TOP w it -a aw vm ai ei' v r N4 A. D. 1914 GREE 1 UN US A. D. 1914 LIVE STOCK PRICES ATSOUTHOMAHA CaUle Break 15 to 25 Gents on Hsayy Receipts. K06S STEADY TO NICKEL UP. theepTratfe Dull an Weak te 1015 Lower Buyers Art Extremely Baar ah Maaaagaa From Eaatarn Point. Very Discouraging. Union Stork Yard a. South Omaha, Drc. IS. A very liberal ruo of cattla arrived yesterday, about S.8UO head. Unexpectedly Leary recelpta of cattle at all points had a moat depressing Influence on the market, and prlcet for corn fed cattle were all of 16625c lower than Friday right from the atart Trade waa very alow throughout. Any thing that suited dreased beef men la the way of graaa beeves aold at pretty clone to steady figures, but low grade and off quality stuff was very alow sale and generally quite a little lower. Oowa and heifers were pretty close to a quarter lower than laat week on an average and stock cattle and feeding steers went at prices that ranged from nearly ateady on the beat to 10015s lower on the fair to poor klnda. It waa a alow and uneven trade ail around. Cattle quotations: Prime yearlings, 9. SOCIO 60; good to choice beevea, 11.(069 00; fair to good beevea. $1.00 68.40; common to fair beevea, $7,000 7.80; good to choice heifera. $6,259 1.60; good to choice cowa, $5 75s.75; fair to good cowa. $5.2565-75; cannera and cutters, $4.50Q5.OO; veal calves, $7,506 $.60 ; bulla, stage, etc., $5,266 7.10; good to choice feeders, $7,756 8.25; fair to good feeders. $7.00 6 7.65; common to fair feedera, $3.0067.00; (tock heifers, $5.6066.53; stock cowa, $50066.25; stock calvea, $6.0068.00; good to choice range beevea, $7,756 6.25; fair to good range beevea, $7.25 67. "5; common to fair beevea, $6.00 67.00. About 5,200 hoici ahowed up yester day. The market waa fairly active and the general trade was easily iteady and before the clone a number Of ealea looked to be a nickel higher. Bulk moved at $6.8566.95, and tops reached $7.00. ..... Sheep and lamb receipts totaled 4, 160 head. In spite of a light run of iheep and lambs, the trade waa alow and dull, with prices generally weak to 10615c lower than the close of last week. The alow and dull trade was attributed to the discouraging advices from eastern points and to the packer Claiming that the schedule of prices on Lhla market waa already too high omparefl with Chicago. Some native lambe brought $8.50 and a ahlpment f Mexican yearllnga aold at $7 50. Quotatlona on aheep and lambe: Lambe, good to choice. $8.2568 50; tamba, fair to good. $7.7568 25; feed re. fair to good. $7 567.76; yearling, good to choice, $7.0067 50; yearlings, fair to good. $6.7567.'!: yearlings, feeders, $5.6066.10; wethers, good to ebolce, $5.7566.25; wethers, fair to good. $5.506 5.75; wethe's. feedera. $4.4066.00; ewea, good to choice. $5.15 65.40; ewes, fair to good, $4.7565.15;. awea, feeders. $4.40 6 5.00. , Made. In America You can help keep American fac t torlea running and keep American . workers busy on full time if you buy t goods "made In America." Perhaps yyou do not reallij how raucli money vihfc wuot a Bpent abroad. Here re some figures that will open your eyea. In 1918. the people of the United Statea spent In Europe For soaps t 750.000 Perfumes, cosmetics, etc. .1.844,234 Clocks 806.000 Watchea 2.612.101 Lead nenclls 500.000 China, etc 800.000 Malcbea 719.000 Sclaaors and shears .... 603,267 Needlee 4 57.000 Kitchen utenaila 667,486 Pen and pocket knivea . . 752,116 Mutton 1,812.719 $12,323,923 Over twelve million dollars and we have mentioned but a few lines. Don't you think American manufac turer of these aame articles would welcome having thla sum added to their sales? And don't you aee It would put twelve million dollars more into circulation in thia country. WILL DO LIKE CALIGORNIANS Cheyenne County Farmer Will Try Pump Irrigation on Thirty Acre aa a Starter From Lodge Pole Express: John Jenik, who recently return ed from an extended trip through the Irrigated regions of the western roast, has decided that bla own farm offers as good advantages as many of the placea he visited. At some of the truck farms where they were pumping water over 200 feet to Irri gate their crops he told them that be had a farm In Nebraska where be could get an unlimited supply of water at forty feet and they laughed and asked blm what better lyaout than that a man could want. Out there it is not what it will coat to get water but the fact that tbey can obtain water at any price that makes land valuable. Here around Lodge Pole there la an Inexhaustible under ground stream that can be raised to the surface at a very moderate cost yet we have lived here all these years and not taken advantage of our opportunities. Mr. Jenlk'a trip has opened bis eyea to the fact that right here at home we have opportunities that on ly need to be taken advantage of. If people in California and Washington can pump water 200 feet and irri gate land that does not compare with ours In fertility or smoothness and by so doing make it worth a thous and dollars an acre, we certainly ought to be able to raise the value of our land when we only have to raise water from ten to twenty feet. Mr. Jenik is now planning to put about thirty acres under irrigation as an experiment, and after what be has seen feeU confident of success. lou't Delay Treating Your Cough A slight cough often become r leus, Lungs get congested, Bronchial Tubes fill with mucous. Your vital ity is reduced. You need Dr. Bell's Flne-Tar-lloney. It soothes your Ir ritated air passages, loosens raucous and makes your syatam realst Colds. Give the Baby and Children Dr. Bells Plne-Tar-Honey. It's guaranteed to help theui. .Only 25c, at year drug gist. 48-41-4029 irnooMK oe to lixivilx llcpreNeiitiitlve-elect from Thia IWi rict IWt Wednesday Night for Coming KeNxion at Lincoln F. M. Broome a Alliance, reprn-sentatlve-elect from the disiri.-t com posed of Box Butte and Sheridan counties, and a candidate- for speak er of the house, left Wednesday night for Lincoln to prepare for the work of the coming- session of the state legislature. Mrs. Broome and daughter. Mint Virginia, left Sunday night for Lin coln to make preparations far mak ing their home there- during the ses TO THE W ill JO To the Patrons ef the Alliance Cleaning Works: Having again as sumed charge of my shop, which haa been leaaed to Harry Clayton and Ernest Hock, all bill due the shop are payable to myself or to Vivian Hall, authorised to collect. MRS. ANNA ZEHHUNG. decl0-2t-4824 AS THE FESTIVE YULETIDE APPROACHES AND THE SPIRIT OF MORE OR LESS PROMISCUOUS GIFT GIVING PER MEATES THE GENERAL PUBLIC MIND, IT IS FITTING AND APPROPRIATE THAT THE VENDER OF MERCHANDISE SHOULD ISSUE A CIRCULAR OR PROCLAMATION DESCRIPTIVE OF AND APPERTAINING TO THE ARTICLES KEPT FOR DISPENSATION, TOGETHER WITH INFORMATION REGARDING THEIR MERITS, THE NECESSARY STIPEND, ETCETERA, ETCETERA. IN PURSUANCE OF THE ABOVE IDEA WE DO NOW ANNOUNCE THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES ASSEMBLED AT OUR EMPORIUM FOR THE PURPOSE OF MERCHANDISING. RAIMENT The unsurpassed product of the famed Hirsh-Wickwire Company, noted for its sightliness and durability $22.50 $2500 $27.50 and $30.00 ADDITIONAL RAIMENT of the "Clothcraft" variety which in a line of great merit and unsurpassed values at $10, $15, $20 GREA 7 CO A TS and ULSTERS of a variet yof styles, fabrics and patterns $10, $15, $20 and $25.00 which we do assure you are very desirable ami pleasing to the eye. ' .. Also a great assortment of lesser articles, viz:. Plaids, Breeks, Schifts, Sarks, Spats, Neeft cloths, Slumber Linens, Helmets, Kerchiefs, Gauntlets, Ruffs, Portmantaus- . All in first-class condition, worthy of your consideration An it please ye to become our patrons we do heartily pledge ourselves to render unto you courteous treatment, the choice of oar wares, and the utmost in values for the stipend. Sincerely thine, ROY BECK WITH MBBSaSSBSS5SSi3aSBCaa rWalHBmsBHasBaai - I a CLEANING, PRESS ING, REPAIRING Mr. Zeliruiig Again hi Charge the Alliance Cleaning Works, 40:1 llox Ilutte Avenue of To the Public: I have again tak en charge of the Alliance' Cleaning Works, which has been leaseH to oth er parties since September, and will be glad to meet both pld and new palfotM, We do anything in clean ing, presai-ng and repairing; alsov al tering of both ladies' and gerMs' suits. Our work- is first-class. . All work called foe and delivered. Phone 58 and 287. 9uVe and shop, 403 Box Butte Avev, Alliance, Nebr. MRS. ANNA ZEH RUNG. Prop. decl0-2t-42 HTTCK OS B. KUTTK COUNTY Kdlaoii, Nebrv ubiKTfteT to Herald Mkea Thi Country and Want to' Hover Here in a letter t Tb Herald this week. E. M. Smith, of Edison, Ne braska, says: 'twr paper haa got ten me stuck on. twit country, so much that I wold" like to trade 160 acrea here, threw- miles from Edison, for a good quusteT-sertion In vox Butts- county. My place fa fenced and! cross-fenced, sixty aeres broken and! thirty acre its wheat. Plenty nf MMtt timber aloag the creek that rata through tha Dlace." Btx Butte cottttt? Herald readers wtm. are looklna for a deal to ex change- hind bere for that section of the state, could at themselves and Mr. Smith a favor 6 writing him. -i I . i i n ii i in "Put a Bug in His Ear" T.ATjrES YOU KNOW HOW ACCEPTABLE ARTICLES IN FANCY WORKnltt ?FOR XMAS PRESENTS. I HAVE A NICE NEW STOCK IN THE STORE RECENTLY OPENED IN THE IMPERIAL THEATRE BUILD- INQ. A Word to the Wise HAND-MADE FANCY WORK, DOILIES, PILLOW 'CASES DRESS ER SCARFS. GUEST TOWELS, BATH TOWELS PIN CUSHIONS CRO CHETED COLLARS, CROCHET THREAD, ETC., ETC. CALL AND SEE AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS. Mrs. Clara Albro 408 Box Butte Avenue The Barrels rz and Lugs of -ostf STEVENS H Double and Slngfo Barrel SHOTGUNS "rm. timers tm MltKItr. &' wbtrtr firm Utt lr rant tr JV B TOa vttk fnn JV at inr (WMlHt. SJ our QUALITY 1 'TO.r 7 Our Shotra Caraloc ahowt th- famm lint .f Smmm trMm-Doubtot Suv fix. If you cannot STEVENS from your fcatrr -lot tu know. ! me wiH law direct. na vrtuL upon rmtl of CMlof Pru. I. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY CNicorcc maausa Itm'AIlD FOn HOKSK THIKF Sheriff of MorriU County Offeni f lOO lUrward and Owner of Horwea , Cilvea $25 Addathuual The? following offer af reward for stolen horsea Is made ay Win. I. Dy son, sheriff, of MoattU county, Bridgeport, Nebraaka. B.. C Rapp, of Moftt, Nebraska, , lav the owner of the stttiea horse. Tb- notice reads as foltowa: The anderaigned; Bhaviff of Morrill county. Nebraska,, offeeav a. reward of 150 feat the arrest. aotC conviction of the1 partft or parties! wJ)o stole' a horse from, the J.. W, Griffiths farm in section. 29, twpi 21;. range 46. in Morrtn county. Nebr. on or about the 4ihi da of. Deeemto,.. 1914i ' Owner offers an. additional, reward of tSSw. DESCHJPTLON Skvranel mare, 3 years eld, weight poundas. light coaored! mane and tail white stripe in . tac about one inch, wide and about en Coot loaf,. Fresh: brand ed with a "ZL" m right shoulder, aV so old brand ot a " V on. right sboij der. May be found with) spotUd Arabian horae. spors: are- rtxMjflh. to coler. and dirty wbita with, steaus blak. spota uuxwd.. Try This fur Vout t'oii);ti Thousands of people keep tough ing because uiMSie to get th. vight remedy. Cougba are caused ay in fiammatlon ot Throat and tUouchlal Tubes. What you need i& t soothe this Inflammation. Take Dr. King's New Discovery, it penetrulea 'be del icate mucous lining, ralsc-a t ie Phi egm and quickly relieve ifc tongea- ted membranes. Get a iH' bottle from your drugglat. "Dr. King's New Discovery quickly atd iou.plete- ly stopped m ycough. writes J. R Watts, Floydale. Texas. Monty back if not satisfied, but it nearly always helps. , 48-4t-4029 HA K Kit IXSTANTIA Kll.l.KD CHRISTMAS CANDY SPECIAL WEDNESDAY, 23RD, THURSDAY, 24TH One Hundred 5-Ib. Boxes Assorted Candy Special $1.25 There will be one rmnctretl only of these specials - filfed with the bett chocolate, fulps, bon bons, brittle, etc., from our stock ranging in price from 2.5c to 50c per pound". There are 800 families in Alliance and you'll have to eorne early to pet yours. First come first served. FOR THE CHRISTMAS DINNER Salted Almonds, After Dinner Mints, HOLLY in Bunches or Made into Wreathes We'll have the best line of holly wreathes in At liance. Every wreath made up in our own store by an expert in the work. There will be different siaea and different prices. Christmas Candies Biggest Variety in Candies Biggest Variety in Price 1 Candies for Old! and Yoang THE SUGAR BOWL Mrs. B. Fee 40$ Box Butte Ave. Former Alliance I tail road Man, Who lifft Here Year Ago, Killed by Fall on Cheyenne Walk Cheyenne. Wyo., Dec. 12 W. H. r-.k. nlgV. c-r tt a lo hold, f '! o nan Icy aidewalk tonight and di .! ln-.t:": 'y. V.'he'Vr th v:;i (. i v '-.ctif ''.('! ft 'h"" b'i'i . .-.rj ff.Hur h-3 nrt I. cn .'. c:a:.: e4. Baker bad been employed for years in prominent Denver hotels. W. H. Baker, mentioned above, is believed to be a former Alliance rail road man who left about a year ago to make his home In Cbeyenne. While in Alliance he held the posi tion of night yardmaster. He la survived by a wife and daughter. alliance diuy;;ist hah A VALUABLE AOKNCY II. Thlele, drugglat, haa the Alli ance agency for the simple mixture ot buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., Itnnwn a a A dlpr.l.t u t . . ..,.. i ... --- . VMV 1 1 1 t"u j 1 a'hlch became famous by curing ap pendlcltia. Thla simple remedy haa powerful action and dralna aurb aur prising amounts of old matter from the body that JUST ONE DOSE re lleves ach and constipation almost IMME "'AiWiT. The QUICK action AdhMka Is astonishing. Adv. not 19-4089 f uml imit;;isT MAKES MANY Fill EMM H. Thlele, drugglat. reports they are making many friends through the QUICK benefit which Alllanca people receive from the simple inix tc. known as Adler-i-ka. This rem "ry became famous by curing appen licltla and it is the moat thorough towel cleanner known, acting on IIOTH the lowr and upper bowel. JUST ONE DOSE of Adler-i-ka re ieveH constipation und gua on the alomach almost IMMEDIATELY.