i - " Remember that we have the Largest and Best Selected Stock of Groceries in the j city for you to select from Christmas Trees and Holly Over a Ton Christmas Candies j ; ""T" DATES PECAN MEATS MALLAGA GRAPES LETTUCE FIGS WALNUT MEATS EMPEROR GRAPES CELERY CANDIED CITRON ALMOND MEATS GRAPE FRUIT RADISHES CANDIED CHERRIES SALTED PEANUTS , ORANGES GREEN ONIONS CANDIED PINEAPPLE SWEET CIDER BANANAS HEAD LETTUCE ORANGE PEEL COMB HONEY CRANBERRIES PARSLEY . LEMON PEEL STRAINED HONEY p COCOANUTS MINT Over a Ton of Faney Nut Over Fourteen Varieties of Apples Knglish Walnuts, per pound ..... - - 25c Q fl YVll CI Johnalhans, per box . $1.50, $2.00 AlmomlH, per pound ,25c H v T T lOll 1 KJ Li it Belle Fleur $1.65, $2.00 ; Filberts, per pound - - 25c Delaware Red $1.75, $2.00 Pecans, per pound 25c MpffV I .tlf1Ci"tTl !C Red Cheek Pippin $1.65, $2.00 Fancy Mixed, per pound . - - -22c IUCI 1 Villi ldlllldd Spitzcnburg - - - $2X0 Brazil, per pound - - - '. 20c an0 -" "rrrr S'g g-JWar; IS and a Prosperous gg SS Black Walnuts, per pound 5c Arkansas Black $1.85, $2.25 Ripe Olives, Queen Olives, Stuffed Olives, Maple Syrup, Sugar Syrup, TtTCr Va1 1 Grimes Golden $2.25 Corn Syrup, Con Came, Hot Tamales, Chili IVpper. 1 C.W I CO.! ' YoImperials gg Another car of PURITAN flour in. $1.75 per sack. "White Winter Permaiiis $2.25 Flour is on the raise, better take advantage, and buy now. ; Yellow Newton Pippin $2.25 Rodgers Grocery - - - - . V I -: " METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Notl.c for Publication Lolntrd Tragi ' I ma. - PUlSHC LAND 8 ALIO I 1 -! IB-mmmSSSWSBSBIBSISSSSSSBSSSM Department of the Interior, I. 8. 1 f f" ii ....i..t Land omce at Alliance, Nebraska. De Henilngford, Nebr. temher 14th, 1914. Normal G. Palmer, Pastor ected by the c'ommTs loner lo t'heGen- F II Jf fitt Mk 1 llR B services sraaas?.i iViuUKt GROCERY Kverv SuniUv (34 St-U. 1224). pursuant to the appli- BIB 1 U KM Wl 1 A Hn B 1 r.very Ktin16) . cation of Itodolphus M. Hampton. Ser- " W " " " " " " 10:00 a. m. Sunday School. iai No. oi63i, we will otter at public , . . sale, to the highest bidder, but at not .. 11:00 a. m. Morning service ,eitB than 3 50 pe racre at 9 o clock a- m m j IV I X Sermon by the Pastor. ' on the twenty-third day of Janu- f j LaaJ I IXI Y ary (1915) next, at this office, the fol- I fl I I T I 3:00 p. m. Junior League. lowing- tract of '"-nd sj.., vSwv, of i ii r .i ooii, iqi i n 7:30 d. m. Evening nerivce. Ser- containing so acres. o clock p. m. on December 28th, iyi4. 1 v- " " OCI Any ,)elon8 claiming adversely the . rol. ;., T ll.clnno,! mon' Lecture or Entertainment. above-described land are advised to ,sxs7 County ConinUHNlOUerS, LalMll U. llaMiman r,.r Thnrl nlh- Ynune Pen- their claims or objections, on or Tnuorh TVt w.npk fcvery liiursuay mgnt. xoung reo before tne tlme deH,Knat(ld for sale. II J i dosepn ii. aiuK pie.B study Class. w. w. wood, neater. Z H AO H AH n HTA Hf i I Sang C. Reck Every Friday Mght: Choir Rehear- U-m-ft. ELLIS" ReCeVfr- 630011311615 TOl A " Bal" Serial No. 01353S. '9 f I First Monday Night of Iach Month: . Xoiire for Pubiiration 'fy, w ' Official Board Meeting. ' ilSkx? & YtTIOC TfAAP F,rt Tumay NMght of I-h Month: u y i AI Ildb 1 TCCS N. Peterson, formerly Clista N. Pass- vfv m . more, of Thelnia, Nebr., who, on May j Mrsi 25. 1911, made Homestead Entry, No. 013538. for S'i NWit, SVV Vi NKV,, . - 'mm " mm mmm SVV. Vhk SEV4, Sec. SO: NE"4 NWV, "y. Section 31. Twp. 23 N., Kange 45 W., trty JT and SV NKVi. SEVi Sec. 25. Twp. 23 A O W. - - - w I I Tl i North. lUngo 46 W. of 6th Principal Tjf Jy. L V. II l! tl V Meridian, has filed notice of Intention ' h k A 1 M W. 1 JI Jl IT IL 7 MIhrlHinm to "the land above des- Jr - cribed. before Register and Receiver. V'!, U. S. Land lifflce. at Alliance, Nebras- vAjbsj . . , . . , ta. on the 26th day of January. 1915. vZw V I I II Claimant names as witnesses: Ar- thur Feagina, of Alliance, Nerb.; Mau- 0 v - f B luornda'hi." o"' TheTma." Nebrciarence 2. 5 Apples, all kinds of Mixed Nuts and Candies Reasonable Prices M IF YOU WANT TO MAKE, XMAS PRESENTS OF SOMETHING HIOH-CLASS AS lntrcSywSSB f?.'e 7 L We haVC PRUNES 3-CROWN RAISINS, and WELL AS DURABLE. DON'T FAIL TO LOOK AT OUR LINE OF HEISEY'S "DIAMOND H" isi4. m the Matter ?f the' Estate of T 2 PEACHES, in 10-pound boxes, at One nr.nnTT a rTikrn Mary F. Fullerton, Deceased. vi . ' GLASSWARE BEFORE PURCHASING. To th kcukihtuks f said es- x. nii-u u-i i- i uwioann tate: Dollar per box, while they last -mmmmmm-mm-.-mmmmmm-m--mmm---mmmmm YOU r hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court Room In Alii- V0 . f, . auTTTVn wnTd NUTS ance In said County, on the 15th day of A " e Can Rave J'OU money Oil Staple Grocer- BHtuLLEiU flUlS . "U1U juiy, 1915, to receive and examine all WW vi nn.l 65c lieiSeVS K-jrlish Walnuts, per pound 30c Xi?K.tij ies and Provisions. You will be pleased with Pecan bal VCR, per pOUIKt - OC m-.w.ww " ln,0IUs per POUlld 30C The time limited for the presentation A X , - ' 1 ' 1 I'"""1 of c,aiin- aKain8t said E-iate is six faM, our goods and with our pnees. Citv orders Vno-lUb Walnuts Per POUlld 70C hllbertS, per pOUlld -SOC monllis. from the 14lh day of Jmuary. 11-, , ' hngliKh, wainuw, iir.io y Brazil Nuts per pound 25c a. d. isis .ndthe time lim td for delivered promptly. Phone 9. uiatii iuia, jFri 1"'uiri payment of debts Is one vtrr from iVyi Almonds, per pound . oUC fW Pecans, per pound 25c said nth day of January, tsis ' Jhf Witness my hand and the s al of 'Ay o i. l l.,,c now rtniiml 20c r W said County Court, this 1 Ith d.iy of De- V baited Peanuts, per pounu -..uc FRESH VEGETABLES cember. 1914. 10. ,ftJWn KiiUDtnui, (SEAL) L. A. PKR1Y. Pecan Stuffed Dates, 10c and30c per fj - - 0up jinp of Frfsh Vegetables to ar- s-st-53o-4S40 county judge. tmeka-e if wTu W rve on 24th of December will con- hoy wanted for junito work at 1 ' V R B t:vt n l la.l IlPttiiee Pascal (Vlerv Tn" Hel'H,t1 offlce. Can tin f.e work yJf' i.t t i .v Oft . , 1.0,, H II kiSt 01 ,liaa lAtlUCe, t aSCBl ltltrj, and attend school also. Must K steady 477 Smyrna Washed rigs, ,SUC per package. U fl I eaf Lettuce, Self-blecahing Celery, and reliable, call at Herald . mce. California Candied Figs, 10c per pack- f f Fresh Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Cauliflow- 121 4 Z W er. Radishes. Onions. usai.e iso hea.i of vi.ojinated KLK .V' ramp n n n oo-e ti, jiauiM.iB, ummis. ,hit. veish about 120 rounds each. 'ftj. v e carry a complete line of 6 " . WX vvi" or ,nake contract with right wZVt Cryslaliz-a fih.eer, 20c r.r package. 7 FRESH FRUITS iT.n.'i'ft'K'K" r.'8bVrVd.a. W,"?w' VM. D R f flnnprl Rnn'fC Ca ulicd Cl,erri... 20c per pk.. V ;W from tlM . bu.Wl .. . iJ ' ' nnCd P 1 UltS . flAooi.mn Florida Crape FrUlt, 5 Cents each. Write the Farmers C.rain & Supply IK l Crystalized Pineapple lingers, 20c per JjlaSSWar Oranges, 30 cents to 60 cents per doz- lx. lZ l VPO-Ptn M FQ ,. r-n out the middlemen's profits. '?? t.AV VClLtiiLlVO package. i-?5-infii Misses Mate and Helen Murphy of a, vv x xvvxkVvCTOvvvo A tf tf Grand Island are the guests of M. P. yjV, Oit f' CI w W J i LwW-l If no other war onens un th v- . "rape Chicago fraud jury chii always J it. "V h nnMMaaiiM HHBaKHHBaMj make a coup by Indicting itself. 11 111 MMnMHMnMMiMBMHHMma ' , it ( 1 , . ' 1 II ny 1 I