nn mir n mi nvtj rrn mn? rsrv rv LLDQC 3 n5?D?OTcxx3 1m Cm fencer I 'iH f-yc-itSf-yyriiinM mi mi inH r-rr-m rm li rm n rro ti rm a rr mm 7,. A Alliance's Most Pleasant Store )o Your Shopping Early Avoid the last day rush by com ig to our store at once, or as soon possible. We have an ample rce of courteous and competent lies people, who can now give you lat personal attention that is pleas ig to you, and if you desire it will sist you in making your selections, esides, you now have your choice f our immense stock of new goods. A Few Timely Hints For which no charge is made, but which, if acted upon, will save you time, patience and mon ey; besides affording you a satis faction in your Holiday shopping that you would not otherwise havo. We are not saying much in this advertisement just giving a few "hints" -as an inducement to come and look thru our store and inspect our stock of goods for yourself. The Best Place to Trade It takes only a few words to tell what kind of a store is " The Best Place to Trade." It is the store where the quality of the goods is of the first importance. Inferior goods are never satisfactory at any price. Dependable goods at right prices always give satisfaction. An im portant Xmas hint is that you please yourself by trading at "The Quality Store." TOO NUMEROUS TOO MENTION Thi full pope ad is entirely too small to enum erate our stock of goods, so we will not try to do it. If you want to know how complete our stock is you will ha ye to come and see for yourself. We have the good you want and make the prices right. If it's aiiytUing in Dry (Joods we have it; or Ladies' Furs, Suit., Coats, Dresses, Party Dresses, Corsets, Gloves, l,,ii,o Shoes, House Slippers, etc. Beautiful lines of Handkerchiefs, Lace Collars and Hand Itags, the biggest line that has ever been under one roof in Alliance. Y hesitate to mention the lines of goods that we carry, for the reason that we cannot do our large stock justice. ICemeiuber that what we say here is only a "hint" of the stock that has been placed on our shelves and counters for the season's trade. Vheuydu want anything in the dry goods line you will fitui it here, a variety that will please you, luality that will suit you, and at prices that will sat isfy you. Too Numerous to Mention The Store With the Christmas Spirit The appreciation with which a present is re ceived depends upon the spirit in which it is given. It's much the same in making your selections when doing your Xmas shopping. j :It is easy to select ap propriate presents for your friends when .you have the right kind of stock to select from and in a store where the Christmas spirit prevails. This is the "Store with the Christmas spirit" where you will find all kinds of useful Xmas pres ents. ; It is a pleasure to show goods to our customers and we want all who call at our store to find just as much enjoyment in looking thru the store and ex amining the goods. You will feel that you are wel comed here. Especially at this season do we wish to do our part towards making everybody happy. We sin cerely wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. THE STORE WITH THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT DON'T FORGET THE CHILDREN You can still be a member of the Society for the Prevention of Useless Giving when purchasing pres ents for the children as well as for the older people. You will find here many useful things for the child ren that will make the best kind of Xmas presents and they will be delighted with them, too. We have the Pearl Line of Infant's Wear. "Ev erything for the Baby." Mothers, come in and see these goods. Just what you want for the little one. We didn't forget the children when we stocked up for big Holiday trade. We all want to give them a Merry Xmas. The man or woman who does not enjoy seeing the children happy doesn't deserve any enjoyment. Toys for children are all right in their place, but there are other things that will please them and that are needed and by all means should not be for gotten at this time. Don't Forget the Children iSure to come in and see our elegant line of Table Linens and Napkins to match JL