The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 17, 1914, Image 13

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    (1T n OOCP x"7tx
Homemade Gifts
Acceptable- to Men
Toys Made in the
Home Workshop
v a ivy u a floc
WV V t. 1 L 1 1 f I I i mm. , 1 an I I a II I H till
The most complete line of Guaranteed Pure Aluminum cooking utensils
ever placed in Alliance at the lowest prices
See Our Window for Full Line of Xmas Gifts
This 6-cup Pure Aluminum
Coffee Percolator (9
only - - - U a U S
They can't rust They can't 'corrode
Every piece guaranteed
for 20 years
This Pure
Aluminum Casserole
Only $1 .49
Tl is 7-piece Combination
One 1-qt. Pudding Pan One l-t. Stew Pan
One 2-qt. Pudding Pan One 8-pt. Stew Pan
One 3-qt. Pudding Pan One 3-qt. Stew Pan
- 1 "
or lease. Land
to rent or lease.
Land or city
property for
sale. Phone 36.
Real Estate Owners
and dealeri need the REAL
livest realty paper published.
11.00 per year, low advertis
lng rates. It brings the re
sults Sample copy on request.
Real Estate Exchange
Belle, Mo.
Typewriters And
Machines for rent. Rebuilt
typewriters. I would like to
place one in your home or
your office for three weeks
on trial.
Sick Headache.
Sick headache i nearly always cauoed by
disorders of the etomach. Correct them and
the periodic attacks of sick headache will
dixapar. Mm. John Bishop of Koaeville,
Ohio, write8: "About a year upo I was trou
bled with indication anil had tick headache
that lasted for two or three days at a time.
1 doctored and tried a tiiiiiilr of remedies
but nothing lielj-ed me until during one of
tluwe lii k nls a friend advised me to take
Cw luberUin'a Tablets. Thin medicine re-lu-vrd
me in a abort time." For sale br
u 11 ibalerc. AiWerli.em.eul.
Do you want trash, ref
use and rubbish hauled I
Vaults cleaned f We do
this work quickly at rea
sonable prices. Special
rates for business and res
idence property.
Phone 575
Pegg and
Whenever your city is in
the market for Fire Hose or
Equipment, you should at
once write us, as it will be to
your advantage.
Also bear in mind that we
sell Hand Extinguishers for
automobiles, private houses,
lumber yards and schools.
1115 Farnam St.,
On "E"oa.z Trip
take with you a box of tfood
and a late
Get them at up town news
stand or at dojot
Apparently many citizens of Alli
ance allow trash to accumulate on
rtielr premises with an Idea that a
"clean-up" day will be designated
for the city to remove it. There is
no official clean-up day for the city
of Alliance but every day is clean-up
day for the citizens to whom we want
to Issue a final warning. The city
ordinances with regard to these mat
ters are very plain and the health
conditions of the city are more to be
considered than anything else. Ile
fuse. accumulating, la almost certain
to spread disease, especially typhoid
and other malarial diseases which
make it an offenae punishable by fine
to permit refuse or filth to accumu
late on vacant lota or In alleys.
Chairman Board of Health.
SELECTING gifts for one's menfolks
Is perplexing; to the Christmas
shopper; their seeds are few, com
pared to those of women and children.
Men like gift that add something to
their comfort and they like convenient
things. They especially appreciate
gifts made by the donor, and this year.
there are some novelties for them
which are not difficult tb make at
A basket, which will do either for a
den or a bedroom, Is made very easily.
The materials selected for It depend
opon the purposes for which It is to
be used. It It Is Intended for a con
venlent receptacle for ties, collar but
tons, pins, needles, thread and various
odds and ends, It Is to be made of cre
tonne, brown linen or figured silk end
finished with ribbon. But If for a den
to hold pipes, matches, cigars, tohacoo.
etc. It Is to be made of thin leather or
heavy silk and finished with silver or
gold braid and cord.
A collar box covered with cretonne
and suspended by ribbon hangers is a
reliable gift sure of a welcome. A
round psstehoard box of suitable size
Is needed over which the covering Is
stretched and either pasted or sewed.
For small remembrance tokens flat
sachets of crepe paper carrying laven
der or spicy perfumes in an oblong bit
of cotton batting, are tied with nar
row strips of ribbons.
Desk Sets for the
Office or Home
THERE are some toys that can be
made at home fotrth smaller cblV
dren and they are among those that
are most durable and moat cherkibed
Among them are Teddy bears, dogs,
elephants, rabbits and kittens made ei
canton flannel or plush. Rag dolIe
printed on strong muslin, can be
bought ready to be cut out and mad
at borne. The anlmsls are cut by pat
terns to be had at pattern companies
and are staffed with sawdust. Small
buttons or beads make their eyes and
heavy yarns are employed in outlining
the month or nose or other details.
A small white dog shown In the fdo
ture Illustrates how well these toy
look. He Is furnished with eyee made
of little blaok buttons and ears cut
from black cloth. A ribbon carrying:
a tiny bell is sewed about bis neck
and he ie bedecked with a narrow band
of red ribbon about his body, tied In a '
bow at the side.
A clown doll Is shown with the head
made of ribbed goods like a stocking;
top. The body Is made of blue cambric
and the shoes of red. The tall bat Li
of red also, and the costume Is fin
Ished with a ruffle collar of white lace.
This doll has eyes made of small black
beads with eyebrows and eyelids de
fined with black yarn. His nose le
formed by making a short ridge In the
face drawn together by a few stitches.
A etltch, In red yarn, forms his moutk
and a mustache and whiskers are
made of black yarn; By separating the
yarn into strands, and sewing it about
the bead below the cap, an abundance
of curly, black hair is simulated. The
cap' Is topped with a tiny bell and red
yellow and blue yarns represent ut'
tons jtnd cpb'olderj n htj appareVT
Among the new things brought out
, for this year are pictures to be mads .
i by cutting out ft sure from colored tls
j sue paper an3 pasting them on a thin
paper background. The tissue Is placed"
i over an outline picture and the figure
' wanted drawn In outline with a peiE
' ell. It Is then cut out. Different ob-
Jects sre drawn on different colored
) paper, as trees on green paper, horses
on white or brown paper, and other ob
jects on spproprlste colors. After all
. the required figures are cut out, they
are pasted on me oacKgrovna.
A MONO the most attractive of
novel presents for men are office
or library sets consisting of portfolio,
letter box, waste basket, candle
shades, ec. They are made of hand
some wall paper designs pasted over
foundations of heavy cardboard or
wood. A paper having a broad black
and white stripe with dark red flowers,
vaguely outlined on It, was used to
cover the letter box and portfolio
shown in the illustration. The candle
shade Is of dark red paper decorated
with a fancy gold braid pasted on. The
ability to choose an attractive paper
and paste It on neatly Is about all that
Is required for making these set.
Leather effects, the tiffany papers, be
sides many artistic flowered patterns
are suited to the purpose and make
useful and tasteful gifts that men appreciate.
j No use to squirm and wince and
try to wear out your Rheumatism. It.
will wear you out Instead. Applf
some Sloan's Liniment. Need not
rub It in Just let it penetrate all
. through the affected parts, relieve
,the soreness and draw the pain. Yoq
get ease at once and feel so milch"
better you want to go right out and
tell other sufferers about Sloan's,
Oet a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for
'25 cents of any druggist and have K
In the house against Colds, Sore
and Swollen Joints, Lumbago, Sciati
ca and like a'lments. Your money
back If not sat'sfled, but It does give
almost Instant relief. Buy a bottle
adv 14799
By heroic exertions football has
managed now and then to make a
run around the end of the battle line
land secure a place on the first page.
-S wtXt
Tobacco Pouch and
Dressing Case Bag
e 0-
A TOBACCO pouch is made of four
long, narrow triangles of leather
or of a silky plush, sewed together. A
silk lining is made In the same way
and placed in the outer bag. The edges
along the top are blind-stitched to
gether. The bsg Is 7Vi Inches long,
each triangle 3Vs inches wide. A
casing Is stitched In the bag 1
Inches from tde top to accommodate
narrow elastic bauds for drawing
strings. If the bag is to be hung up
ribbon or cord suspend :rs tre lev :d
ic'i sijo.
j Finds - Cure tot Filepiy
After Yean ot Suffering
"My "jJ;litr was miotd wttts
epYIepTib'nts fur tUr years, tha attack
canting ever fair waeks. We mployJ
savaral doctors but they did her n
g'K't. About
year ago w 4
heard e f Dr.
Vtllea' Nervine,
and It certeloif
has proved s
bleaaiiif to em"
little girl. She l
new apparently
cured and la ea-Joying-
toe beat
of bealth. It 1
over a year alnca
aha baa had m
St. Wa cannot
peak toe hlg-fclr
Mllea' Nervine "
Coiafrey, ftltna.
Thousands of children in the
United States who are suffering
from attacks of epilepsy are a
burden and sorrow to their parents,
who would give anything to restore
health to tlie sufferer.
Dr. Mile.' Nervine
is one of th best remedies known
for tl'is alV.icti'Mi. It has proven
hi t'eiVial in thousands of caes
anil those wI'O have used it have
t he greatest faith in it. It is not
a "cuie-: !l," but a reliable remedy
tor nervous diseases. You need
not hcs.t4te to give it a triaL
Sold by all Drueo- If tha fire,
bottle fail to benefit your money le
returned. . a
MILEa MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
of Dr.