For the Best Furniture Patronize Us TTIIS furniture store strives to keep abreast of the times in keeping its stock up to date. Take our parlor and living room furniture, for example. We can sup ply you with newly designed sets and single pieces at prices that will surely tempt yon. There is no better time than now, when the rMade In America" slogan is heard throughout our land, to brighten up your home with new furniture. If you live out of town drop in on us some time when you DO ill a T I come in. See our store. You'll like it. You'll be treated well. A few dollars will go a long way in renewing your fur niture. Let us prove to you how easily this is so. Miller Bros. House Furnish ing Store Buy Your Meats Where you will get satisfaction every time. We guarantee to please you. Fresh and Cured Meats, Poultry, Fish, Oysters Highest cash market price paid for Hides City Meat Market Phone 40 Fill the Coal Bin With Standard Grades of Coal, direct from our bins to your home or office. We have a big supply of Canon City Nut and Lump Sheridan Nut and Lump Pennsylvania Hard Coal Kindling on hand, ready for quick delivery. Phone 22. Dierks Lumber and Coal con PAN V F. W. I1AARGARTEN, Manager Barbed Wire, Cement Blocks, Lightning Rods, B. & 8. Floor Cover ing. Celebrated Bradley & Yroinan Taint. JAMUARY6tHCRARUN MARCH COLORAPO LABOR WArt- APRIL- DEAD MARINES VERA CRUZ- SEPTEMBER. OLP 9Jd HEW POPES NOVEMBER AUGUST RUhNS Of LOUVAlrJ.--- OCTOBER-aTALLIM65. DECEMBER-IN A GERMAN HOSPITAL- REFUGEES in BELGIUM- NOTO fc? lt r AMERICAN fUt AeOCATOH - GENERAL VILLA wax Motive in northern Mexico In January, advancing on Torreon. Lieutenant Hecker won a new trial In February, bnt the gun men he hired to kill Gambler Rosenthal were condemned to death. Many Uvea were lout In March by the burning of a tent colony In the Colorado labor war. American marine lauded at Vera Crui April 21, losing aeventeen killed and fifty-seven wounded. The steamer Empress of Ireland was sunk lu the St. Ijtwrence by the Storstud May 28, 1,024 being drowned. Archduke Fran Ferdinand of Austria and bla wife were ananatiinated June 28 by Gavrlo Prlnr.lp. Htartlng the grent war In Euroe. Actual boa till ties started by the bombnrdment of Belgrade after Austria formally declared war on Servla July 2&. louvuln, Delgium. waa burued Aug. 2S. On Sept 8 I'ope Benedict XV. was elected an the miccenBor of Tope Piua X., who died Aug. 20. George Stalling and the Itotitou Braves defeated the Athletics In four straight griuiev In October. During November tbouaauds of Belgian, made aomeleKt by the eonttlil. x.nmht refuge elHewhere. HoxDltnla in all the bellifferent counlrlea were filled with wounded. SAGE TEA PUTS LIFE AND COLOR 111 HAIR Don't stay gray I Sage Tea and Sul phur darkens hair so naturally that nobody can telL You can turn gray, faded hair beau tifully dark ' and lustrous almost over niplit if you'll get a 60 cent bottle of "Wyeth's S&?e and Sulphur Hair Remedy" at any drug store. Millions of bottles of this old, famous Sage Tea Recipe are sold annually, says a well-known druggist here, becaiue it darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one eaa tll it has been applied. Thorn whose hair is turning gray, be coming faded, dry, ecrsggly aad thin have a surprise awaiting them, beeaase after one or two applications the gray hair vanishes snd your locks become huuriantly dark and beautiful all dan druff goes, scalp itching aad falling Lair stops. This is the age of youth. Gray-hairee, unattractive folks arent wanted around, so get busy with Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur to-night aad youll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and your youthful appearance withia a few days. ELEGANT NEW YEARGREETING "Alliance's Mmt Pleaftant 8 to re" Benda Out a Beautiful Sou venir to Customers Just A Word To Earn More You Must Learn More Let me tell you how. Mark the coupon today and mail it to 810 Central Savings Bank Bldg., Denver, Colorado. . . . KaleMuaiihhip . , .Teacher ...Mechanical Engineer . . . Machine Designer . . . Toobnaktng . . .Klectrical Engineer . . . Livestock and Dairying . . .Advertising Man . . .ia Engineer ...Mechanical Draftsman .... Boiler Designer .... Foundry Work .... Electric Hallways . . . .Poultry Fanning .... Stenographer . . . .Automobile Running .... l'atterninaking . . . .Blacktiniithing . . . .Telephone Expert ....Civil Engineer Name Occupation Age . . . House Address Employed by Business Address City State f CALIFORNIA if in stamps utolourxJL0f ANGELES II ioSer Cbtnpcmy CAuroMiA U vScavengcr Do you want trash, ref use and rubbish hauled? Vaults cleaned f We do this work quickly at rea sonable prices. Special rates for business and res idence property. Phont 576 Peggand Darnell Remington Typewriters And Supplies Machines for rent. Rebuilt typewriters. I would like to place one in your home or your office for three weeks on trial. JORDAN ROBINSON PHONE 451 The prettiest piece of printing in the form of a New Year's greeting that has been done in Alliance this year has Juts been Issued from The Herald job department for the George A. Mollrlng store. This es tablishment has earned a reputation for good taste In Us appointments, and the New Year brochure Is in keeping with the general tone of hia store. As a window trimmer. Mr. W. A. Mollrlng is a nexpert. His handiwork displayed in the Box Butte avenue front of the store is the admiration of many passers-by. Under an appropriate Initial orna ment there la printed in artistic type on the New Year's greeting the fol lowing: Greeting, 1010 We add our greetings to those of your many friends and wish you a happy and prosper ous New Year. Respectfully, , GEORGE A. MOLLRINO Alliance's Most Pleasant Store ' Mrs. L. Z. Holloway, Mrs. Cora Lewis, Avis Joder, Grace Spacht, W. A. Mollrlng. they can get out of their muscles and can hope for no great change in the future, the minority use their physic al capacity as a supplement to their mental capacity and expect all things of their futures. The dividing line Is training, another name for educa tion. In youth, now, you decide how you will be classed later on. Let's measure, If possible, the dollars and cents value of going to school. In the United States as a whole, taking conditions by and large, the unedu cated ' man can not hope for more than 11.60 a day for S00 working days, or $450 a year. We'll give him the generous allowance of forty working years. Total Income $18, 000. Take the low estimate of 91, 000 a year for the educated man. In forty years he gets 122,000 more than the untrained man. The av erage difference In education is less than 2,200 days. But calling it 2, 200, the average return during a lifetime for each day in school is 910. Ten dollars a day? Can you beat It?" ORGANIZE NEW ASSOCIATION Hemlngford Men Organize for Pur pose of Handling Farm Produce a under Trade Commission ; We Hewolve To keep sweet. To boom business. To stand by our guns. To tell half we know. To ventilate evil if we get licked twice a day. To work for our town, oar people and onr county. To be moderate In common things and haBty in few. To pay our debts if onr nubscrib ers will pay us. , To work5 since we see no way -out of it. To meddle with no one and tell you about everybody. To give business men the best ad vertising medium In the country. To make everyone that takes this paper no glad they'll recommend It to their neighbors and send it to their friends. To come to you first, to tell you the most and please you the best, or In other words, first for news, best for home, and good for all. 2I0.0OO Women Soldier In Sen la Servia's war strength may be giv en as 240,000, but that figure must be doubled, for all Servian women can and will bear arms, declares Princess Lasaeovltch-Ilrebelianovicb, the American wife of the last des cendant of the Servian kinga. Even now I have no doubt they are drill ing, as the Montenegrin women did during the Balkan campaign, and looking over their underground store houses, for they have always had charge of the commissary depart ment of the army. For every Serv ian soldier who falls there will be a wife or a sister to take up his gun. They are wonderful creatures, tall and almost over-muscles from the outdoor work they have done for generations. They are often very beautiful and always they are afire with patriotism. Many DlHordera Come from the Liver Are You J t at Odds with Yourself? IK You Regulate Living? Are you sometimes at odda with yourself and with the world? Do yon wonder what alls you? True, you may be eating regularly and sleeping well. Yet something is the matter! Constipation, Headache, Nervousness and Bilious Spells indi cate a Sluggish Liver. The tried remedy is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Only 25c at your Druggist. tiucklen's Arnica Salve for Skin Eruptions. Adv No 2 4799 Home New Year Advlei Don't wait for the wagon white the walking is good. Don't grieve over spilt milk while there's one cow lefuln the patture. Don't say the werld is growing worse when you are doing nothing to make It better. Don't tell the world yuor troubles. You can't borrow ten dollars on them. Don't let the grass grow under your feet. The oows can't get at It there. C. O. Rosenberger, F. W. Melick, Grant Melick, Jess Melick, Wllber Melick and Henry H. Tomlinson, of Hemlngford, are organizing "The Federal Growers & Dealers' Associ ation", for the purpose of handling farm products under the supervision of the federal trade commission. The articles of incorporation will be filed with this commission and will thus come under the direct supervision of the federal government. The principal place of business will be at Hemlngford, and accord-1 Ing to the articles of incorporation the purpose of the organization Is "to act In the capacity of growing and handling of farm products for the benefit of the Incorporators and others in interstate and national .'. shipments. Tobuy and sell .to re ' tail dealers, packing houses, mills V and manufacturers of raw material consumers, national and internation al traders of all agriculture and live stock shipments." j - Guaranteed llltu kHinlthing I have opened a blacksmith shop in the brick building on the alley back of Rodgers' grocery. Black smithing and horse shoeing. Prompt service. Work guaranteed. W. L. CARROLL. adv-4877-dec31-2l Santa ('latin for Cuptain Tuttle Captain Su!th P. Tuttle was agreeably 6urir!svd Christmas eve when on hearing a knock at his door, he arose and opened the door to find that there was a large stocking . there, filled to the top with useful presents from his friends among the Eagles lodge. One or Two? The statement by an Iowa news paper that one of our candidates for supreme judge was a lawyer and a gentleman puts us in mind of the Irishman who waa taking a stroll thru a cemetery. He noticed this inscription on a tombstone: "Here lies the remains of a lawyer and an honest man." After gazing in pro found silence for a few moments I'at exclaimed: "Begorra, who Iver saw the lolks of this two men buried in wan grave?" New Blower for BluckMilitli Shop W. L. Carroll who recently sold his Interest in the H. U. Carpenter blacksmith shop to Mr. Carpenter and opened a shop for himself In the brick building on the alley back of Rodgers' grocery. He completed the equipment for the shop the first of last week by installing a new blower. Mr. Carroll subscribes for The Herald and orders an advertise ment this week. One can't always judge a man's importance by the angle at which he wears his hat. DRINK IRE WATER If KIDNEYS BOTHER Zat less meat and take Salts for Back ache or Bladder trouble XeutralizM acids. Oueer Freak of Nature Dr. L. W. Curtis, veterinarian. Is , exhibiting a jaw bone taken from a stallion formerly owned by Oscar Hale. In the jaw bone are twelve extra teeth, practically all in one bunch and starting from one spot. tThe animal was a valuable one and efforts were made to save its life by .drilling through the jaw, etc., with lout success. Send I'tter to "llemllein Army" Whenever a boy leaves his school at Lovelock, Nev., Superintendent McKillop sends him a letter, which reads In part: "Are you going to be one of the headless army? It's In the majority and spends Its time taking directions and a daily pitt ance from the leading and ruling minority whose heads, fixed on their own shoulders, do the thinking and planning that carry the world along. The majority draw pay for the work MeasleM at Ijakenide Dr. Geo. J. Hand was called to Lakeside the day before Christmas to attend to several cases of measles near there. There seems to be "an epidemic of measles between Lake side and Ellsworth. I Missouri is complaining of the smoke from the Arkansas forest fires. If the wind doesn't change ' soon we may have another war of cultures. Urlo acid in meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked; get sluggish, ache, and feel like lumps of lead. The urine becomes cloudy; tns bladder is irri tated, and you may be obliged to seek re lief two or three times during the night. When the kidney clog you mutt help them flush off the body's urinous waste or you'll be a real sick person shortly. At first you feel a dull misery in the kid ney region, you suffer from backache, sick headache, dizziness, stomach gets sour, tongue coated and you feel rheii matio twinges when the weather is bad. Eat less meat, drink lots of water; aiao get from any pharmacist four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juk, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean clogged kidneys and atimulate them to normal activity, also to neutralize the acids in urine, so it no longer is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive, cannot in- iure; makes a delightful effervescent i this-water drink which everyone should take now aad then to keep the kidneys clean and active. Druggists here say they sell lots of Jad Salts to folks who believe in overcoming kidney trouble while it la only trouble.