The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 24, 1914, Image 1

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    The Alliance Herald
volumi. xx it
NO. 3
& SUcntj GUrristitms to ll t Vlorlft
AtfctHk H of Aldanr iilun
lira Viartmil llatw Am.
anal I HirrulnmriU l(U;
tlty !." ttUnd)
i opera iinii um Fri
day tht the Alliance rir Depart
want's eihtbitlon wa witnessed by
aa eibaiu and appreciative an
aiawre The ahow w II derided till
la avary rtHxl, rlluilnalliiK n few
rMt whih barred a couple- of
Ik Main faalurea The performance
mmh with Itie Introduction by I
fthane and loeener were the
tat in appear, ptittiita on fifteen
aalaatr niUIdi eihtbitlon, which
hihljr i'pliuil"l, being h very
et bo, Loewaenar winning the full
Tfcta w followed ttjr noma clever
barrel lamplm whlrh waa a very
rtaty ferfortuanre but easy for tha
f tnWfta.
Trbrt and Mnlr gave a real
MhMiiitn in their turn on Him mat,
at a a two fall, The tionnra were
Xttant, Trahert taking In Ornt,
with a tradla tioll. ami Mnnlar lak
lag the aecohd by a wrlt lock. Thla
wa a good match with Mi of classy
rk la evidence. Trabert u In
Jsred In tha firt part of the go,
huh rauuxl a fw minute llnjr.
Than followed noma of I ha clal
t yranaRlvm work that haa ever
rut on here about thirty mln-
lam of parallel bar work whlrh waa
'I with round of applauae. Ca
atlle Nuba, tha Itmlrurlor, deserve
late of credit In tha manner In whlrh
ball! Up tha rlaaa. Each man
atawitted himself wllb credit.
I.rie ami Hill appeared fr a four
tawed sparring match whlrh etarted
at from tha gong, and round one
waa a plumb good on, but with tha
Martina of tha aaeond tha man ran
lot a rlihrh m whlrh Large waa In-
)rd. wblrb waa nereveary to call a
ball la activities, In urn to tha dlap
miM stent of tha crowd. After tha
tint waa cleared tha Instructor put
m annther moraa of gymnatlrs. In
hhh (ieorga Nation featured In tha
b'(k kltk. ilium feat, 3U Inrhaa
tHrr ln't rourh of a hoy to kirk
aaally. but ha aura illd "kick ovr
Vua wurbai" r-an iha broom) on
Ibla orratlwn.
Than torn ona Ul, "llrra thay
ia" Who? Tha whit hopaa.
RUaaln aixl t'artar tha haavywalsh
taitt anix wrra lntrolural by Dr,
aorca lUnil. aa follow: "Thla I
tka imlr that Alllanra haa baan loriK
l to bovkfl up for a lunK tlnia,
Hum. holJ tour palii t4-auaa Ihcra
aalaa to ha aomaihlna lolnn." Tha
a-rinritala raMnO'il with amilaa and
axxlfat taiwa to tha round of ap-
alauaa. A tha aarond wara adjum
ln tha al"Va Tha llcrald'a sport Inn
alitor handrd In a talanram whlrh
waa raarf. In which Jaa Wlllard
Mt m (chad to DKht Jack Johnson
ekallana tha wlnnar. itarrraa
Mill rallia tha man toother. Klvlng
Ibaaa laatrurtlon. then the ron
aanl them on their way. It had all
Ik appearance of an elimination
ronteat aa tnth tried bard for
aofkout. It waa a faat bout thor
aahly enjoyed by all. Tba refer
ratead both banda at the flnlah. de
adline a draw, whlrh waa well re-
lyal. whereon tha principal em
braced Mib other and remarked
"We'll meet aaaln then Jeaa Wil
Tba allow In all respect waa
but urrea financially.
Mwyal IliKliUiMler Will (JUo Mum.
querwdo IUII and laiu httf lar
ty New Year Eve
Tb Itoyal UlKhUndera will en
tertain on Nw Yaar'a Kve at 0 add
by ball with a icrand maaquerade ball
and dsnrlnx party. Suitable prize
(r rtMiumn will be awarded aa fol
low a
for tba moat goraeoua or daicllng
toat utlie.
ror tha moat elaborate costume.
For tt.a RiMt omkral rout u in e.
A fraiura of tba evening will be a
priaa wain, oprn to all. Muic will
b fralhal by tha well known
YY hairy orrheaira. ladies will be
a twiiitl fre
Talkie at Alltre t1nlic Work
A wll b an by Mr. . Lrunx'
iloiiiM'inrM la Tna Herald, an es
yK t-. i,,r, who I ! a Iboro
trf i fnwl, now In charge
af Ik elirratton and reutlr work at
ik AHta i iranina Work. L. K.
Jkw f lnrr arrived in Alli-
TaaUy. N-ceiubr 11. and
n liuk lt) of tin ni took rbarice
f . y-il of tba work. He will al-
k4ia a Im of men'a md-to-w.ei
aaita aiol urro,ts. an ad
naae( m f wbith will api-ear
tUwrM to WrM
T W Two la. w bo baa bn visit
tw fstiiav. Citla ri I. Tuttl.
f -m lta. Ml aa Hunday for a
wwk will laraa TbariDOpolla,
ry !. wad Uviagatoa. Montana.
x VC ;
Crowd of lUilniMtl Einployea Attend
liorture by F. II. Thomas in
Ilurlingtoii Ieriure Car
Judging from the large attendance
at the first meeting in the Burlington
lecture car Tuesday night, the slogan '
P) 1 "
Safety First" la enjoying a growing
popularity on the Alliance division.
At any rate. The Herald's represent
ative, when he arrived on time, with
a minute to spare, found all seats oc
cupied. Thecheerful Invitation on
the first slide shown read, "If you
wish to amoke, go ahead. Glad to
Imve you.
And so here and there
andalmost everywhere, arose little from a three weeks trip which ln
wreatha of smoke from pipe or cigar j eluded Hastings and Pawnee City,
of contented smoker. ; Nebraska; Wichita, Kansas; Denver
The pictures shown by F. B. ! and Fort Collins, Colorado; Chey
Thomas this year are noticeably bet- enne, Wyoming; and Kimball, Nebr
ter than the tirst lot. They arejaska.
tinted and look well on the screen., Mr. Montgomery delivered lec-
A number of short stories are told turea at the above points. He will
In aerie of pictures. The switchman leave on Christmas day for Crawford
eries depict a story of disaster to ! and other Northwestern points.
the newly employed awitebman who'
those to take risks against oft re-j UOHH TOCOLORADO
peated warnings of fellow employe. . . . 7T! . ,, .
Th. ...., ,.i Jh' Alliance Automobile Man Take Col-
f.ied m .r cnl!L-i .imw. hn.
this chap Buffered a long period of
; injured ey. "waa going to" lo"st to
u iHtnty aa to whether his badly
in. ii or not.
Many other pictures are shown.
all" of them Illustrating accident, of
It -tu aa if much good must result 1
from these rueetinga of the employes, ;
all brouKht together for the common
lurKH of "trying to make the jobs'
K-Her Job by making tbem safer
Jobs." a the lecturer ald.
Over 2S.000 Burlington employes j
have attended meeting In the car in
lota averaging fifty. Kighty-nve em-!
ploy, representing every branch of
ire service, were present Tuesday
nlaht. Another crowded meeting
was held Wednesday night.
hliull Haa llemlngfurd Hotel
M. & ahull, for a while proprietor we might arrange to take the Pana
of tb Central Caf la Alliance, af-ma Canal in o'nlghta.
A - V I- k' 1 T - ' v ' x , 'Va . '-1
!$xX V " Vr V -
ter selling the same to Curry & Oli
ver leased the Arlington hoN-l at
: lleminsford, taking charge as land
' lord on Monday of this w.k. He
and Mrs. Shull and family left Alii-
i ance the latter part of last week. 1
I They are starting out with a good'
I business at Heruingford. One of
1 the Improvements that is being made
at fhe Arlington hotel is the putting
In of steam heat by means of pipes
connecting with the Hemingford
mill, by means of which an abund
ance of beat can be secured at com
paratively small cost. A furnace
and boiler are being installed at the
t 1 1
uultM. wl ,U8eu .rJT.J'
cast? iu uiiii vaiiiiuv iuiuidu iuct uri:-
essary steam at any time.
Alliance Fresteiian .Missionary
-Hark from Ijerture Trip Thru
Kauftaa and Colorado
Rev. D. W. Montgomery, Presby-
1 terian missionary, returned Tuesday
! orado RepreentatJon of WoU
iiKown 1Un Automobile
John Graham, who ha been asso-
? C1
I nnv In nplllnir inlnmnhlloi tnr anniA
' c - - -
time, left Wednesday night with bis
' ' JrtM5?i,'"!:1."do'
Mr. Graham, who 1b a very suc
cessful automobile salesman, will
represent the Keo automobile In the
entire state of Colorado.
Xurim( Friend at Kidney
Mrs. M. Deerson, mother of Mrs.
C. L. Powell, received a telephone
call last Friday morning from Sid
ney, Nebr., Informing her of the ill
ness of a friend who resides there.
Mrs. Deerson left on the train that
night for Sidney to take care of her
friend in the capacity o f nurse.
Rather than cause hard feelings,
Over Fifty Head of Uurae Dlod lu
Cjikm County frons tit range Dla
eUM9 In hliort Time
Weeping Water, Neb., Dec X2 A
form of horse disease which made its
appearance in Caaa county late in
the fall la still in existence and
proving fatal in nearly every case.
Animals have been dropping off here
and there over the county every
week until the number that
been lost In the county in the past
, , , .. . J ; .
few weeks is estimated at about flf-
y Some of the farmers have lost
heir most valuable animals, so that
the financial loss so far most be
about $10,000. One farmer. Will
earner livina near Manlev has lost
;.a?Vu .u. -
several annua in. mum vi me oiuer
report have lost only one so
The nature of the disease is
thought to be a form of forage pois
oning, and it is noted that it is taken
nniv bv thoao unlmai ihat have hen
feedinar in oastureB and corn fields.
The local veterinarian has Just given
out the oolnlon that the disease Is
out me opinion mat ine aeae is
also on the new corn which is being
fed, shelled or on the ear, and he
recommends that farmers feed old
corn and oats. The report comes
from Nemaha county that horses are
also dying there from what is said
to be cbrn stalk disease, probably
the same disease as is here.
The appearance of the fatal dls-
Alliance, Nebraska, December 18, 1914.
Lloyd C. Thomas,
Alliance Herald,
Alliance, Nebraska.
Dear Sir: Enclosed find check for $1.50, subscription in full
to December 31, 1915. I have no comments to make on your pa
per. It la up-to-date and suits' me all right. I am a believer in
fair play on any kind of a game a man depends on for a living. So
wishing you a Merry Christmas and continued success to The Herald
I beg to remain a firm subscriber.
ease among the hones of thla county
strikes the farmers especially bard,
as they have suffered such a great
loss this fall from the ravages of
hog cholera. Thousands' of hops
have been lost In the past three
months, some farmers losing whole
herda of forty and fifty head. Vaccin
ation Is being practiced almost uni
versally by those who have any hogs
left. Something of the extent of the
practice ef vaccination may be judg
ed from the fact that one veterinar
ian of the county has administered
something like $2,000 worth of vac
cine since cholera made Its appear
Ms fall. Lincoln Star.
X-Ray Phot of Ilroken Hone
Hugh Smith met with an accident
last Saturday evening when return-
InK from Alliance to bis ranch, four -
teen miles south, that resulted In a
krnirpn ilia loam ntartp1 to run
broken le g i started to run
.In eudi SSVagon The
Je f1'"
next aay ne was orougui 10 Alliance
nd taken to St. Joseph's hospital.
where the fracture was reduced by
ln, r-v a rtr th hn hHt heen
, j - - ;
1 the doctor made an X-ray photo
of it, which showed a diagonal break
In the bone. Altho a difficult mat
ter to set the two beveled ends with
out making an incision, the X-ray
showed that it had been very nicely
I done. The negative for the photo
made with the use of Dr. Cop
Bey's mach ne, Photographer Grebe
. makinK the
, developing tne piaie ana maaing me
Photographer Grebe
Visiting with the Berrys
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Berry and
daughter, Grace, are visiting with
relatives here. Mr. Berry is a son
of Judge L. A. Berry and Mrs. Berry
is a daughter of Mrs. Ida Cook.
HMcial rrograma to be Obnerved at
Many of the Charrhe In Town
Many Chrlatmaa Tree
Christmas in Alliance will be ob
served by the different churches aa
follows. Special programs have been
arranged and every child will have a
place to go.
Christmas tree, starting at 7:30
o'clock. Program will be rendered
by the primary and intermediate de
partments. Candy and nuta for the
Christmas tree Thmsday eve ling.
Christmas program will be rendered.
Chrl tinas remembrances for the
First FreNbyterlnu
Christmas program on Christmas
eve. A cordial iwvitatlon la extend
ed to all. A treat for the children.
Methodist K4scoiai
Christmas service Thursday even
ing. The cantata, "Santa Claus Vis
Ion" will be rendered by a chorus of
the children, under the direction of
Miss Alice Acheson. Santa Claus
and the fire place will be present in
stead of a tree. There will be a treat
for the children. A general Invita
tion is extended for children not at
tending other Sunday schools to at
tend. Program begins at 7:80
There will be a Christmas tree at
the parish house on Christmas eve.
The celebration ol the holy commun
ion will be held at the church on
Christmas day.
Holy lioaary
Confession will be held at the
church from 7:00 to 10:00 o'clock
Thursday evening. Midnight mass
will be observed at St. Agnes Acad
emy. Five o'clock maBS will be cel
ebrated at the church on Christmas
morning, six o'clock mass at the hos
pital, seven and eight o'clock mass
at the church and high mass and
benediction at ten o'clock.
Immaiuiel Lutheran Church
There will be services at the Im
manuel Lutheran church on Thurs-
!day evening, Dec. 24, at 7:30 p. m.
with Christmas tree and Crhtstma
carols. .A program wil be given bjr
the children of the parochial school
and an address will be rendered by
the paBtor, Rev. Titus Lang. Christ
mas services and sermon in English,
Sunday, Dec. 27. at 2:30 p. m. Ev
ervbodv Is cordiallv invited to attend
ail the services, both English and
Christmas nervlces will be held in
Hie Lutheran church at Hemlngford,
Dec 25, at 2 p. m.
Services for Christmas will be held
at the Ashby school house on Sun
day, Dec. 27, at 19:30 a. m.
German Congregational
At the German Congregational
church, corner of 3rd and Sweetwat
er, a fine Christmas celebration of
the Sunday school will be held Dec.
24, at 7:30 p. iu. A tree with elec
tric lights and decorations from Chi
cago will be at the church. Most of
the children and young people will
ring and give a 'od program. Fri
day, Dec. 25, two services will be
held, one at 10:30 a. in., and one at
7:30 p. m.
Member of IM M, Traveler Pro
tective A&MM'latiotL, Furnished
FamtllfM with Dinners
: . . "
?rge uniDer 11 t 7m"
H'eB, too poor to provide themselves
Christmas dinner for Friday,
are being made happy today by the
WeD. ,n,Lbers of Post M.
. . J , A.B.iuH
ll lold'd with
( 1 auiomooiiea were loaded witn
'good things to eat and the kind
i i, , . ,.n ..,., ,.,v, .
hearted traveling men, who see so
much of the sorrows and sufferings
of life, Journeyed from house to
house, leaving at each place a basket
filled with good things and a sack of
Euch family provided for was fur
nished a sack of flour, a chicken.
'cranberries, butter, and a bag of
crenoernes, ouuer, ana a oag or
candy and nuta for the children. It
,,. fn ,hot ,,nnD.
is needless to say that the traveling
men will receive the thanks and good
wishes of both grownup and little
ones on Christmas day.
Will Move Next Week
Miller Brothers are planning to
begin next week moving the stock of
their furniture and china store to
their new location in the Newberry
building, across the street from
where they have been doing business
for the past thirteen years. They
started first with their news stand at
311 Box Butte avenue, and put in a
stock of furniture between seven and
eight years ago, moving their news
stand to Third street, next door io
the post office. Workmen are mak
ing alterations and repairs in the
Newberry building to suit the new
One trouble aboat invading Rus
sia la that one haa to take ao many
steppes before getting out.